Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3341: Change your face, change your face

Chapter 3330 If you change your face, you will change your face

"I think you're a fart, how can you not be a doctor? Hmph, you men are all stinky, killing your daughter-in-law and wanting to get a younger one, don't think that the old lady doesn't know what you're thinking, look at it, you After my sister dies, your brother-in-law will have to find a new one within a year!"

Mother Fang left the house and stood at the door.

She didn't understand these things before, but now with Aunt Fang's lessons, she dare not smoke second-hand smoke again, the good days are not enough!

She didn't stop the old man if he wanted to die, she had to live well, and she wasn't enough to live to be a hundred years old.

"Fuck you, my sister is alive and well, why will she die!" Fang's father was furious, and he rushed out with a smoking gun to knock Fang's mother, with a fierce look on his face.

Fang's mother flexibly avoided, "If you have cancer, you are counting down the days. Your sister is like a ghost now. I'm afraid she won't make it this year. Just get divorced, the old lady kicked you old immortal, and then find a young recruit to enter the door, and life is comfortable!"

Father Fang was so angry that he rolled his eyes, coughed violently for several times, and panted loudly. This stinky **** is going to go against the sky. They are all poisoned by TV.

Fang's mother was triumphant. In the past, under the influence of her husband and mother-in-law, she was trembling, cautious, and did not dare to contradict. She lived on thin ice every day, but now it is different. Promised, she is still afraid of a bird!

The cousin's niece is right. She has been suffering for most of her life. Now that she is old, she has to enjoy life well, otherwise she will not be reconciled to death.

The phone rang again, and Mother Fang ran back to the house to answer the phone. It was Xu Tianlai who called and told them about their current situation. The other side Yanming was very dissatisfied.

"Yan Ming threw me and my parents in the hotel, and didn't let us live in his house. He said that there was a nanny at home, and the nanny could live there. We are aunts and cousins, and we have to live in hotels."

"Heavenly, you are too naive, Yan Ming's daughter-in-law finally conceived my grandson, and she is still an advanced mother, so you have to be careful about everything, even my uncle and I don't let me go, for fear of bumping into the child, your mother is sick now It's very unlucky to be like that, if you collide with my grandson, what will you pay?"

Mother Fang's words changed and Xu Tianlai was dumbfounded.

Why is it different from before?

My aunt said yesterday that I would go to Fang Yanming's Let them be polite. What has changed today?

Fang's mother didn't stop and continued to teach: "Heavenly, you are the boss alone, and it's really unreliable to do things. You didn't call Yanming before you went. You think Yanming is the same as you, and it's okay to stay at home all day. It's a matter, he is now a cadre, and the deputy director. He can't hold meetings every day, and he has to work overtime to solve cases. talk……"

Xu Tianlai... Yesterday, my aunt said that my family doesn't need to make phone calls!

"What did Yan Ming say?"

Fang's mother stopped chattering and poured more than half a cup of tea, feeling extremely happy.

It's cool to have a promising son, and you have to ask her to do something.

Xu Tianlai was short of breath, and he said: "Yan Ming said that he will go to the hospital tomorrow, and he will help him contact the best experts. Where is my aunt and my uncle? Let me have a few words with him!"

His uncle speaks better, after all, my aunt is separated by a layer!

(End of this chapter)

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