Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 691: The hardware godfather of the mobile phone industry (1)

HTC is undoubtedly one of the most successful mobile phone companies in the world.

Although there is still a certain gap between it and Nokia's brand, this does not prevent him from successfully entering the world and becoming one of the best options for consumers.

At least in the fiercely competitive mobile phone market, HTC has made a way to become a world-renowned brand.

And in the birthplace of HTC, the curved area of ​​Xia Guo.

This pride of HTC is even more special to the local media.

"Wang Bao": The light of the island goes to the world. HTC, our local mobile phone company, has been recognized by consumers in the United States. 50,000 mobile phones have been swept away within two days, creating a history in the smartphone industry!

"Zhongshi": The whole world is praising the manufacture of bends! 50,000 mobile phones were sold out!

In addition to the massive praise and reports from the media.

The news that HTC was snapped up by American consumers and highly praised by American experts also made the people on the island lively, talking and excited.

"HTC is really amazing! 50,000 mobile phones were sold out within two days. Even Nokia's new products have never received such treatment!"

"The products we produce at Wanwan are amazing! Even Americans like it!"

"Do you know what the Android system is! The bottom layer of the Android system is completely different from that of Saipan, which determines the great openness of the Android system, so there will be more applications of the Android system than Saipan."

"Only HTC in the world dares to put its flagship mobile phone on Android!"

"Hahaha, what you said upstairs makes sense, and only our own brand has such courage!"

"Samsung and Motorola have also been talking about using Android, but they simply don't dare to put Android on their flagship phones!"

"People all over the world envy us!"

"It will be a matter of time before HTC surpasses Samsung and Sony, and has a good chance of surpassing Nokia within this year!"

In the forum, in the teahouse, in the milk tea shop and in the coffee shop, the people of Wanwan regard HTC as the glory of the island, and they are extremely proud.

And I feel that HTC can be in the air every second, not Samsung, Sony and other brands at all, thinking that it will be a matter of time before it surpasses Nokia.

As for Xia Guo's brand mobile phones, such as Changtian Technology's Bird Girl, feature phones made by ZTE and Huawei, and countless copycat mobile phones, etc.

Not to mention, because they feel that these phones are simply not qualified to be compared with HTC.

"HTC must be a great technology company, and it will definitely leave Changtian Technology far behind!"

"What is Xia Guochangtian Technology? Can it make such a great product as an HTC phone?"

"Hahaha, don't be ridiculous upstairs, the products of Changtian Technology can't be sold in the United States at all."

Perhaps it was the deliberate obscureness of the media reports, or it was the people who deliberately did not mention it.

Why is HTC successful?

The root cause of HTC's success is not Android.

Because the Android system came out in 2008, HTC also launched Android-based mobile phones in the first half of the year.

But the sales situation is very general.

So Android is not the key at all.

The most important thing is the hardware of Changtian Technology.

Carbon Crystal Storage and Carbon Crystal Memory.

After these two hardwares are supported on HTC mobile phones, the advantages of Android are greatly exerted and the shortcomings of Android are avoided.

Makes the phone a lot smoother.

That's the key to success.

That is, if HTC didn't use carbon crystal storage, their phone might be successful, but not so successful.

Other brands also use the Android system, as long as they buy the carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory of Changtian Technology, they may be more successful than HTC.

But the local people don't know about this, and even ignorantly compare HTC and Changtian Technology.

At the same time, in the Wanwan area, some absurd things happened.

Because American consumers are buying HTC's D2 phones at high prices.

But the entire United States is out of stock, because there are only 50,000 mobile phones in the United States, which have long been robbed.

Therefore, the people of the islands tried their best to buy the remaining 50,000 mobile phones in the region, and then sold them to consumers in the United States through scalpers.

Each mobile phone earns a profit of one or two hundred meters.

When the HTCD2 mobile phone in the Wanwan area came to the United States across the ocean, the overall price rose by almost 300 meters.

Even at this price, the phone was still snapped up by American consumers.

see this message.

Some of HTC's headquarters are sitting still.

Many opportunities are fleeting.

If you can't grasp it now, then there's a good chance that you won't have this opportunity later.

HTC is indeed fighting bayonet with several other brands in the North American market. He also cooperates with operators, just hoping to have a place.

Consumers in North America are now very interested in HTC, and are frantically snapping up D2 phones.

Then HTC must seize the time to produce it.

The Bend area has a very strange habit.

That's the constant press conference.

Managers from time to time to hold a press conference to explain the situation.

Private companies will also hold press conferences and accept media interviews to explain the situation.

On this day, HTC's press officer Han Yalan held a press conference under the arrangement of the headquarters.

Because the sales of mobile phones are very hot, it has also attracted consumers in the United States to snap up.

Therefore, quite a lot of media reporters came to this conference.

Just as Han Yalan sat at the press conference, reporters raised their hands to ask questions.

Han Yalan only answered questions one by one.

"Hello, press officer, I'm a reporter from "Zhongshi", HTC's second mobile phone has been favored by consumers in the North American market, and even triggered a burst of panic buying, which is enough to show that our Bay Area brand mobile phone has been sold in the world. It's a good thing to have a reputation in the range."

"I would like to ask the press officer, why this time we only released 50,000 mobile phones in the North American market. Can we increase mass production and strive to release more mobile phones in the North American market?"

This question was expected by Han Yalan.

Han Yalan said: "At present, we are preparing for the supply, and strive to sell more mobile phones to the United States! Thank you for your concern."

Tvbs reporter: "Doesn't HTC have any pre-measures? 50,000 mobile phones are simply not enough to sell, why don't you prepare in advance."

Such a question is very tricky and has some indifference to it.

It seems to be accusing HTC. You can obviously expect that your mobile phone will sell well. Why only 100,000 units are produced, and only 50,000 steps are placed in the United States.

This question is very embarrassing.

Han Yalan said: "Because the production of mobile phones is a very precise link, and it is also a very comprehensive link."

"So because of some hardware reasons, we did not produce more mobile phones. But at present HTC is trying to mobilize raw materials and strive to produce more D2 mobile phones to satisfy consumers around the world."

Press officer Han Yalan was already sweating a little at this time.

If this issue is further investigated, then the so-called mobile phone brand of the light in the curved area will really be exposed.

Sure enough, the reporters were chasing after them and continued to ask in-depth questions.

"Freedom Times": "Hello, press officer, our island has a strong technology industry chain, from chips to semiconductors to mobile phone molds."

"You said that because of hardware problems, there were no more phones that could be produced."

"Then may I ask the press officer what hardware is the problem? Is it the chip?"

Han Yalan was sweating profusely, and she hesitantly said: "This issue involves some commercial secrets of the company, so it is inconvenient to disclose it now."

Such an answer is sure to make reporters dissatisfied.

The reporters participated in this press conference to cover HTC in all aspects.

It is reported that HTC is to highlight the importance of the curved area in the world, and any mobile phone produced will be wildly sought after by American consumers.

Now HTC has lost the chain when it is the most nervous, and it can't keep up with mass production. This kind of thing must be investigated to the end.

Han Yalan did not intend to answer this question.

But reporters kept asking questions.

It seems that if Han Yalan doesn't answer this question clearly, today's press conference cannot end.

"That's right, the press officer please clarify this issue!"

"Our island has all the technology industry chains, and even chips are produced by a great company like TSMC. What else is there?"

"It's just that your own planning and coordination are not in place."

"Looking at this, this is killing us. American consumers are rushing to buy our products. You actually only produced 50,000 mobile phones, and there are not enough gaps between the teeth!"

"Don't tell me that some of your hardware has to be sourced overseas!"

"Okay, don't make such silly jokes, it's impossible to purchase in the mainland area."

"What can be purchased in the mainland? Oh, it may be the plastic case of the mobile phone."

continued until the end.

Han Yalan couldn't help it anymore, and only at this time did she say:

"To be honest, this time our HTCD2 mobile phone does indeed have a 10-point key component, which has not been negotiated properly so far."

"Our D2 mobile phone uses Changtian Technology's carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal hard drive."

"Because when we negotiated an agreement with Changtian Technology, we only purchased 100,000 carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal hard drives, which made our mobile phones unable to mass-produce."

"But please rest assured, the headquarters has dispatched a professional negotiating team to Changzezhou in the mainland, hoping to reach a more in-depth agreement with Changtian Technology to purchase carbon crystal storage and carbon crystal memory in large quantities."

"As long as this batch of parts arrives, our mobile phone mass production will be able to go up, and it will certainly be able to meet the needs of consumers around the world."

Han Yalan finally said this. After she finished speaking, she relaxed, but her whole body was soaked with sweat.

After Han Yanan finished speaking.

The scene in the conference room was completely restless.

The reporters did not expect that there is no way for the mobile phone to do that because some hardware is not in place.

If these hardware are purchased from South Korea or the United States or Toyo, there is no problem at all.

After all, these countries represent advanced technological productivity.

But if the key components are produced in the mainland, this is unacceptable.

Because in the eyes of everyone on the island, especially in the eyes of journalists, the mainland area is the representative of backwardness.

It is okay to produce some mobile phone cases without technical content, but it is absolutely not allowed to produce the key components of mobile phones.

"Hahaha, what are the press officers joking about, the key components of HTC mobile phones are actually products using Changtian Technology?"

"Carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage are actually RAM and RoM, we can use our own brand in the bending area!"

"That's right, that's right, don't you use Changtian Technology's carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal hard disk?"

In the face of the bombardment by the reporters, and the fact that these reporters clearly knew nothing, and pretended to know everything, they were not angry.

He couldn't help but said: "In terms of mobile phone hardware, why did we not purchase RAM and rom from other brands, please consult professionals for these matters. Well, this is the end of the conference."

Han Yalan left the conference room angrily.

The reporters and news media who participated in the press conference immediately announced the news of today's press conference.

And he sighed in surprise: "The mobile phone brands in the Wanwan area actually use the core hardware of the mainland?"

" Because Changtian Technology's carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal hard disk are not in place, HTC cannot be mass-produced!"

Once such news was announced, it was unacceptable to the people on countless islands.

A brand they are proud of!

That mobile phone brand that American consumers are snapping up.

The reason for the success is actually because of Changtian Technology's hardware products?

Quite a few people crashed on the forums.

"Do you have to purchase carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage? Isn't it okay to purchase some semiconductor products of our own brand?"

"It's really not possible to reply to the upstairs. The biggest reason for purchasing carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage is to solve the problem of Android phone stuck."

"An Android phone that doesn't lag will be popular with people."

"It collapsed. Carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage can be produced by any company, but they must not be produced by companies in the mainland!"

HTC executives are not emotional.

Zhou Ming brought his team to Changzezhou again, hoping to purchase a large amount of related hardware from Changtian Technology.

Of course, the conditions given by HTC are the same as last time.

There is still no change in price.

I even feel that the quantity I purchased is relatively large, and I hope Changtian Technology can offer some discounts.

When Zhou Ming was smug, thinking that his negotiation this time would definitely pay off.

Changtian Technology rejected Zhou Ming's request.

This time Zhou Ming was nervous, and quickly asked Changtian Technology, why did he refuse to negotiate?

Because Changtian Technology has to put forward new requirements.

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