Rebirth 2003

Chapter 677: Tong Yaqian's reaction

Initially, Xing Xinxin was a bit resistant, but soon, when the two were really close to each other, her neck stayed all the time, and after a low groan, her body softened and she obeyed, letting Lu Yang vented wantonly on her.


   When the clouds closed in the rain, Lu Yang's expression changed slightly, most of the hostility in his heart was vented, and his mind was clear. Looking at Xing Xinxin who was pressed by her on the water platform, she couldn't help feeling very sorry for her.


   She kindly prepared him for a change of clothes and cooked noodles for him to eat, but he didn't ask her wishes, and directly forced her on her. After all, the only two times she and her were used strong.




   Lu Yang apologized in a low voice, stretched out his hand to help Xing Xinxin, Xing Xinxin gave him a weakly white look, stretched out his hand and smashed his chest lightly, complaining: "You are going to die! Do it here..."


   Lu Yang: "……"


what's the situation? Actually this kind of reaction?


   Not angry at all?


Xing Xinxin used her fingers to sort out her messed up hair, and then she went to get warm water to clean it up for Lu Yang. It was no different from waiting for her husband. After she cleaned it up for Lu Yang, she went to the bathroom to take a shower. When she came out, she saw Lu Yang closed. Leaning on the sofa with her eyes, she walked over gently, shook Lu Yang's arm, and whispered, "Are you tired? Go to the house and sleep! It's late at night."


   Lu Yang opened his eyes and looked at her, and asked softly, "Where do I sleep?"


  Xing Xinxin's expression was a little unnatural when he was asked, her eyes avoided Lu Yang's, she stroked the hair in her ear, and whispered, "It's up to you..."


   no more questions. Lu Yang got up and took her round shoulders and walked into the bedroom.


   During the time Xing Xinxin went to the bathroom to take a bath, Lu Yang also thought about it clearly. She was his child and his mother, she was his woman. I've slept before, and it's okay to sleep again today.


   What does it mean to be a good man?


   Cao Xue has already left. Tong Yaqian has gone away for a few months and has not returned. Rui Xiaoxiu is watched by her mother at home, and she has to secretly even make a phone call to him occasionally.


  Life, when to have fun in time...


  Do not ask for everlasting time, but ask for once to have...


   No matter what he thinks in his heart, this moment. He didn't want to think too much.




   When Lu Yang embraced Xing Xinxin into his dreamland, Tong Yaqian, who was far away in another city, was lying on the bedside listening to a song, and suddenly he received a text message from Cao Xue on his mobile phone.


   "Aqian: I promised you that you will take care of Lu Yang. Now I broke up with him, you take care of him! He should be in a bad mood recently, go with him!"


   Tong Yaqian was originally very relaxed, her face suddenly changed when she saw this text message, and she subconsciously sat up cross-legged on the bed. Her face changed several times, and she dialed Cao Xue's phone with a strained face.


   The phone rang for a long time, and Cao Xue finally answered it.




   Cao Xue's voice was exhausted.


   Tong Yaqian gritted her teeth: "What the **** are you doing? Who wants you to let it? Lu Yang loves you so much, you hurt him like this?"


   Cao Xue: "Tong Yaqian... shouldn't you be happy now?".


   Tong Yaqian: "Heh! Cao Xue! You don't deserve Lu Yang to like you so much! Since you don't know how to cherish you. You broke up, right? Cao Xue! You won't have another chance in the future!"


   After speaking, Tong Yaqian took the initiative to hang up.


   Her character has always been more decisive and simpler than Cao Xue, after hanging up Cao Xue's phone. She immediately called Lu Yang's cell phone, but Lu Yang's cell phone was long gone. Where can she dial this time? After dialing several times in a row, it was the same, and her face became a little dignified. After thinking about it, she didn’t know that Lu Yang had recently returned to her hometown, nor did she know the phone number on the Shanghai villa. She glanced at the time on her mobile phone. It was already past 11 o’clock in the night. She just hesitated slightly, so she quickly got up. Dressing, while dressing, while using the mobile phone to book air tickets to Shanghai.


   At about two o'clock in the morning, Tong Yaqian hurriedly got out of the taxi, dragging a suitcase and hurriedly towards the entrance of Shimao Lake Garden.


   The guard here is very dedicated. It was almost two o'clock in the morning, Tong Yaqian came over, and some people came out to stop Tong Yaqian and asked Tong Yaqian to go in and find someone or what to do?


   Tong Yaqian usually faces outsiders, like Mu Chunfeng's smiling face, but at this time she is very worried about Lu Yang, so she owes no smile on her face.


   "Find my boyfriend!"


   The door guard heard the words and looked straight. The people who lived in it were all rich men with a net worth of more than tens of millions, and their tone immediately slowed down: "What is the villa? What is your boyfriend's last name?"


   "No. 47! Lu Yang! Hurry up! I'm in a hurry!"


   "Oh! Okay! Okay! Wait a minute!"


The guard returned to the sentry box to search, and contacted Lu Yang’s villa by phone. The housekeeper answered the call. The housekeeper didn’t know who Lu Yang’s girlfriend was. I've seen it and I know that Lu Yang has a girlfriend, but he is not sure who it is.


   Thinking of the bodyguard He Baiming living in the villa, he let the guard box let him go.


   Regardless of whether the visitor is really Lu Yang's girlfriend, it is definitely the safest not to commit any crime.


   After answering the phone, the housekeeper thought for a while, put on his clothes and knocked on He Baiming's door.




   He Baiming's indifferent voice came from the room.


   "It's me! Miss He! I just received a call from the doorman, saying that a woman who claims to be Mr. Lu's girlfriend is here, look...Would you like to get up and confirm with me?"


   The butler said in harmony.


   There was a moment of silence in the room, and when He Baiming spoke again, the door had already opened.


   In just a dozen seconds, He Baiming, who appeared in front of the housekeeper, had already put on his clothes and shoes. In contrast, the housekeeper’s clothes were still on his body.


  The butler looked at He Baiming, who was neatly dressed, then looked at the coat he was wearing, and the slippers on his feet, and said with some shame, "Miss He wait a minute! I'll clean it up!"


   He Baiming nodded, walked over to open the gate, and then went through the front yard to open the gate, and then stood indifferently at the gate of the courtyard and waited.


   After a short while, the housekeeper also arranged his outfit and came to He Baiming, cleared his throat, and adjusted his collar. Looking ahead vigorously.


   If it is really Lu Yang's girlfriend this time, he should do a good job. Lu Yang's character, he has probably understood some of it these days. Knowing that as long as he is not bad in his usual work, with Lu Yang's character, he would not think about dismissing him, but he still doesn't know what character the hostess will be in the future. In case he is offended, he might lose his job tomorrow.


   The babysitter at home slept more deadly, and at this time was still asleep without knowing anything.


   A few minutes later, Tong Yaqian, dragging his suitcase, came to the gate of the villa, with a tall figure and impeccable face. Without a smile, his eyes looked a little condensed.


   The housekeeper and He Baiming almost immediately believed that she was really Lu Yang's girlfriend.


   Such a big beauty, such a two o'clock in the morning, if the current liar is so dedicated and has such a high quality, then the threshold of entry for the liar is too high.


   "Is Lu Yang at home?".


   Tong Yaqian stepped closer, looked at the housekeeper and He Baiming with her scrutiny, and asked with a slightly frowned brow.


   frowning is not because they are dissatisfied with the housekeeper and He Baiming, but the two of them are standing here and waiting. But Lu Yang was not seen, and it was obvious that there was little possibility that Lu Yang was inside.


   "Hello! Mr. Lu went back to his hometown yesterday to attend his younger sister's college entrance banquet! What do you call the lady? I heard the doorman said that you are Mr. Lu's girlfriend?"


   The butler slightly stepped forward to answer.


   He Baiming hesitated for a moment, and lowered his eyes slightly. Introduce myself: "I am Mr. Lu's personal bodyguard, He Baiming!"


   "Not in..."


   Tong Yaqian was slightly disappointed.


   But it’s good to know where Lu Yang has gone. Dang Even took out his mobile phone from his pocket in front of the housekeeper and He Baiming and dialed Lu Yang’s home phone number.


   It was Lu Yang's mother who answered the phone this time.


   A phone call. Hearing Lu Yang's mother's voice, Tong Yaqian immediately adjusted her expression and tone. The eldest aunt called Lu Yang's mother shortly, on the phone. Lu Yang's mother was a little embarrassed, she also liked Tong Yaqian in her heart, but Cao Xuecai attended Lu Ying's entrance banquet and left. In her opinion, the eldest son's girlfriend is Cao Xue, and Tong Yaqian is over.


   Fortunately, Tong Yaqian did not mention anything embarrassing to her on the phone. He only asked if Lu Yang was at home. If he was at home, let Lu Yang answer the phone.


   Lu Yang’s mother hesitated a bit, after thinking about it, she told the truth and told Tong Yaqian that she was not at home today.


   Still can’t reach Lu Yang...


   Ending the call, Tong Yaqian frowned, thought about it, and dialed Cao Xue again.


   This time the phone rang only twice and it was connected. Obviously Cao Xue had not fallen asleep at this time.


   "What else do you want to say?"


   Cao Xue asked lightly.


  Tong Yaqian: "Do you know where Lu Yang has gone? He is not in Shanghai, nor in his hometown! I can't make phone calls!"




   On the phone, Cao Xue was surprised: "The phone can't get through? How could it be? Did he shut it down?"


   Tong Yaqian hung up the call directly.


   Cao Xue's reaction made her immediately understand that Cao Xue didn't know where Lu Yang was now. Since she didn't know, Tong Yaqian was not interested in continuing to talk nonsense with her.


J City Xiaoxue Garment Factory, Cao Xue’s small room was lit by a desk lamp. Under the light of the desk lamp, Cao Xue leaned on the bedside and looked at the mobile phone in her hand without Hesitated for a moment, she Finally, he found out Lu Yang's number and dialed it.


   "Sorry! The user you are calling is not in the service area, please call again later... Sorry! What you are calling..."


   Listening to the voice on the phone, Cao Xue turned his face to look at the dark night outside the window with a melancholy expression.


   "Do you know where Lu Yang has gone? He is not in Shanghai, nor in his hometown! I can't make phone calls!"


   Tong Yaqian's words just now seemed to be echoing in her ears.




In front of the courtyard of Villa No. 47, Shimao Binhu Garden, Shanghai, the housekeeper has been paying attention to Tong Yaqian's words and deeds. Seeing that she could not contact Lu Yang, his face changed slightly. It was not that he suspected that Tong Yaqian was impersonating Lu Yang’s girlfriend, but At the moment, please do you invite Tong Yaqian in to rest, he is in trouble. (To be continued...)


  PS: Thank you for Suifeng 88652, Mantian Fengshuang’s journey, what do you have to do if you have no virginity, and the God of Slaughter rewards 100 points, thanks to New Moon Weimeng for rewarding 588 points, and thanks for rewarding 1888 points again.


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