Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 186: Carbon Crystal Storage, Release (1)

Chen Xiao wanted to go home for a refreshing Spring Festival, but Netac, Sony and other companies were unwilling.

Since they were unwilling, Chen Xiao had to shut up these noisy people first.

Netac in particular, the practice is too disgusting.

The Shenzhen court had already made a judgment, Netac won, but it also gave Lingyue a month.

Unexpectedly, Netac couldn't wait for even a month, and directly put pressure on Gomei and other malls to remove Lingyue's products from these malls.

This approach made Chen Xiao particularly unhappy.

Since Netac and other companies are not willing to let Chen Xiao spend the Spring Festival happily, Chen Xiao is also very happy to give them a big gift package before the Spring Festival.

Wang Xiang hurriedly asked, "Has the conceptual product come out?"

Chen Xiao put the carbon crystal memory in his hand on the table and said, "Isn't this a conceptual product?"

Only then did Wang Xiang feel that his head was confused.

His breathing was heavy. If Changtian Technology announced the news about carbon crystal storage, what kind of shock would it cause in the technology world.

And as long as Netac's chips are loosened, the negotiations between Motorola and Nokia will be easily resolved.

Wang Xiang immediately said: "I will inform you immediately. All employees of Changtian Technology will not consider the Spring Festival holiday for the time being. I will ask the office to write an invitation letter to invite Netac, Sony and other companies."

The spirit of the employees in the entrepreneurial state has always been tense. Everyone was indignant when they heard that Netac had put pressure on Guomei to remove the products from the shelves.

Now Wang Xiang asked everyone to go back to their jobs, saying that the company had major news to announce before the Spring Festival, and everyone did not complain, and immediately adjusted their emotions and entered the working state.

Changtian Technology drafted an invitation letter.

The content of the invitation letter is that Changjiang Technology will announce important news to the society on January 20, 2021, that is, three days before New Year's Eve. I hope everyone can attend on time.

The meeting address is located in the large conference room of Hyatt Regency Hotel in Jiangzhou City.

It's four thirty in the afternoon

Choosing this place is also helpless. After all, the size of Changtian Technology is still too small, and there is no real headquarters, let alone a large conference room or an academic lecture hall.

The announcement does not say that Changtian Technology will release a new technology or new product.

There are two purposes for this, one is to ensure the mystery of the product, and the other is to say a word or two in the invitation letter.

Wang Xiang's team urgently prepared the venue and lighting and sound facilities for the product launch.

It was the first time for everyone to do this kind of thing, and they felt a little more unfamiliar but excited.

Invitations were sent to various media and related companies in the form of emails and hard copies.

Internet media such as Baidu, Huohu and Xinlang will not talk about it. They were originally allies of Changtian Technology, and they would definitely come to support in this situation.

Technology magazines such as "Computer Enthusiast" and "Technology e Home" have always been concerned about the patent dispute between Changtian Technology and Netac. When they heard that Changtian Technology had important news to be released, they all said that they would definitely to the scene.

In addition, because it is a local company in Jiangzhou, and it is one of the few technology companies that can discuss cooperation with overseas companies, traditional media such as "Jiangzhou Daily", "Jiangzhou TV Station", "Jiangyang Evening News" have also expressed their opinions on it. focus on.

The invitation letter was sent to Deng Yun.

In this way, Deng Yun was a little stunned. He knew that the life of Lingyue Company must be difficult, and he also knew that Changtian Technology was the parent company of Lingyue Company.

It's almost the Spring Festival, what kind of **** is Changtian Technology going to make?

Deng Yun convened a high-level meeting to discuss the invitation letter for the development of Changtian Technology.

Netac's executives agreed that Changtian Technology said it had major news to announce before the Spring Festival, and its original intention was to win the sympathy of the media.

Everyone unanimously judged that Changtian Technology should have a cash crisis because the MP3 produced by its subsidiary Lingyue could not be sold.

Netac's executive said: "Or is it announcing that Lingyue MP3 will be sold at a reduced price?"

Deng Yun thought about it, and felt that it was most likely to announce the news.

Because there is still a month left, if Lingyue sells MP3s at a low price, it will achieve two purposes.

One is the return of funds that can be obtained in a short period of time to help Lingyue overcome the difficulties before and after the Spring Festival.

Another is that low-price sales will certainly win the sympathy of the media and consumers.

In all fairness, the appearance of Lingyue MP3 is still the best, even Deng Yun has to admit this reality.

After thinking about it, Deng Yun decided on a strategy, "Let the public relations department immediately publicize the harm of Lingyue's infringement of intellectual property patents to the business environment and entrepreneurial environment of Xia Guo."

Deng Yun nodded on the table and said, "Especially to explain that Lingyue's infringement of intellectual property rights is very detrimental to Xia's entry into the WTO."

Deng Yun is doing this to occupy the commanding heights of public opinion. Since he has already fought against Lingyue, he will kill Lingyue in one go to avoid future troubles.

At the same time, Deng Yun was still a little worried. He sent a deputy minister of the marketing department to Jiangzhou to attend the press conference of Changtian Technology.

It's almost the Spring Festival, Deng Yun still has a lot of things to deal with, of course he won't go there in person, and with the size of Lingyue Company, it's not worth Deng Yun to attend the press conference in person.

The invitations were also sent to the mailboxes of heavyweight technology companies such as Toshiba, Sony, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, and LG by email.

Similar to Motorola and Nokia, they originally sent people to be stationed in Jiangzhou. They sent representatives to participate in the form of watching the fun.

Samsung and LG simply ignored the invitation email and treated it as spam.

Just kidding, after several years of development, Samsung and LG have become global technology companies. Will they pull their faces to attend the launch of a small technology company?

What about dreaming?

At Sony headquarters, Shiro Tanaka also saw the launch of Changtian Technology handed over by his subordinates.

He smiled and put the printed invitation into the trash can.

Shiro Tanaka said to his subordinates: "Just show me this kind of spam, there is no need to report it."

"A third-rate technology company's press conference would invite us to attend? Are you in a hurry?"

The disdainful look said it all.

There is still one day left before the start of the press conference. Wang Xiang counted the people and the list of people who signed up for the press conference.

He said to Chen Xiao, "There is a minister from Netac's side, but technology companies such as Sony, LG, and Samsung have not sent anyone."

Such a result was also expected by Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if there are not many people, as long as there are enough media to participate, then our goal will be achieved."

Chen Xiao is playing with a 512m carbon crystal storage in his hand, and he firmly believes that this capacity will become larger in a few months.

January 20, 2001, at 4 pm, Jiangzhou Hyatt Regency Hotel.

Many media were already waiting outside the hotel.

Some reporters are still complaining: "What the **** is Changtian Technology doing? There are still a few days before the Spring Festival, so what's the press conference?"

Holding a press conference before the Spring Festival disrupted the schedules of many reporters.

After all, a few days before the Spring Festival, many reporters have already purchased train tickets or plane tickets for these two days, ready to go home for the Spring Festival.

So the reporters couldn't help but complain, even very upset.

The media from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange had an unclear relationship with Netac.

Before the press conference of Changtian Technology started, these reporters already had their own reporting positions, and they must rely on whatever they were negative.

At 4:30, the press conference officially started.

Wang Xiang, in a suit, stood at the center of the stage, facing so many reporters for the first time in his history.

Although the site of the conference was carefully prepared, due to the gap in funding and technology, it was still much worse than the conferences of later generations of Apple or Xiaomi.

Wearing a thick down jacket, Wang Xiang stood in the center of the stage and said, "Thank you very much for coming to the Jiangzhou Changtian Technology Conference on the eve of the Spring Festival."

"To invite everyone to come today, there is indeed a very important news to announce to everyone."

The reporters turned the camera on Wang Xiang, looking forward to announcing the news as soon as possible, and then everyone went back to their respective homes and looked for their respective mothers.

Netac Marketing Deputy Director Wang Zhi was also very depressed.

He said to the reporter next to him: "It may be to announce the price reduction of Lingyue, and to play tricks."

The Hyatt Regency Hotel is actually the best hotel in Jiangzhou, but the air-conditioning equipment doesn't seem to work so well, and there is no way to completely close the windows around it, even wearing a down jacket is still a little cold.

On the big screen that the display effect is not particularly good, three U disks are displayed.

Although there is no specific brand marked on the bottom of the U disk, as long as you are in the industry, you can see at a glance that the first U disk is Netac, the second U disk is Sony, and the third U disk is Samsung.

As soon as he saw Netac's products on the Wang Zhi's face became unhappy.

What is Changtian Technology doing?

Although the U disk is not marked with the name of the brand, it is marked with the capacity.

The memory of U disks on the market today is actually very small. The flash memory used by MP3 is often 128 megabytes, which is actually very good.

The smallest capacity of Netac is only 32M, and the capacity of Sony and Samsung is only 64M.

The 128M flash memory technology is basically not used for the production of ordinary U disks, but for the production of professional equipment.

After all, in this era, the cost of a 128-megabyte U disk is still very high, and the price on the market is also several hundred yuan, which is not cheaper than MP3.

Wang Xiang said, "You may have noticed that we have shown you some of the most popular USB flash drives on the market today."

"As the computer industry develops, storage technologies like flash memory will definitely become more common, but we also found a problem."

"Why is the patent of flash memory in the hands of Xia people, but the production technology of flash memory chips is in the hands of Westerners?"

"How much data can a mainstream U disk such as 32m or 64m store? Can we have a mobile storage tool with larger storage space?"

Hearing Wang Xiang say this, Netac's representative Wang Zhi's face turned black.

Isn't this hitting Netac in the face of all the media?

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