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Chen Xiao and Wang Xiang came to Jobs' VIP ward.

In order to treat his own disease, Jobs directly funded Changtian Technology with 100 million yuan.

Certainly entitled to some medical resources.

And Jobs is the first volunteer of the cell totipotent type.

Jobs completed the operation a few days ago and is in very good spirits.

He watched Chen Xiao, Wang Xiang, Qu Ping and others coming, and got excited.

There will definitely be wound pain after the operation, but this kind of pain is much better than the pain of the pancreas at the beginning, and it is within the range of Jobs' tolerance.

Jobs' personal doctor Hedson has also been following Jobs in Nagasawa.

During this period of time, the treatment of Jobs by the Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center completely opened his eyes to Hedson, and directly subverted the medical knowledge in Hedson's mind.

The treatment method of Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center completely surpasses the existing medical system of human beings and is on a higher platform.

This made Hedson just crane his neck and look up, and he couldn't see some core content.

During this time, Hedson served as Jobs' family physician and as an expert physician at the Mayo Clinic.

He can't help at all, and can only stare at the side most of the time.

The decades of medical knowledge he accumulated was useless after he came to Changtian Technology.

Of course, today Hedson can finally do one thing - pour two glasses of water for Chen Xiao and Wang Xiang.

After pouring the water, Hedson sat beside him very well.

Hedson now even has the idea of ​​a conversion—to technology.

For medical experts, only powerful medical technology can attract them.

Hedson even made a decision to see if he could stay in the Changzezhou Intensive Care Center of Changtian Technology after completing the relevant contract of Jobs.

He hopes to explore the effects of symbiotic colonies on cells.

For people like Hedson, technology is the real God and their own paradise.

And Hedson also believes that in the future he is seeing what Western media slander Changtian Technology and Xia Guo's technology level, and he really wants the other side to be anxious.

Chen Xiao first congratulated Steve Jobs on the big sale of his iPhone 4s series. Of course Jobs was very happy.

"All this is the result of the cooperation with Changtian Technology." Jobs said happily.

Jobs always believed that the iPhone 4s was his last work, because he knew about his physical condition and thought that he might not survive until October of this year.

Unexpectedly, with the technical support of Changtian Technology, I really came back to life.

Jobs even said: "I already have a specific plan for the next-generation iPhone in my heart, and there are even several scientific research projects that hope to cooperate with Changtian Technology."

Jobs is a tech madman. After the successful operation, he immediately devoted all his energy to the design of the new generation of Apple.

There is nothing to say about the chip. It must continue to cooperate with Samsung. Apple is the world's first in sales this time, and Samsung also needs this part of the chip profit.

After all, relying on the current Samsung Galaxy series of smartphones, it is still not able to reach the order of magnitude of Apple.

Jobs hopes to cooperate with Changtian Technology in storage, memory and cameras.

Especially the camera, Jobs is obsessed with this thing.

When Jobs expressed his desire to continue to cooperate, he did not see an obvious excited reaction from Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao did not answer the question, but said, "Mr. Jobs, I just communicated with Qu Ping, we have planted the corresponding lymphoid tissue in an important part of your body, and we will wait for this batch of lymphoid tissue. After you come back to life, the original lymphatic tissue in your body will die and be automatically absorbed by the body."

"Because the new lymph has strong immunity, and your body is crowded with a large number of malignant tumors, the liver and pancreas have been removed by us, so the only remaining cancer cells in the body should not metastasize."

Chen Xiao used the words "should not", which is the strictness that technology should have.

Chen Xiao said: "Because of the symbiotic colony with the tissue, in addition to the necessary nutrients for the body, it also needs a specific culture medium, and wound recovery requires a certain amount of medicine."

Chen Xiao spoke Chinese, and Qu Ping translated it as because it was for Jobs.

Chen Xiao smiled and said to Jobs: "Mr. Jobs, you can go home. But before going home, we have to sign the corresponding confidentiality agreement and public agreement."

"Confidentiality means that you cannot disclose some details of our treatment. Public means that our laboratory will disclose the results of relevant clinical experiments in the form of papers."

Jobs sat on the bed for a while, but he didn't react. Now that his condition has been cured, can he go back to China?

Hedson also stood up, he didn't react at all, and Jobs could go back to China.

Cancer treatment is unpleasant all over the world.

Not to mention the king of cancer, pancreatic and liver cancer and lymphoma.

These three cancers, if one cancer finds the upper body, it is enough to make people feel bad, let alone three cancers.

In Hedson's concept, if such cancers are treated in the United States.

The best treatment is of course targeted therapy.

In fact, targeted therapy is also a type of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. It just uses more advanced means to let drugs or rays act on the cancer cells themselves, rather than on the entire tissue with the cancer cells attached.

Targeted therapy can better protect the human body, killing cancer cells while minimizing harm to patients.

But target cells cannot improve the body's immunity.

Nor does it prevent cancer cells from metastasizing from one tissue or organ to another.

Therefore, most targeted therapy can only prolong the life cycle of patients and improve the quality of life of patients, but cannot completely cure cancer.

Moreover, targeted therapy is not achieved overnight and requires a long process.

So in Hedson's mind, he thought that it would take a very long process to treat Jobs' cancer, and Jobs lived in the intensive care center for at least half a year and a year.

Who knows that it has only been a few months, and the intensive care center has actually notified that if there is no accident, the cancer cells will not spread any more, and you can go home.

Hedson was still in a daze, and Jobs said in surprise: "Can I go home like this?"

Qu Ping said to Jobs at this time: "Thank you very much, Mr. Jobs, for your contribution to human medicine."

"Totipotency and surgical resection have been done, and all that's left is recovery."

"You recover at home or recover in our intensive care center, the effect is the same."

"And we believe that the medical technology in the United States is still very good and can be well qualified for your rehabilitation tasks."

After Qu Ping finished speaking, she looked at Jobs with a smile on her face.

Jobs' eyes looked out the window, a little blurry.

It felt like a moment of life and death.

If there is no Changtian Technology in this world, or the scientific research results announced by Changtian Technology have not been seen by Jobs and his personal doctor for the first time in his life.

Then there will be a major change in the trajectory of your life.

It is very likely that it will not last, and it has already died.

At this time, Jobs suddenly felt that he was really dying.

A new life has only just begun.

And all this is given by Changtian Technology.

Jobs said to Chen Xiao, Qu Ping and others with some excitement and trembling: "Thank you for taking care of you during this time, I am very grateful."

Qu Ping waved her hand and said, "What is there to thank for this? There are quite a few things that will trouble you in the future."

"We need to collect some data from your body indicators all the time to improve our clinical trial reports."

"You also know that you are the first clinical volunteer in the cell totipotency-related experiment, but fortunately, our experiment went well and everything was successful!"

Qu Ping let out a sigh of relief when he said this.

After all, there is still a big gap between real clinical experiments and theory.

For example, when performing surgery on Jobs and transplanting totipotent cells, the team encountered many problems that were never considered in the experiment.

There have also been several medium-risk accidents.

Fortunately, the team's adaptability is very strong, and the professional knowledge is also very solid, and everything has turned the corner.

The entire experimental and clinical process will be the most valuable experience of Changtian Technology's medical and biological laboratory.

Qu Ping smiled again and said to Jobs: "There is one more thing to discuss with Mr.

"In order to obtain some indicators of Mr.'s body at all times, our laboratory has developed a monitoring chip."

"This chip will be implanted in Mr.'s abdominal cavity, mainly to monitor Mr.'s blood conditions and cancer indicators such as alpha-embryonic antigen protein."

"I wonder if Mr. can agree?"

The clinical trial was divided into two parts.

Part of it is in clinical surgery or part of treatment, and the second part is the patient's rehabilitation and the effect of rehabilitation.

Both parts are very important, and it can be said that part 2 is more important than part 1.

If the patient had surgery and treatment, but the recovery was very poor, the whole experiment was a failure.

The medical and biological laboratories of Changtian Technology now need timely and accurate data after clinical trials to evaluate the results of the entire experiment.

The follow-up period was as short as a few months, as long as a few years, or even to the end of Jobs's life.

Tracking data like this makes sense.

After hearing such a request, Hegson jumped up.

Americans are very serious about sex.

For example, the iPhone has very strict security requirements.

Even mobile phone monitoring, your usage behavior will not be allowed, let alone install a monitoring chip in your body.

Jobs was also stunned for a while.

He did not expect the intensive care center to have such a request.

If put before.

Jobs must have strictly refused.

He is a person who takes **** very seriously.

But this time he was treated by Changtian Technology. Whether it was his physical condition or some indicators in his body, he was clearly understood by Changtian Technology.

And he is someone who has already died once.

These things don't matter to the dead at all.

But when Jobs was about to say yes.

Qu Ping also saw Hedson's reaction.

She gave Jobs the second option, "Sir, if it's inconvenient to do this, I can only trouble you to check according to the checklist we issued every two months, and send us the relevant check report by email. ."

After hearing Qu Ping's words, Hedsen suddenly felt that he was treating the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Hedson also thought that Changtian Technology wanted to install a chip in Jobs' body to supervise Jobs' daily life and even involve Apple's related secrets.

I didn't expect that the other party really wanted some of Jobs' physical indicators, and the main purpose was to find out about Jobs' recovery.

Jobs has not spoken yet, Hedson said quickly:

"I am his personal doctor. My husband's residence has routine examination equipment. We are also very close to the hospital. When you need to do any examination, we will do it as required."

Jobs also reacted, but since Changtian Technology did not force it to implant a chip in his body, he did not continue to entangle this matter.

Jobs said gratefully: "Then I will pack my luggage and prepare to return to the United States in two or three days."

Jobs said with a smile: "Now that I have signed the volunteer agreement, I will definitely cooperate with the intensive care center to complete the follow-up treatment and experiments."

"I will definitely pass on the regular medical report and related materials to you as required."

After getting such a promise.

Qu Ping smiled happily.

In fact, Qu Ping suppressed her inner excitement at this time.

After all, the success of a clinical trial heralds a new treatment option, coming from behind the scenes to the foreground.

It means that the human fight against cancer is not just talk, but there is really a new way.

It means that human organs can regenerate and replace old ones, which is of great significance to the development of human society and the continuation of human life.

It also means that the latest solution for the coexistence of the colony and the human body is the best example of mutual help among different biological groups.

There are still too many surprises and scientific research results to be discovered in Jobs' clinical experiments.

Qu Ping is firm, and the resulting life science storm will continue.

It is still unknown how many scientific research results Changtian Technology will eventually obtain because of this clinical trial

Jobs took a special plane from Suzhou and Hangzhou to the United States three days later.

Here, Wang Xiang wants to listen to Chen Xiao again, when will Changzezhou Airport be built?

Before leaving, Jobs purchased 2,000 iPhone 4s in his own name and gave them as gifts to the senior management of Changtian Technology and all the medical staff of the intensive care center.

It has to be said that Jobs' approach is quite reasonable.

And in the US, California.

Already hand-in-hand news says Jobs will be returning to California from Summerland.

Countless reporters were shocked.

The late-stage cancer Steve Jobs came back. Could it be that the treatment was successful?

Journalists flocked to meet them at the airport.


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