Rebirth 2003

Chapter 121: Became prey

Temporarily giving up the plan to add more to the monthly ticket list, Lu Yang also calmed down a lot. These days, he was crazy about the monthly ticket list, and his sullenness in his heart also vented a lot, and finally he was no longer so depressed. (First issue) After the new chapter was posted, Lu Yang looked at the subscription data and book review area.

The subscription data of this book is better than the previous two books. Half a month after being on the shelves, the highest single chapter subscription has exceeded 4,000, and the number of 24-hour single chapter subscriptions is almost 3,000.

The monthly ticket list is indeed a good thing. It can make popular works more attractive to readers. Once you rush to the top ten in the monthly ticket list, the number of hits and the number of collectors of Lu Yang's book are rising rapidly these days, and the number of collectors has exceeded. Twenty-five thousand.

Although still not comparable to the top gods, at least he has the capital for a battle. Otherwise, if his popularity in his previous life is used, even if he breaks out 100 chapters a day, he will not be able to reach the top ten on the monthly ticket list. The reader base is too small.

When Lu Yang turned to the book review section, the posts he saw were chaotic. Some people were pleased with the gains of the recent war, while others sighed why Wen Chou didn't continue to add more to the list.

In the chaos of posts, Lu Yang saw a post by a reader named Big Tiger.

At first glance, it looks like the kind of unscrupulous advertisement that pushes the book, because this guy dares to swipe the screen, and all seven or eight posts in a row are all posted by him. What is even more hateful is the content and titles of the seven or eight posts. It's the same.

The most annoying thing about book writers is this kind of advertising and screen scanning. The book review area is such a large area. Once you scroll the screen, all the posts of other readers who have published book reviews will be covered, which seriously affects the book. The image looks as if the book has no reviews from readers, it's just like advertising posts.

Lu Yang was about to log in to his author's associated account, and when he deleted these posts, he noticed that the content of the posts did not seem to be advertised.

"I am the group leader of the author group in the dark realm. Please help my brothers in the Wenchou group to pass him a word and say that the dark realm invites him to join the group. My q number is ******, please Oh! Damn! The buddies are about to fall apart. This is the first time I have been here to post this kind of posts..."

Looking at the last sentence of the post, Lu Yang could obviously feel a deep resentment on his face.

In the dark realm, Lu Yang had heard of it before. The legendary group of gods is full of famous and popular writers, as well as editors from various publishing houses and other websites, and even the editor-in-chief of some well-known publishing houses. in.

For the average author, the dark realm is too mysterious. Not only the top gods at the starting point, but also many popular gods from outside stations are in it, which is almost a holy place in the minds of ordinary authors.

When Lu Yang was the most popular in his previous life, he didn't get the qualification to enter it. He didn't expect that he would only write the third book after he was reborn. The group owner of the dark realm had already invited him several times.

Without telling the reader, Lu Yang copied this q`q number, opened q`q, and applied to add this person as a friend.

It was still the afternoon at this time, and not long after school was over, the big tiger over there seemed to be offline. Lu Yang waited for a few minutes, but when he heard no response, he went to get dinner.

After the meal, Lu Yang routinely went to the Dragon Race Internet Cafe to collect the business payment of the day. He was checking the accounts with Lu Shuping. After a person's footsteps, Lu Yang did not look back. At this point in time, there were many people coming online, Lu Yang thought It was just a person who came to the Internet. Unexpectedly, after that person came over, he suddenly slapped him on the shoulder, startled him, frowned and looked over, but saw that it was Cao Xue’s roommate-Yao Yao. For girls with big breasts. Only then did Lu Yang smile, nodded and said hello, "It's you!"

Cao Xue left, and Lu Yang couldn't be happy again when he saw her roommates. Although he was smiling, it was a squeezed smile.

Yao Yao didn't seem to notice that Lu Yang was not really happy to see her, and she smiled and chatted with Lu Yang: "The big boss is here to collect money again? You are really good! Only sophomore, you have such a day to earn money. It’s a big Internet cafe! Admire it!"

With the intensity of just a few words with a smile, her pair of big chest organs quivered slightly, which was shocking. All men like to look at this kind of chest organ. Lu Yang also glanced at it intentionally, but The mood is still not high, just smiling and perfunctory.

When Lu Yang had collected today's business money and was about to go back, Yao Yao actually took off the computer that was online just now, and chased after Lu Yang out of the Internet cafe.

Hearing the footsteps trotting over, Lu Yang turned his head and was a little surprised to see that she was following.

"Something else?"

Yao Yao ran over with a smile and said, "Cao Xue is not here, so lonely, isn't it? How about I go out to have fun with you tonight? I just want to go to the bar, and I want to find someone to stay with me! Give me face, handsome guy? "

"I have something else, next time!"

Lu Yang refused casually and wanted to leave. Although Yao Yao's chest is seductive to him, her personality is not the type he likes. Besides, Cao Xue just went to study abroad, and he was not hungry enough. degree.

Seeing that Lu Yang was about to leave, Yao Yao bit her slightly thick lower lip, and hurried forward to grab Lu Yang's arm, and said coquettishly: "Don't! You accompany me to play for two hours, and I will tell you one. News about Cao Xue!"

"News from Cao Xue?"

Lu Yang, who was about to break away from Yao Yao's hand, stopped. He hadn't heard from Cao Xue for a long time and couldn't contact him. Yao Yao couldn't attract him, but he couldn't resist Cao Xue's news.

"Just play for two hours?"

"Just play for two hours!"

Yao Yao smiled happily, she knew that Lu Yang had agreed.

At exactly this time, an empty taxi came to the side of the road. Yao Yao ran over two steps quickly, reached out and stopped the car, and when he ran, the pair of chest organs came out tremblingly and attractively. eyeball.

Sitting in the back of the taxi, the old man driving the taxi looks in the rear mirror from the corner of his eye from time to time. It is not uncommon for a middle-aged woman who has given birth to a child to have such a big breast, but it is obvious that a girl in her twenties There is such a big baby, for these old men, but it is the best! But he could only look at it, and had an eye addiction.

The car stopped at the bar street in the south of the city. There was a small street with dim lighting. One side was the billowing river, and the other side was the bar street lined up with bars. The noise of various music came from one bar. The gates floated out, and the streets were full of various cars, and people of all kinds flowed in and out of the gates of these bars.

Lu Yang paid the fare and got out of the car with Yao Yao.

In his two lives, Lu Yang had never been to such a place. Even after Feng Tingting broke up with him before, she was in a bad mood and just made two small dishes in her house and drank alcohol alone. He never wanted to come to such a place to have fun.

"follow me!"

Yao Yao grabbed Lu Yang's big hand and rushed to a bar called the 18-year-old tonight.

At the entrance of the bar, a big-waisted man collects tickets. Women don't need to buy tickets, but men have to charge 30 yuan for tickets. Yao Yao smiled and watched Lu Yang pay the money, and then pulled Lu Yang into the bar again.

It was okay to be outside just now, and the deafening rock and dance music made people dizzy as soon as I entered the bar.

Obviously, this bar is mainly for young people, and the middle-aged and old people can't stand the noise here.

A group of hormonal men and women on the dance floor twisted their waists and hips. There were no tables in the bar. Even if there were no people sitting at the table, handbags and the like were placed on the table.

Yao Yao was a little annoyed, so she had to pull Lu Yang to the bar, where there were a few empty high stools. After sitting down, Lu Yang withdrew his hand calmly.

"What do you want to drink? Me please!"

Yao Yao suddenly shook Lu Yang’s arm and asked Lu Yang. Lu Yang glanced at her unexpectedly. She didn’t expect that she would say a treat. However, Lu Yang didn’t want to take advantage of her, a few hundred dollars, and now he is coming to Lu Yang. Saying that they are all small money, he smiled faintly and said, "I just want beer, what do you drink, order it yourself!"

While talking, Lu Yang took out his wallet and took out a hundred yuan and put it on the bar. He would usually put a few hundred yuan in his wallet. Tonight, he just went to collect today’s business money from the Internet cafe. All the wallets contained them. There are two to three thousand yuan.

Yao Yao was dazzled by the stack of red, green and green banknotes in the wallet. Life is not a movie. An ordinary girl like Yao Yao, in an ordinary university like H City Normal University, has never seen it. This is a real grandfather. A boy from the same school has so much money in his wallet. This is the first time she saw her. Even though she had met once in an Internet cafe before, when we met at this time, I still felt a wave of pressure from Lu Yang. come over.

This is the power of money!

This is also the main reason why Yao Yao often goes to Dragon Internet cafes recently, just to wait for an opportunity like tonight.

Cao Xue is gone, his father is actually a big corrupt and has fallen. Yao Yao feels that Cao Xue, who absconded abroad with the money, will never be back. Therefore, she who is a little proud of her own capital, since After knowing what happened to Cao Xue, he was moved to think carefully instead.

Women have never matured earlier than men. This is not only reflected in love, but also in money. When most boys have not realized the importance of money and only pursue beautiful girls, many precocious girls are no longer because of boys. Looks handsome, but favored.

Two bottles of beer that had already been opened were put in front of Lu Yang and Yao Yao by the bartender, and there were dozens of dollars in change.

The drinks in the bar are notoriously expensive. Lu Yang received dozens of yuan for just two bottles of beer. Lu Yang didn't care, so he just stuffed the change into his pocket, grabbed the bottle and started drinking.

Lu Yang had a simple idea. He spent two hours with Yao Yao and left when he heard from Cao Xue.

This, of course, is completely contrary to Yao Yao's purpose.

So just after drinking two sips of beer, Yao Yao excitedly pulled Lu Yang onto the dance floor. rs

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