Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 799 Electronic Ghost

Shanghai, ten thousand households base.

Furui Technology is the only one of the three most important locations of the company that has not been implicated.

After the unusual movement that night, the security here was also strengthened. Because of the vast area of ​​the base, a W police squadron was directly stationed, plus several members from other departments.

Patrolling everywhere every day, although it did not interfere with the actual use area, the formation was quite large.

Fortunately, the employees of "Tai Yi Gong" have strong psychological endurance and can handle things without being too surprised.

In Factory Building No. 1, after preliminary renovations, considerable changes have taken place. A large number of smart devices are already flying everywhere, acting as assistants to engineers.

And a considerable number of manufacturing equipment have also undergone intelligent transformation and are connected by self-organizing networks, like arms and fingers.

In a corner, in a separate space, Zhou Rui started Toolbox 2.0 and answered Lin Tuo's call.

"Senior executive and mastermind? Truck?"

Is it so efficient? And so ironic

Zhou Rui was a little surprised, but he didn't feel like a big revenge had been avenged. He knew very well that the series of events that night were the epitome of the overall situation and were not blamed on any individual.

"Isn't it too radical? You didn't leave the beginning and the end?"

Lin Tuo's voice was calm: "So what if I stay, you don't have to worry."

"Okay. Should I say thank you?"

"No, you just need to know."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Rui still felt...

Very cool.

He shook his head and forced himself to focus on business.

He looked at the badly melted wreckage in front of him and wondered where to start.

This thing is a small shower head.

The smart town phase 3 plot has been undergoing repairs and restoration since the fire.

But a mess was unavoidable. The power distribution system was seriously damaged, and a lot of damage was done inside by those mud brothers.

Zhou Rui thought again and again and decided to completely abandon the third phase plot.

In addition to supporting facilities to maintain the operation of the smart town, other scientific research-related content was completely evacuated and shipped to the Wanhu Base.

The Wanhu Base is large enough to accommodate 100 Phase III plots.

In the future, the third-phase plot will no longer be used for research. After reconstruction, the area will be reduced, and the excess area will be developed into a tourist area to solve the increasing congestion problem of the town.

The first thing to be transported now is naturally the "small shower remains" that Zhou Rui asked to be carefully kept.

To be honest, the thing in front of me was thrown into the scrapyard and could not be sold for two yuan a pound.

Zhou Rui secretly thought that it was a pity that the specificity of the small shower head was confirmed step by step. It was originally because of the isolated sample that he did not dare to open it for research, but now it has become scrap metal.

If I had known this, I would have been more courageous from the beginning.

Zhou Rui activated his "Toolbox 2.0" with his fingerprint, put on the command gloves one by one, and let the intelligent unit climb into the form of an arm guard, preparing to use what he had learned throughout his life to rescue this isolated sample.

The possibility of resuscitation is low, let's see what valuable data there is.

Under the gesture command, an octahedral functional unit slid into the palm of his hand. This was the cutting unit, and Zhou Rui began to cook the ox.

The shell made of a mixture of metal and plastic was peeled away layer by layer, and Zhou Rui placed them aside one by one, like a mechanical forensic examiner.

Today, based on the judgment of trace science, the cause of the fire has long been revealed, not to mention the confessions of Brother Ni.

The small showerhead suffered an unexpected disaster and was kicked in various directions. It was not known whether it was damaged intentionally or unintentionally. The watering short-circuited the power distribution system and caused the fire.

That is to say, the fire spreads in the opposite direction, otherwise the small shower head may be left with only an empty shell.

Zhou Rui opened the shell and the situation was similar. It was smoky and hot, and a lot of parts were burned.

After an hour of autopsy, only some motor parts, a semi-melted main control unit, and a few sensing devices were found.

Zhou Rui only took one look and felt that there was no hope of saving, so he should bury him.


As a low-end device, the small shower head does not have separate storage hardware. It is integrated into the main control unit, and the hardware is not high-end.

If you break away from the intelligence provided by the "mechanical intelligence" self-organizing network, from the hardware level alone, it will be at the level of a sweeping robot.

Zhou Rui sat at the operating table, cleaning, re-soldering and connecting the main control unit bit by bit, replacing the damaged original parts, treating a dead horse like a live horse.

The abnormality in the small shower head should not be caused by the hardware structure. Of course, even if it is, it cannot be seen now.

No matter what, you should try to restore it to the point where it can be connected to the computer, so that you can have a chance to know whether there is any useful data.

It cannot be read with the naked eye.

After finishing everything, Zhou Rui looked at the main control unit that was barely repaired, and finally connected it to his laptop.

After a while, there was no response

Zhou Rui touched his chin. Did he miss? Doesn't this low-level operation make sense? Or has it been damaged to the point where it cannot be salvaged?

Zhou Rui checked whether the interface was in good contact. Suddenly, the laptop monitor went black.

Okay, okay, you broke my computer, right?

The next moment, countless garbled characters suddenly appeared on the screen.

Countless data were changing at a speed that Zhou Rui couldn't see clearly.

Zhou Rui was stunned for only a moment and immediately realized something.

Quickly unplug the power source and pull out the battery at an extremely fast speed.

The screen went black again.

Zhou Rui frowned.

Something is wrong. He has connected the shower head to the computer many times before, and this has never happened before.

Damn the USB interface was all connected by him today!

Before he could finish his thoughts, he heard an exclamation coming from outside.

"Hey? What is this drone doing?"

Zhou Rui was startled and turned around to see an engineering guidance drone flying towards this direction.

The so-called engineering guidance drone refers to a drone with a small screen on which you can call drawings and set project plans. It also has two small robotic arms that can pick up some simple tools.

The "Working Finger Drone" flew in front of Zhou Rui, and a burst of garbled characters appeared on the screen.

Roughly unobjectionable letters and numbers

Then it floated in front of Zhou Rui.

It seemed like there was something to show him.

The atmosphere gradually became weird.

Zhou Rui directly took out his mobile phone, dialed Wang Tao's number, and said: "Log in to the backend immediately and prohibit any smart devices in Wanhu Base from connecting to the network, whether it is broadband or communication signals."

Wang Tao looked confused: "Ah? Why?"

Mechanical intelligence will not actively do things other than instructions, so there is no ban on networking.

99% of devices don’t have this function!

"Do as I say."

Although I don’t understand the principle at all, I must be on guard against it.

After doing all this, Zhou Ruicai looked at the screen, but was still unable to discern any useful information.

He frowned for a moment, stretched out a hand, and said directly: "Land."

If this is a small shower head, then it does not have the configuration and experience to "express" to humans. Does the plant protection vehicle express its personality and invite people to see its forks?

But it has the voice command configuration to receive human instructions, especially Zhou Rui, who has the highest authority.

As expected, the drone landed on Zhou Rui's palm.

This behavior also made Zhou Rui breathe a sigh of relief

At least he was obedient and not out of control.

Zhou Rui said: "You have information to convey, right? If so, the screen will flash once, not twice."

The drone showed no response.

That's right, a scumbag device like a plant protection truck can interact, but it can only understand fixed instructions. There is no interactive database like "Classmate Xiao Ming" loaded at all.

Zhou Rui looked at the drone whose screen was still garbled, alert and excited at the same time.

This seems to be an electronic ghost born from "mechanical intelligence".

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