
Mr. Qian smiled embarrassedly, a little embarrassed. Mrs. Qian was already annoyed, so she said, "I also think that Dr. Qian is quite reliable. Our mother can't delay it any longer."

"The old lady refuses to go, what can I do? I can't tie it to the operating table, she is my mother." President Qian's anger was on his wife, but he still restrained a lot. If he was at home, he might have flipped the table. .

During this period of time, because of the old lady's illness, he didn't even go to the little lover's place. The old lady was seriously ill. Would he still be human if he went to have fun again? superior.

He complained that she didn't take good care of his mother, and that Mrs. Qian couldn't convince his mother to have an operation. Anyway, she had to find someone to vent her complaints. The mother couldn't take care of her, and he was distressed by the children, only the wife was the only one.

Mrs. Qian was also angry, and said angrily: "Then drag it? Dr. Qian can say, if the tumor bursts if it is dragged on, the gods will not be able to save it."

President Qian suddenly turned dark and glared at his wife. Mrs. Qian regretted her slip of the tongue. Her husband was upset recently.

"Dr. Qian said that she will go back to China next month, and she will not be able to return to China in a few months. If the old lady doesn't agree, she can only take over with another doctor." Mrs. Qian whispered.

President Qian frowned. He didn't trust Qian Manduo too much, and other doctors were naturally more mysterious. He said angrily, "Why didn't you tell me earlier."

"I only found out two days ago, and you haven't been home for the past two days..." Mrs. Qian's voice became weaker and quieter, and she shut up before she finished. Everyone just pretended that they didn't hear it. Go to the little lover.

Ye Qingqing is still quite sympathetic to Mrs. Qian, Mr. Qian and Mr. Zhang and the others are all the trend-setters of the times. The time and place are right and everyone has caught up, so they can make a fortune, but their own cultural literacy is actually not high, many even only primary school culture, The machismo ideology is also very serious, and there is no respect for the wife at all.

Not only Mr. Qian, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Wang also have the same problem. Even when they are outside, they don't have a good attitude towards their wives. It is estimated that in their hearts, in addition to having children, women only have the function of warming the bed.

Mrs. Xie couldn't see Mr. Qian's domineering, and said: "The old man is more stubborn in his thoughts, and it's okay to follow the old lady in ordinary small matters. This kind of life and death cannot be left to the old lady's will, Mr. Qian, you have to persuade the old lady well, You are a son, it's okay to say heavier, the old lady won't blame you."

"Yeah, your wife is a daughter-in-law. It's not appropriate for her to say that it's better to be a son, but it can't be delayed any longer." Mrs. Zhang couldn't help but speak.

Qian was always the most irascible of the three men, and he would act when he was in a hurry. When he was young, Mrs. Qian was often beaten, but now that she is older, she is more restrained.

But Mrs. Qian's life was not easy. She had to be careful when she said and did things, otherwise she would be scolded if she didn't agree. Qian always didn't have the consciousness of taking care of his wife's face. No matter what the occasion, he would scold people when he was unhappy.

Mrs. Qian endured for the sake of their children. Mrs. Zhang and the others felt fortunate every time they heard Mrs. Qian complain. Compared with Mr. Qian, their husbands were really good.

There is no scumbag, only more scumbags. Women's bottom line can really drop again and again, so they will condone some men to become more and more scumbags.

President Qian still gave Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Zhang face, and promised to go back and persuade the old lady.

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