Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3349: You raise pigs, I raise daughters

Chapter 3338 You raise pigs, I raise daughters

Fang Yanming secretly laughed in his heart, he was on a wool business trip, and Shi Junjie did not travel every day, as long as he lived in Gao Shengnan's place in Pingjiang, the young couple had a very good relationship.

And the girls introduced by his cousin, in good conscience, are really inferior to Gao Shengnan.

Shi Junjie is not blind, and his brain is not kicked by the donkey. He knows who is the best.

Fang Yanming was fooled by the cousin's niece. Fortunately, she was far away. Although the cousin's niece had doubts, she couldn't run away every three days. There was still a big family to take care of!

Mao Fangfei's delivery date was coming soon, Fang Yanming was worried, and asked Ye Qingqing to book a ward in advance. She moved in ten days before the expected delivery date. The delivery went smoothly without too much trouble. Fang Yanming was so happy that his mouth could not be closed.

He dreamed of having a sweet little padded jacket, but his son really didn't want it. It's better to have a daughter and kiss his father.

Fang Yanming's parents were not happy. They looked down on their granddaughter. Although they already had several grandchildren, they still wanted Fang Yanming to have another one. Moreover, Fang Yanming and Mao Fangfei were both public entities. According to the regulations, they could only have one. Having a daughter, the second old man is not very excited about anything.

"Daughters are all raised for other people's families. Sooner or later, they will marry. What will you do when you get old? Do you want your daughter-in-law to have another one? It's a big deal if your daughter-in-law quits her job. As long as you have a son, it will definitely not be a loss."

Fang's mother still couldn't hold back and called her son.

She was really worried that Fang Yanming would be alone when he got old, and there was no one around to take care of her. When her daughter was raised, she was someone else's family. How could she take care of her parents' family all the time?

The old saying always makes sense.

Fang Yanming laughed angrily, and sarcastically said, "What's the use of raising my son well, my daughter-in-law reminded me last year to ask my aunt to go to the hospital for a physical examination, but Xu Tianlai delayed it until my aunt vomited blood. If I had gone to the hospital earlier, I would have Can I die?"

There are ready-made examples, his mother still can't understand, raising a son like Xu Tianlai, he is not as good as an orphan for life!

Fang's mother was choked, and the situation of the eldest sister-in-law was indeed miserable, but——

"But no matter what you say, it's good to have a son. Someone will send you up the mountain in the future, so that the incense will not be broken."

The idea of ​​inheriting the lineage is deeply rooted in Fang's mother's Only the son can continue the incense, and no matter how long it is, the blood that flows from the body belongs to the Fang family, which can pass on the incense of the Fang family.

No matter how promising the girl is, it belongs to someone else's family, and has nothing to do with the Fang family.

Fang Yanming became impatient, "Our Fang family doesn't have the throne, let alone the wealth of the family, it's not important to pass on the incense. When people die, they can live well when they're alive. What else do they do after they die? Both my father and I already have grandchildren, and I will let them pass on the incense, and I only need a daughter."

There are so many people with the surname Fang in the world, and they were all in the same family five hundred years ago.

Fang's mother still didn't give up, and let Mao Fangfei have a second child after raising her body. It doesn't matter if she loses her job, Fang Yanming's job is what matters, and her daughter-in-law's job is just a cloud.

"My daughter-in-law is a high-achieving student who graduated from a serious famous university. She has a higher level and a higher salary than me. If she loses her job, my salary can't even support a baby. Come out, you and my father help me raise?"

(End of this chapter)

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