Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2042: The Way of the Alpha Wolf

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Gongsun Lin was dubious, "Being the head of the family means playing with those women? I'm not that easy to deceive. There is no such thing in my family."

The Gongsun family was only richer than the Andorra family, so why didn't she see her cousins ​​going to be playboys.

Kagel smiled bitterly, "You Orientals think differently from ours. I don't know about other families, but our Andorran family has always believed in the 'head wolf' theory."

Although the Andorra family does not have as long a history as the Gongsun family, it has been able to prosper for hundreds of years.

Although this method is ruthless, it is very effective, because it will eliminate unqualified heirs, choose the best patriarch, and lead the Andorra family to glory.

"What do you mean?" Gongsun Lin didn't understand.

Kagel explained patiently, "The previous patriarchs of our Andorra family have all experienced blood and rain, and the previous family will acquiesce to the existence of Sha, you are just hiding because you are incompetent, I have several cousins ​​who are Because of this being eliminated, he lost his inheritance qualifications."

"They died? No, I think they are still alive and well, you lied to me again!" Gongsun Lin changed her face and glared at Kagel angrily.

She basically knew everyone from the Andorra family, and she had never heard of an accidental death in these years, except for Cagle's father, but it was not an accident, and she could only blame the old **** for being restless.

Thinking of Kagel's father, Gongsun Lin looked at him suspiciously, saying that Father Zixiao, Kagel's father was a famous playboy, and Kagel would not have inherited his father's swing gene!

Kagel quickly explained, "Of course he didn't die. Although our Andor family acquiesced to the existence of dark, we would send dark guards to protect them. If something really happened, the dark guards would stop them. Although our life was saved, we lost our inheritance qualifications. , can only enjoy family dividends and cannot participate in family business.”

Of course, the ancestors of Andorra would not really let their descendants kill each other. If there were no secret guards, the Andorra family might be extinct in less than a hundred years. The wise ancestors just used this to eliminate unqualified descendants.

The one who has the last laugh is the best.

This is the only criterion by which the Andorran family selects the heir.

It was Kagel who had the last laugh this time.

Only he has not been eliminated, the other cousins ​​are honorably removed.

And the reason why he can persevere to the end has the most direct relationship with his explosive acting He has deceived everyone in the world, and of course he has also deceived his cousins. No one cares about a notorious playboy.

Gongsun Lin finally understood, "That's why you deliberately deceived your cousins ​​like that?"

"Yes, they are all powerful. I am not sure of winning against them, so I can only detour tactics." Kagel told the truth.

He is the most inconspicuous one in the family, without the support of his parents and brothers, he is just a bare commander, how can he have the last laugh if he doesn't pretend to be stupid!

Ye Qingqing immediately became awe-inspiring. It was as tragic as the 'Kowloon Seizing the Inheritance' in ancient times. However, the ancestors of the Andorra family were more humane, and they sent dark guards to protect them. .

"You really didn't do anything with those women in the hotel? You can't stand alone in the same room as a man and a widow?" Gongsun Lin was still suspicious.

Even if Cagle could hold back, would those fox spirits let it go?

"Actually, they were in the same room as my bodyguard. They had a great time." Cagle said with a smile.

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