Rebirth 2009: Synthetic God

Chapter 226 Forget it now!

Zhou Rui's heart trembled. New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

Since New Year's Eve, Han Ziyin's attitude toward herself has changed, hidden bit by bit.

Cooking noodles for myself, inviting myself to watch dramas, and showing concern more directly in daily life.

When Han Ziyin took out two drama tickets, didn't he realize it?

Didn't he realize when Han Ziyin's fingers intertwined with his own?

Didn't he realize it when Han Ziyin put a scarf on him and asked this question?

This time, his heart was beating loudly:

"This doesn't really count as pursuit, right? I can buy you a new one later."

Han Ziyin looked up at Zhou Rui's familiar face, suddenly grabbed Zhou Rui's collar and stood on tiptoes.


Zhou Rui's mouth to escape was completely blocked.

Slightly sweet, slightly cool, soft

Han Ziyin's movements were very childish, almost just pressing her lips tightly together, but Zhou Rui still felt suffocated.

After a while, the two separated.

"Then forget it now?"

Zhou Rui froze in place, with a soft touch still left at the corner of his mouth.

Han Ziyin, this girl proved it with her actual actions.

If you accompany him day and night, if you make an appointment to watch a drama, if you interlock your fingers, if you clumsily knit a scarf for him, it doesn't count as pursuit.

Then this kiss must count

Han Ziyin 1 expressed her passionate emotions and gave her first kiss to the first person she fell in love with. new

From that brick in the alley of Qinghe County to the snowy night now, my heart has never changed, but has become clearer and clearer.

Only then did Zhou Rui realize that beneath the cold face, there was also a warm heart.

She doesn't understand many things. She only knows that if she likes someone, she must accompany her, hold hands, give her gifts, and take the initiative to say it.

Han Ziyin took a few steps back and looked at Zhou Rui, who was stunned.

The cold face is like warm snow.

"Zhou Rui! I will pursue you seriously from now on."

This kiss was not a question for her to pray for an answer, but a clarion call that she was about to move forward.

She has always been like this. If she has a goal, she will work hard and move forward.

It was like she followed Zhou Rui's footsteps and went to the laboratory.

No matter how much time it takes, no matter how much effort it takes.

"Yinyin, this way! It's not easy to park at this intersection."

A MINI stopped at a busy corner, and the window rolled down, revealing Jiang Shuyu's face.

She didn't seem to see what happened just now, she just stopped at the intersection and was a little anxious.

Han Ziyin pursed her lips and smiled, waved her hand towards Zhou Rui, and ran towards the car.

Jiang Shuyu said: "Why don't Zhou Rui come with you? I'll take you back to school."

Han Ziyin opened the car door and said, "No, he may need to calm down."

Jiang Shuyu asked curiously: "Did you have a quarrel?"

Han Ziyin leaned her head against the car window, using the temperature of the snowflakes outside the window to cool down her feverish forehead. new

Snowflakes slapped against the car window, and then turned into water droplets, blurring everything outside the window.

"No quarrels, better than any day before!"


Seven days ago, New Year’s Eve.

Jiangwan Hanlin.

Zhou Rui fell asleep in the room, muttering from time to time: "Let me pull up the broken flag."

Li Wenqian brought a glass of water and placed it on the bedside, while Han Ziyin was taking off Zhou Rui's shoes.

After busying around for a long time, she finally felt stable. Li Wenqian put her hands on her hips and said, "So what's wrong with him? Are you sure it's not a fever that burned out his brain?"

Han Ziyin said: "There was one time two months ago. I felt dizzy or stupid all day long, but today it seemed to be more serious. Zhou Rui said it was because of overuse of his brain. But just now in the laboratory, he was indeed very nervous. It’s amazing, I feel like I’ve caught some important inspiration.”

Li Wenqian pouted, feeling speechless for a while, and said to Han Ziyin: "Do you want to go back to the dormitory? It's almost two o'clock."

Han Ziyin looked at Zhou Rui and said worriedly: "I want to keep a lookout here, maybe he will feel more uncomfortable at night."

Li Wenqian's eyes swept between Zhou Rui and Han Ziyin, recalling Han Ziyin's bold move she saw on the window an hour ago.

There is an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Li Wenqian herself was not at ease, so she simply opened the closet in the bedroom, and sure enough she saw the bedding that had been spread on the floor when she was eating porridge.

Put the bedding on the living room window outside the bedroom door. As long as the door is open, you can see Zhou Rui's condition at any time.

After tidying up the floor, Li Wenqian patted the quilt:

"Zi Yin, come here and rest for a while. Such a big house still has no furniture. I'm really impressed by Zhou Rui."

Han Ziyin turned off the light in Zhou Rui's bedroom, and then she and Li Wenqian lay down on the floor in the same clothes.

Just guard Zhou Rui like this.

Due to the floor heating, the floor felt warm and comfortable, and soon I felt sleepy.

Both of them are actually exhausted. One has been busy at the TV station all day, and the other has been busy at the laboratory.

Han Ziyin was a little confused. Today's bold behavior was seen by Li Wenqian, but due to Zhou Rui's special situation, no one mentioned it again.

Just when she was drowsy, Li Wenqian suddenly broke the calm of the night: "So are you talking about friends?"

Han Ziyin suddenly woke up.

After a while, he said softly: "No."

She doesn't lie, she just answers truthfully.

Li Wenqian seemed to be relieved.

But then she heard Han Ziyin's second sentence, and her heart suddenly tightened again.

"So is it okay?"

Li Wenqian's voice was a little higher: "What can I do?"

Han Ziyin said calmly: "Let's talk about friends."

Li Wenqian twisted unnaturally and said in a panic: "Why are you asking me if you want to be friends?"

Han Ziyin thought for a while and said seriously: "Because you are his childhood sweetheart."

Li Wenqian turned over, facing away from Han Ziyin, and said angrily: "You already said that we are childhood sweethearts. I am not his girlfriend. I can't control him. I always listen to him, but he seldom listens to me."

His tone was wild and unsteady, and his usual absolute control over his vocal cords was completely missing.

Han Ziyin looked at the ceiling, a little distracted: "But he will care about your opinion, and so will I. I want to try to be more proactive."

"What kind of initiative?"

“I don’t know but I can learn”

The two girls fell into silence again, leaving only the sound of breathing.

Zhou Rui's breathing

This guy is snoring a little bit.

So heartless~

5 minutes 10 minutes

Just when Han Ziyin thought Li Wenqian was about to fall asleep.

Li Wenqian suddenly turned around and looked at Han Ziyin with her big eyes: "Are you really ready to become friends?"

Han Ziyin also responded seriously: "Yes."

"Aren't you afraid of breaking up? They say that when college students fall in love, only 1% of them can make it to the end. If they don't make it to the end, how will they meet again in the future?"

As a result, Han Ziyin understood a lot.

I see

Only two things can tear apart a pair of childhood sweethearts.

One is the life trajectories that drift apart and never intersect.

The second is impulsive and ignorant, but fruitless emotional sublimation.

So, is Li Wenqian taking the initiative to keep distance?

After all, as long as they remain the same, they may not be separated in ten or twenty years, just like the previous ten or twenty years.

Han Ziyin looked at the serious face in front of her and felt that Li Wenqian was really worried.

There was even a hint of worry about her in it.

Han Ziyin unconsciously reached out and pinched Li Wenqian's cheek: "But I am different. You are afraid of losing, but I am afraid of missing out."

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