Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 546 Eat first, then eat vegetables

On March 12, Zhou Rui said goodbye to the veterans at the "National Hybrid Rice Research Center" and embarked on his return journey.

The old man will also leave in the afternoon to take charge of the sea rice experimental base in Shandong Province.

Because I was too old to fly, I also set off from the land, but in the same direction as Zhou Rui.

"Call me when you are free. Come and see me anytime."

Zhou Rui waved his hand: "Remember to practice the 'Six Qigong' every day. Don't be lazy. If you smoke more than you should, practice more."

This unexpectedly overtime journey finally came to an end.

This journey can be said to be fruitful for both the God of Agriculture and Zhou Rui himself.

At the most direct sales level, it has reached out to more than a dozen major agricultural counties, with more than 20 direct orders. Later, more indirect orders were gradually generated, and they are still popping up.

"Rice merchant" Xiang Qingliang became one of the agents of "God of Agriculture" and was responsible for the central region. With his more than ten years of experience in the agricultural industry, he achieved remarkable results. Before Zhou Ruiren returned, he had already run out to more than a dozen businesses. Taiwan order.

And not only the "middle team" led by Zhou Rui made gains, but those going up to the North China region and going down to the southeast region also made many gains.

This three-way team traveled through 12 provinces in total, with a total mileage of more than 6,000 kilometers.

While Zhou Rui was still in the field, a series of "Farmers" departing from the Shencheng factory had already begun "spring plowing operations" in various places according to different climates.

The original goal of “putting 200 units into spring plowing” is no longer out of reach.

If all agricultural gods can be properly put into production work, then the number of acres cultivated by drones intelligently during spring plowing this year will exceed 3 million acres. §§

More than 30 counties and hundreds of villages and towns will experience "progress in productivity."

If I could describe it in one word, it would be "the situation has opened up."

On the other hand, from the perspective of publicity and missionary aspects, the "Journey of the Saturnine" web series has generated hundreds of millions of views, and tens of millions of people have paid attention to this development.

Even Lin Xiaoxiao, who was following along and posting on Weibo himself, gained hundreds of thousands of followers inexplicably.

The God of Agriculture is no longer a sci-fi device at a press conference or mentioned by Zhou Rui, but a real thing, already working in the fields, growing vegetables for everyone.

The audience on the internal network cheered, and the audience on the external network shouted that it was so scary. Meanwhile, the United Nations Food Security Agency was still online, conducting a series of remote interactions with Enlightened Intelligence and Zhou Rui himself.

Although Zhou Rui declined most interviews, various news websites have not stopped reporting on the "Journey of the God of Agriculture". Some netizens who happened upon the work of the God of Agriculture also recorded those spectacular scenes and posted them online. .

In the last few days, Zhou Rui published rough statistics online.

Zhou Rui had previously promised that 10,000 people would benefit from spring plowing. Judging from the current situation, this has been far exceeded.

Of course, many people beat their chests and expressed that they missed the full G photo of Master Zhou.

The earliest promise made by Zhou Rui has long been misrepresented during this period.

But the role of the [Trust Gatherer] is already affecting everyone in an imperceptible way.

This "Saturn Journey" attracted too much attention both at home and abroad.

When Zhou Rui fulfilled his promise, some inexplicable "sense of trust" was deeply rooted in the hearts of netizens around the world. ☜

In the expressway service area, Zhou Rui was editing the content and wanted to give a concluding speech on the "Journey of the God of Agriculture".

After all, we returned to Shanghai in the afternoon.

But I haven’t posted content myself for a long time, so I’m a little unfamiliar. I don’t know how to write a short composition for a while.

Looking up at Guan Ge opposite, Zhou Rui said: "Do you have any concluding remarks on the 'Journey of the God of Agriculture'?"

Guan Ge held the volcanic stone grilled sausage in his mouth. It was a bit hot and he wanted to bite it but was afraid it would explode.

Finally, I held it in my mouth for a long time, turned it around seven or eight times in my mouth, and finally had no choice but to withdraw it intact.

Some of the drawings were wiped quickly.

"Oh~ Yes, I wrote it last night."

"Can you learn from me?"

Guan Ge shook his head and said: "I wrote it in an enlightened and intelligent tone. It is more official. Unless you, boss, are prepared to copy it completely, it has no reference value."

New 𝗰𝗼𝗺

After such a long journey, Guan Ge felt closer to his boss. It was not the closeness between men and women, but the sense of distance was much less.

Zhou Rui scratched his head.

Just as he was talking, Lin Xiaoxiao finally came back after going to the bathroom and sat next to Guan Ge, feeling relieved.

Although one person's strange symptoms have been reduced a lot compared to when he set out, and he is no longer in a state where he has to run to the toilet just one look at his boss, but he still has to take a look.

No, their car was thrown away by the God of Agriculture again.

Zhou Rui said: "Thank you for your hard work this time. Give me a good rest when you get back and come back to the company next week."

Unexpectedly, the two of them shook their heads together.

Guan Ge said: "For more than half a month, I feel that it is no different from going on a trip. I feel happy both physically and mentally. It is better to return to the company as soon as possible to get back to my state."

Lin Xiaoxiao also said: "Sister Gan said that the second, third, fourth and fifth floors are all now in use. The company has changed a lot. If we don't go back, we will fall behind."

"But boss, you should take a good rest yourself. You are much more tired than us."

Zhou Rui also shook his head: "I can't rest either. Mama Yang has an exclusive interview tomorrow. I've promoted so many interviews. I can't push this one anymore."

Moreover, new employees from the underground "Military Research Institute" are coming, and work needs to be arranged.

The drone town is about to start moving, and the construction workers will be back after the new year.

A joint survey by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Science and Technology is coming soon.

I can’t finish it, I can’t finish it at all!

The three of them simply spread their hands together.

Come on, you can’t even rest.

"Then see you at the company tomorrow."

The three of them got up together and went to the parking lot of the service area. Zhou Rui suddenly said: "By the way, I remember that the cooperation project with the National Hybrid Rice Research Center has been officially announced, right?"

Guan Ge nodded and said: "Yes, but we only said that we would work together to explore standardized rice planting with drones, and also mentioned donating to the God of Agriculture."

Zhou Ruidao: "That's enough."

He opened the photo album and pulled out a photo taken on his mobile phone.

In the photo, there is a picture of the senator standing next to the god of agriculture with his head raised, looking at the drones in the field.

No drones were photographed, and no fields were photographed, only the elders, fauns, and cement roads.

This was taken by Zhou Rui himself some time ago.

The pixels are not very high, and you can’t even tell who it is without looking closely. It looks like a silhouette, much like the composition of Zhou Rui’s own Time cover.

With a simple photo, Zhou Rui delivered a concluding speech for the trip to the God of Agriculture.

"Thank you. The future is here."


At around eight o'clock in the evening, Zhou Rui sent Guan Ge and Lin Xiaoxiao home one after another, and finally returned to the familiar five-star field.

To be honest, I feel a little strange after being away for so long. I remember it was still the coldest month of winter when I left, but when I came back it already looked a little like spring.

Since he didn't know what time he would arrive, Zhou Rui didn't make a dinner reservation for 1502.

But I made an appointment for something else!

Opening the door of 1501, the faint smell of rice wafted in. The tall and pretty figure turned around and showed a gentle smile.

"Dinner will be heated up soon. Aunt Li cooked it at my house. I kept some."

Zhou Rui hugged Han Ziyin from behind.

"I'm just hungry."

Han Ziyin twisted her waist and turned around, facing Zhou Rui face to face.

The delicate tip of her nose is like a jade carving, and her slender and white neck has a hint of cherry red.

Especially one pair of eyes, full of longing.

She missed Zhou Rui ten times more than Zhou Rui.

Han Ziyin stood up on tiptoes and kissed Zhou Rui. The tip of her tongue was slightly explored, leaving only a fleeting sweetness and warmth.

Fu Er whispered.

"Eat first and then the vegetables."

Zhou Rui raised his eyebrows.

He could never figure out his girlfriend's temperament.

But he likes it!

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