Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 861: Should have dug out the old bottom of Europe

France Strasbourg.

The European parliament is reviewing Longsky Technology's application for the listing of wearable devices in Europe.

This time a consensus has been reached within the EU.

The launch of Longsky Technology's wearable devices in Europe can drive the European economy, so most of the parliamentarians will agree to the launch of Longsky Technology's wearable devices in Europe.

This time the proposal is a three-in-one proposal.

It not only includes Longsky Technology’s wearable devices, which are launched in Europe, but also Longsky Technology cooperates with some European companies to jointly produce and develop wearable devices and related applications.

Jobs is still waiting for the news in his hotel in France.

He also met with Simpson, Nokia's president.

The information learned through the EU Parliament, and the operation during this time.

Jobs was able to confirm that it should be a very simple matter to obtain the consent of more than 2/3 of the congressmen in this vote.

Now just wait for the good news.

Review of the Trasbourg Protocol begins.

Everything went very smoothly.

Outside the parliament, a large number of protests suddenly appeared.

Everyone shouted slogans and held signs.

Ask the European Parliament to ban the introduction of Longsky Technology's wearable devices.

Slogans and slogans have a lot to offer.

Nothing more than the following points.

One is the violation of user privacy.

Wearable devices allow users to appear in the virtual world with their real identity and image.

It is tantamount to exposing all his information to Changtian Technology.

On the other hand, it criticizes that wearable devices will endanger human life and health, and will have a serious impact on people's vision and brain.

In the end, they think that Changtian Technology's investment in Europe or new factories will allow Xia people to work in the European market and seize employment opportunities for Europeans.

Everything is so coincidental.

Immediately afterwards, on Twitter, two pieces of heavy news from Xia Guo flooded the screen.

A college student in Xia State who used a wearable device suffered cyber violence because of different speech in a virtual world game.

Many netizens came directly to the campus of this college student, insulting or harassing him.

The last college student committed suicide by jumping off the building because of unbearable pressure.

This news was posted on Twitter, leading related topics to network information security.

There is no way to protect the privacy of users by criticizing Longsky Technology's wearable devices.

This news is just an American engineer of a multinational company and one of the users of wearable devices.

Because wearable devices are very convenient, and precision engineers are in a hurry, they need to complete the summary and report of some technical data in a short period of time for commercial bidding.

So this Israeli engineer used wearable devices to complete some business materials through some smart applications of the ecological chain.

I didn't know that the relevant information was leaked that night.

And it was acquired by a Xia country company.

In the end, in the competition between the two sides, American companies have recently lost.

This incident was widely reported by American media.

Moreover, this Xiaguo company has been sued in the courts of the United States and Xiaguo.

Relevant departments in the United States are also launching corresponding procedures to investigate this information leak.

Two pieces of news caused an uproar on Twitter.

Under the instigation of some media and foundations.

The protests grew louder and louder.

This time the voting proposal was read out in the EU's parliament.

The protesting crowd has reached tens of thousands, and surrounded the entrance of the parliament.

After the proposal is read out, there will be a break for a period of time according to the corresponding procedures.

This period of time is for parliamentarians to conduct detailed discussions and prepare for the next reading and voting.

In fact, this time whether it is Changtian Technology or Jobs himself.

All the work has already been done.

And this time, the wearable products of the same Changtian Technology are launched in Europe, so that these MPs themselves can get a lot of benefits from it.

Therefore, the passage of the proposal is basically a 100% matter.

But during breaks.

The sound of protesting outside also came over.

In normal times, members of parliament would not take this voice of protest seriously.

Many proposals have been protested.

Don't think how noble the members of the European Union are.

They only care about whether their own interests are met, and they don't care about the so-called public opinion at all.

Public opinion is nothing but an excuse and a tool to satisfy one's own desires.

Just when the MPs were joking about the protests outside.

Everyone on Twitter and Facebook.

It was discovered that the information of many members of parliament who had reached an agreement with Changtian Technology was posted on the Internet.

And it was considered by extreme netizens that these parliamentarians colluded with Changtian Technology for their own interests, and wanted to greatly harm the European people.

The Twitter or Facebook accounts of many congressmen have been exposed.

Netizens flocked to these accounts and left messages below.

The contents of the message are not polite words, but various insults and attacks.

Moreover, many mainstream media in Europe have also accepted the instructions of the relevant foundations in the United States, and they are frantically following the rhythm.

The reputation of some congressmen was directly stigmatized.

Many netizens even threatened the congressmen, as long as they dare to pass this bill, these netizens will make big things happen.

It is true that cooperating with Changtian Technology can indeed make money. This kind of money making is not an illegal transfer of benefits, but a real mutual benefit and win-win situation.

But these congressmen also cherish their feathers very much.

There is no basis for public opinion on this matter.

Of course, they think that those clamoring online are public opinion.

If the upvote is actually cast.

Then your own troubles will be endless.

Maybe even a member of parliament can't do it.

Then there will be no days to make money in the future.

This time, the MPs became very nervous.

They called their think tank team and the consortium behind them one after another.

The meeting resumed after a break of several tens of minutes.

MPs took their seats again.

Voting begins.

Originally, it was definitely able to pass 2/3 of the votes.

In the end, less than 1/5 voted in favour.

This turnout rate surprised everyone at the scene.

Because in everyone's expectation, this proposal can be passed.

Everyone thought that if they secretly cast a veto, it would not affect the progress of the entire hospital.

Unexpectedly, when there were more people voting veto, the proposal would be rejected like this.

Members of Parliament looked at each other in blank dismay.

I feel very sorry for the loss of such an important order.

And those wise ones who regard the development of Europe as their own responsibility, seemed very angry when they were interviewed by media reporters.

bbc reporter: "Mr. Messer, may I ask this time that the parliament rejected the proposal of manufacturing and selling Longsky Technology's wearable devices in Europe with a high number of vetoes? Will it endanger the health of the human body, and does not respect the privacy of individual users?"

"Has the parliament seriously responded to the appeal of the majority of netizens?"

Messer is a veteran member of parliament in Europe, and what he pursued all his life is the unification and development of Europe.

And it is extremely hoped that Europe can develop independently and independently, and no longer be attached to those consortiums and foundations in the United States.

Reclaim the independence of Europe.

This sentence is easy to say, but it is very difficult to implement in practice.

He was very excited and looking forward to it today, hoping that this one would still be approved.

did not think of.

This time someone messed up again.

Moreover, several major interest groups are bound together to make troubles.

To say this time, there is no shadow of the American Foundation and related capital behind it.

Maisle absolutely did not believe it.

On several occasions, the European integration process was interrupted by related capital from the United States.

The country that least wants Europe to unite and develop is not the country of Xia, but the country of America.

Therefore, when the reporter asked this question, Maisel was not angry.

He looked at the BBC media angrily and said, "Public opinion? Tell me what is public opinion? Is it public opinion that is the loudest?"

"Longsky Technology's investment in Europe can bring tens of thousands of jobs and save countless enterprises. The products of Longsky Technology entering the European market can greatly improve the level of technology in Europe and allow European users to enter the future as soon as possible. Times! All this is public opinion!"

"We rejected Changtian Technology this time, not because we are so powerful, we can do whatever we want, but because we have lost an excellent opportunity for cooperation!"

Maisle nodded to the camera and said: "There will be a day when Europeans will regret this decision."

After saying this, Mysle angrily left the scene of the parliament.

But the media, including the BBC, didn't care, they thought it was a great victory.

Of course, the happiest thing is the capital of the United States, as well as Qualcomm, Google, Apple and other companies in the foreground.

with current technology.

Although they have no way to compete with Changtian Technology.

There is no way to **** the market of Changtian Technology.

But in this way, preventing Longsky Technology from continuing to expand in the European market can also win a ray of life for American technology companies.

If you can take advantage of this opportunity, you will completely trap Changtian Technology and die in the market in the mainland of Xia Kingdom.

It is also very beneficial to the development of American technology companies.

Jobs, who was in the hotel, already felt that the situation was not good when he checked Twitter and Facebook.

The news didn't come out early or late, but it happened when Changtian Technology was about to reach a cooperation agreement with the European Union.

And public opinion is quite fanatic.

It is not an objective reporting of facts.

This is very scary.

So Jobs was a little worried that today's vote would not be passed.

as expected.

The employees of Hanhai Technology on the scene called Jobs.

Informed Jobs of the live vote.

Jobs hung up the phone and smiled.

Still something went wrong.

Jobs felt there were some.

The inability to develop the European market does not affect the development trend of Changtian Technology and Hanhai Technology.

Whether it is Chen Xiao or Jobs, he can accept the loss of benefits every year.

But this setback does have some regrets.

This fully shows that Europe is becoming more conservative and will inevitably lose touch with the world's economic and technological development.

And Jobs also felt a little humiliated.

Wang Xiang personally came over to discuss Hanhai mobile phone with Europe last time.

There were also some hiccups in the middle, but in the end the negotiation was successful.

This time he came to negotiate by himself, and everything went very smoothly, and he also reported the relevant situation to the head office, thinking that this time they will definitely succeed.

I didn't expect to be beaten in the face when I came to Europe this time.

Jobs also used his old connections in Europe.

But to no avail.

He really didn't have the face to report this kind of thing to Chen Xiao.

But men do things.

After all, there will be a beginning and an end.

Even if you fail, you have to dare to admit it.

Everything is the result of a combination of multiple internal factors.

This time, these so-called public opinions have arisen, and we cannot blame others.

It can only be that the work of Hanhai Technology is not enough.

Jobs put on the wearable device, entered the virtual headquarters of Changtian Technology, and communicated with Chen Xiao face to face.

In fact, after the European Parliament voted to reject the cooperation agreement of Longsky Technology.

Chen Xiao also got the news immediately.

Nor can Jobs be blamed for his ineffectiveness in this matter.

It's that the Europeans are too arrogant.

Europe is an old industrial power.

From the beginning to the end, they believed that they had an advantage both economically and morally, and they all had the upper hand in Xia Guo.

So many of them, even if they are optimistic about the cooperation with Changtian Technology, they accept it very arrogantly, instead of actively embracing the future.

The reason is that Europeans are used to being rich and feel that their good life will last forever.

Europe is an old industrial country.

The most powerful is the automobile industry.

Only when there is a problem in their auto will they know how to choose their own path.

In a video conference in a virtual world.

Chen Xiao told Jobs that he would immediately terminate the cooperation agreement with Europe.

Jobs even said, "Can I have a fight?"

Chen Ling rejected Jobs' proposal.

He said to Jobs: "Cooperation is mutual."

"If we do something, the Europeans will be reluctant to cooperate with us."

"Many Europeans are still worried that this kind of cooperation will go wrong sooner or later. If they are unwilling, then don't."

Changtian Technology's development of the European market is not to make money, but to integrate the global technology chain and bring the global technology production capacity to a new era as soon as possible.

It is a pity that Europe is still the arrogant Europe.

This incident also changed Chen Xiao's strategy towards Europe.

Europe is sure to win over.

But we can no longer adopt the win-win cooperation strategy of the past.

Changtian Technology does not want a win-win situation.

Take it all!

Chen Xiao never played a single card in his hand.

In fact, it is giving Europe a chance to breathe.

Let's see if we can integrate Europe into the fast lane of Xia's development, so as to avoid internal friction.

It seems.

This method will not work.

Westerners have brain problems.

He knew it was a fire pit, but if he didn't jump down to try it himself, he really didn't know that it was hell.

The cards in his hand must be played out.

The two incidents in the virtual world should also be held accountable!

After meeting with Chen Xiao.

On the same day, Jobs held a press conference on behalf of Hanhai Technology in the hotel where he was stationed.

At the press conference, all western journalists were present.

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