Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 875: Industrial products that compete strongly with the West

Song Lian returned to Xia Guo.

tk company also officially announced its dissolution.

This incident caused an uproar among the American user community.

U.S. users are anxious!

All their social circles and their hobbies are on it.

Many users also have well-shot videos.

For those Internet celebrities in the United States who rely on short videos to make money, the disbandment of the tk company and the termination of operations in the North Rice area is completely unbearable, and it is taking away people's jobs and food.

Internet celebrities in the United States already have a certain appeal.

After encountering this kind of thing, they immediately protested on traditional social media such as Twitter and Facebook.

This time, the whole protest became vigorous.

Affecting millions of US users.

In the Internet world, whoever has the loudest voice has the final say.

Although the number of millions of American users compared to 200 million American people is not very large, they are the most active online and have the loudest voices.

Netizens in the United States have four appeals on the Internet.

The first one is to restore the operation of tk company in the United States, to ensure the user's right to use and the safety of virtual property.

The second is to boycott unscrupulous companies like Facebook.

The third is to prohibit discrimination against overseas Internet application companies.

The fourth is to allow Changtian Technology's Hanhai mobile phone and Zemeng equipment to be sold in the US market.

The entire protest was carried out vigorously on the Internet in the United States. Many Internet celebrities also called on fans to uninstall Facebook, and gave Facebook 0 points in the Google store and ios store.

The entire Mi Technology world did not expect that after the ban on tk company, the backlash would be so big!

Worst of all is Facebook.

In the past few days, Facebook has lost more than one million users.

Moreover, the scores of ios and Google Mall have also reached a new low, only a pitiful two and a half stars.

Below the app are countless angry netizens' messages.

Abuses such as "junkware", "rogue software", and "retarded settings" are endless.

As the world's largest social software, Facebook is not only used by users in the United States, but also by users in many countries around the world.

Although the loss of millions of users does not have a great impact on Facebook, the capital market does not think so.

Since Facebook was revealed that it was unable to acquire tk company, its stock price has fallen by 50% and nearly halved today.

Facebook, which originally had a market value of 300 billion, now only has a market value of 150 billion.

Xiao Zha's personal wealth has also shrunk significantly.

Seeing this scene today, Xiao Zha was so angry that he vomited blood.

From beginning to end, Facebook has never tasted any cheapness in this transaction.

Not only that, but he also lost blood everywhere.

Companies such as Microsoft and Google breathed a sigh of relief.

They are all thinking that it is a good thing they did not acquire tk company, otherwise they may be as miserable as Facebook now.

Not only did it fail to make money, but it also received countless bad reviews from users. This is really a ghost.

At the same time, with the support of Changtian Technology, Douyin has not given up its overseas business.

Except for the accident that the tk company in the United States terminated its operation, the tk company in Europe is still in operation.

As for the tk company in the United States and its users, Changtian Technology chose to cover the bottom line for Douyin and gave a prescription.

Let Douyin take advantage of this opportunity to merge the tk U.S. part with the domestic Douyin data in an open and honest manner.

In addition to providing services for users in the United States based on Douyin, the data of users in the United States is also stored in Xiaguo's servers.

Douyin also issued a statement, stating that although tk company no longer operates in the United States, Douyin, as a very responsible company, will definitely maintain users' data security and virtual assets.

So from now on, users in the United States are invited to download the Douyin version of Xiaguo. All data of users in the United States will be in the Douyin version of Xiaguo without any loss.

The announcement also stated that although the US version of Google Mall’s own ios mall has removed tk, if users use Hanhai mobile phones, Nokia mobile phones or Bird mobile phones, and Zemeng wearable devices, they can all be collected in the application collection of the Firefly system. Douyin was found in it.

This statement made users in the United States cheer.

In the past few years, although Hanhai, Nokia, and Bird mobile phones have not been put on sale in the United States, because of the extremely high cost performance and super powerful functions, users in the United States have obtained the above-mentioned mobile phones through various channels.

According to incomplete statistics, there are as many as one million users in the United States using the Firefly operating system, or even approaching tens of millions.

Although this data is small compared to the population of the United States, most of the people who use the Firefly system are the most energetic young people in the United States.

They represent the future of the United States and have great influence on the Internet.

This means that although Changtian Technology's hardware products have their own operating system, although they have not entered the US market, they have great influence in the US.

Especially after the Hanhai San mobile phone came out, because this mobile phone is absolutely cheap and powerful.

Even if it is smuggled to the United States, it is more cost-effective than American users buying Apple or Samsung locally.

This makes Hanhai mobile phone the king of underground products.

Now Changtian Technology provides Zemeng wearable devices with better experience in addition to Hanhai mobile phones.

The appeal of the device to US users is also unlimited.

From the background data of Hanhai Technology, we can know that the number of users using Zemeng equipment in the United States has reached as high as one million.

So under such circumstances, it is actually useless for Facebook to find a way to ban tk.

It's as if Xiaguo's users want to go over the wall to use Twitter and Facebook, and the relevant departments have different methods.

After Douyin made the above announcement, users in the United States cheered.

For those with Hanhai Technology series mobile phones, download the Xiaguo version of the Douyin Yinghuo operating system to automatically mention the network and vpn, and users can download it without complicated means.

Everyone was surprised by the development, and their own data is still in it.

Moreover, the Xiaguo version of Douyin allows your account to be displayed not only to users in the United States, but also to people from all English-speaking countries.

This has increased the income of many Internet celebrities.

So this decision of Douyin made the users in the United States very happy.

There is even such a saying on the Internet in the United States.

Thanks Facebook.

If it weren't for Facebook, the data of users in the United States would not be able to exist in Xiaguo, and the Xiaguo version of Douyin would not be available.

It is much more reassuring for users to store data in the country of Xia than in the country of the United States.

Not only that.

Many people in the US Internet industry have also seen other people earn a lot of traffic by doing videos and live broadcasts in the virtual world.

So I hope to join in.

This has led to more users purchasing Zemeng equipment through various channels.

So, a very strange phenomenon happened.

After the tk company terminated its operation in the United States.

There are more users in the United States who use the Xiaguo Douyin version than the previous tk users.

And it has a good growth rate.

Facebook also learned from the side through various channels that users in the United States are actually using a large number of Xiaguo version Douyin.

And the number of users is increasing dramatically.

And Facebook users continue to lose.

This is at the current rate of loss.

Facebook could lose millions of active users over the next year.

This data is indeed shocking.

Xiao Zha was dumbfounded.

From this point of view, what is the point of banning tk company?


Xiao Zha feels that tk company is a cancer cell.

It's better if you don't touch it. Once you touch it, it will multiply at an alarming rate.

Xiao Zha thought he was being taken advantage of.

He even said to his subordinates a little speechlessly: "If I had known what it was like today, I might as well have chosen to cooperate with Changtian Technology and turn Facebook into a virtual network company to provide users with virtual services."

Of course, this was Xiao Zha's angry words.


Character company headquarters.

Zhang Wen and his team have been paying attention to the situation of users in the United States.

What he didn't expect was that after the disbandment of tk Beimi, the number of users did not decrease but increased.

Moreover, Dousheng also swept away the original embarrassment and bottomless compromise.

Directly storing the data of users in the United States in Xiaguo, the relevant departments of the United States dare not fart.

This result completely surprised Zhang Wen!

He was shocked.

On the surface, it may be that Facebook and American technology companies have won.

After all, they drove tk out of the United States.

But in fact, Douyin is the winning party.

From now on, Douyin no longer has to worry about whether its operation in Beimi will be supervised by the United States.

Don't even worry about whether your user data should be stored in the United States or in the Xia State.

At this moment, Zhang Wen knew the intention of Changtian Technology.

Changtian Technology and American technology companies have some rich experience in struggle.

They know how to deal with American technology companies.

This time, Zhang Wen was also convinced by Changtian Technology.

Regardless of whether Douyin is acquired by Changtian Technology.

Zhang Wendu has already made up his mind to cooperate with Changtian Technology.

Cooperating with Changtian Technology, there is no need to worry about food at all.

Zhang Wen immediately arranged a special plane and a transfer, and prepared to go to Changtian Technology in person.

Express your gratitude to Changtian Technology.

And what about Chen Xiao?

At this time, Chen Xiao's mind was not on the vibrato at all.

Douyin can have more users in Mizhou, not because of how good the content of Douyin is, but also because of Zemeng equipment and the virtual world.

Before the real industrial chains in Europe and the United States are severely damaged, it will become mainstream for most of Changtian Technology's hardware equipment to enter the Western market through smuggling or abnormal means.

Chen Xiao received Zhang Wen and his party in the office.

For Zhang Wen's various thanks and apologies, Chen Xiao had nothing to say.

I just hope that Douyin can keep its original intention and make its own content well.

Half an hour later, Chen Xiao asked Jobs to meet the guests instead.

To completely subvert the pride of Westerners, Changtian Technology still needs to start with the real industry.

The Shanghai stock market is sunny in spring.

This is the second time that Chen Xiao, Wen Qi and Gao Miao have joined the Shanghai Automobile Factory.

It was a major mistake for Bird that it did not sell its auto industry chain because of its negligence.

But under the environment of Changtian Technology today, this is a very good long-term investment.

Today, the new energy vehicle named Cangqiong officially rolled off the production line.

The sky has been assigned to Galaxy Energy Company.

Among them, Galaxy Energy Company holds 80% of the shares, Hanhai Technology holds 10% of the shares, and Changtian Technology's life science and medical laboratories hold 10% of the shares.

In fact, the shares also mean the technical content of Cangqi Automobile.

Among them, the four most important parts of new energy vehicles also come from these three companies.

The motor is developed and designed by Galaxy Energy Company itself.

Xia Guo already has an advantage in motor technology. As long as Changtian Technology is willing to invest money, its technical content will be more advanced than Tesla.

Not to mention the battery.

The Cangqiong car uses a bio-battery, designed by a life science and medical laboratory and built by Galaxy Energy.

Changtian Technology had two design ideas when designing the bio-battery.

The first is to directly put the joint colony on the new energy vehicle, and use sunlight as the energy source to supply the vehicle for driving.

However, this method has high requirements on the weather, so it was abolished.

Finally, the ng04 colonies and energy blocks are used.

Put the ng-04 colony in the battery pack, and then supply the standard energy block made by Galaxy Energy Company.

This can provide the car with strong kinetic energy, and it is also convenient for the car to obtain energy.

Changtian Technology plans to build a large number of energy stations in the energy station is to sell energy blocks.

In fact, after arriving at the energy station, the energy block is purchased, and the staff adds the energy block to the car, and the new energy vehicle gets energy again.

In this way, new energy vehicles will be more environmentally friendly than gasoline vehicles, and at the same time charge faster and safer than lithium battery new energy vehicles.

The chassis of the car is self-developed by Galaxy Energy.

Here is most of the self-developed research and development, in fact, it also purchased some European technologies.

After all, there are too many technologies for European car chassis, and many companies that are about to go bankrupt want to sell their own technologies.

Changtian Technology purchases some technologies, and then conducts self-development based on these technologies, which can achieve better results.

One of the most important technologies of new energy vehicles is the car machine.

This is very important.

It involves not only the operating logic of the car, but also the human-computer interaction system.

This involves the Jinghong No. 2 chip.

Changtian Technology uses the most advanced Jinghong 2 chip with a neuron computing group in it.

KQ cars will be more intelligent, and even be able to achieve complete driverless driving.

Today, Chen Xiao, Gao Miao and others came here, the most important purpose is to test the driverless function of the sky new energy vehicle.

When Chen Xiao does something, he either doesn't do it, or he does his best.

Now that Sky Automobile has been produced, it will become a benchmark in the history of the global automobile industry.

Chen Xiao's purpose in making this brand of cars is not just to let everyone know that Xia Guo's technology company is capable of making new energy vehicles.

Instead, it is to bring new energy vehicles to the market and truly grab the shares of Europe, South Korea and Toyo Motors.

Let the proud Western countries completely give up their dominant position in the industrial age.

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