Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 856: Super cool experience, diehard fans are born

Lu Shuang, a white-collar worker working in an accounting firm in Lishi, was very lucky to buy a Zemeng wearable device.

It just so happens that the virtual shopping block opens today.

And it just so happens that today is Saturday again.

Without saying a word, she put on the wearable device in the afternoon and entered the virtual world.

Even when her best friend asked her out to drink milk tea in the afternoon, she let the pigeons go.

Lishi is a third-tier city in the coastal area, although the things in the mall can meet the needs of everyone's life.

But many good brands and styles are not available in local shopping malls.

Every time Lu Shuang wants to go shopping, she will make an appointment with her girlfriends and take the bullet train to the Shanghai stock market.

Buy the clothes, bags or cosmetics you need for a quarter or even half a year in one go.

But Lu Shuang's work is very busy, and she doesn't have time to go shopping in Shanghai every time.

So she will also try online shopping.

But the pit of online shopping is too deep, especially in the field of clothes and bags, Lu Shuang overturned more than once.

Buying big or buying small, such problems are still trivial.

The biggest problem is that the goods are not on the right board.

The picture looks very beautiful, whether it is color or texture, it is in line with my own aesthetics.

But when the thing was delivered to him, after unpacking it.

Only then did Lu Shuang realize what he was buying!

The material is rubbish, the color is rubbish, and the style is also rubbish.

It's not even as good as the kind of things that cost tens of dollars at the roadside stalls.

If Lu Shuang saw similar clothes in a physical store, she would never even look at them.

After suffering from online shopping, Lu Shuang vowed never to buy clothes online again.

But this time.

She saw the overwhelming reports on the virtual world of Hanhai Technology on the Internet.

Get ready to give it a final go at Virtual Street.

If the things you buy on the virtual street do not meet your requirements.

It is no different from the previous online shopping. Lu Shuang vowed that from today on, if she buys clothes and other products online, she will chop off her hands.

After logging in to the virtual street Lu Shuang, like those users around her, she was immediately attracted by the scenery and buildings of this world.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality does not make you a few 3D graphics or 3D videos, allowing you to wear glasses and be in a 3D world.

Virtual reality makes you confused whether it is reality or a virtual world.

Because everything in front of me is too realistic.

Antique but full of modern architecture.

There are tall and strong ginkgo trees with green branches and leaves on both sides.

There was a breeze.

The leaves of the ginkgo tree still made a sound of swishing.

The leaves flutter with the wind, making the human architecture and the natural environment get along so well.

Many users started taking pictures as soon as they came in.

Of course, taking pictures in the virtual world is not as complicated as taking out a mobile phone.

In the application of the virtual street, there are functions of automatically taking pictures and recording videos.

Users need photos and videos, just exit the virtual street and choose slowly.

What shocked Lu Shuang the most was not the scenery in front of him.

It's the people around her who come and go or enjoy the scenery or go shopping in the store.

These people are no different from people in real life.

Whether it's their appearance, the texture of their skin, or the way they walk, Lu Shuang feels that they are all exactly the same as the real world, without any difference.

When people walk, the wrinkled and flowing feeling of the clothes on their bodies is no different from that in real life.

Of course, if there is a difference, the people in the virtual world are more beautiful.

The skin will become whiter according to the user's idea, and the wrinkles and acne will be less.

As a result, the entire street is full of handsome men and beautiful women.

But in order to ensure the security and honesty of the virtual world.

At present, Chop Shou Commercial Street does not support users to create virtual images other than their own. They can only use their own real images to model and appear in the virtual world.

"Is all this true?"

Lu Shuang couldn't believe it, and even doubted her own worldview.

Zhuang Shengxiao dreams of butterflies.

Did Duke Zhuang dream of the butterfly, or did the butterfly dream of Duke Zhuang?

Lu Shuang was a little confused and walked forward.

Because today is the first day of the opening of the commercial street, it is the peak period of traffic.

Lu Shuang accidentally ran into a handsome guy.

If it is the virtual world in the past computer or mobile games.

There are likely to be two situations.

One situation is that virtual characters and virtual characters pass through each other.

Another is that the avatar collides with the avatar and cannot move around.

But it's completely different in the commercial street of chopping hands.

The image scene after the two characters collide is the same as in real life, there will be a sense of impact between the two parties, and Lu Shuang, who is relatively slender, almost fell down.

Of course, because the neuron computing group has not yet been mass-produced, the interface between the chip and the brain has not yet been perfected.

So Lu Shuang couldn't feel this kind of impact, but the virtual device had some vibrations to simulate this kind of impact.

"I'm really sorry!" Lu Shuang apologized to the handsome guy.

The handsome guy showed a very bright smile, and joked: "There are no mobile phones to play with in this world."

Lu Shuang couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

The shopping platform of the past.

Whether it's tb mall or tm mall, or jd mall.

Most of them are shopping attributes without social attributes.

This has led to the development bottleneck of these shopping apps.

For any app, if you do a good job in social attributes, then you must have a bright future.

For example, Weibo, Douyin, or past post bars, etc.

Everyone has social needs.

It is just divided into actual social needs and virtual social needs.

No matter how otaku play games, they will either socialize in the game, or socialize in the game's post bar forum or voice app.

Through continuous research and market analysis, Changtian Technology has also added social attributes to the shopping street.

Just when Lu Shuang was embarrassed to smile.

The handsome Lu Shuang displayed an interface above his head.

"Would you like to exchange business cards with the other party?"

Lu Shuang secretly rejoiced in his heart.

There is such a function!

In the past, if you asked a stranger for his contact information, you had to take out your phone and ask for the nearest phone number or WeChat and Chat numbers.

Then add by scanning or entering the number.

One is embarrassing, and the other is troublesome.

This is much more convenient now.

As long as you click OK.

The two parties will exchange business cards with each other.

The other party will appear among your friends.

The business card information not only includes WeChat, Suichat and shopping street accounts.

And the other party is willing to reveal some of their personal information.

Including his height, weight, occupation, address, etc.

If one party clicks agree, the other party does not click agree.

The party who disagrees does not know whether the other party clicked to agree.

It will also ease the embarrassment between the two parties.

Lu double-clicked to agree.

In addition to the first impression of this handsome guy's appearance, the most important thing is that this handsome guy speaks humorously, and his outfits are very suitable for Lu Shuang's taste.

Unexpectedly, the handsome guy is also interested in such a cute little girl as Lu Shuang, hoping to make friends with him.

So both parties click agree.

The two sides smoothly exchanged business cards in the shopping street.

The two looked at each other and smiled, knowing what the other was trying to express.

Lu Shuang said with some embarrassment: "Then... I'll go shopping first!"

The handsome guy nodded and said, "Let's come down and get in touch. I heard that there are some beautiful scenery in the southwest of Qishui Street. If we have a chance, we can meet up and take a look."

Lu Shuang nodded.

Girls have a nature of shopping.

This is not directly related to whether there are companions who go shopping with you.

Lu Shuang soon got into the mood, shopping from store to store.

Because it is a virtual world.

So there are three ways to visit the store.

One is to go shopping on foot, and walk in when you see a store you are interested in.

One is a sightseeing car for commercial streets.

Hop on and off the sightseeing car to better appreciate the scenery of the commercial street.

The last one is the landing point.

There is not only one street in a commercial district, but many criss-crossing streets.

There are landing points at the beginning and end of each street.

The user can choose the login point you want to go to, and log in at the login point, which can greatly save the user's time.

It's all here, Lu Shuang will definitely not choose the landing point to log in, but control it slowly.

Anyway, they are all wearable devices that are used in bed, so you don’t feel tired when you go shopping.

Going shopping is not tiring. To girls, it is like boys playing games with cheats, or not getting tired seven times a night.

It's just so cool.

Since the commercial street has just been formed, Feng Yuan still seeks stability.

In the commercial street, in addition to a large number of tm mall's own brands, there are also many brands of physical stores.

Such as women's brand veromoda.

This kind of brand can be regarded as common clothing for some white-collar workers in the coastal areas in physical stores. The price is relatively moderate, not particularly expensive, and it is not considered a luxury.

Lu Shuang also bought clothes of this brand online.

When the item arrived, it was completely different from what I had imagined.

So every time Lu Shuang can only go to Shanghai and other first-tier cities to buy.

Of course, the city where Lu Shuang is located also has this brand, but the clothes styles in it are basically eliminated by the first-tier cities.

After entering the store.

Lu Shuang's eyes lit up.

There is almost no gap between the layout of the entire store and the physical store.

And the clothes are neatly hung in the wardrobes on both sides.

Of course, there are shopping guides here too.

But the shopping guides in the virtual world are not looking for clothes for you, but giving you clothes suggestions based on your body shape and skin color.

Lu Shuang is an expert at shopping, so she formed her own style of dressing, so she didn't bother Miss Shopping Guide.

After choosing a set of clothes, there is no need to go to the dressing room at all, let alone take off the original clothes and put on new clothes.

The clothes you choose are generated directly on your body.

Lu Shuang looked in the mirror a little excitedly.

Looking at the incomparably real self and the clothes on the body in the mirror.

Lu Shuang was overjoyed.

This kind of shopping experience is much more enjoyable than shopping on online platforms through mobile phones, and it is also much more real.

At the same time, it is much easier than going to a physical store to shop.

After choosing some clothes, Lu Shuang chose to check out.

Of course, you don’t need to take the items to the virtual shopping platform to check out. After you click on the checkout, the Chop Shou Virtual Street is bound to the Yinghuo account and your Alipay account, and the payment will be automatically deducted.

Lu Shuang continued to go shopping without having to carry things in big and small bags. This feeling was also very refreshing.

People are happy, but the wallet is not happy.

Shopping in the virtual world is efficient and fast, and there is no weight and fatigue at all, so I accidentally bought a lot of things.

From 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Lu Shuang accidentally spent more than 4,000 yuan to go out.

There is indeed something crazy about this kind of consumption.

Lu Shuang vomited blood, and it was almost useless for half a month.

But Lu Shuang still thought it was a good deal.

Because Hanhai Technology and Ali gave coupons at the same time.

If these things in her hand were bought on Jinling Road in Shanghai, it would cost over six or seven thousand yuan at least.

In Chop Chops Virtual Street, there is another setting that makes users including Lu Shuang very cool.

That is, the goods you buy in the virtual world can not only be mailed in real life, because these goods are modeled in the virtual world, so you can also use them in the virtual world.

For example, those clothes that Lu Shuang just bought.

You can directly click one button to dress up and use it in the virtual world.

This feeling really makes users very welcome.

After shopping, Lu Shuang still had something to say.

Because wherever the eyes can see, there are scenery.

Lu Shuang couldn't help but sent a message to the handsome guy, hoping to go to the park in the southwest corner together.

The handsome guy readily After the two met, they looked at each other and smiled again.

Because both of them wore the outfits they just bought.

Very right.

Chop Chop Hands Virtual Street is bustling with activity.

There are daytime scenery during the day, and nighttime scenery at night.

There is also a virtual cabaret show in the evening.

Make the whole virtual world very rich.

is in real life.

Feng Yuan didn't have the happy mood of shopping, he was extremely nervous.

Today is the first day of the opening of Qishui Commercial District.

He is extremely concerned about the sales of the entire commercial block and the user experience.

After all, Ali almost bet half of his future on this place.

If it can succeed here, then Ali will further establish its advantages in the field of online shopping.

Soon, the data of 2:006:00 came out.

During this period, a total of more than 10 million users logged into the virtual street, and the total sales exceeded 20 billion.

That is to say, each user spent almost more than 2,000 yuan.

This data made Feng Yuan very excited, very excited.

Although the sales of 20 billion are not as good as last year's Double 11.

But you must know that Double 11 is the participation of the whole people.

This time, only more than 10 million users participated.

Feng Yuan said excitedly: "This time we bet on Changtian Branch, and it is considered a success!"

And at the same time.

Chen Xiao was also looking at the data in the background of the server.

Chen Xiao's thinking was completely different from Feng Yuan's.

Feng Yuan thought about how to make money.

What Chen Xiao wanted was to start with the virtual neighborhood and build a huge, complex and rich virtual world.

Everything Chen Xiao is doing now is to prepare for this virtual world.

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