Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 878: Don't treat Xia Guo Enterprise as a winner

Gao Miao didn't react for a while.

Then she thought carefully about the layout of Changtian Technology's new energy vehicles, and the problems encountered in the design and production process of Cangqi Automobile.

Chen Xiao's strategic goal was immediately understood.

Say Europeans are stupid, they are very smart.

Therefore, it has a leading history of nearly 200 years, leading the development of the world no matter in the field of industrial technology or art.

It has made an indelible contribution to the advancement of mankind into modernization.

Let's say they are smart, but their brains are so stubborn that they admit to death.

A very simple example.

If Changtian Technology's Hanhai mobile phone is directly sold in Europe, these Europeans will think that Hanhai mobile phone is a Xiaguo brand.

But after Changtian Technology acquired Nokia.

The OEM of Hanhai mobile phone was sold under the name of Nokia.

Although this cannot deceive European capital and those in the European Parliament, most European consumers still think that Nokia is a European brand, and they directly buy Nokia mobile phones.

This is the cute (silly X) side of European consumers.

In fact, this principle is also true in Xia Kingdom.

Zhonghua toothpaste is not a product of Xia people, but a product of Americans.

Bingcheng Beer is actually not a national brand of Bingcheng, but a holding company under Budweiser Beer in the United States.

Dabao sod honey, known as the light of domestic products, has actually been acquired by Johnson & Johnson in the United States.

However, countless consumers in Xiaguo still bought frantically in order to show their love for domestic products.

Acquiring a company in a certain place and selling it as a local national brand is a very good strategic measure in the world.

Chen Xiao wants to buy Saab.

Not only for Saab Automobile's technical intellectual property factory, but also for the preparation of Changtian Technology's new energy vehicles to break into the European market in the future.

After thinking about this, Gao Miao said, "Okay, I'll go to Europe tomorrow."

The current market value of Saab Automobile is around 500 million meters.

Even if there is a market premium, it may be around 600 million to 700 million.

There is no need for Chen Xiao to calculate the specific amount of money for the purchase. Gao Miao and her team should have a detailed calculation method and give a reasonable price.

After the meeting is over.

Chen Xiao started to go back to Changzezhou.

But before going back, he still hopes that Cangqiong can expand its production line according to the layout of 5 or 10 years.

If the car is really on the market, it will definitely not work to rely on such a small factory in Ning City.

Ma Guotao has worked so hard in the automobile industry for so many years.

Of course he understood Chen Xiao's thoughts.

And gave his own suggestions.

The Cangqiong Automobile Factory wants to expand its production and form a large-scale production. There are two cities worth choosing.

One is Zhengshi and the other is Rongcheng.

After hearing Ma Guotao's suggestion, Chen Xiao smiled and nodded involuntarily.

Master Ma's thoughts coincided with his own.

This shows that Ma Guotao is not the kind of person who works honestly, but is better at thinking.

Chen Xiao asked Ma Guotao: "Why not choose the Shanghai stock market? The Shanghai stock market has a mature automobile industry chain."

As soon as this question was mentioned, Ma Guotao looked helpless.

Ma Guotao shook his head and said: "It is true that the Shanghai stock market has a mature and supporting automobile industry chain and a strong talent pool, but it is not the best choice for us to put the factory in the Shanghai stock market, because for us, Shanghai The city has three shortcomings."

"The first one is local protectionism. If there is no car factory in Shanghai, then it is a very good choice for us to put the car factory here."

"However, Shanghai Stock Market has its own son. The Shanghai Stock Automobile Group has built factories here for many brands of cars, and it is an important production plant. As a son, Shanghai Stock Market will definitely devote a lot of resources to it tilt."

"In addition to the pro-son Shanghai Automobile Group, the Shanghai Stock Exchange also spent a lot of money and offered extremely favorable conditions to introduce Tesla."

"If we enter the Shanghai stock market, not only will we not be able to enjoy some favorable treatment, but it will form competition with later-stage groups and Tesla, making the Shanghai stock market in a dilemma."

"If a person is in a dilemma, the best way is to be an ostrich, and the same is true for a city."

"The key point is that the land cost and labor cost prices in the Shanghai stock market continue to rise."

"The difference between commercial automobile factories and other brands of automobile factories is that our mechanical automation is very high, so the workers we need are not skilled workers with high-end technology, but intensive workers. Low-end technology."

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"Ordinary industrial workers can go to work immediately after simple training, so the high-end talent pool on the Shanghai stock market is not suitable for us, and the large amount of cheap labor in Rongcheng and Zhengzhou is more suitable for the production industry of Cangqi Automobile chain."

"The third point is land and tax policy."

"Tesla was pulled here by the Shanghai stock market to build a factory after it became popular all over the world. Because of the achievements, the Shanghai stock market gave Tesla a lot of land and tax incentives."

"And our Sky Automobile is considered by many people in the industry to be an Internet car manufacturing company. It is in the same category as Hengda, which currently has a car manufacturing plan, and even classmate Jia, who used PPT to build a car but failed and fled to the United States. .”

"The industry is not optimistic about our Sky Automobile, so it is impossible for the Shanghai stock market to give us too many preferential policies."

"On the contrary, Rongcheng and Zhengzhou are vigorously developing their economies in recent years and attracting a lot of foreign investment."

"If we actually invested in the construction of factories in the past to solve the employment problems of local people, we would definitely be welcomed by the local city managers, and the land preferential policies and tax preferential policies we got would definitely be much higher than those in the Shanghai stock market. many."

Ma Guotao had a clear mind, and after talking about these points, he said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, these are my humble opinions. Please criticize and correct me if there is anything wrong."

Chen Ling thought Ma Guotao was a sweeping monk.

Although I have been living in such a small place as the Bird Automobile Factory, I am actually constantly learning and observing the trend of the entire automobile market.

With such a talent managing the Cangqiong Automobile Factory, Chen Xiao was quite at ease.

Chen Xiao nodded and said to Ma Guotao: "It's still some time before our car is mass-produced, and the ultra-long power test of the Sky car is also underway."

"At this time, you can go to other cities in the country to investigate, and those who can build factories should build factories as soon as possible. I am very worried. The market demand for Cangqi cars is very large."

"Changtian Technology Group's investment in the field of new energy vehicles is not an upper limit."

With these words, Ma Guotao was relieved at once.

The efficiency of Changtian Technology is very high.

After Chen Xiao left.

Senior executives such as Gao Miao and Ma Guotao held the meeting again, and arranged some plans for the acquisition of Saab Automobile Group and inspections to inland cities.

The two sides split up.

On the second day, Ma Guotao took the team to Zhengshi and Rongcheng for inspection.

And Gao Miao went to Sweden.

This time Gao Miao's acquisition of Saab will adopt the method of Xinghe Company's indirect shareholding.

In doing so, they wanted to quietly steal the home of the European auto industry.

Stockholm, Sweden.

Saab headquarters.

Chairman Karl Trohen sat in the office.

It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times.

The reason why he is said to be bad is because of the improvement of the world, and the competition in the industry has come to a stage of intensification.

After Xiaguo's market was developed, the entire auto industry became the Red Sea market.

The competition is very fierce, and the head phenomenon is also very serious.

Germany's bba and Toyo's Toyota have become the leading giants.

A large number of cannibalize the entire auto market.

Countless second-tier brands either went bankrupt or were annexed by these auto groups.

As a Nordic car company, Saab has not caught up with Xia Guo's open road.

By the time he realized it, the entire Xia country's auto market had been carved up by powerful enemies in Europe and the East.

Saab has lost the Xia country market, and its competitiveness in Europe and the United States is not strong.

So it was gradually marginalized, and finally on the verge of bankruptcy, and changed owners several times, and it was hard to survive.

Karl Trochen is well aware of the importance of the Xiaguo market to the global automotive industry.

A huge market with a population of 1.4 billion.

Even if 1% or 1‰ of people can drive a car, this is a very scary number.

Xiaguo's auto market saved the dying Volkswagen Group, and turned Volkswagen, which was defeated in the European and American markets, into a turnaround.

It is a pity that Saab did not seize this opportunity.

But this is another best of times.

Because the entire international auto market is recovering.

The bosses and capitalists of Xia Country are no longer satisfied with importing overseas cars or joint venture production of cars with overseas car companies.

But want to do their own independent brand.

Karl Trochan thought of this and sneered.

What manufacturing technology does Xia Guo's car company have?

What kind of automobile production technology can a company with no foundation and no historical accumulation come up with?

Obviously, these capitals of the Xia Kingdom also understand this truth.

So they hope to spend a lot of money to acquire overseas car companies.

For example, Volvo, and Luofu Motors.

They were all acquired by Xia Guo's automobile company.

Now there are several emerging auto manufacturing forces in Xiaguo who have taken a fancy to Saab.

These include Yanjing Automobile Group, and Hengda, which started out as a real estate company.

Karl Trohen certainly knows that with Saab's current market share, it is difficult to make a comeback.

Therefore, selling yourself at a more suitable price is currently the best choice for Saab.

Based on Saab's current market valuation of 400 million meters gold.

If it is a European company or a US company that acquires Saab.

Saab's board of directors may be willing to sell the company for 400 million meters or even less than 400 million meters.

But it is a pity that no European company is interested in Saab.

After all, Europe's auto industry chain is too rich.

Almost every European power has several powerful auto brands, as well as a strong auto industry chain.

But if Xia Guo's company wants to buy it, then the price must go up.

The price offered by Yanjing Automobile Group is 600 million meters.

The price offered by Hengda is 800 million meters.

Saab headquarters is very tempting.

But they felt that they were sure of the Xia people.

Therefore, he did not let go of the price, but continued to fight psychological warfare with the two Xia Guo Group companies.

Saab hopes that he is up for grabs and can sell for a higher price.

Of course, he hopes that Hengda and BAIC Group can compete with each other and continue to raise prices.

At this time, a middleman in the Swedish technology and business world brought Carl another piece of good news.

A Xiaguo company called Tongbo (the bag company of Galaxy Energy) hopes to acquire all of Saab's shares.

There are too many emerging companies in Xia Country.

Real estate companies like Hengda and Fangda are all engaged in automobiles.

Of course, many high-level executives of Karl Trochen and Saab are not interested in knowing what these Xiaguo companies are doing and what their background is.

Anyway, for Xiaguo's company, as long as you give money and it arrives immediately, the deal will be concluded. As for what your company does, Sabo has no interest at all.

Saab is now up for grabs. If there is a company from Xiaguo who offers a higher price, Karl Trohen will certainly be willing.

So, Carter said, "See you."

Gao Miao seldom appeared in front of the media, so Carter didn't know Gao Miao, and only thought she was the CEO of Tongbo Real Estate Company in Xiaguo.

Looking at it, it was an oriental woman.

Carter was even more disdainful.

He even directly informed Gao Miao of the price given by Yanjing Automobile Group and Hengda Group.

Carter said: "To be honest, the relevant representatives of Yanjing Automobile Group and Hengda Group have just left Stockholm. UU Reading The price they offered is one billion."

Carter, of course, said that the price was higher.

In fact, the prices offered by Yanjing Automobile and Hengda are only 600 million and 700 million.

Gao Miao smiled.

Of course you can see the moisture in it.

Although Chen Xiao said that there is no upper limit for investment in new energy vehicles.

But that doesn't mean money can be spent indiscriminately.

What's more, Changtian Technology doesn't want to give a dime to a company like Saab who is very biased and only sells the technology of the previous generation.

The current market value of Saab is 500 million meters.

The reason for the premium price is because Xia Guo's car wanted to acquire Saab, which created an illusion for Saab.

In addition to the car companies in Xiaguo, Europe, the United States, and even Japan and South Korea have their own car backgrounds. Which car company is willing to acquire a Saab company that has long lost its market and only has some production lines and technology patents?

So Gao Miao didn't talk nonsense, and directly handed over the acquisition agreement, saying: "Tongbo Company can give 550 million meters, cash acquisition, and it can be credited to the account immediately after the contract is signed. Sir, you can think about it."

When Gao Miao offered the price, Karl Trohen became angry immediately. Isn't this just playing with himself?

Yanjing Automobile and Hengda both gave 600 million and 700 million, but this company only gave 550 million. I was afraid that I was crazy, so I sold the company at this price.

Karl Trohen immediately didn't want to waste time, and issued an order to evict the guest.

Gao Miao was not angry either, and said with a smile: "Sir, you can take a look at our contract and plan. If you need it, you can contact me at any time. This quotation is valid within ten days."

Of course Gao Miao knew that Hengda and Yanjing Automobile Group were competing and hoped to acquire Saab.

However, Shanren has his own coup.

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