Rebirth 2003

Chapter 776: What Lu Yang didn't know

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   Lu Yang took his younger brother and sister to pay a New Year's greetings on the first day of the New Year. Because he and Tong Yaqian were not married yet, it was not convenient to bring her together. Otherwise, relatives and elders would give Tong Yaqian red envelopes, which would embarrass each other.

On the same day, Cao Xue from City J also came to his grandfather and uncle’s house to pay New Year’s greetings. At Grandpa’s place, Cao Xue had some comfort. Grandpa was still worried about what he knew at the New Year’s Eve dinner last night and treated Cao Xue very much. Distressed.

When he arrived at his uncle’s house, his aunt Qian Fang was more enthusiastic than in previous years. The degree of enthusiasm made Cao Xue a little bit overwhelmed. He made tea for her, and also took melon seeds and candied snacks for her to eat, and held her hand. Xi Han asked Nuan caring about her.

The cousin Xiaojun next to Qian Fang was not paying attention, and she winked at Cao Xue again and again, which made Cao Xue even more confused. I don’t know what Xiaojun wanted to say. Seeing her sneaky appearance, Cao Xue is not good at being an aunt. Asking face to face, I can only hold the doubts in my heart.

   "Xue Xue! My aunt downloaded one yesterday and wanted to play it, but it didn't work well. Can you play that thing? Can you teach Auntie?"

   Hush Han asked to warm up for some time, Qian Fang suddenly thought of something, and made this request to Cao Xue.

   At this small request, Cao Xue naturally smiled and said yes.

   Qian Fang was overjoyed. He quickly took out his mobile phone and slid the screen lock, clicked it on, and entered the password with a smile on his face. As a result, the password was incorrect several times in a row.

   "No way? Why is the password wrong? When I registered yesterday, it was the password! How could it be wrong?" Qian Fang looked very depressed, and Cao Xue smiled and looked at her.

  Qian Fang suddenly looked at Cao Xue again and said, "Xiaoxue! Look! Aunt's password can't be remembered for a while. Do you have it in your phone? Or, show me your phone?"


   Cao Xue didn't doubt that he had it, and smiled and agreed. He took out his cell phone, and when he took out his cell phone, he found that Xiao Jun, who was standing behind his aunt, was winking at her again and again.

Cao Xue was more puzzled, but at this time the phone was taken out, and her aunt only asked her to teach her how to play. She couldn't refuse this little thing. She had to press down on the question in her heart for a while, smiled and opened the phone in her phone, and started Some basic functions explained to aunt.

but. Xiao Jun's reminder, she was not completely dismissed in her heart, and she was more careful in her heart.

The gameplay of    is very simple. Cao Xue quickly finished explaining to her aunt. At the end, Cao Xue smiled and asked: "Auntie! Will it happen now?"

   Qian Fang: "Huh? Oh, it's almost! There are still some don't understand, or Xiaoxue, you tell me again? Your aunt has a bad memory!"

   Cao Xue was a little surprised. But still be patient and tell her again.

   After the second time, Cao Xue asked for the second time: "Auntie! Will it happen now?"

   "Ah! Some time! Xiaoxue! Can you let me play with your phone? I want to try it myself!"

   Qian Fang didn't say that she was almost a bit close this time, but she asked Cao Xue to borrow her mobile phone to play with her. Cao Xue subconsciously glanced at her cousin Xiaojun. Seeing Xiaojun winking at her again.

   No matter how stupid Cao Xue was, she knew at this time that her aunt's request was definitely purposeful, but this request could not be refused. The elders want to borrow her mobile phone to play, what is she refusing to say?

   "Okay! Aunt, try!"

   Cao Xue barely kept smiling and handed the phone to Qian Fang. Qian Fang happily took the phone and just tried it a few times. Suddenly he said to Cao Xue: "That's right! Xiaoxue! Your uncle went to play mahjong next door! You help me go and tell him that lunch will be eaten in a few hours. Let him pay attention to the time!"

   "Huh? Oh, good! Good aunt!"

Cao Xue agreed with her mouth, but her eyes looked at her cell phone worriedly. She was not stupid. At this time, she had guessed that her aunt would definitely want to find something in her cell phone, but her aunt’s requests were all normal requests. The way to refuse, she is not the kind of temperament that is used to rejecting elders.

   "Go, Xiaoxue! What are you stunned?"

Qian Fang suddenly raised his head and looked at Cao Xue strangely. Cao Xue had no choice but to get up, but still did not leave. It was Xiao Jun. Taking advantage of Qian Fang’s attention was not on her, she suddenly reached out and grabbed the phone in Qian Fang’s hand, and drew her leg. Running outside the gate, he said: "Sister! I want to play with your phone too!"

   "Ah! Xiaojun! Xiaojun! You stinky girl! Get me back quickly! Give me your sister's phone!"

   Qian Fang stood up and chased after him. Cao Xue stood by the coffee table and looked at the two of them, frowning slightly, wondering what aunt aunt wanted to find from her phone?

   After hesitating for a few seconds, Cao Xue followed out.

   The stairwell outside the door no longer saw aunt and Xiao Jun. The stairwell also echoed the sound of footsteps hurrying downstairs. It seemed that they couldn't catch up. Xiaojun and aunt had already run down two or three floors after hearing the footsteps.

   Cao Xue shook her head. After thinking about it, she still didn't chase after her. She stood in front of her aunt's house waiting with some headaches.

So, after about four or five minutes, the elevator door not far away suddenly opened. Cao Xue looked over naturally, but saw Xiao Jun running out of it. Seeing Cao Xue, Xiao Jun immediately smiled happily and shouted. Said: "Sister! My mom hasn't come back yet? My mom is not in the house, right?"

   Seeing Xiaojun running back first, still holding her mobile phone in his hand, Cao Xue breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

   shook his head: "No! Aunt has not come back yet!"

"Hey! I knew it! How could my mother catch up to me? I ran away and lost her! Na! Sister! Return your phone! I'll tell you, my mother doesn't have Lu Yang's phone. I want to find the number from your phone, and then go to Lu Yang's trouble! I think you should make the decision about this matter! You can't let my mother mess up! What do you say, sister?"

   Cao Xue subconsciously lowered her head and reached out to take her mobile phone, and looked up at Xiao Jun in amazement.


   After saying two words, Cao Xue didn't say anything afterwards. The expression on her face was a little helpless, and she didn't know what it was like, it was very complicated.

   With a helpless smile, Cao Xue unlocked the screen lock of her mobile phone, clicked on the phone address book, and looked at Lu Yang's phone number in the address book. Cao Xue's eyes became more complicated.

   "Xiaoxue Xiaoxue! Did you see Xiaojun coming back? I didn't catch up with that stinky girl! Run faster than rabbits!"

   The elevator door opened again, and there was a frustrated voice from aunt. Aunt Qian Fang’s voice finally made Cao Xue no longer hesitate. He tapped his finger on the phone screen twice to delete Lu Yang's number.

   then clicked on the SMS box again, and deleted all the intimate text messages sent to her by Lu Yang, who had kept her for several years.

   Fortunately, just like Lu Yang remembers her mobile phone number, after all these years, she also remembers Lu Yang's mobile phone number in her heart. Even if she deletes the mobile phone, the one in her mind will not disappear.

   It’s just that the text messages that have been kept for several years and have been reluctant to delete were deleted like this, leaving Cao Xue's heart empty and uncomfortable. Those are all evidence that Lu Yang loved her.

Qian Fang saw that the phone had returned to Cao Xue, watching Cao Xue holding the phone as if he was operating something, and there was Xiao Jun who was making faces at her standing beside him, Qian Fang's expression suddenly changed, and he stopped in a hurry. He gave Xiao Jun a fierce look, still holding a bit of luck in his heart, and tentatively asked Cao Xue: "Xiao Xue...Xiao Jun returned the phone to you? Can I lend it to my aunt for fun?"

   Cao Xue reluctantly squeezed out a smile and handed the phone to her, saying: "Here!"

   Qian Fang quickly speeded up his pace and walked over to take the phone. Nothing happened this time. Xiao Jun avoided her for a few steps, hid behind Cao Xue, and didn't stretch out his hand to **** it.

   Qian Fang was not in the mood to conceal it at this time, so he quickly opened the address book of Cao Xue's phone, and searched it back and forth several times, but there was no trace of Lu Yang's number at all.

   Then I clicked on the message box, but there was still no message from Lu Yang to Cao Xue.

   At this moment, Qian Fang didn't know that his thoughts were already known by Cao Xue. It must have been said by his daughter Xiaojun, the dead girl!

After gritting his teeth, Qian Fang raised his head and gave Xiaojun a fierce look. When his gaze turned to Cao Xue, he squeezed out a jealous smiling face, handed the phone back, and said: "Uh, Xiaoxue! Aunt suddenly remembered that he was still at home. There is something to do, otherwise we won’t be able to eat it after lunch! Aunt cellphone will pay you back! I’ll think about my password later, if I remember it, I don’t need to borrow your cellphone!"

   "Oh, aunt! I'll help you!"

   Cao Xue took the phone, and didn't reveal the meaning of her aunt's careful thoughts at all. She still kept smiling, but she didn't see happiness in her eyes.

Qian Fang couldn't bear to look at the sadness in her eyes. He passed the phone and walked quickly to the door. As he walked, he said, "No, no, no! Xiaoxue, go and play with Xiaojun! No need for your help! Aunt will do it in a while. NS!"

   "Auntie! Let me help you!"

   Cao Xue put the phone back in her, seemingly nonchalant, continued to maintain her politeness in front of her elders.


   This is just an episode that happened on the first day of the new year.

On the second day of the New Year, when Qian Fang’s family went to Cao Xue’s house, Qian Fang didn’t give up and looked for a chance to look through Cao Xue’s parents’ mobile phone address book. As a result, she still couldn’t find Lu Yang’s mobile phone number. She didn’t know that Cao Xue had expected it. When I went home last night, I quietly deleted all Lu Yang numbers from my parents' mobile phones.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Qian Fang obviously still did not give up. Only on the second day of the Lunar New Year, she came to Cao Xue's house. She came again on the third day of the Lunar New Year. This time she quietly pulled Cao Xue’s mother Wu Yongli into Wu Yongli and Cao Guohua while Cao Xue was in the room. In her bedroom, I sincerely told Wu Yongli what I meant, and directly asked Wu Yongli to find a way to get Lu Yang's mobile phone number or home address.

   At that time, after Wu Yongli listened, she hesitated for a while, Qian Fang repeatedly persuaded her, Wu Yongli made up her mind and took out her mobile phone and said, "I have Lu Yang's number in my mobile phone!"

   Qian Fang's face went dark as she took out her mobile phone.

   "No!" Qian Fang said.

  Wu Yongli didn't understand what she meant for a while, and continued to search in her mobile phone, but where was Lu Yang's number?

   (ps: Some people say that Cao Xue’s disease is a bug. There are many types of hepatitis. I don’t understand each one, but I’m the one who is so small, the same as Cao Xue’s!) (to be continued...)

  Ps: Thanks to Zhang Genshuo, Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Ziyue for learning and rewarding 100 points. Thank you for rewarding 588 points for the spring flowers before the autumn leaves fall. Thank you for monthly pass!

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