Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 881: Heavy release, beyond the speed of the times (1)

The Shanghai Auto Show in September is also known as the real platform for the first head-on collision between fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles.

So it's very worth looking forward to.

Under the expectation of everyone, the Golden Nine and Silver Ten in the auto industry finally arrived.

Before the Mid-Autumn Festival in September, the Shanghai Auto Show opened.

Reporters from all over the world gathered in the central venue of the Shanghai World Expo, carrying long guns and short cannons.

On the one hand, it is for taking pictures of cars, of course, on the other hand, it is just for taking pictures of beautiful car models.

Under the eager anticipation of everyone.

The reporters checked the brochures that the organizers of the auto show distributed to everyone.

Suddenly, I found that among the car companies participating in the auto show this time, there is no Mr. Jia who has been making ppts and vigorously promoting the car, nor is there a car from Changtian Technology that was very noisy some time ago.

This disappointed many journalists.

They also made a fair and objective evaluation of Changtian Technology's failure to participate in this auto show.

Autohome commented: "It is understandable for a company engaged in semiconductors and the Internet to hope to take advantage of national policies. It's very difficult to come up with a car that can drive on the road and satisfy the customer."

Vehicle Home: "Although Changtian Technology acquired Saab, a well-known Swedish car brand, in the form of holding shares, Saab's global market share is very low. It is difficult to gain consumer recognition even if it is marketed in China.”

Autohome concluded: Changtian Technology knows how much it weighs, and it is correct not to participate in this auto show.

Compared with Autohome, overseas media are more confident.

They are not optimistic about the development of Xiaguo's domestic auto industry.

Because when it comes to producing and manufacturing cars, Westerners have more background.

For example, the European media has paid attention to the Hongqi civilian version h5 launched by FAW Group, one of Xia's earliest auto companies.

When they learned about some parameters of the Hongqi car, they even looked down on Xia Guo's domestically produced cars.

Because this time, the Hongqi h5 car, which is hailed as the masterpiece of FAW Group, is basically copied from Mazda and built using the Mazda platform.

Of course, the engine is developed by itself, but it will consume more fuel.

A Hongqi car, known as the light of the national brand of domestic products, actually uses the technology of the Dongyang people. How can Europeans value the car manufacturing of the Xia people?

As for new energy vehicles such as Bidi cars, Europeans look down on them even more.

It's just a chassis plus a motor and a battery. There is no difference between this electric toy.

Under the attention of the media, the auto show started lively.

As the world's largest auto market, the Shanghai Auto Show still hopes to build an auto show brand.

Therefore, this year's auto show is not only about watching cars, but more importantly, selling cars. There are still many discounts at the auto show.

Chen Xiao and Shen Wei had nothing to do during this time, and they also went to the Shanghai Auto Show to watch it.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

Chen Xiao also wanted to know what kind of products these domestic and foreign competitors produced.

In terms of energy types, this auto show is divided into fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles.

In the exhibition area of ​​fuel vehicles, the biggest selling points of major car companies are appearance, interior, and power.

2.0t is standard for ordinary cars, and the displacement of luxury cars will be larger.

Fuel vehicles also take the 100-meter time as their selling point. Of course, it is still a long way behind the tram.

Chen Xiao and Shen Wei came to Toyota's booth and looked at the 2017 Camry.

The staff immediately explained the advantages of the Camry to the two.

The most important advantage of Japanese cars is of course fuel economy.

After adopting gasoline-electric hybrid, fuel saving is really saving.

After the staff explained a lot of the benefits of saving fuel, Chen Xiao asked a fatal question: "If you want to talk about fuel economy, trams are more fuel-efficient, why don't I buy a Tesla or other trams, but buy a Toyota?"

In fact, the debate on the advantages and disadvantages of fuel vehicles and new energy electric vehicles has been going on for a long time.

Both sellers of fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles have their own opinions.

Obviously, this question has been asked countless times by many people.

So the Camry family smiled and replied: "Why do we develop new energy vehicles? The answer given by countless reviewers and professionals is that we actually consume energy and pollute."

"But have you ever thought that more than 70% of the world's electric energy comes from thermal power, and thermal power itself uses coal for power generation. This process itself is a process that pollutes the environment."

"Similarly, most of the current new energy vehicles use lithium batteries, and lithium batteries will also cause a lot of pollution during the production process."

The Toyota salesperson laughed and said: "So all the current new energy vehicles are actually false propositions."

Chen Xiao nodded.

He also believes that the current new energy vehicles that use lithium batteries as an important power source are false propositions in terms of so-called energy saving and environmental protection.

"Sir, today we have an event at the auto show, and the price is even more favorable than usual! You can order one!"

Chen Xiao waved his hand and took Shen Wei away.

And in the display area of ​​new energy vehicles.

Whether it is a Tesla or a domestic new energy vehicle, the most important highlights are the cruising range and charging speed.

Tesla model 3, which has relatively high sales, has a comprehensive battery life of 400 kilometers.

The Bidihan series is pure electric, and the cruising range can reach 400 kilometers.

Of course, some car companies have launched concept cars with a cruising range of 600 kilometers.

However, this type of car is extremely expensive and has no brand appeal.

Consumers will think, with this amount of money, I can buy a luxury fuel car, which can be refueled for more than 10 years. Why should I buy a new energy car that has not been tested by the market?

That is to say, the current new energy vehicle technology has a cruising range of about 400 kilometers to 500 kilometers.

However, there is still a significant gap between the official marked battery life and the actual battery life.

Taking Tesla's model 3 as an example, it uses a Panasonic ternary lithium battery.

The cruising range of the normal version is 445 kilometers. In fact, it is very good to be able to drive more than 350 kilometers when you get a new car.

If the air conditioner is turned on in summer, or the activity of the lithium battery is reduced in the cold winter, then the comprehensive cruising range can reach 300 kilometers, which is very good.

This is the disadvantage of new energy vehicles.

In addition, major new energy vehicle manufacturers also advertise their own 100-meter acceleration.

Is 100m acceleration useful?

It must be useful.

For example, when waiting for a traffic light to start, or when overtaking on a highway.

But is he really that useful?

In fact, not necessarily.

After all, major cities are very congested now. No matter how many seconds your 100-meter acceleration is, your average speed can reach 20 kilometers per hour, which is very good. Most of the time you drive in the city at a slow speed.

Therefore, it is completely unnecessary to spend tens of thousands or even more than 100,000 yuan to accelerate the acceleration of 100 meters by one second or a few tenths of a second.

Of course the local tyrants are an exception.

In fact, another selling point of new energy is fuel economy.

But in Chen Xiao's view, this is actually a false proposition.

Because the sales price of new energy vehicles is generally tens of thousands, or even 100,000, higher than that of fuel vehicles with the same configuration.

This is the actual selling price under the condition that the state grants subsidies for new energy vehicles.

Tens of thousands or more than 100,000, for consumers in many cities, it is enough to scrap a good-quality fuel car and refuel.

Moreover, new energy vehicles have not started for a few years. Whether it is Bidi Auto's lithium iron phosphate battery or Tesla's flagship ternary lithium battery, there are still many immature technologies.

For example, in addition to the unified construction of super charging piles, the charging speed of households is relatively slow.

The lifespan of the battery is relatively short, after a long time of use, the effective capacity decreases sharply, the maintenance cost of the battery is high, and it is flammable and explosive, etc. These are very uncertain factors.

Chen Xiao concluded that if the country does not have a corresponding support policy for new energy vehicles, and if the city does not limit the number of fuel vehicles, then the sales of new energy vehicles will suffer a terrible loss.

After all, most consumers are not fools.

Although Shen Wei was not very interested in cars, after seeing so many cars with Chen Xiao, he also had a doubt.

She secretly said to Chen Xiao: "If I didn't live in a city that has a limited number of cars for us, I wouldn't find any reason to buy a new energy car."

Chen Ling laughed after hearing what Shen Wei said.

Even if a little girl understands the truth, will she not understand some professional things in the industry?

Of course they do.

But they won't say it.

Because this is their job.

Chen Xiao took Shen Wei away from the auto show. In order to support the Shanghai Auto Show this time, the two consumed two sticks of ice cream at the auto show.

After returning to Changzezhou, Chen Xiao decided to challenge the traditional car companies in Europe and Japan, as well as the thriving Tesla.

He asked Gao Miao to come to his office.

"On September 39, a press conference will be held in Changzezhou to release the Cangqiong a01 car."

After hearing the news, Gao Miao's heart skipped a beat.

Because the factories in Zhengshi and Rongcheng are still under construction.

The number of cars rolled off the production line of the factory in Ning City is less than 1,000.

Is it a little too hasty to release the car at this time?

When Gao Miao asked this question, Chen Xiao replied with a smile: "Not everything needs to be fully prepared."

"Mr. Jia's car doesn't even have a single tire. It's not because they held several press conferences and raised tens of billions of dollars in funds."

"We are different from Mr. Jia. We have not only powerpoints, but also existing cars."

"Push the Cangqi car to the market to see the effect first, and we will adjust it in time if we encounter problems."

"It's better than seeing the market's reaction after we produce 108,000 cars, right?"

"The reaction of the market is that no simulation and forecast can make an accurate judgment. Only consumers can make an accurate judgment."

Chen Xiao successfully persuaded Gao Miao.

Changtian Technology has invested a lot of manpower, money and time in the field of new energy vehicles, from scientific research to the final construction of factories and automobile production.

You have to go through a big test to know what the grades are, and you can adjust them in time if you encounter problems.

So timely release should be sooner rather than later.

What's more, the new energy vehicle strategy is an important part of Changtian Technology Group's technology matrix strategy.

Only by completely defeating the European automobile industry can Changtian Technology's matrix products truly go global.

Only the extremely arrogant Europe can truly realize that Europe is already faltering.

The global auto show in Shanghai is in full swing, when it is held.

Galaxy Energy Company, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology Group, issued an announcement.

Cangqiong Automobile Company, a subsidiary of Galaxy Energy Company, will release the Cangqiong a01 new energy vehicle on September 29 at the Changzezhou Convention and Exhibition Hall.

The theme of the new energy vehicle conference is: Speed ​​beyond the times.

Below this message, there is a picture of Mohu, where the silhouette of the car can be vaguely seen.

After Galaxy Energy announced the news, the official Weibo and Suichat of Changtian Technology Group and several subsidiaries reposted the news.

Thousands of invitation letters were sent to all over the world.

The invited list includes not only industry media such as Autohome, but also the principals of auto brands such as Tesla, Beedy, Volkswagen, and Toyota, or the principals of the Xiaguo area.

In an instant, the news that Changtian Technology was about to release a new energy vehicle became a trending topic on Weibo.

This time, whether it is the automobile industry, various media or ordinary, they all feel very surprised.

After all, it was reported that Changtian Technology entered the automotive industry in the first half of this year, and the acquisition of Saab was only in April this year.

It's only September.

Could it be that Changtian Technology has produced a new energy vehicle in just 5 months?

What they don't know is that the car factory in Ning City has existed for more than 10 years.

As for Changtian Technology, it has been doing research in the field of automobiles for four or five years.

After the invitations are sent to the major car companies.

The relevant person in charge of Xia Guo's automobile field still attaches great importance to it.

After all, the subject of this press conference is Changtian Technology, which has truly changed the world.

A technology company that has subverted the world in the fields of medical care, semiconductors, computers, and networks is about to enter the automotive field, and what changes it will bring to the entire industry is of great concern.

Bidi Auto directly sent a vice president to attend the press conference.

The major media around the world are very excited.

Every time Changtian Technology releases a new product, the topics involved are the top traffic in the world.

They believe this time will be no exception.

Overseas auto brands such as Toyota Volkswagen dismissed the invitation letter issued by Changtian Technology.

In the past few years, the major Internet factories in Xiaguo have been producing cars, and they have received too many invitations.

Companies such as Toyota and Volkswagen sent representatives to attend the conference a few times ago, only to find that Xiaguo's auto factory produced a pile of industrial waste, a pile of industrial waste that was cheated out of subsidies.

In the past few years, after they received the invitation letter, they would directly throw it into the garbage dump.

So I don't care much about the invitation this time.

September 29, 2017.

Changzezhou was full of voices.

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