Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 546: favorable things

A few more "good citizens" rushed into the yard outside and asked curiously, "We heard someone calling someone to kill someone outside? Is it true or false?"

Then they saw four people lying unconscious on the ground.

"Oh! It's really a murder! So many deaths at once, this is a big case!"

"Not dead, just fainted." Zhou Bing said: "Everyone, come and help, take them to the police station, three of them may have killed one person!"

"Oh, like this."

The good citizens rushed in, dragged the four people on the ground and left.

Several people left the courtyard in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Qin was stunned. Is the security in the capital so good? Are the masses so enthusiastic? If it was in their hometown, outsiders would at most stand by and watch the fun, who would dare to interfere?

The yard was clean, and Miao Lanzhi was relieved.

Although she didn't know these "good citizens", she knew from her posture that it was her son who had said it before and found a few people for Hua Zhao. Otherwise, no one would be so enthusiastic.

"Did it hurt? Did you hurt your stomach?" Miao Lanzhi asked Hua Zhao nervously.

"It's alright." Hua Zhao rubbed his ribs, feeling no more pain.

Ability is in hand, disease is not~

Where is she sick, she doesn't even need to drink any essence, she can directly absorb the energy, and the effect is better.

Hearing that she was fine, Zhang Guilan was relieved, and while clearing the table, she said to Miao Lanzhi, "I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

Miao Lanzhi said indifferently: "I've heard of them for a long time, and who doesn't have a few high-quality relatives?" Zhou Lihua from their Ye family is high-quality enough, so everyone should not laugh at anyone.

She said so, Zhang Guilan was relieved, she remembered what happened just now, and said, "What are they doing in the capital? Come to Hua Xiaoyu?"

"Impossible, the people have already been found, and they came to our house again. What are you doing here?" Hua Zhao said.

Zhang Guilan can't guess the specifics, but he can guess roughly, is it a bargain?

"Why are they so embarrassed!" Zhang Guilan was angry and puzzled. She really couldn't understand the thoughts and faces of the Huashan family. See what their family had done to Hua Zhao before? He was abused as a child, alienated as he grew up, and later, a son killed him in the middle of the night!

Shouldn't such two families be inseparable from each other? How dare they lean forward!

Oh, and her family's Xiaoqin thing! It turned out to be the Hua Erniu family who came together!

Is there something wrong with this family?

"What now?" Zhang Guilan asked again.

The person is now in, but it is estimated that it will take a while to come out. She looked at Zhang Xiaowu and was fine.

"It depends on Zhang Xiaowu's ability." Hua Zhao smiled.


Zhou Bing brought people into the police station and explained the matter. At this time, Zhang Xiaowu also woke up faintly.

He wasn't really dizzy.

"Comrade Police Police, you have to call the shots for me!" he cried, "Look at how they beat me, this is killing me!"

The police station here is the same as the police station that managed the Zhang family before, and the police investigations are all old acquaintances of Zhang Xiaowu.

When I saw him, I didn't ask questions first, but said with a smile: "Yo, I heard that you went to the Northeast, we are still thinking..." It can be clean for a few days!

"Why are you back again?"

"Just came back today." Zhang Xiaowu answered.

It is said that acquaintances are easy to handle~ He and the police investigation are also acquaintances, but they gave people a bad impression in the past, and now hurry up to save them.

The police checked his injuries and said, "This time I finally became a victim. I almost didn't recognize it because of this face."

"Yeah, the old man is miserable!" Zhang Xiaowu wiped his tears.

"Tell me, why are you fighting?" The police investigation ended the chat and began to question.

This is a bit hard to say... I can't say that the reason is Hua Xiaoyu's words.

Zhang Xiaowu cried: "They bullied me!~"

He began to talk about his tragic experience, how many times he was beaten by the Hua family, and this time, they didn't want to marry his daughter to him.

Hua Erniu's family of three also woke up, and of course it was another rhetoric.

The two parties quarreled inside. Anyway, they insisted on their own words, and everyone was justified.

When the police checked Zhang Xiaowu's vigorous appearance, he knew it was all right, and impatiently threw everyone out.

What can Zhang Xiaowu do? He must not do it. Before he left the gate, his legs were weak and he couldn't get up from the ground. He shouted that he had a headache, dizziness, and body aches. He was beaten by the Hua family and they had to see a doctor.

This is as it should be. Although Zhang Xiaowu has a mental quarrel, the injury on his face is not fake, and there is nothing wrong with seeing a doctor.

The police station dispatched 2 people and escorted them to the hospital together.

"We have no money." Hua Erniu said.

"If you don't have money, think of a way! If you hurt someone, you have to lose money!" Zhang Xiaowu said.

The Hua family's eyes lit up, yes, think of a way.

"You go to Hua Zhao for money." Er Niu said to Hua Xiaoyu.

Hua Xiaoyu shook her head suddenly, she didn't go! She is here to have a good relationship with Hua Zhao, and try to make Hua Zhao feel at ease and let her take care of the child! She's not going to offend anyone!

"Useless stuff, I'll go!" Erniu's daughter-in-law said and left.

Police investigation and Zhang Xiaowu didn't stop him. If you don't have money, you really need someone to raise money. You can just leave one person here.

Zhang Xiaowu doesn't care how the money comes, as long as he has money.

Zhou Bing has been watching, and is very dissatisfied with the result of this treatment. Isn't this still annoying to my sister-in-law?

What should we do now?

He quietly followed behind Erniu's daughter-in-law...

Then let him find a favorable thing.

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