Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 858: Xiao Chen's worries

This kind of meeting in Maodong Building is held every six months.

Most of the content of the meeting is to analyze the latest trends of Xia Guo's technology companies, especially semiconductor and Internet technology companies, and share the information brought by everyone.

This kind of meeting first started more than 20 years ago. After the senior executives of TIMC left and established Xiaxin International in the Shanghai stock market, the meeting mechanism was formed.

When Xiaxin International successfully built a fresh production line at the beginning and was preparing to enter the global semiconductor industry with great strides, that is, the National Semiconductor Related Personnel Meeting in Maodong Building obtained relevant information from Xiaxin International, and directly sent the information to Taiji relevant person in charge of electricity.

In the end, TSMC sued Xiaxin International in multiple courts around the world with a lawsuit.

Because Xiaxin International is a fledgling company, its personal connections are not deep, and its interest chain is not deep.

Therefore, after being sued by Taijidian, he lost a lot of money and reached a settlement in court.

If it is not for Changtian Technology, it will cooperate with Xiaxin International at a critical time.

Not only will Xiaxin International not have the glory it is today, but it will be disbanded on the spot.

The person who came to Maodong Building to attend the meeting was not an intelligence officer, but the person in charge of Xiaguo's technological innovation enterprise.

Some of the industry organizations involved by these people are upstream and downstream of semiconductors, and some are Internet application industries.

Everyone has different industries and even comes from all over the country.

But one thing is very much the same.

In the start-up stage, these companies have received funding from major funds in the United States, or venture capital.

And behind these American foundations.

If you look carefully you will find out.

Its capital background is the same as that of companies such as Google.

Most of the shares of the company may be directly controlled by related funds in the United States, or indirectly controlled by related funds in the United States.

But under very superb financial skills.

Most of the enterprises are even regarded as excellent national enterprises in the country, and enjoy the financial support from the relevant departments of the Xia Kingdom.

at the same time.

Most of the family members of the heads of these enterprises are already overseas.

Of course, on the Internet or public opinion propaganda.

They are also excellent national enterprises.

It is the light of Xia Guo.

It is the pride of the people of the country.

But they are very clear in their hearts.

What light? What pride?

Everything is business.

Merchants seek profit without righteousness.

In the face of money and interests, everything is bullshit.

However, with the economic progress of the Xia Kingdom in the past few decades, as well as the financial and technical support of the United States.

A number of companies have become leading companies in Xiaguo Semiconductor and the Internet.

It has even become a link in Xiaguo Semiconductor and the Internet industry chain.

Wang Shilei, the boss of Haisen Optoelectronics, is undoubtedly one of the best.

Haisen Optoelectronics has successfully obtained the semiconductor packaging order from Changtian Technology and has become the most important link in the supply chain.

Also because of these orders.

Haisen Optoelectronics' operating income reached 25.1 billion RMB last year.

This is mainly due to the very good sales of several mobile phones under Hanhai Technology.

Changtian Technology aims to stimulate the development of Xiaguo's technology industry.

So some of the most core industrial chains are transferred out and handed over to Xia Guo's technology companies.

Among them, packaging is an industry that is not very technical but labor-intensive in the entire chip production.

The transfer of the packaging industry can improve the chip production capacity and output of Changtian Technology, and can also drive the development of other technology companies.

Many Xiaguo enterprises welcomed and appreciated the industrial transfer of Changtian Technology.

In the past, related to the semiconductor industry in Xiaguo, they could only engage in some low-level industrial chains.

Moreover, the relevant industrial chain depends on the face of the United States.

If the United States wants you to make money, you will make money.

The United States does not hand over relevant technical standards to you, or does not grant you corresponding patent authorization.

Then you have no way to engage in semiconductor-related industries.

This has led to the fact that many Xia countries' semiconductor industries are in the golden period of development, but due to some policy changes in the United States, production and work have been suspended in an instant, and even on the verge of bankruptcy.

This situation lasted for several decades until Changtian Technology independently developed the carbon crystal semiconductor technology, developed its own industry belonging to the Xia people, and the Xia country semiconductor industry, which was restricted by the technical barriers of the United States, re-emerged and became active again. stride forward.

But Haisen Optoelectronics relies on Changtian Technology to make a lot of money on the one hand.

On the other hand, they take it for granted that they make money.

Plus his background wasn't pure in the first place.

So the boss has transferred a large amount of assets to the United States.

At the same time, it also complies with the requirements of relevant departments and related capital in the United States.

He unreservedly sent a large amount of information about Changtian Technology's semiconductor technology in his hands.

It's like a nomination certificate.

A large part of the detailed technical information about Changtian Technology chips obtained by Apple, Google, Qualcomm, and Intel comes from Haisen Optoelectronics.

However, on the one hand, Haisen Optoelectronics is at one pole of the supply chain of Changtian Technology's semiconductor products and cannot master the core technology.

On the other hand, it is because Changtian Technology's carbon crystal semiconductor technology is very complicated, and it has strict anti-leakage measures.

Therefore, the relevant materials provided by Haisen Optoelectronics to relevant departments and technology companies in the United States have not allowed these companies to better understand carbon crystal semiconductors, and there is no way to prevent them or make better products.

Haisen Optoelectronics now has a new mission.

Get the relevant parameters and performance of the Jinghong chip used in Zemeng wearable devices as soon as possible.

In order to allow Haisen Optoelectronics to enter the core of Changtian Technology's supply chain.

The capital of the United States has also financed Haisen Optoelectronics and helped Haisen Optoelectronics to list on NASDAQ.

Of course, all of this is covered in a legal cloak, which makes people look seamless.

It would even make Xia Guoneng proud.

"Look! Another Xiaguo national enterprise listed overseas! Our Xiaguo Technology Company is awesome!"

In addition to Haisen Optoelectronics, there is an application company that is also very powerful.

Rice husk technology.

This is an Internet application company.

In the traditional PC era, some desktop applications developed by Rice Husk Technology occupied a large market in Xiaguo.

Li Youdao, the founder of Rice Husk Technology, studied in the United States in his early years, and later joined Microsoft, and then moved to Google.

Ten years ago, I resolutely gave up the high salary overseas and returned to Xiaguo to start a business.

His deeds have also been published and forwarded by many media, and he is known as a generation of elite geniuses.

After entering the mobile Internet era.

Rice husk technology is also working **** the mobile Internet.

It has pioneered Internet technologies such as shared bicycles that are loved by the whole people.

Of course, these are just some industries on the surface of rice husk technology.

The largest industry of Rice Husk Technology is still some Internet financial companies that he has controlled in various ways or established by himself.

These Internet financial companies take the fast lane of the Internet and make a lot of money.

To put it more bluntly.

The most important thing for Rice Husk to make money is actually the violent online loan business that his various holding companies do.

The basic capital of online loans is very large.

Of course, these funds were not earned by the rice husk company through legal channels.

He can't make so much money through legal channels.

These funds are all provided by related foundations in the United States.

These are low-interest or even interest-free loans.

And through the huge online loan business.

Li Youdao has established an extremely terrifying underground business empire.

His own worth is as high as hundreds of billions of RMB.

Far higher than those on the Forbes list, Xia Guo merchants are much higher.

Li Youdao is also an ambitious person.

He considers himself a hero.

At least a hero no worse than Chen Xiao.

On the surface, of course.

These online loan companies have nothing to do with rice husk companies.

To the company is still a positive, very sunny, technologically innovative company that strives to set an example for young people.

After Changtian Technology produced wearable devices.

The rice husk company immediately took advantage of its own technological advantages, Xiaguo's application company, the technology it has is its own continuous breakthrough and research and development, and most of the technology used by the rice husk company comes from free or low-cost transfers from Western affiliates. In order to ensure the competitive advantage of rice husk, it has entered the firefly ecological chain.

Some practical small applications developed by Rice Husk have entered the Yinghuo ecological chain a few years ago and become a member of the ecological collection.

It is only because of Changtian Technology's application policy that the application development company can make money from it, but it is difficult to earn fame from it, because a large number of applications are uniformly deployed and supplied by the application collection of the Firefly OS.

This time, Li Youdao received a new mission just after returning from the United States.

Find a way to find out the relevant loopholes from the inside, the operating mode of the firefly ecological chain, especially the relevant technical standards.

The so-called Yinghuo ecological chain is not only some data of Hanhai mobile phone or Zemeng wearable device system, application and ecological chain, but more importantly, the relevant data of the virtual world developed by Changtian Technology during this period.

The United States also requested.

The husk company is required to be able to embed the entire generation system from within.

Become the most important application provider in the ecosystem.

In order to find a breakthrough from the inside.

This approach is also a helpless move for related companies in the United States.

After all, from the external network, the US security department and computer experts are unable to handle the security system of Changtian Technology.

If you can find some loopholes from the inside.

Great for America.

Of course, there is an exchange of interests between the two parties.

If the rice husk company can complete this task well.

The capital of Wall Street in the United States will easily whiten Li Youdao's hundreds of billions of RMB of illegal funds, and they can be used in a fair manner.

Li Youdao also obtained the passport of Xiangjiang City early, and it is very convenient to transfer from Xiangjiang City to foreign countries.

Moreover, those domestic netizens or trolls have no place to spray.

As long as Li Youdao has a Xiangjiang passport, Li Youdao's company can seriously explain that this is for the company's development and for the convenience of the boss's business trips abroad.

At the same time, several of Li Youdao's sons are studying abroad, and his wife is also accompanying the children abroad.

This is also very well explained.

In order to allow children to receive better education abroad.

Besides, Li Youdao's arrangements are very careful and secretive.

If it is not a capable company to check it.

It's hard to know what the bottom line of the Husk Company is.

It is of course very tempting for Li Youdao to launder those **** money.

Li Youdao always believes that the current era of mobile Internet in Xia Kingdom is a gold mine full of gold.

As long as you use your brain a little bit, you can make money.

Take advantage of this opportunity to earn more money and use it to achieve a greater career in the future.

The temptation is unparalleled.

For people like Li Youdao, money is no longer important.

The most important thing is to use money to achieve himself.

Rice husk company's technical ability is indeed very strong.

Because a large number of the company's technical teams are all from the team who returned from studying in the United States.

In addition, Li Youdao himself is willing to spend money, giving high treatment to the technical team, and granting the right to use the open nine-chapter compiler of Changtian Technology.

This makes the rice husk company a duck to water.

Rice Husk has completed many application products that can be adapted to the virtual world.

Waiting for Changtian Technology to pass the review.

These new products can join the ecological chain and provide services for Zemeng wearable equipment.

While developing the application, the team also followed Li Youdao's requirements to find some loopholes in the entire ecological chain.

Still found something.

The meeting lasted three hours.

After the two parties exchanged the information and technology in their hands, they left the Maodong Building in batches.

This meeting is different from the past few meetings.

Everyone's goal is Changtian Technology by the end of May.

Early summer.

The global sales of Zemeng wearable devices have exceeded 20 million units.

This has created a miracle of wearable devices, and putting this sales volume in the mobile phone industry can also create miracles.

Wen Qi is trying her best to negotiate with Europe.

It is hoped that the device will enter the European market.

And many application companies think that Zemeng equipment is the next outlet.

So I put everything into the creation of the virtual world.

Soon thousands of application collections passed the review of Changtian Technology and began to provide services for users.

among these virtual applications.

Some are practical tools.

Some are applications for study, life, and work.

There are virtual classrooms, virtual hospitals, etc. that are better.

Among them, the virtual classroom and virtual hospital are directly expanded outside the Qishui commercial district.

Take virtual classrooms as an example.

Many children in big cities don’t use it on weekends or after school. They catch up with the morning and evening rush hours to make up lessons, and bring wearable devices at home to enter the virtual classroom for make-up lessons.

And the layout of the virtual classroom is exactly the same as the real classroom.

There are teachers lecturing on it, and there are classmates around, so the learning atmosphere is very good, which is completely different from the previous online class.

This model has been welcomed by many parents of students.

Virtual Hospital This enables face-to-face communication between patients and doctors.

The corresponding modules are also under construction.

After the data module of the virtual hospital is installed, it can be connected to a large number of hospitals and retrieve the test data of hospital patients, which can alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand in hospitals.

But now, Chen Xiao is most concerned about another issue.

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