Rebirth 2002: Nano Life

Vol 5 Chapter 53: No one dared to warn America

Cancer and cardiovascular disease have long been the two major killers of human life. Once these two major diseases are overcome, human lifespan is expected to be extended to 100 years.

And Xia Meng Medical's speech on pp undoubtedly aroused strong attention from pp users, but a few minutes later, Xia Meng Medical deleted this sentence again.

The topic of "conquering cancer" soon disappeared, and people still focused on "Xiameng" stealing technology.

The U.S. strategy of "turning a deer into a horse" is very obvious, and it also believes that in the face of the interests of various countries, the suspicion that Xia Meng stole the intellectual property rights of other countries will also become a reality.

It will be a success!

From the enterprise level, Xia Meng's rise must have been stepped on many corpses, especially Xia Meng's industry has developed too much horizontally, and it involves the most important upstream part. The appearance of Xia Meng has impacted the old industrial system.

It can be said with certainty that outside of China, there must be no less people who hate Xia Meng than those who like Xia Meng. This kind of hatred is because Xia Meng has seized their property and their work and life!

If there is a way to make Xia Meng perish, they will definitely spare no effort!

This has nothing to do with justice, only profit!

At the national level, the rise of a country must be stepped on the corpse of another country. As a China with a completely different ideology from the Western system, Western countries are even less likely to let China rise easily. Now the sleeping lion of China has risen, and the momentum of take-off has risen, but the western countries headed by the United States will definitely try their best to contain China's development!

In Chen Yizhe's previous life, a US secretary of state said this when he gave a speech at a university: "I was the director of the US Central Intelligence Agency. We lie, we cheat, we steal. We also have a course dedicated to teaching these. This It is the glory of the United States to continue to explore and forge ahead.”

These words also aroused warm applause from the audience.

Now, the United States is using these tactics on Xia Meng and China!

On February 22, Canada's ambassador to the United States said that the United States had notified Canada that it would formally file an extradition request for Wen Meichen.

A spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the United States' claim to request Canada's extradition of Wen Meicen neither conforms to international law nor has any legitimacy, and is essentially an act of technological bullying.

On the 23rd, local media in the United States reported that the cabin of a plane flying from Canada to Washington, the United States suddenly caught fire. Fortunately, the plane made an emergency landing and no casualties were caused.

However, the U.S. side and the Canadian side have a hard time saying that this time, under the pressure of the U.S. side, the Canadian side secretly handed over the prosthesis to the FBI. However, after the plane made an emergency landing, the prosthesis received from the Canadian side disappeared.

This is the headquarters of the FBI. Although the Wen Meichen incident is a foreign-related incident, it should have been investigated by cia, but this matter was originally entrusted by the Ministry of Defense to the FBI, so the final execution unit is the fbi.

How could Chen Yizhe not be clear about the movement of the prosthetic limb, he had already positioned it on the prosthetic limb.

If it was a year ago, Chen Yizhe may not be able to accurately locate the position of the prosthesis, but with the successful launch of the third satellite satellite in China in June 2011, this also marks that the "Tiangang Disha Satellite System" has been established.

Xiameng can provide high-precision and high-reliability positioning, navigation and timing services for all kinds of users around the world in all weather and all day.

Moreover, it has global navigation, positioning and timing capabilities, with a positioning accuracy of 3 meters, a speed measurement accuracy of 0.05 m/s, and a timing accuracy of 4 nanoseconds. The accuracy of GPS in the United States is only ten meters, and Xia Meng's "Tiangang Disha Satellite System" can be accurate to the centimeter or even millimeter level, which reflects the power of its satellite functions.

Of course, this is not the final form of the "Tiangang Earthsha Satellite System", and it still lacks the most important part - the Apocalypse Satellite!

As Xia Meng's most important earth satellite, the Apocalypse satellite is the brain of the entire system. Although each "Tiangang Disha" satellite has its own computing power, it can also be networked to form a larger computing power, but no matter how strong the computing power is, It is not as powerful as Apocalypse's computing power, and Apocalypse is not only powerful in computing, but Apocalypse has become Chen Yizhe's biggest assistant in terms of management, deep learning, scientific research, astronomical research, etc.

And that's why Xia Meng's new technologies are so endless! From the day Apocalypse appeared, it was actually the beginning of the "singularity" of Xiameng Technology!

The emergence of the "singularity" also quietly announced the end of the era of demographic dividend! In the past, if a country wanted to become a big country, its population was absolutely indispensable, just like China. If China's population was similar to that of South Korea, the United States would never want to vigorously suppress China.

But for Chen Yizhe, as long as he has reasons, he can become an army by one person, and a great country by one person! It just depends on whether he wants to do it or not, especially now that he has initially built the Dream Valley and the underwater city has already taken shape. Chen Yizhe now has the confidence to fight against any country on earth!

In fact, in the case of Wen Meicen, he didn't want to take this countermeasure at first, but the US and Canada did not announce the real progress of the case to the public at all, and made small moves behind Xia Meng's back.

Since they wanted to secretly do small tricks, Chen Yizhe had no choice but to make plans, so that they could steal chickens without losing rice.

February 25.

The J.EdgarHoover Building in Washington DC!

FBI Director Mueller was furious at his subordinates, "It's gone? You watched things get on the plane with your own and now tell me that when the plane landed on the ground, the things disappeared? There are only two possibilities. Either something is flying in the air, or you lied to me!"

Mueller looked at them all, then said, "Isn't anyone trying to say something?"

James, the person in charge of the delivery of the prosthetic limb, stood up at this time and said, "Director, there is no reason for the fire in the cabin to be investigated. In addition, the prosthetic limb disappeared in the end, it is very likely Xia Meng's revenge!"

Mueller glanced at James and shouted loudly, "Doubt and guesswork, that's what the CIA will do! What the FBI wants is a clear and verifiable clue, not suspicion and guesswork! I know this too! It can't be so coincidental, it's very likely that Xia Meng did it, but how did Xia Meng do this? How did they let the prosthesis disappear?"

"I don't know how the other party did this, but I'm a little sure that if the fire incident and the prosthesis disappearing were related events, the other party could do this:

1. There was no fire in the engine room, and the prosthesis disappeared without knowing it.

2. The prosthesis disappears, and the plane is in a more dangerous situation!

And now it seems that the other party made the prosthesis disappear and created a small accident, which is very likely to be a warning to us! "

"Warning? No country has ever treated the United States like this, not even the Soviet Union. Those who dared to stand against the United States without exception ended in failure, never survived, never!!" Mueller looked at Chen Yizhe on the screen 's avatar said.

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