Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 805: Ultra Dimensional Rolling

The latest website: bio-battery, this concept was published by Changtian Technology as an academic paper in the Journal of Biology of Xiaguo Academy of Sciences half a year ago.

But after the release, it did not attract much attention from people in the industry outside of biology.

People in the industry also believe that the research and development results of Changtian Technology are only theoretical results, and there is still a long way to go in experiments.

Even though Changtian Technology has developed bio-power generation technology and applied it to a bio-power station, the bio-power station is composed of a huge bio-pool and power generation components, occupying a very large volume, and the technical standards are also very strict. Harsh.

It is absolutely impossible to apply these technologies of biological power plants to very small mobile phones in a short period of time.

Unexpectedly, a few months later, at the press conference of Hanhai mobile phone, Changtian Technology actually turned the theoretical bio-battery into reality, and it can also be mass-produced.

Now not everyone has read Changtian Technology’s papers on bio-batteries, so many people are still at a loss as to what Wen Qi means by bio-batteries.

Wen Qi turned sideways, pointed to the big screen and said, "Our bio-battery is developed on the basis of Changtian Technology's original human NG-03 colony."

"The battery has three advantages in total. The first is that the colony is very stable. Under the condition of ensuring the supply of culture medium and food, the survival cycle of the colony can be as long as more than 2 years.

During this 2-year period, it can continuously provide power for mobile phones.

The second is that the unit supply power of bio-batteries is very large, because the units used are different, so we cannot compare the capacity of ordinary lithium batteries with the capacity of bio-batteries.

But we can compare the continuous use time of the same mobile phone.

Taking the Hanhai 2 mobile phone as an example, we have conducted some tests in the laboratory. If the 3000 mAh lithium battery originally produced by Galaxy Energy is used, the comprehensive use time of the mobile phone is about 32 hours.

Under the condition of heavy use, the user must charge the battery once every two days.

And our bio-battery can be used for up to a month when fully charged.

One month here means that heavy users can at least not add any energy blocks to the bio-battery for about a month.

The third is frivolity!

The weight of the bio-battery is only 5g, and it is only 15 grams when fully loaded with energy blocks. "

Papers on biobatteries have 30,000 words, which involves a lot of knowledge in biology, physics and chemistry

This time, Wen Qi held a press conference for Hanhai's second mobile phone, not a press conference for bio-battery.

So she described the performance of the bio-battery in as simple a language as possible, omitting some principles of the bio-battery.

Those media and audiences who are interested in bio-batteries will also try their best to obtain relevant information after the press conference.

Therefore, Wen Qi did not say what principle the bio-lithium battery uses to provide power, but said that its performance is very powerful.

After talking about the three advantages of the battery, the audience and reporters in the audience were dumbfounded.

The press conference of Changtian Technology Hanhai mobile phone will always bring you incomparable surprises.

This time, the bio-battery on the mobile phone is absolutely unheard of and related technology that has never been seen.

"Bio-battery? Have you ever heard what a bio-battery is?"

"Is it possible that Changtian Technology has applied their microbial power station technology to mobile phone batteries?"

"There is no need to charge the mobile phone for more than a month. This technology is of course the first time in human history."

The Xia Guo reporters who watched the press conference were immediately excited.

This is proper black technology!

Reporter Wang Teng of Xinlang Technology said: "If the battery life can really reach more than one month, then I will definitely buy one without saying anything!"

Smartphones have become very popular today.

Not to mention the reporters on the scene.

They are the easiest people to jump on the trend.

Ordinary people are very likely

It is possible to change mobile phones only once in three or four years, but these reporters basically change them every year.

So they are the group of people who are most familiar with smartphones.

Just like what Wen Qi said at the press conference just now, what they care most about smartphones is not the chip performance of the mobile phone, but the battery of the mobile phone.

Reporters are a relatively special profession, and they spend most of their time outside.

Many interview locations are outdoors, and there is absolutely no socket to charge you.

And reporters run for a whole day or several days, and the requirements for mobile phone power are very high.

But it is a pity that the battery of the original mobile phone is absolutely flawed for the mobile phone.

Android phones may increase the battery capacity to more than 3,000, which is close to 4,000 mAh.

Apple phones are selling very well. The capacity of the battery is also more than 1000 more than 2000 mAh.

For journalists, Android, like Apple, usually runs out of battery within half a day.

This is a very bad thing.

Where there is demand, there is motivation.

When there is demand, there is market.

Where there is a market, of course there is a product.

When Jobs was developing the iPhone4 and iPhone4S, he tried his best to reduce the weight of the mobile phone by 1g.

But these businessmen have developed the greatest product of the century—power banks.

In an instant, the carrying weight of the entire mobile phone increased by a catty or two.

Then the reporters took a one-two-pound power bank to renew the life of the mobile phone.

Of course there are even weirder things.

There are a few tech companies that have developed phone cases specifically for Apple.

The mobile phone case is actually a bulky power bank.

There are too many examples like this, and users are already unable to complain.

Wang Teng immediately edited and wrote on the laptop: "This is definitely a technological development that has changed the history of the mobile Internet. For users who use mobile phones heavily, and users who travel frequently, the Hanhai 2 mobile phone with a long battery life is definitely your choice. "

On the big screen this time, the battery compartment of the Hanhai 2 mobile phone appeared.

Wen Qi said: "Just now I mentioned two key words, one is a colony, and the other is an energy block."

"How do I charge my bio-battery?"

"Of course not the existing mobile phone charging lines and plugs, but energy blocks."

"The energy block is produced by Changtian Technology Galaxy Energy Company, and each bag contains ten grams in an independent package."

Wen Qi made a demonstration on the spot, taking out a bag of individually packaged energy blocks.

Put it into the entrance of the phone's battery compartment.

Wen Qi said while demonstrating: "This ten-gram high-energy energy block can provide 0.3 kilowatt-hours of electricity for the mobile phone. According to the power used by our Hanhai 2 mobile phone, 0.3 kilowatt-hours of electricity can ensure the neutralization of the mobile phone for about a month."

The audience in the audience was already dumbfounded.

What charge for 5 minutes and talk for half an hour?

What 4000mAh high-capacity battery?

Not as fast as this one.

Put the energy block into the battery compartment of the mobile phone, and the whole process may not even take 30 seconds.

And such a small energy block can supply a mobile phone for more than a month.

The audience at the scene swallowed their saliva.

Everyone has a strong urge to buy a Hanhai 2 mobile phone.

The powerful performance of the Hanhai 2 mobile phone bio-battery can fully make up for the disadvantage of the screen.

Compared with such an advanced bio-battery, what's the point of using a poorer screen?

"But where can I buy energy blocks?"

"Is the price of the energy block very expensive?"

The extremely excited audience couldn't help but stand up and ask questions.

Wen Qi looked at everyone with a smile and said: "Anyone who buys Hanhai's second-hand mobile phone will use our high-energy energy blocks for free for life."

"We will regularly send energy blocks to the user's home according to the length of time the mobile phone is used."

"Of course, if the user's city has a Hanhai mobile phone experience store, they can also use their Hanhai mobile phone account to go to the store to get energy blocks for free."

Free for life, unlimited supply.

These 8 words have made users very relieved.

Wen Qi added: "The packaging of our Hanhai 2 mobile phone will also come with 20 energy blocks, enough for users to use for more than a year."

"And in the Hanhai 2 mobile phone, there is a special column for displaying the health of the battery."

"When the battery is out of power, it will prompt the user in time, so that the user will not shut down the phone because the phone is out of power."

There was warm applause at the scene.

Wen Qi went on to say: "The key word I just mentioned is the colony. The survival of the colony requires an environment, so the battery is filled with the medium for colony production. We use a solid-liquid mixed medium."

"According to the data of our laboratory, the solid-liquid mixed culture medium can ensure that the battery can be used for more than two years."

"After two years, if your mobile phone has not been replaced, but the battery has decayed. Hanhai Technology will also send new culture medium to the hands of users."

"Users only need to follow the instructions to perform simple operations to reactivate the battery."

Wen Qi pointed to a small hole next to the battery compartment and said: "Our energy blocks are produced according to the compounds needed by the colony's metabolism."

"The colony in the battery compartment can completely decompose the energy block, and all the metabolites are only water and gas."

"So this small hole is used to discharge metabolites from the battery compartment."

"But everyone can rest assured that the metabolites discharged from the battery compartment every day are very small, almost negligible, and the moisture it produces is not even as much as the sweat in your palms."

"Of course you don't have to worry about your phone getting your pants wet."

Smelling this joke made everyone at the scene burst into laughter.

Wen Qi said: "The battery is only the basis for us to see the most advanced functions of the Hanhai 2 mobile phone."

"Because we use a bio-battery, which is very light, the weight of the whole battery without the energy block is only 5 grams, so our mobile phone can reach 170 grams, which is very light.

In addition, because we use bio-battery, the mobile phone does not have the charging interface of the previous generation, and our 3.5mm headphone jack is designed to be opened by touch, so it will not enter the water, so the whole mobile phone is actually fully enclosed. "

"Our waterproof level can reach IPX8, which means that whether you are in the shower or bathtub, or even in the swimming pool or hot spring, you can use the mobile phone very happily, and you don't have to worry about damage to the circuit board after the mobile phone is dropped in the water. short circuit."

Almost every new technology of the Hanhai 2 mobile phone hits the place where consumers are most eager to make progress.

The mobile phone is often out of power, it doesn't matter, the bio-battery is here.

The mobile phone is often flooded, or it is accidentally dropped into the water while taking a shower, which causes the mobile phone to be scrapped.

It doesn't matter, the waterproof level of the Hanhai 2 mobile phone has reached IPX8, let alone falling into the water in the shower, even if you take it to the swimming pool to swim and take pictures of the underwater environment, there is no problem at all.

Wang Teng, a reporter from Xinlang Technology, was extremely excited.

Apart from other things, just these two points have already made users very eager to buy.

Compared with these advantages, even if the Hanhai 2 mobile phone uses a TFT screen, so what?

This is not a disadvantage at all.

This is just a fly in the ointment!

The representatives of other mobile phone companies at the scene had very ugly faces.

Because everyone suddenly discovered that the things they were playing were completely different.

These mobile phone manufacturers are still making fuss about the pixels of the mobile phone camera, the effect of beautification, and the color of the mobile phone.

Hanhai mobile phone has completely left everyone behind by more than one block.

Others are all hard technology.

Moreover, it is a hard technology that other mobile phone manufacturers cannot imitate at all.

How can I play this?

Apple headquarters in California, USA.

Due to the time difference between Xiaguo and the United States, it is early morning in California, the United States.

Cook is a person who pays great attention to health preservation. He should be sleeping at this time.

But thinking that Hanhai Technology was going to release a new mobile phone, he couldn't sleep because of tossing and turning, so he went to the living room and turned on the TV to watch CNN's broadcast.

Cook felt that the first half of Haihai Technology's press conference was nothing more than that.

Everything is within my expectations.

But in the second half, when Wen Qi openly announced the bio-battery.

Cook suddenly felt that the sales of iPhone 6 must suffer a major setback.

Because the progress of Hanhai's mobile phone this time has far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Compared with these great using a poorer screen, it is easier for consumers to accept.

Just when Cook's heart beat faster and he felt very uncomfortable.

At the press conference, some very persistent Western media simply stood up and asked questions regardless of the discipline of the press conference.

"Hello, Ms. Wen Qi, if the user forgets to bring your so-called energy block in a very extreme situation, and the phone is out of power, what should I do?"

When this question was raised, many of the journalists around him had a false voice.

Because this question is simply too harsh.

First of all, the battery life of the mobile phone is already very long, and the mobile phone will remind you in advance when there is no power.

At this time, you still say that there is no electricity and no energy blocks. This is not looking for trouble.

Wen Qi was not angry either, and said with a smile: "The Hanhai 2 mobile phone will never let you down, even if you forget to bring the energy block, the mobile phone can still be turned on and used."

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