Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 273: Treat each other sincerely

Since it was not easy to prepare a confidential venue, it was best not to go out again after entering, so everyone simply had a packed lunch in the conference room at noon. new

But the whispered exchanges never stopped.

The lunch box is quite generous, including lion head, shredded eel, and a portion of boiled beef with spicy vegetables, probably to take care of the guests from Chengdu.

It seems that the master chef of the cafeteria has used his lifelong skills.

Zhou Rui bit open the lion's head and took a look, oh! There’s even salted egg yolk in it!

Sure enough, if you didn't try hard, you wouldn't know that the cafeteria chef also learned to cook.

Seeing Zhou Rui eating quickly, Han Ziyin secretly gave Zhou Rui her lion head.

Han Ziyin said: "It feels like your appetite has increased a lot recently."

Zhou Rui: "Aren't I growing taller?"

In fact, it should be due to the entry "rest and recuperation". Some daily fatigue has also been eliminated in the form of increased food intake.

Now, no matter how many hours Zhou Rui sleeps every day, he always feels full when he wakes up in the morning.

I just get hungry easily.

Zhou Rui looked at the barely touched rice in Han Ziyin's lunch box and said, "You should also eat more."

Han Ziyin ate even more aloof than she did in person. She picked up a handful of rice as big as peanuts with her chopsticks, put it in her mouth and chewed it slowly.

It focuses on a sense of participation and is a formality.

The interaction between the two was seen by Yang Rubin opposite. As a non-technical person, he basically focused on Zhou Rui most of the time.

Zhou Rui’s “model” is being continuously constructed.

If you want to tie Zhou Rui's heart, you need to consider many aspects.

At present, it seems that this person is showing signs of love.

It’s good if there are signs, so the organization doesn’t need to send it out.

Ahem, no, it's just that my mood is more stable.

Lin Guangrong on the side wiped his mouth and said to Yang Rubin: "Xiao Yang, I guess we will get down to business in the afternoon. Will you take the lead then?"

The two had communicated privately last night. Today, the general assembly will take the lead. If he can't win, he will be the peacemaker. New 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar→𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖

Yang Rubin said: "Don't worry, the plan has been approved."

"That's good. I'm worried that the limit is so big that you guys are searching for it again."

"Do we have less money than you? The cost of your 'Jian-Ten Reforms' has almost reached the sky."

"Are there any cheap things flying that day?"

The more the two chatted, the lower their voices became, and the content became more and more sensitive.

After dinner, everyone was given some rest time. At one o'clock in the afternoon, the second half started on time.

After Wu Huamin and Gu Heng had answered almost all the questions from the expert panel.

Rong Fei also took out a piece of confidential information.

Zhou Rui took a thin piece of paper with a slightly familiar but slightly different plane drawn on it.

Seeing the pair of duck wings, Zhou Rui knew that this was the legendary "Jian Shi Gai".

Well, the drawing is called a freehand drawing, with only an outline and no details. It just marked some content in places related to smart skinning.

There are no numbers either, just material types.

Although he knew it was extremely confidential, Zhou Rui couldn't help but complain in his heart:

What is the difference between having this information distributed and not? !

Of course, this is because Zhou Rui already has a preset impression. For others, this unique appearance in the world is already enough weighty information.

Mou Zhongyi's hands were shaking: "They finally used the duck wing structure."

He stayed in Rongfei for eight years and had many conjectures and concept drawings about the Republic's new fighter aircraft at that time, and the canard layout was one of them.

Later, I left Rongfei, and I don’t know much about him anymore. I still don’t know what he looks like.

Even when Guan Hongan and others came last time, they didn't mention the specific aerodynamic shape.

The younger ones, such as Chai Lianjun, Qu Tao, and Yu Shu, their eyes lit up after receiving the information, and they started discussing in a low voice. It is difficult for boys not to be interested in this kind of thing.

Yang Rubin secretly observed Zhou Rui's face, but he was disappointed. new˙ɔoɯ

There was no surprise, no excitement, no curiosity on Zhou Rui's face.

There is only peace.

It seemed as if what he was holding in his hand was not the Republic's brand-new fighter information, but an advertisement for a supermarket's roast duck discount.

The discounts are not that great.

Yang Rubin's heart skipped a beat. This was different from what he expected.

When Zhou Rui put down the thin A4 paper, Zhang Yuanchao also stepped onto the front desk as an expert on Rongfei's side.

It mainly explained the current problem of combining the new generation fighter aircraft with "four-image metamaterials" in the field of "intelligent skin", as well as several preliminary plans that they had demonstrated before.

This time it was the turn of "Furui Technology" to ask questions. Several speakers raised some questions, such as skin technology, electronic control system, energy system, ambient temperature, etc.

Rongfei’s expert team also answered them one by one.

The two sides discussed freely for another hour. The conference room was filled with noisy voices and gradually became quiet again.

At this point, the academic argumentation and discussion are basically over.

The attitudes of both parties have basically reached agreement:

"Four-image structure metamaterial" is currently the best solution for the "Jian-Shi Reform"!

No matter in terms of cost, technical indicators, or technical scalability.

Now it can be said that it is what everyone expected, and the future is even brighter.

Everyone was a little tired, and some seniors couldn't help but light up a cigarette to refresh themselves, but everyone also knew that the real substantive cooperation negotiations had just begun.

The old experts all turned their attention to Lin Guangrong. Our work was over, and it was time for the man with the big hat to speak.

Lin Guangrong looked at Yang Rubin. The hat was useless. At this time, he should have stood up with thick legs.

The paper in front of Yang Rubin was filled with densely written things. He was not idle throughout the process, and he also had drafts in his mind.

He thought for a moment, closed the pen cap, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Zhou, we come here with sincerity. At present, it seems that your company's results have excellent prospects. However, cooperation in the military industry system is very different from pure commercial operations, so there may be more complicated cooperation methods. model."

Zhou Rui nodded and said: "Of course we know this, but I don't know what aspect you are referring to by the complex model."

"What we value is not returns or profits, because eventually these technological achievements will be turned into combat equipment, and in the best case scenario, we hope that they will never be sent to the battlefield."

"Similarly, what we focus on is not the present, but the future. It is the improvement of the entire system and backup technology, rather than the increase in the performance value of a single product."

Zhou Rui said seriously: "I want to know whether you are talking on behalf of Rongfei or the general assembly."

Yang Rubin said: "For the time being, you can think that I am talking on behalf of the country's military industry system."

Oops, this battle is big enough.

Zhou Rui originally wanted to ask: "Can you represent me?"

Later, I thought about it, maybe it can really represent other people’s general decoration!

"In addition, reliability is very important in military-industrial cooperation. It not only requires reliable technology, but also requires reliable enterprises and reliable people. This must be made clear to you in advance to avoid any discomfort in the future."

Zhou Rui nodded, these were the proper meanings, he had expected them early on, and said:

"'Furui Technology' is also sincere, otherwise it would not have invited Rongfei experts to visit at the beginning. It is the best solution for us to cooperate with each other, but the conditions for negotiation still need to be negotiated, and the cooperation must fall into If you go actually, you can’t just talk in vain, you say so.”

I don’t know if the [Speaker] entry came into play again. At this time, everyone’s eyes were fixed on Zhou Rui, waiting for the result of this negotiation.

Yang Rubin seemed not to be prepared to discuss according to the general pattern of "paying the price while asking for money". Instead, he handed over a piece of paper with a smile and handwritten some content on it.

As he said, if you want to tie up the results, it's easy. If you want to tie up the "people"

You just need wine, sex, wealth, bah! Treat each other with sincerity!

Because it was far away, I asked someone from the Security Bureau to pass it on.

After Zhou Rui took the paper, he raised his eyebrows.

Confirmed from afar: "Final plan?"

Yang Rubin smiled: "Initial plan."

It means we can still talk.

Zhou Rui handed the piece of paper to Mou Zhongyi who was standing aside. The content was not too much. After Mou Zhongyi stared at it and read it, he passed it to the shareholder representative, Dean Zhao.

Dean Zhao also raised his eyebrows

The people in general assembly are really wealthy.

In fact, as Yang Rubin said, what they care about is not profits, nor the present, but the future, the future of the entire system.

Money, sometimes is not that important.

Technology and the people who bring it are the most important.

The paper contains both the price offered by Yang Rubin and the responsibilities that "Furui Technology" needs to perform.

The responsibilities are basically those discussed internally by "Furui Technology", such as exclusive authorization, never leaking, cooperative research and development, confidentiality agreements, etc.

These are all psychologically prepared.

However, the price offered by Yang Rubin was far higher than what Furui Technology and Fuda had imagined.

Technology authorization: Exclusive authorization to military industrial entities under the General Assembly Department, cost: 80 million/year, re-evaluated every two years.

Technical guidance: Guiding the production and maintenance work of subordinate military industrial entities, with a cost of 20 million per year and re-evaluation every two years.

Technology development: single application and single approval, no funding limit, but all results must be applied to entities under the General Assembly Department, civil and external use need to be discussed and approved.

at last

The General Assembly Department hopes that a subordinate military entity will take a stake in "Furui Technology" and requires it to be a second shareholder, which is higher than "Fuda" and lower than Zhou Rui personally.

The target equity share is between 25-35%, and the price is five small targets.

In other words, if Zhou Rui and Fuda agree to this plan today, then "Furui Technology" will become a technology company with dual backgrounds of the military and a century-old prestigious school, and can no longer be separated from the military industry system.

Even if there are only 10 people currently, it is still a military-industrial enterprise.

By the way, there is also a very special condition for Zhou Rui personally.

You must participate in Rongfei’s projects in the future

That is the legendary


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