Rebirth 2003

Chapter 685: Head-up love

? "Big Brother! Big Brother!"


Far away, Lu Ying waved his arms and shouted. Lu Yang smiled and put the sunglasses in his hands in the chest pocket of his shirt. When his sister walked out of the station quickly, he stepped forward and took the suitcase and backpack in her hand. He handed the tissue that he had just taken out of his pocket to her.


   said softly: "Wipe off your sweat! Are you tired after sitting in the car for so long?"


"Thank you, big brother! Not tired! Big brother! These are my classmates in high school! This is Xiao Min! She is Li Ran! This is our monitor Pang Yishan! He is Zhai Zhai! He is Xiao Tang! Everyone! This is my eldest brother!"


   Lu Ying took the tissue that Lu Yang had handed over, and while pulling out a piece of sweat stains on her forehead, she happily introduced her classmates to Lu Yang, and also introduced Lu Yang to her classmates.


   "Hello everyone! I have worked hard along the way, do you want to go to my place to rest?"


   Lu Yang smiled and said to a few people.


Especially the monitor Pang Yishan, when Lu Ying introduced, he was obviously nervous. After Lu Ying's introduction, he couldn't wait, and pretending to be mature, he extended his right hand to Lu Yang and said enthusiastically, "Big Brother Lu! First time meeting! Thank you. !"


   Take care?


   These words reminded Lu Yang of when he first entered university. At that time, when everyone first met, many people met people like this. I don’t know if they learned from Korean dramas or from Dao Guo.


   Lu Yang gave his sister a meaningful look and smiled. Still stretched out his hand and shook Pang Yishan, except for Pang Yishan. The other people who were introduced just greeted Lu Yang with a smile, and no one looked for Lu Yang to shake hands. It became more and more that Pang Yishan's behavior just now was different.


   It's just time to say hello to each other, Yin Qingying and others leaned in.


   Yin Qingying glanced at Lu Ying and the others, then smiled at Lu Yang, and said, "Big Brother Lu! I got your sister? Are these all from our school?".


   "Big Brother?"


   Lu Ying didn't know Yin Qingying at all. Seeing her suddenly inserted in, she couldn't help but looked at Lu Yang in confusion.


   "Xiaoying! This is your school sister, whose surname is Yin! Are your classmates from the same school as you? Your senior sister Yin is here to receive your freshmen specially!"


   Lu Yang said to his sister.


   "Oh! Hello Sister Yin, hello! Thank you for coming to pick us up!"


   Lu Ying reacted immediately.


   Pang Yishan, Xiao Min and others immediately greeted Yin Qingying and others enthusiastically, only two of them just watched with a smile, one was Zhai Zhai. One is Li Ran.


   These two people should not be in the same school as Lu Ying.


   As expected, Lu Ying introduced it like this afterwards.


   Zhai Zhai and Li Ran soon saw their school welcome freshmen banners. After they talked to Lu Ying and the others, they often contacted each other and hurried to the welcome banner of their school.


Yin Qingying and the others have to pick up other freshmen, and they don’t have much time to chat with Lu Ying and others. After a few words, Yin Qingying said to Lu Ying and the others: "Dear brothers and sisters! Our school bus is right there. Side! Everyone, come with me? This school bus will drive away as soon as it is full. If everyone moves slowly, they can only wait here for the next school bus to come!"


   Several people couldn't help but get nervous when they heard this. Subconsciously, she had to go with Yin Qingying. Lu Ying took a step before she remembered and looked at Lu Yang: "Big Brother! Did you drive here today?".


   Lu Yang smiled and nodded: "Of course! Or, you and your classmates will go in my car! Anyway, I have to accompany you to go through the enrollment procedures!"


   "Xiao Min! Squad leader! Xiao Tang! Will you go with me in my elder brother's car? Anyway, a few of us, my elder brother's car will surely be able to get in!"


   Lu Ying turned to look at the three classmates.


   Yin Qingying had already turned around to leave. Seeing that this happened again, he couldn't help subconsciously stopping and looking at the new students. He also glanced at Lu Yang subconsciously.


   Lu Yang didn't force it, he just looked at the three people with a smile. Waiting for them to decide.


   Xiaomin is a small girl, from facial features to figure. They are all a little small, but they look good, and they are a bit delicate and pleasant.


   Pang Yishan, who is between 1.75 and 1.78 meters tall, can be regarded as tall and strong, with a square face with Chinese characters, giving people an atmosphere of atmosphere.


Xiao Tang is also a boy, but the male and female appearances are weak and delicate, with delicate eyebrows. The most special thing is that his eyes are narrow and long. As a boy, he has a pair of Danfeng eyes that should have been on a woman's body. During the circulation, there was a faint feeling of charming.


   But this kind of charm is only in the eyes. On the whole, his temperament is completely masculine.


   "Wang Xiaomin! Tang Zheng! Are you together?". Pang Yishan asked Xiao Min and Xiao Tang.


   His meaning is obvious, he wants to take Lu Yang's car to go.


   Xiao Min raised her head and glanced at Lu Yang, stretched out her hand to put her arm around, and smiled: "Of course! I'm Lu Ying's wife! How can my wife leave her husband? Hee hee!"


   Tang Zheng glanced at her silently and nodded silently.


  Lu Ying was very happy to see that the three of them agreed, and turned back to ask Lu Yang: "Big Brother! Where is your car? Where is it? Let's go over now!"


   said, and apologized to Yin Qingying and the others: "Senior sister! Several senior brothers and sisters! Sorry! Shall we take my eldest brother's car to go there?"


Yin Qingying was a little helpless. Just about to speak, Zhu Fuwei, who had been with her just now, said impatiently: "Okay! As long as you can rush to the school to report! Yin Qingying, let's go! This bus should There are other new students coming!"


   Yin Qingying ignored Zhu Fuwei, smiled at Lu Ying, Lu Yang and others, waved, and then went to another place with Zhu Fuwei and others.


  As soon as these people left, Lu Ying's atmosphere suddenly relaxed.


"Come with me!"


   Lu Yang carried his sister's suitcase and backpack, and walked to his car.


   avoided the pedestrians coming and going outside the exit, not long after, Lu Yang took his sister and the others to his car.


   "All get in the car!"


   Lu Yang greeted the four people while putting his sister’s luggage in the trunk. Pang Yishan and others also took the luggage and put them in the trunk.


   Except for Lu Ying, he was familiar with Lu Yang for a long time. When Pang Yishan, Wang Xiaomin, and Tang struggled to put their luggage, they couldn't help but look more at Lu Yang's car.


   More than 800,000 Land Rover. It's just average for the rich, and for the three young people who have come out of the small county. It's already a premium car.


   Lu Yang glanced at Pang Yishan's expression intentionally or unintentionally, and seeing his eyes flickering, his expression was a bit strange, and he had a good understanding of his character.


   The reason why he glanced at Pang Yishan more was because Pang Yishan's nervousness and enthusiasm made Lu Yang suspect that this person had thoughts about his sister as early as when the younger sister introduced them at the exit.


   Lu Yang didn't know if his sister liked this person too, before he knew the situation. Lu Yang had no other reaction, just observing in secret.


   Put all the luggage away. Lu Ying has opened two doors and enthusiastically called the three classmates to get in the car. When Lu Yang heard the three of them get on the car, he was amazed at the level of comfort in the car.


   The difference between a good car and a normal car is not only in appearance and engine, but also in the configuration of the car. Naturally, there are also different grades, plus Lu Yang's car since he bought it. The package is very good, and everything in it still seems brand new today.


   Lu Ying sat in the passenger seat, and her three classmates sat in the back. Lu Yang could see in the rear mirror that the three classmates of the younger sister were a little restrained sitting in the back.


   After thinking about it, Lu Yang turned on the car music. Shuffle was pressed.


   Sure enough, in the sound of music. Looking in the rear mirror, Lu Yang saw that the expressions of the three were much more relaxed.


  Sister Lu Ying is chatting with them in high spirits. Lu Yang didn't interrupt, just listened with a smile.


   Suddenly, Lu Yang heard his mobile phone rang, and the sound of a text message.


   Lu Ying and others looked at him subconsciously. Lu Yang ignored their gazes and glanced at the school bus of Shanghai N University not far away. Seeing that it hadn't started yet, he took out his mobile phone and took a look.


   "Lu Yang! How are you doing recently? When do you plan to marry Tong Yaqian?"-Cao Xue.


   was actually a text message from Cao Xue.


   The relaxed smile on Lu Yang's face faded a bit, but he was no longer as sad and sad as before. He finally adjusted his mentality. How did he sing a lyrics?


  ——Who said you must fall in love?


   Many people we think we can’t lose, if we really lose, we won’t die.


   After a moment of silence, Lu Yang replied: "It's okay! I'm getting married soon!"


   After this short message was sent, it took a while before Cao Xue sent another one.


   "Be nice to her! I wish you happiness!"


   Lu Yang smiled faintly, and replied, "Thank you!"


   After replying to this text message, he put his phone back in his trouser pocket, and did not intend to continue chatting with her. Coincidentally, Cao Xue did not send any more messages.


   Lu Yang looked at the N University bus not far away with a calm expression, but he was still a bit sad after all.


   I can’t always marry the person I want to marry the most...


   is different from before. After Feng Tingting broke up with him before, he still couldn't help but hated her in his heart.


   And this time Cao Xue left, although he had been sad, and now he is still slightly sad, but he doesn't hate her, he just regrets.


   Maybe it’s because Feng Tingting had been on good terms with others before breaking up with him, and the reason for Cao Xue’s departure was him, not her, right?


   Looking at the scenery outside the car window and the pedestrians, Lu Yang has the sweet memories in his heart, as well as the helplessness and regret for the present.


The time he was with Cao Xue was the happiest time after he was reborn. At that time, he had not been reborn for a long time and hadn't made a fortune, and when he was with him Xue was still the head of a city organization. Of daughter.


   It can be said that at that time, she was with him because of him.


   Love without interest, always makes people yearn for and aftertaste.


   Unfortunately, he still lost her.


   Every man has a piece of pure land in his heart! There is always only one person!


   In that piece of pure land in Lu Yang's heart, Feng Tingting once lived, and after rebirth, he lived in Cao Xue. Now, Cao Xue is gone and Tong Yaqian has come in.


   Thinking of what Tong Yaqian had said to him the night before he went back this time, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Lu Yang's mouth. People are most afraid that there is no one in his heart! The heart has nothing to love, it is great sorrow!


   Fortunately, he still has one in his heart. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thanks to Qingfeng’s Taoist Gymnasium, and rewarded 100 coins for the good book, thank you 1 mortal fan 1 rewarded 588 coins, thank you Jin Mufeng for rewarding 1888 coins again, thank you all for the monthly pass!


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