Time slipped silently through fingers like sand, and more than ten days passed in a flash.

Tomorrow, the third mock test will be held!

A few days ago, Hao Qiang’s writing level was upgraded to level 3, and he received 3 free attribute points. When his wealth reached the level of 10,000 yuan, he was awarded 1 free attribute point at one time, for a total of 4 points (1 point was retained before), which just allowed him to increase his memory from 16 to 18.

[Writing System]

[Level 3: 560,000/1 million]

System LV3: Every 10,000 words written = 500 yuan reward

Amount that can be withdrawn: 10,870 yuan

[Wealth: 10,950 yuan (including unwithdrawn)]

[Memory: 18] (superior)

[Thinking ability: 15] (upper middle)

[Appearance: 9] (average appearance)

[Physique: 11] (medium)

[Four-dimensional attributes: 53]

[Free attribute points: 1 】


[Hint 4: When the four-dimensional attribute points reach 60 and the writing level reaches level 4, the technology store will be opened]

[Hint 5: Writing system LV3: one-time bonus of free attribute points +3]

[Hint 6: The next level LV4 upgrade requirement, a one-time bonus of free attribute points +4; every 10,000 words written = a bonus of 1,000 yuan]

What makes Hao Qiang excited is that with the upgrade of the writing level, the reward for every 10,000 words has soared to 500 yuan!

As long as he works a little harder every day, his income will easily exceed 1,000 yuan, and he will instantly become a high-income group, which is equivalent to the monthly salary of an ordinary worker.

However, only he knows the hard work behind it.

When his right hand is tired of writing, he switches to his left hand to continue. The plaster on his index finger witnesses his unremitting efforts.

In addition, his memory attribute value has been increased to 18 points!

When the memory is 16, Hao Qiang can briefly remember about 200 Chinese words in ten minutes.

After 24 hours, he can still remember about 150 words.

In the same ten minutes, he could memorize up to 300 Chinese words in a short time, which was amazing.

And after 24 hours, he could still remember about 250 words.

Compared with before, his memory has been greatly improved, which is shocking.

This upgrade, Hao Qiang knows more about some rules of the golden finger. When the single attribute value reaches 18, it belongs to the “superior” level, and 13-17 belongs to the “upper middle” level.

According to his current memory level, he should be a genius in memory.

It’s just that according to the judgment of the system, it’s just superior. After all, the full score of 30 is far beyond the human limit.

What is the “genius” level?

Hao Qiang believes that it does not exist at least in the second high school, and even in the county’s first high school.

If there is, as long as you work a little harder, except for Chinese, the liberal arts scores can easily reach 140+.

Of course, there are also different levels of geniuses, and Hao Qiang’s memory level belongs to the lowest genius level.

After the upgrade, Hao Qiang’s pimpled face showed a happy smile, as if the spring breeze blew across the lake, rippling.

There are still 35 days before the college entrance examination, and he believes that his grades can be improved a lot.

In the past twenty days, he found that his grades have been improved by one or two levels, and he is more confident about tomorrow’s three mock tests.

His unwithdrawn cash has reached more than 10,000 yuan. Hao Qiang plans to register another bank card to withdraw cash. His parents have a passbook. When they print the passbook again, they will definitely find that someone has given him an extra 130 yuan.

If Hao Qiang withdraws cash again, it will definitely cause his parents to be suspicious.

At present, Hao Qiang has no suitable reason to explain the source of wealth. He can only wait until after the college entrance examination, and then find a suitable opportunity to support the family’s economy and lighten the burden on his parents.

The next day, the morning light shines.

The jasmine flowers outside the school are moisturized by the morning dew, and the leaves are more crystal clear, the petals are white as jade, and they emit a soft luster in the morning light.

Gradually blooming, swaying gently with the breeze, its elegant fragrance permeates the air, and when it enters the campus, it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Hao Qiang went to the morning reading as usual. When there were still more than ten minutes before the exam, the students hurriedly cleaned up the books and debris on the desks, and the atmosphere was particularly tense.


Hao Qiang took a deep breath and smelled the fragrance of jasmine, which made him more energetic.

He glanced at the time and saw that there were only more than ten minutes left before the exam. He quickly put the book in his hand on the pile of books outside the classroom, followed the flow of people into the toilet to release it, and then rushed back to the classroom.

In the senior high school classroom, there was a tense and depressing atmosphere, especially when the teacher walked into the classroom with the test paper, all the candidates’ nerves were tense.

Although this is not the college entrance examination, this time the results represent their own performance level, and the test is how many places they can rank in the county., and at what level the college entrance examination will be.

Of course, abnormal performance is excluded.

On the first morning, the Chinese language test was conducted.

Hao Qiang had memorized all the key points of recitation from the first to the third year of high school, including the translation of ancient Chinese texts. He was very confident about this subject.

When the teacher handed out the test paper, Hao Qiang first glanced at the ancient poetry filling-in-the-blanks and found that he knew all the contents clearly, with a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

However, the composition gave him a headache.

As the teacher announced that it was time to start writing, the sound of “rustling” writing immediately rang out in the classroom.

Two and a half hours passed in a flash, and the Chinese language test was over.

In the classroom, some students began to sigh, and one of them said in wonder:

“Damn it, I can recite this ancient Chinese poem, but I can’t write the word ‘粟’ in the word ‘毫’, I actually wrote ‘栗’, fuck.”

After hearing this classmate’s words, a student was also unhappy: “I can’t write ‘妙’, I’m so angry!”

After the test, Hao Qiang did not check the answers, but continued to copy the book.

For him, time is not only knowledge, but also wealth.

In the afternoon, take the math test.

Then take the English test, which is Hao Qiang’s current strength. He has a very large vocabulary and is not afraid of this subject at all.

After two and a half days, the tense three-model test ended, and all the candidates breathed a sigh of relief.

In the afternoon, class, math class.

The math teacher handed the test paper to the students in the first row and asked the students to distribute the test papers. He turned his eyes to the back row and found that Hao Qiang was still copying the book!

The math teacher touched his chin, a little puzzled: “Can copying really improve grades?”

Hao Qiang scored 115 points in math this time, which is not a high score, but he can rank eighth in the class.

Compared with his second mock test score of 81 points, the improvement is quite large.

After a while, Hao Qiang got his test paper from his classmates. Seeing the score, he was not surprised. He got all the basic points he should get, and he didn’t know how to do the difficult questions, so he did his best.

The math teacher only said that the highest score in the grade was 135 points, which was Han Qingying, which caused a burst of exclamations from the classmates.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
In the second mock test, Han Qingying scored 603 points, which was aimed at a key university.

When she was in the third year of junior high school, her parents died in a car accident. This incident was a great blow to her. Because of this, she did not do well in the high school entrance examination. Otherwise, she should have gone to the county’s first high school to study in high school.

Because of the death of her parents, her heart became lonely. She always had a cold face, extremely calm, and devoted herself to study wholeheartedly.

At present, her only relative is her grandmother.

All the classmates in the class know her family affairs, and they both pity and admire her. Even if Chen Mengqi has opinions about Han Qingying, she dare not show them in front of her classmates, lest her classmates have opinions about her.

Wu Hai glanced at his math score of 86 points, frowned, turned his head to look at Hao Qiang’s score, and tried to find comfort.

As a result, seeing the bright red “115” points, he was a little surprised, and at the same time hit him, wondering how Hao Qiang improved so much.

Although a little disappointed, Wu Hai still congratulated Hao Qiang: “Qiangzi, not bad, 115 points, I thought you were on the same team with me.”

Hao Qiang turned around and reminded his deskmate: “You lost too many basic points. Don’t try too hard when you encounter difficult problems. You must know how to make choices.”

After listening, Wu Hai nodded thoughtfully and said: “That makes sense. If you don’t have a solid foundation, how can you solve difficult problems?”

In the next two days, the test papers of various subjects were issued one by one. After seeing Hao Qiang’s test scores in various subjects, Wu Hai became more and more shocked.

English 125 points, Chinese 118 points, Chemistry 120 points, only the physics test paper that the head teacher had taken was not issued yet.

[Guangxi Province 2004 College Entrance Examination 3+2 model, biology and chemistry can choose 2 subjects, each subject has a full score of 150 points, which is different from the national comprehensive science; most students choose physics + chemistry]

The scores of each subject are not particularly high, and no single subject has won the first place in the class, but when added together, it is amazing.

From 420 points in the second mock exam to nearly 600 points? !

Such a big improvement!

If the score on the college entrance examination paper reaches 550 points or more, it is a sure pass.

In previous years, less than five candidates in the science subjects of the second high school passed the key line!

On the morning of the third day after the exam, during the morning reading, Hao Qiang was suddenly called to the office by the head teacher Wei Rong.

“Qiangzi, maybe the head teacher will praise you.” Wu Hai said with envy, “Our class will have one more outstanding student, and the head teacher will get more bonuses.”

“You think too much, I didn’t do well in the physics exam, just don’t criticize me.”

Hao Qiang put down his pen, and walked to the physics office on the first floor without knowing the reason.

Wei Rong saw Hao Qiang standing outside the office door and knocking, and waved him in. When Hao Qiang walked to the table,Then he said:

“Hao Qiang, you did very well in the exam this time, keep it up, but do you have any opinion about me?”

Hao Qiang frowned when he heard this. He was not without the baptism of society, so he asked directly: “Teacher Wei, you have something to say, don’t beat around the bush, I am confused.”

When Wei Rong heard this, he looked at him carefully and found that he was not afraid of him at all, which was very different from ordinary students. He couldn’t help laughing: “Haha, you are a little different, you did well in other subjects, why is the physics I teach so bad? The worst score, 95 points. ”

Hao Qiang finally understood Wei Rong’s implication, and his mouth corners slightly raised: “Teacher Wei, the questions you set are difficult, and physics is really hard to learn.”

“Bullshit, this physics is not difficult, work hard on physics, and the total score will be easily raised.”

Hao Qiang smiled and said, “I understand, Teacher Wei, even if the physics test is bad, it is guaranteed not to be the worst subject.”

“Get out, go back and work hard.” Wei Rong heard Hao Qiang’s ridicule, and smiled even more, waving his hand and letting him go back to review.

Hao Qiang understood the gesture and left with a smile.

After watching the student leave, Wei Rong was thoughtful, with too many doubts. This student’s grades improved so quickly, and he really thought it was cheating at first, but it didn’t seem like it. If it was cheating, then whose would he copy? For example, for math problems, even if the materials were given, he couldn’t copy.

Alas, I hope this student’s grades can be maintained until the college entrance examination, rather than a flash in the pan.

In No. 2 High School, only a few students can pass the key line every year. Wei Rong has great expectations for Hao Qiang.

He doesn’t ask for anything, just one more key line will be fine, hoping to bring him an unexpected surprise.

Originally, Wei Rong wanted to chat with Hao Qiang for a few more words, encouraging him to maintain a good review mentality and continue to work hard.

However, through a brief conversation with Hao Qiang, he found that the student’s mentality was quite stable and did not need any additional consolation.

On the contrary, Han Qingying’s complicated situation made him feel a little worried. He sincerely hoped that she could persist until the end of the college entrance examination and be admitted to a 985 university. No. 2 High School has not produced a high-scoring student for many years.

Many students who usually have excellent grades are very likely to perform abnormally when it comes to the college entrance examination.

Ten minutes later, it was Wei Rong’s turn for physics class.

He walked into the classroom of Class 3 and asked the students to hand out the physics test papers one by one.

After the students received the test papers, many people sighed.

After seeing the students hand out the test papers, Wei Rong knocked on the podium. After the classroom quieted down, he said, “The school will announce the ranking of the total scores of the three mock tests on the bulletin board.

Han Qingying from our class scored 625 points, ranking first in the grade and 25th in the county. This is very good. I hope she can keep up the good work.”

As soon as the words fell, the students were not too surprised except for their praise.

In their hearts, the impression of Han Qingying as a top student has long been deeply rooted in their hearts.

They believe that if Han Qingying goes to the first high school, with better teachers to guide her, her grades may be even better.

Going to the second high school is a bit of a waste of her talent.

After Wei Rong finished speaking, he looked at Hao Qiang who was sitting in the back row and continued, “What surprised me was that Hao Qiang’s grades improved significantly this time, from 420 points in the second mock test to 573 points, the third in the school, and the top 100 in the county.

There are still more than 30 days before the college entrance examination. I hope that the university will continue to work hard and miracles will happen.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the students showed shocked expressions, and many students were skeptical.

After all, such an improvement in grades is really unbelievable.

“Wow, such a big improvement, it’s impossible!”

“How is it possible, maybe this guy cheated.”

When Wei Rong heard Lin Fan say that Hao Qiang cheated, he frowned and criticized him directly: “Don’t talk nonsense, I give you the information, can you copy out an average of 120 points? Okay, start talking about the test paper.”

Lin Fan was criticized by Wei Rong and didn’t dare to say anything, but he was a little unconvinced in his heart. How could Hao Qiang’s grades improve so quickly? It’s too jealous. My total score was 430 points, which was only 20 points higher than the second mock test. This was normal. No student could improve to over 100 points.

Therefore, Lin Fan shrewdly analyzed that Hao Qiang must have seen the test paper in advance. What was the difference between this and cheating?

In fact, many students in the class were also very shocked and suspicious. Chen Mengqi did not believe that Hao Qiang could get such a high score. She believed more in what Lin Fan said about cheating.

Humph, it was just cheating once. Let’s see how he cheats in the college entrance examination.

When the college entrance examination results are announced, this guy will be exposed and will definitely make a fool of himself.

Hao Qiang, who was sitting in the back row, heard Lin Fan say this about him.He was not angry, but continued to copy the book.

However, Wu Hai was a little unhappy and stood up for him: “Qiangzi, that bastard said that to you, why don’t you defend yourself and prove it in front of the teacher?”

Hao Qiang curled his lips and smiled: “Have you read too many brainless novels? What’s there to defend? If a dog bites you, do you want to bite it back?


“Hey, you’re right, why are you fighting with a dog!”

Wu Hai couldn’t help laughing when he heard it, “Qiangzi, I find more and more that I don’t know if your grades are great, but you are definitely first-class at scolding people!

Lin Fan, that birdman, didn’t dare to talk back after being scolded by you, and even Chen Mengqi, who had a sharp mouth, was scolded by you and cried. That angry expression was hysterical, Like a crazy woman. ”

Before Wu finished speaking, a piece of chalk flew towards him and hit him on the forehead. He was also criticized:

“Wu Hai, why don’t you come up and explain how to solve this problem?”

Wu Hai looked at Wei Rong, who was a little angry. He didn’t know which question he had talked about, so he just admitted his mistake: “Teacher, I don’t know!”

Wei Rong said sternly: “If you don’t know, just listen quietly and don’t disturb other students’ studies!”

“Oh, okay.”

Wu Hai replied helplessly, a little distressed. He only scored 75 points in physics and a total of 415 points. He really has no human rights because of poor grades. The head teacher doesn’t criticize Hao Qiang. Hao Qiang has good grades and has become a national first-class protected animal.

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