Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 828: Strongly open the US market

Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 828 Strongly Open the US Market

The Fort Detrick Biolabs had never felt so powerless.

The elites in the laboratory exhausted all their energy and spent a lot of time to conquer a technology, and finally confidently believed that they had achieved good results, but it was not worth mentioning in front of Changtian Technology Sometimes, it's not just a sense of powerlessness, but a serious sense of frustration.

This incident had a great impact on the American elite, especially the elite in scientific research.

For the first time, everyone put their minds right and looked up to Changtian Technology, and had to admit that the technical background of Changtian Technology has far exceeded the cognition of American academic circles.

Do you want to continue to conquer the biomedical technology of Changtian Technology?

This is the problem facing the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory.

The funder behind it has completely cut off the funds, and the military of the United States is also trying its best to disassociate itself from the experiment.

There is no point in continuing to complete the experiment.

And now reporters all over the world are staring at me, and the pressure from public opinion and morality is very great.

The experiment on the joint fall has only been temporarily suspended.

The Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory and the relevant departments in the US health field, as well as the related foundations behind it, have had a very headache during this period.

Recently, the public opinion circles have accused them of crimes against humanity.

During this period, relevant resources are working hard to downplay the death of patients who have received intensive care centers in the United States.

In just a few days, the related news that caused a lot of noise some time ago suddenly disappeared in the public opinion circle.

The attitude of the relevant departments and capital in the United States is, believe it or not, anyway, as long as I don’t admit it, it is untrue.

But this time, the biological laboratory and the capital behind it completely offended a large part of the American elite.

With the efforts of people including Walderson and others, it is actually after one brutal capital struggle after another.

To tell you the truth, I have been using reading books to catch up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

It seems to be to wash away the suspicion on himself, and it also seems to be under great pressure in the elite world.

The US National Institutes of Health NIH and the US Food and Drug Administration DA had no choice but to open a hole in Changtian Technology's intensive care center.

NIH and DA announced that for the health of patients in their country, they agreed to cooperate with Changtian Technology's intensive care center to cooperate with medical institutions in the United States to jointly build an intensive care center in the United States.

The number of intensive care centers approved for the first time is two.

The partners designated by the United States are companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Moshadong, as well as medical institutions of the Mayo Clinic.

After hearing the news, local patients in the United States cheered, thinking that this was the greatest victory of justice over evil.

The patients are of course happy, they no longer have to go to Mexico or Canada for treatment.

There is no need to worry about your own treatment, worrying that your overseas treatment does not conform to the laws of the United States, and you will suffer some restrictions or unfair treatment after returning to China.

In addition to the patients in the United States, the happiest companies include Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and other companies.

In the past few years, they have cooperated with Changtian Technology to build a large number of overseas intensive care centers, and have gained a lot of profits from them.

Taking Pfizer as an example, the current profits from intensive care centers have accounted for more than 40% of the total annual profits.

This kind of profit is very terrible.

If it is possible to build a TCM treatment center in the United States, it will inevitably reduce the treatment cost of patients and attract more patients to the intensive care center for treatment.

This means profit.

Means crazy profits.

The United States is a typical capitalist country, and it is also a typical anarchist, capitalist country.

All the anarchism is caused by the long history of immigration in the United States.

What capital says it wants to pursue in this country is not the prosperity of the country, or the unity of the people of the country, but the maximum profit.

In order to pursue such profits, they can kill each other, and they can also make enemies and themselves become friends instantly.

The most typical example is the United States after World War II.

During World War II, the Pacific War caused many deaths in the United States.

Pearl Harbor, in particular, has left an indelible shadow on generations of Americans.

But after World War II, the United States quickly reached an alliance with Toyo, and provided a large amount of technology transfer and financial support to Toyo, quickly turning Toyo into a developed country.

The capital of the United States has also gained a lot of profits from it.

After the 1970s, the economy of Japan took off rapidly, and the development of semiconductor and other industries squeezed the local industries of the United States.

The capital of the United States mercilessly cut off the leeks of the East.

Such repetition is not determined by emotional factors, but by interests.

So the attitude towards Changtian Technology is also the same.

There is no deep-rooted hatred, or sincere and true feelings, only interests.

The capital that can benefit from Changtian Technology is willing to cooperate with Changtian Technology, and does not care about the technology developed by Changtian Technology or the capital achievements that will make Xia Guo replace the United States as the most powerful country in the world.

They only hope to cooperate with Changtian Technology to obtain greater benefits, and companies such as Pfizer are representatives of it.

The capital that has been deprived of its interests by Changtian Technology will of course hate Changtian Technology, and it is natural to elevate the interest disputes between capitals to morality or the country.

And this time, it was the capital that was willing to cooperate with Changtian Technology, and won the upper hand in terms of morality and strength, which is why the intensive care center suddenly opened up the market in the United States.

In order to enter the U.S. market, Changtian Technology actually applied to the relevant departments of the U.S. and provided some technical information.

But all these efforts were rejected by the relevant departments of the United States.

But now, Changtian Technology has not spoken at all, and the US side has taken the initiative to release the market.

This can fully show that the government of the United States is also serving capital, not the people.

Pfizer and other companies immediately contacted Changtian Technology, hoping to obtain a cooperation agreement with Changtian Technology, and to build an intensive care center in the United States as soon as possible to introduce relevant equipment, drugs and talents.

In order to be able to take the lead in the competition, Pfizer even offered extremely favorable conditions, changing the previous five-five tiers to 46%, of which Changtian Technology accounted for 60%, and even Changtian Technology accounted for 70% in the past few years. The profits can be negotiated.

Because Pfizer is very clear that intensive care centers are absolutely a monopoly industry in the US market.

Now as long as you firmly hold the market in your own hands, it doesn't matter even if you make a little less profit, after all, the future is still long.

Relevant media disclosed the news that the United States opened up the market to Changtian Technology's intensive care center, and that companies such as Pfizer urgently sent representatives to Changtian Technology to negotiate with Wang Xiang.

As soon as the news came out, many netizens around the world began to complain.

"It's just a joke. Some time ago, the media in the United States said that the combined colony therapy was not safe at all and could easily lead to the death of patients. Now let's open up the market for Changtian Technology's intensive care center and allow them to set up hospitals in the United States to carry out treatment activities. You don’t even have to go through clinical trials in the United States.”

"NIH and DA in the United States actually approved Changtian Technology's intensive care center at the same time. Is this a Changtian Technology's intensive care center? It's already very safe!"

"That's right, the entry of Changtian Technology approved by nih and da into the US market is tantamount to acknowledging the clinical trial results of Xia Guo in disguise. Some time ago, the media also said that the joint action therapy in the intensive care center is not safe. If it is not safe, Americans will Are they allowed to enter the market?"

"I scolded the media of the New York Times for being lonely, and now I really slap myself in the face."

Xia Guo's netizens felt very excited when they heard the news.

Because this is the first time in the history of the Xia Kingdom, the first time that a medical institution in the Xia Kingdom was actively invited by the US to enter the US market without applying.

The technology of the United States is indeed very advanced, and the technology is also very top-notch.

The most representative ones are the semiconductor industry and the biomedical industry.

The elites in the United States have full confidence in the biomedical industry, thinking that their medicine is the best in the world.

With this confidence, the United States has its own set of biomedical standards. It is very difficult for foreign medical institutions, including those in developed European countries, to enter the American market.

A few years ago, it was said that a medical institution from the Xia Kingdom entered the American market, treating diseases for American people, and earning money from American people. This is absolutely unthinkable.

But Changtian Technology did it.

"Changtian Technology's intensive care center can enter the American market in a fair manner. This time, it has given the American medical community a resounding slap in the face, and it has also given the Nobel Prize Organizing Committee a resounding slap. Relevant departments and biomedical executives are fully and clearly aware that Xia Guo has surpassed the current highest level in the United States in terms of biomedicine."

This is a paragraph written on Weibo by a big V from Xia Kingdom.

After this Weibo was posted, it quickly became the hot search of the day, and received millions of likes and more than 100,000 comments.

"What the blogger said is very reasonable. Our country's top scientific research in Xia country is no less than that of the country of America, so there is no need to belittle ourselves."

"This time, the practice of the relevant National Biological Laboratory in the United States is really disgusting. I just took off the bottom of my pants. I had no choice but to introduce the Changtian Technology's intensive care center. The purpose is to calm down the domestic elites. dissatisfied."

In the international market, with the fermentation of this news, consumers are even more concerned about the products of Changtian Technology.

The Hanhai 2 mobile phone, which was unsalable some time ago, continued to maintain extremely strong sales growth.

On the other hand, Dongyang continued to send representatives to negotiate with Changtian Technology, hoping to introduce a biological power station.

European countries suffering from energy troubles, including Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, are seriously considering whether to learn from France and introduce the microbial power station of Changtian Technology.

Under the unanimous optimism of outside capital, Yuedong Internet and Bird shares regained the lost ground some time ago, and their stock prices fell compared with them. The last trading day before that also rose by 30%.

The sense of smell of capital is the most sensitive.

They have told consumers with real money that they believe that Changtian Technology's products are absolutely fine.

Changzezhou Changtian Technology Headquarters.

Chen Xiao also learned that the United States has released the intensive care center to enter the market, and that companies such as Pfizer sent representatives to Changzhou Zhu to negotiate with Shentian Technology.

Wang Xiang, who was reporting this matter, felt a little helpless.

"At the beginning, we tried every means to pry open the market of the United States, but we were blocked. In the end, we chose Mexico and Canada, which are relatively close to the mainland of the United States."

"So, do we really have to thank the Fort Detrick Biological Laboratory?"

Chen Xiao also laughed.

"In fact, you only need to understand that Wall Street capital in the United States is not united, and the matter is very easy to solve."

Wang Xiang nodded and said, "Are we going to continue to cooperate with Pfizer and other companies this time? Are you sure you want to enter the US market?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Xiao said: "Cooperation is a must, and our products must also enter the US How to cooperate specifically, how to distribute the shares of the two parties and how to distribute profits, this matter I will leave it to you and Qu Ping to discuss."

"But we must grasp a principle, that is, technology and management power must be in our hands."

"Changtian Technology's products have never officially entered the US market from the beginning to the end."

"This market seems to be open, but it is actually closed. It is very unfriendly to third world countries."

"I hope to use the intensive care center as a breakthrough to completely pry open the door of the US market, so that our biological products, mobile phones, and electronic products can enter."

After confirming the cooperation plan, Wang Xiang and Qu Ping immediately negotiated with Pfizer and other companies.

In the end, the two parties were very happy to reach a cooperation agreement.

Changtian Technology has established three intensive care centers in the United States with Pfizer and Merck respectively.

The three intensive care centers are located in Washington, New York and California.

All fixed asset investment in the construction of the intensive care center in the United States is done by companies such as Pfizer, and Changtian Technology does not need to spend a penny.

In addition, Changtian Technology will send technical personnel to assist in the construction of three intensive care centers.

The salaries and subsidies of technicians are borne by Changtian Technology, but the corresponding amount is paid to Changtian Technology by Pfizer and other companies.

The purpose of this is to prevent technicians from eating people with short mouths and short hands.

After the construction of the intensive care center is completed, the personnel and financial rights are in the hands of Changtian Technology.

The profits of the two parties are divided according to 4:6, of which Changtian Technology occupies 60%, and this period will last for 5 years.

After 5 years, the two parties will divide it 50-50.

And whether it is personnel, finance or other matters, common technology has a veto power.

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