It was a call from Sony headquarters in Xiaguo, and Tanaka was still upset.

Tanaka said to a friend: "Xia Guo's factory business is really annoying. Those people (Xia Guo workers) never think about their work, and they don't know what's wrong, otherwise they wouldn't call me so late."

Tanaka Shiro answered the phone reluctantly.

The caller was Murakami, the general manager of Sony Xiaguo Corporation.

Murakami hurriedly told Tanaka about the situation of the Changtian Technology Conference just now.

But when Murakami tried his best to describe the content of Changtian Technology's carbon crystal storage conference in his own words.

Tanaka was still stunned. He said to Murakami unhappily: "Did you drink at night? What's the fuss about! You said that Changtian Technology has released a new storage method?"

Murakami hurriedly organized the language again and repeated the production situation of the press conference.

Tanaka had an exaggerated expression after hearing this.

"What are you kidding? Changtian Technology has developed a new storage method. I'm afraid you have been fooled by the people of Xia."

In the impression of the Orientals, most of the people of Xia are full of lies and dishonesty.

Who knew Murakami said anxiously: "Whether the products at the press conference are lies to deceive the industry? I have already sent someone to Jiangzhou to purchase some carbon crystal storage from Changtian Technology early tomorrow morning."

"After all, at the press conference just now, Changjiang Technology did demonstrate the read and write speed of carbon crystal storage to all the media. All the demonstration sessions were under the camera of reporters, and the possibility of cheating was extremely low."

Even though Murakami's tone was very serious, Shiro Tanaka still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

He said with relief: "Take it easy Murakami, you can take the flight back from Shanghai tomorrow afternoon, and you will have a very wonderful vacation."

The rogue Murakami smiled and said, "Yes, I will definitely bring back the carbon crystal storage."

Compared with Shiro Tanaka, who did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all, Deng Yun had already seen the news about the product launch conference of Changtian Technology issued by Xinlanghuhuhu and other online media.

Carbon crystal storage, both in read and write speed and capacity, far exceeds the current flash memory.

If this product can really come out, even if the price is slightly more expensive than flash memory, the living space of flash memory will be extremely squeezed.

Deng Yun broke out in a cold sweat.

Xinlang Technology is the news department that Xinlang has just established in the past two years, and its reports are very professional and of high quality.

Since Xinlang Technology has already reported it, Deng Yun feels that Wang Zhi's call to inform the press conference should be true.

He now looks back and thinks about the process of Netac and Changtian Technology's lawsuit, and he is like an idiot being played around by Changtian Technology.

Changtian Technology had already gained confidence before the lawsuit, and they seemed to be jokingly waiting for Netac's response.

Being put together by Changtian Technology, this is not the most important.

Are you a clown?

What Deng Yun is most worried about is that if carbon crystal storage can be mass-produced and listed on a large scale in the future, then Netac will really be finished.

Netac's current market value is as high as hundreds of millions of RMB. The annual profit is also as high as tens of millions.

But its profitability is very single.

40% of the profit comes from its own production and sales of USB flash drives, and 60% from the patent for charging flash memory to the world.

At this time, Changtian Technology announced that the carbon crystal storage is a snake hitting seven inches.

With carbon crystal storage, who still buys a U disk?

Everyone doesn't buy U disks anymore, who will produce U disks?

No one produces U disks, so where does Netac collect patent fees?

At this time, Deng Yun's wife called.

"Husband, you're going to my family for the New Year tomorrow night, can you come back on time?"

Deng Yun's hometown is not in the Shenzhen market. He booked a flight to his hometown half a month ago.

But after this incident, Deng Yun dared not go back.

Deng Yun said impatiently: "There is something in the company, so I won't be able to come tomorrow."

Deng Yun's wife was anxious, "Why can't you come back? You didn't come back for the New Year last year, and you won't come back this year! I told my parents, what's the point of you living with me like this?!"

Originally, Changtian Technology had put a lot of pressure on Deng Yun, but now that his wife is making a noise, Deng Yun's heart is even more annoyed.

"Okay, okay, I still have something to do here, don't call me!"

Deng Yun hung up the phone in dismay, and he wanted to call Wang Zhi immediately.

Wang Zhi had just returned to the hotel and was writing a report on today's press conference. He also called a friend at the airport and asked him to help him book a flight to Shenzhen tomorrow.

It was at this moment that he received a call from Deng Yun.

Deng Yun asked Wang Zhi to go to Jiangzhou Guomei Mall early tomorrow morning to buy carbon crystal storage such as Changtian Technology anyway.

Reports from the media are reported, and Deng Yun still has to get the actual product and study it carefully before he can draw a conclusion.

And from the beginning to the end, Deng Yun still thinks. How could Changjiang Technology develop a storage technology that is different from flash memory chips? Can such a difficult technological problem be solved by a third-rate technology company?

To this end, Deng Yun also specifically called the person in charge of Guomei in Shenzhen, hoping that Shenzhen could say hello to Jiangzhou and sell carbon crystal storage directly to Wang Zhi.

But because Netac also used legal judgments and threats to put pressure on Guomei a few days ago.

Mr. Zhou, the person in charge of Shenzhen Guomei, agreed with a smile on the phone. In fact, as soon as the phone hung up, he scolded directly: "Hello! I didn't think about the attitude of putting pressure on us a few days ago?"

President Zhou shook his head, put down the phone, and ignored Deng Yun's words at all.

It wasn't even 7am the next morning.

The sky in Jiangzhou is not yet bright, and the leaves of the sidewalk trees by the road are covered with hoarfrost.

After the winter in Jiangzhou, the weather is very cold.

People walk outside as if their clothes are wet, no matter how they wear them, they will not be warm.

Outside Jiangzhou Guomei Mall, at least 20 or 30 people had already lined up in a long line.

People who don't know the truth of the matter thought that Guomei was going to queue up to deliver eggs today.

Many elderly people who were doing morning exercises passed by, hurriedly followed the young people in the back, and asked curiously, "Do the young people want to deliver eggs here?"

The young people in line were a little speechless, "Mother-in-law, we are here to buy things, we don't deliver eggs here."

When I heard that it would cost money, the elderly left very unhappy.

The young people lining up today are not ordinary consumers. Most of them are media reporters or employees of technology companies.

They only bought carbon crystal storage for one purpose, to take it back to test its performance.

Sony employees and Netac's Wang Zhi were also in line.

Especially Wang Zhi, he never thought that he would be sitting in this position, and he would have to get up early to line up to buy things.

This feeling is really depressing!

At ten past eight, Guomei opened the door.

Even though Gome's employees had received a notice from the manager last night to be vaccinated, they did not expect that so many people would come to line up in the morning.

The reporters saw the final selling price of the carbon crystal storage.

There is only one model of carbon crystal storage currently sold in Guomei.

It is the 512 megabytes demonstrated by Wang Xiang at the press conference.

This also dispels the doubts of the reporters. After all, many companies are talking about one kind of performance in front of reporters, but actually putting them on the market is another kind of performance.

At the press conference held by Changtian Technology yesterday, it is indeed very confident to take out the physical products for sale today.

As Wang Xiang said at the press conference, the number of the first batch of goods is indeed not much, and the total number is only 20.

So what about the price?

The price of Guomei is 499 yuan.

A U disk actually sold for 499 yuan, which is incredible after more than 10 or 20 years.

After more than 10 years, 16G or even 64G U disks can be produced, and the price is only a few dozen yuan.

But in this era, when a 128-megabyte U disk can sell for more than 200 yuan, a 256-megabyte U disk is almost invisible in the market, and it is very normal to buy a 512-megabyte U disk for 499 yuan, and even feel Cheap.

Of course, it is impossible for Changtian Technology to keep its U disk at such a high price forever.

Chen Xiao will re-set the price as the market changes.

But now that there is a chance to make a fortune, why not do it?

A very small number of carbon crystal storage is sold, and this will inevitably make everyone scramble for it.

Some journalists who have already confirmed the purchase are still paying for it, and the customers who have already paid for it have robbed the item.

This time, the two were arguing, but fortunately, the clerk maintained order in time.

Sony's employees and Netac's Wang Zhi are lucky.

They were lucky enough to grab a 512M carbon crystal storage.

The two eagerly brought the carbon crystal storage back to Toyo and Shenzhen respectively, and sent it to their own laboratory for detailed research.

Reporters from "Computer Enthusiast" and Xinlang and other media also bought a piece of carbon crystal storage.

They'll be back in the newsroom right away to put their carbon storage to the test in their own way.

On the contrary, Chen Xiao is leisurely holding a year-end summary meeting for employees at Changjiang Technology Headquarters.

Before the Spring Festival, Chen Xiao decided to issue a one-time New Year bonus to Changjiang Technology employees, including employees in the field.

In 2000, Changtian Technology was just established, and recently the company is developing new technologies and launching new, so cash is relatively tight.

However, under such a background, Chen Xiao still gave each high-level (Zhou Linghua, Wang Xiang, Gao Miao, Sun Dong) 5,000 yuan, middle-level staff 3,000 yuan, technical staff 2,000 yuan, and ordinary employees 1,000 yuan , 500 yuan New Year subsidy for assembly line workers in each factory.

This amount of money is not much for Chen Xiao, but it is very heart-warming.

Especially those workers on the front line of the factory. They may have worked in the factory for decades. During the Chinese New Year, at most, they received some condolences of rice and rapeseed oil, and they have never received New Year's money.

For ordinary employees, 1,000 yuan is higher than the monthly salary of many company employees, and everyone is very satisfied.

Chen Xiao said at the staff meeting: "Changtian Technology regards every employee as his own family. Next year, we will formulate a detailed bonus distribution mechanism according to the company's performance. As long as everyone works hard, the bonus may be higher than the annual bonus. Wages are even higher!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was very excited!

At this time, the secretary whispered in Wang Xiang's ear: "Mr. Wang, Netac's Minister Wang went to line up early this morning and bought a carbon crystal storage U disk."

Wang Xiang couldn't help covering his mouth and said with a smile, "Now Netac's Spring Festival is not a good time."


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