Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 508: Feeling like flying, enter the triple G era ahead of schedule

Text Chapter 508 Feeling like flying, entering the 3G era ahead of schedule

Penyang came to Jiangzhou in a hurry.

Wang Xiang also brought his team to greet the Penyang group at the airport.

Penyang was still quite surprised. He did not expect that the general manager and chairman of Changtian Technology would come to greet him in person.

Changtian Technology is still quite generous, and directly booked a floor in a better hotel in the center of Jiangzhou as a temporary accommodation for Penyang and Warwick technicians.

After Penyang met Wang Xiang, he immediately had a sincere discussion.

The content of the negotiation is also related to the construction plan of the 3G base station.

Including the location of construction, the number of base stations and the effect to be achieved, etc.

Pen Yang said very modestly: "3G technology is also our first contact. The whole team is still in the trial and experiment stage. I still hope that President Wang can be more tolerant."

Wang Xiang said with a smile: "Mr. Pen is very polite. Huawei has a wealth of 2G base station construction technology. This is a process of mutual learning and mutual promotion."

3G communication is not through satellite connection, but through a base station and optical fiber link, which can ensure the fastest network and communication speed.

The construction of 3G communication network mainly includes several important structural components.

Core network (circuit domain, packet domain, signaling network and other related facilities).

Wireless network (base station controllers, base stations and other related facilities).

Bearer network (synchronous network, trunk transmission network, access transmission network and other related facilities).

Business network (intelligent network, SMS center, other business engines and business management platforms, etc.).

Support network and so on.

Main basic equipment, including: transmission network, power system, machine room, tower mast, etc.

There is no big difference between 2G and 3G in terms of equipment.

The construction address of the core network must be at the headquarters of Changtian Technology.

Some time ago, Chen Xiao spent more than two million yuan to buy the entire building of the headquarters of Changjiang Technology.

This building has only four floors, and it is not too high. For the low housing prices in Jiangzhou, the price is not too expensive.

Therefore, the core network construction address is also placed on the fourth floor.

According to Penyang's calculations, the best site for the construction of the base station is the 2G base station that Huawei has built in Jiangzhou.

Warwick has a total of three 2G base stations near Changtian Technology's headquarters, and is preparing to make a comprehensive renovation.

So now comes the problem.

To exchange the data of the core network with the base station, it must pass through the optical fiber.

The straight-line distance between the two places is 1 km.

And to take the municipal route, it will take 3 kilometers.

It is very inconvenient to take the open line in the air or the underground pipeline.

In the end, it was Chen Xiao who decided to buy an independent bungalow around one of the base stations, and directly convert the bungalow into a work room with the core network.

Work started immediately.

Chen Xiao handed the matter over to Wang Xiang, and went back to school in a proper manner.

Late June and early July are exam weeks.

No matter how awesome you are, you have to take an exam.

Chen Xiao is also a relatively low-key person, unless he has to, and really has no time, he doesn't want to ask the school for privileges for some reason.

On this day, Wang Xiang and Pen Yang took the technical team to inspect the construction site of the communication base station.

On Xiangyang Street, Jiangzhou City, the Huawei 2G base station closest to Changtian Technology Headquarters is here.

It stands to reason that Huawei is only the builder of the base station, and the ownership should be Xia Guo's mobile or telecommunications companies.

Therefore, the owner of this base station is Xia Guo Telecom, not Warwick.

However, under the communication of Huawei, Huawei can transform and test these communication base stations, of course, the premise is that it does not affect the communication services of Xiaguo Telecom.

Xiangyang Street, formerly known as Xiangyang Village, has vast farmland and houses scattered in it.

Ten years ago, Jiangzhou City Expansion was included in the scope of urban reconstruction, farmland was requisitioned, and houses were demolished.

But the work of the masses is the hardest to do.

Even if the demolition solves the problem of renting for you and also solves the problem of social security for you, there are still some people who are not happy.

Wang Zhiqiang's family, located 200 meters next to the base station, refused to demolish for various reasons.

This is good, 10 years later, his neighbors and the surrounding farmland have been demolished and requisitioned, and roads and shops of different heights have been built around.

Only Wang Zhiqiang's family lived behind the street, and it was under the iron tower, which was quite inconvenient.

Ten years later, Wang Zhiqiang's father and mother have both passed away, and the house is dilapidated.

He wanted to find a daughter-in-law, but seeing that his family was so poor, the woman still lived in a leaky small bungalow, and she was even more reluctant to be with him.

Wang Zhiqiang, who is 38 years old this year, is alone. He works at a nearby construction site during the day, picks up some rotten vegetables at the vegetable market at night, and returns to the bungalow to eat and be alone.

This is a bungalow. 10 years ago, there was no electricity and no water. After 10 years, there is still no electricity and no water.

Wang Zhiqiang looked at the neighbors who used to live in the resettlement houses arranged by the government, with electricity and water, and one household was divided into two or three rooms, which was quite envious.

Moreover, his cousin Wang Zhigang, who was poorer than his family before, also resolved the social security and housing problems after the demolition. Wang Zhiqiang regretted the birth of his daughter-in-law.

Wang Zhiqiang approached the government two years ago, hoping that the government would demolish his house.

His requirements are not too high, and it is enough to be consistent with the compensation standards of some left and right neighbors in the past.

However, it is a pity that the relevant departments have no corresponding demolition plan.

The reason why the demolition conditions were so favorable at the beginning was that real estate developers hoped to build commercial centers and some residences after demolition.

These projects have long since ended, and the real estate bosses have all run away. How can the relevant departments have the funds and policies for you to demolish and relocate?

Wang Zhiqiang regrets it!

This morning, Wang Zhiqiang still took the tools to the labor market and waited for the employer to hire him.

But I waited from 6:00 in the morning to 1:00 noon and no one saw me.

Wang Zhiqiang was very disappointed and returned home with his tools.

He was very hungry and his stomach was growling, but he had no work and no income today, so he had to go to the street to buy two steamed buns to satisfy his hunger.

As soon as Wang Zhiqiang walked to the door, he found a group of people wearing clean suits and leather shoes pointing in front of his bungalow.

This time Wang Zhiqiang was a little excited.

Wang Zhiqiang thought that the staff of the relevant departments were coming to demolish his home.

He threw away the labor tools and just went over and asked, "Several leaders, are we going to demolish this place?"

Wang Xiang looked at Wang Zhiqiang and said, "Are you the master here?"

Wang Zhiqiang nodded quickly and said excitedly, "Yes, yes, I am."

Wang Zhiqiang hurriedly found a wrinkled and yellowed Tianxia Xiu from his bag, took out a few cigarettes, and handed them to Wang Xiang and Penyang.

Penyang often supervises the construction on the construction site, so Huazi can smoke, and the world can also smoke.

And Wang Xiang has quit smoking.

Wang Xiang said: "We didn't come here to demolish it, we just wanted to ask you, would you like to sell this house to us?"

Wang Zhiqiang was disappointed and said, "If you don't sell it, you won't sell it. If you sell it, where will I live?"

Wang Zhiqiang still wants to wait for the demolition, because demolition can solve his social security, and he also needs to divide the house.

Wang Xiang smiled and said, "One hundred and fifty thousand."

Wang Zhiqiang was stunned.

150,000 is not a small number.

The resettlement houses left and right are at most 50,000 to 60,000 sets (the resettlement houses are located in the suburban junction, the quality is not high, and the price is cheap), 150,000 yuan can buy two or three sets, and there are tens of thousands left. .

And these tens of thousands can completely make up for Wang Zhiqiang's social security, in addition to money to marry a wife.

This is more cost-effective than demolition.

Wang Zhiqiang said suspiciously, "Is it true or false?"

When he learned that Wang Zhiqiang did not have a passbook or bank card, Wang Xiang directly asked someone to bring cash.

Money cannot be fake.

After two days of negotiation, Wang Xiang confirmed that the owner of this square is indeed Wang Zhiqiang, and the two parties signed a contract and completed the sale of the house (this is a parallel world, don't use real-life homesteads that cannot be bought and sold to see article).

Wang Zhiqiang took the money and hurried to buy a house.

He probably did not expect that his decision would bring him more unexpected surprises after more than 10 or 20 years.

Changtian Technology's Luban Construction Co., Ltd. (100% holding by Changtian Technology) completely renovated the bungalow in one week.

Not to mention, after the renovation, the house plus the outside garden and the surrounding private plots are like a paradise hidden in a big city.

Of course, the final transformation is the security system.

Because the core network is to be built here, there is only one door in and out, and the rest of the place has monitoring, alarms and barbed wire.

Warwick started building the core network and laying fiber from here to the base station.

Chen Xiao's decision to buy the land was a wise choice.

Because from the square to the base station, the entire pipeline network will pass through Wang Zhiqiang's former private land.

Even excavation will not alarm others.

In mid-July, all the renovations were completed.

The construction of the 3G communication experimental network has been completed.

Huawei directly dispatched technicians from Shenzhen to check in at the core network points to assist in debugging related networks.

Jiangzhou Changtian Technology Headquarters, conference room.

Chen Xiao, Ren Fei, Wang Xiang, Pen Yang and other senior management of Changtian Technology and Huawei are all there.

Today is the day to test the domestic 3G network.

Even though Ren Fei was on vacation, he deliberately rushed over from Shenzhen.

Chen Xiao and Ren Fei both had a mobile phone in their hands.

Chen Xiao is Nokia's 3G mobile phone.

This is because the phone is sold in Xiaguo and has been castrated from the 3G network.

The technicians of Changtian Technology have restored the 3G function of the mobile phone.

Ren Fei has a Motorola A1000 in his hands.

This was given to Ren Fei by Motorola.

This mobile phone is a 3G mobile phone, and it is a large-screen touch-screen mobile phone. It is equipped with the Saipan UIQ system and can install Java programs.

These functions are pretty awesome.

Ren Fei often travels overseas, especially to the United States, so his mobile phone has 3G capabilities.

However, after returning to China, because there is no 3G communication base station, and the service provider does not provide 3G services, the 3G function is basically abandoned there.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Mr. Ren?"

Ren Fei was very excited at this time.

If this test is successful, it means that Huawei can independently master 3G communication technology.

This is very meaningful for Warwick's global competitiveness.

Both Ren Fei and Chen Xiao turned on at the same time, and the mobile phone inserted the 3G card made by Changtian Technology into the phone.

Chen Xiao's phone number is 0001 and Ren Fei's phone number is 0002.

The mobile phones of the two can only make calls to each other and are not connected to the national communication network.

However, it is possible to access the Internet by linking the base station, thereby connecting to the core network.

The two began to test.

The first is to make a phone call.

There is no problem with calling, the line is clear and very stable.

Actually, the two made a 3G video call through the video call function of the mobile phone, and it was not stuck at all.

Technicians at Warwick have been checking the phone data of the two people.

Whether it is the call quality or the network data, the technicians of Warwick are quite surprised.

This quality completely explodes the existing 2G network.

Chen Xiao tests downloading and uploading files.

Relevant data quickly appeared in the backend of the technicians.

The uplink rate is 6.13Mbps, and the downlink rate is 7.98Mbps.

Uplink (MHz) 1920-1980, downlink (MHz) 2110-2170.


Warwick's technicians were extremely shocked.

The 3G technology of Changtian Technology adopts the relatively mature FDD modulation, but both the call quality and the network efficiency are better than those of Nokia, Alcatel, Ericsson, Cisco and other communication companies. .

It can be said that this test has almost directly established the international advanced position of Changtian Technology's 3G communication technology.

Should be invincible!

Warwick's technicians cheered and screamed, hugging each other excitedly.

How could they not be excited.

In order to break through 3G technology, they have overcome difficulties in countless days and nights, but with little success.

But today they were successful.

And this success is completely different from directly spending money to buy technology from the West.

They achieved success through close cooperation with Changtian Technology and unreserved cooperation, which is a sense of achievement.

Chen Xiao also sighed in relief.

Not because of anything else, but because after being reborn for so long, I can finally use my mobile phone to surf the Internet smoothly.

Finally don't have to use **** feature phones anymore.

Ren Fei's eyes were a little wet, and his forehead was covered in sweat.

He took out a square towel from his bag and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Mr. Chen, congratulations!" Ren Fei said.

Chen Xiao also smiled happily and said, "Mr. Ren, congratulations."

Ren Fei jokingly said, "The next step is to discuss how to divide the spoils."

In fact, Huawei has several 3G projects to discuss, because there is no relevant technology, so he dare not talk about this kind of business.

But it's different now.

Now that the technology is available, the experience is also available.

Ren Fei is of course full of confidence.

Chen Xiao laughed and said, "Will Huawei set up a communication service company and popularize 3G network first?"


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