Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 885: All products with perfect performance (2)

Chen Xiao asked the staff to come to the press conference.

The staff demonstrated to the audience how to add energy to the KQ A01 car.

I saw the staff opening a cover at the rear of the Cangqiong car.

Then put a row of standard energy blocks in order.

A standard energy block is about half the size of a brick, square and very convenient for stacking and transportation.

When all the standard energy blocks have been put into the energy block delivery bin, the staff will cover the lid.

The time of the whole process is displayed on the big screen.

The whole process takes less than 30 seconds.

Chen Xiao stood in the center of the stage and said: "We can add energy to the sky new energy vehicle in less than 30 seconds."

The audience burst into warm applause.

The sky car uses energy blocks.

The energy block is an absolute new energy source, because it is an energy storage material generated directly from solar energy, and the production process is very environmentally friendly.

To put it more bluntly, energy blocks are actually organic matter.

Organic matter can be naturally decomposed even if it is directly thrown into the river or in the grass.

In the live broadcast room, netizens were discussing intensely.

"I went to the northwest region of Xiaguo half a year ago, and I was also fortunate to visit the energy block production plant of Changtian Technology."

"This energy block is not only an energy storage material, but also food for national war preparations. It is organic and can be eaten by everyone, so there is no pollution at all. Unlike lithium batteries, dismantling and recycling also have pollution problems. .”

"The last time there was a war in Central Asia, due to the reduction in global food production this year, our country provided humanitarian assistance. The direct assistance was energy blocks. The calories provided by energy blocks are much higher than that of food. Eating a little will make you feel full. , so it has been welcomed by war-torn countries in Central Asia.”

"I saw a reporter interviewing refugees from a Central Asian country, and the taste of energy blocks is much better than rice and flour."

"In addition, the density of these energy blocks is very high, and the shelf life is very long. After most of the energy is produced, it will be sent to major bio-power stations around the world for power generation, or be made into mobile phones. Now that Changtian Technology has produced the Cangqiong new energy vehicle, the energy blocks can be transported to major gas stations, just like gasoline, which has become a daily necessity."

This netizen has a lot of experience. When he said this, many people suddenly realized.

Soon the screen of the live broadcast room was swiped.

"The above is very correct. I also learned through some channels that the energy block has become the country's strategic reserve, not only the strategic reserve of energy, but also the strategic reserve of food."

"In this way, the strategic position of energy blocks is much more important than oil. It can be used not only for industry, military affairs, but also for people's livelihood."

"This is definitely the greatest invention of mankind in the 21st century."

"But now there is a question, is the price of the energy block expensive? If the price of the energy block is also more expensive, it will be boring, and then I might as well just drive a fuel car."

It wasn't just netizens who watched the live broadcast asking this question.

Many audience members at the scene were also guilty of Digu.

The Cangqiong a01 car has indeed overturned all the new energy vehicle technologies that people have known in the past.

This technology is more logical and more in line with the word "new energy".

But everyone is most worried about the cost issue.

Gasoline is organic.

The internal combustion engine ignites the oil to generate the heat that drives the car.

Power blocks are organic matter.

Microbial energy batteries decompose organic matter to generate electricity to drive cars.

In fact, the two sides have many similarities.

But what about the price?

Price is the most important factor in determining the market.

Everyone knows that gasoline is good, but because the price of gasoline is getting more and more expensive, this also gives new energy vehicles certain market opportunities.

The representatives of Xiaopeng, Future, Ideal, Tesla and Bidi all looked pale.

Today's press conference gave them a very bad feeling. They spent nearly 10 years developing new energy vehicles with lithium batteries.

And invested a lot of money to build factories, open up the market and even formed a complete industrial chain.

Today's press conference of Changtian Technology logically denies lithium battery new energy vehicles.

This means that after KQ Motors goes on the market, none of the traditional new energy vehicles in the past may be sold.

The entire market will be monopolized by Changtian Technology.

The consequences of this are very dire.

All the investment of these new energy car companies for so many years will be in vain.

And it would negate their future.

It's not scary when one thing fails.

But it's pretty sad if a thing fails and there's no future in sight.

The representatives of the automobile companies sitting in the front row were very anxious and couldn't sit still.

They only want three things in their hearts right now.

The first one is that the price of the energy block is very high, which makes consumers feel that buying a sky car is not as good as buying a fuel car, so in the end it will benefit, and it must be a new energy car based on lithium batteries.

The second is that the quality of Cangqiong cars is not good, so consumers should choose to give up Cangqiong cars after tracking them.

The third thing is that the relevant departments of Xiaguo or some industries did not cooperate with Changtian Technology's new energy vehicle movement, resulting in no sales of energy blocks anywhere in the country.

If this is the case, then buying a sky car will be more troublesome than buying a new energy car to charge.

Of course Chen Xiao knew what everyone was thinking. He asked a question on the spot: "I know everyone has a doubt in their hearts."

"That is, what is the price of the energy block? Is it cheaper than gasoline?"

This is indeed the question of greatest concern to everyone.

Chen Xiao said: "Kangqiong a01 needs 15 kilowatt-hours of electricity per 100 kilometers, because our energy can decompose organic matter with extremely high efficiency, and the energy block has a high calorific value, so driving the sky a01 car for 1000 kilometers, if calculated It takes about 6kg to 10kg to form our energy block."

"This weight is very light compared to gasoline.

After all, the thermal efficiency of the engine to the car is only about 30%.

The new generation of ng03 colonies can use more than 90% of energy blocks.

The calorific value is high and the utilization rate is high, so the quality of the energy blocks used is smaller in comparison. "

Chen Xiao explained in detail why the weight of energy blocks is much smaller than that of fuel vehicles with gasoline.

The fuel tank of an ordinary car is about 40 liters to 60 liters. Calculated on an average of 50 liters, if the fuel car is filled with gasoline, the total weight should be about 35 kilograms.

Therefore, if you run 1000 kilometers for the same time, the quality of the consumed energy block is much smaller than that of gasoline.

At present, the external supply of energy blocks is 850 yuan per ton, that is, 850 yuan for 1000 kilograms. 1 kilogram of energy blocks only costs 0.85 yuan, and 6 kilograms is only 5 yuan.

With the increase of mass production of Changtian Technology Energy Processing Plant and the maturity of technology.

Of course, this price is the cheapest factory price of Changtian Technology.

After the energy block is an important strategic resource of the country.

Changtian Technology will also consider some profits in the energy block.

Therefore, the ex-factory price must be higher than 0.85 yuan per kilogram.

Changtian Technology headquarters set the ex-factory price at two yuan per kilogram.

It is necessary to consider the cooperation between Changtian Technology and companies such as Xiaguo Petroleum and Xiaguo Petrochemical. These companies and the corresponding retail stores or gas stations need to make some profits, as well as transportation, storage loss and other expenses.

The actual selling price will always be higher than 2 yuan per kilogram, and can reach about 5 yuan per kilogram.

The price of 5 yuan was not set by Changtian Technology and these energy companies.

It is the unified pricing of the country.

After all, it is an energy strategic resource, and it is very reasonable for the country to set a unified price.

Then a 6 kg energy block is 30 yuan.

30 yuan to let the car run 1000 kilometers, this cost is basically negligible.

Not only is it cheaper than adding gasoline to a fuel car, it is even cheaper than charging a new energy car with a lithium battery at a public charging pile.

So Chen Xiao said: "At present, after discussing with major energy companies and relevant departments of the country, and evaluating the current domestic consumption standards, our current price for energy blocks is 5 yuan per kilogram."

"That is to say, if you buy our Sky a01 new energy vehicle, you only need to spend about 30 yuan to run more than 1,000 kilometers."

"I believe this cost is acceptable to everyone."

After Chen Xiao announced the price of the fast energy vehicle, apart from the representatives of the new energy vehicles in the front row, the audience in the back row cheered, followed by continuous applause.

Of course everyone is excited.

This is absolutely beneficial to everyone's travel.

In the live broadcast room, netizens went crazy.

Most of the people who were able to attend the press conference were representatives of major companies, that is, the middle class or above in Xiaguo, and they didn't pay much attention to the cost of driving.

But in the webcast room, most of them are ordinary people, ordinary netizens.

With a salary of two to three thousand or five to six thousand, even if you buy a car due to social changes, you will still consider the cost of the car.

The biggest cost of using a car is of course refueling.

An ordinary compact car has a fuel consumption of about 7l per 100 kilometers.

Based on the calculation of 6 yuan per liter of No. 92 gasoline, it will cost about 45 yuan for a car to run 100 kilometers.

It will cost 450 yuan to run 1000 kilometers.

This is still a relatively fuel-efficient compact car, while some domestic cars or European and American brands have a fuel consumption of more than 7 liters per 100 kilometers.

If the user is driving an off-road vehicle or a car of class B or above, it is very normal for the fuel consumption to be more than 10 liters per 100 kilometers.

Based on a comprehensive calculation, every 1,000 kilometers the user spends on gasoline will be as high as more than 500 yuan, or even as high as six or seven hundred yuan.

In the past 10 or 20 years, why did Toyo's cars sell well?

It is because Toyo's cars are fuel-efficient, and the fuel consumption of 600 kilometers can reach 4 liters or 5 liters.

"It's so friendly to ordinary people!"

"It only costs 30 yuan in energy costs for 1,000 kilometers. My last car was eliminated after running 200,000 kilometers. That is, I only need to spend 6,000 yuan in energy costs. This is really a bargain. In my last car, I paid more for gas than the car cost."

"Long Sky Technology yyds!"

"I just heard from Chen Xiao at the press conference that Changtian Technology has reached a cooperation agreement with some domestic energy companies. Storage is much simpler than the transportation and storage of gasoline, and it is much more convenient than building charging piles and charging stations, so I have a hunch that in the future, gas stations all over the country, including township level, are likely to sell energy blocks .”

"The only thing I am worried about now is the price of the Cangqiong car. If the price of the Cangqiong car is within the reasonable range of my knowledge, I will definitely buy one. It is really delicious."

"I hope energy cubes can be purchased online!"

Almost instantly, the entire public screen of the live broadcast was filled with the words "True Fragrance".

If Changtian Technology does not run 1000 kilometers, it will only cost 30 yuan for energy.

Then the entire auto market will undergo earth-shaking changes.

It is not only in the automotive industry that radical changes can take place.

Earthquakes are bound to happen in the global energy industry as well.

Before the energy block is used in new energy vehicles, it can already be used in the batteries of mobile phones, laptops and tablets, and used for electricity generation in many countries around the world.

If a new energy vehicle is added now, it can become a new type of energy to replace gasoline.

Then Xia Country's status as an energy powerhouse will be further consolidated and expanded.

Petroleum will only exist as a raw material for chemical products and cannot be used as a widely used energy raw material.

Even in some military or public welfare fields, diesel oil or gasoline extracted from petroleum is still inseparable as energy materials. This kind of demand is very small compared with the vast automobile market.

With the current status of the Xia Kingdom in the world, relying on Russia, Venezuela, or even relying solely on domestically produced oil can fully meet the above needs.

Xia Guo's energy destiny will be in his own hands, and he will no longer be afraid of the interference of the United States.

Chen Xiao's new energy vehicle move.

In fact, there are two strategic objectives to be achieved.

The first one is to completely abolish Europe's industrial lifeline - automobiles!

Firmly grasp the production rights and technology patent rights of automobiles.

The European economy hit before World War II.

This is to gradually abolish two of the three knives in the United States-energy and rice knives.

Energy and rice knives are bound together.

The world's large oil companies are in the hands of American capital.

U.S. capital uses oil to harvest the world, and the world’s oil transactions must be settled with rice knives, and rice dumps are extended to the world, and inflation in the U.S. is transferred to various places in the world.

This has led to the global acquisition of products and values ​​created by the hard work of people and companies in other countries, and these products and values ​​are harvested by the Americans with a little printing of rice knives.

Therefore, the good life of Americans is based on harvesting global labor.

The promotion of energy blocks by Changtian Technology is also part of the national strategy.

In the future, when all countries import energy blocks, they will definitely abandon the rice knife and use RMB for settlement.

This is the national grand strategy after the extension of Changtian Technology's small strategy for energy vehicles.

The applause was thunderous and lasted for a long time.

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