Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 126: eye-catching business

"Rebirth 1999: Open the Age of Black Technology (!

The editor-in-chief of Xinlang's technology column is also stupid. He didn't expect that the MP3 advertisements that have been playing in Xinlang these days are arranged by Baidu. If you want to investigate Lingyue, just ask Baidu directly.

After a detailed investigation, Xinlang Technology dug out Changtian Technology behind Lingyue, and found that Changtian Technology not only has MP3 related patents, but also has related patents for CNC machine tool motherboards.

Xinlang Technology finally commented: "After 2000, the Xia Kingdom has faced unprecedented changes. How can we achieve the rise of the country and the prosperity of the nation? Technology is the most important factor."

"As an emerging technology company, Changtian Technology has made great achievements in CNC machine tool motherboards and MP3. Among them, in MP3, it broke the technological monopoly of Toyo and South Korea and produced domestically produced MP3. This company is worth our expectations!"

Xinlang Technology reported on this day that it has absolute weight in the industry.

At the same time, magazines such as "Computer Enthusiasts" and "Technology Home" that have been following Guomei have also reprinted the reports of Xinlang Technology, and gave Lingyue a high evaluation.

In the fast-selling electronics industry, Xia Guo's market share in high-end products is basically 0.

What we can get and sell in mass production are only Walkmans similar to BBK, and domestic CD players are not absent, but there is a big gap between the quality and sales of foreign products.

MP3 is regarded by many tech giants as the representative of future digital music, but because the technology is in the hands of Toyo and South Korea, everyone is worried that digital music will be dominated by foreign countries in the future.

Just when Sony and Samsung were developing the Xiaguo market on a large scale, no one thought that a Lingyue MP3 would come out of nowhere.

Lingyue has already aroused the vigilance of Sony and other companies. They just don't understand two problems. Xia has MP3 decoding chip technology? Can Xia Guo's cost be cheaper than his own?

Shenzhen, Netac Corporation.

ADLINK's Vice President Qian Jun is discussing the purchase of MP3 flash memory with Deng Yun, CEO of Netac.

The procurement business of thousands of flash memory is not favored by Netac.

Because Netac's current business is mainly aimed at overseas, Samsung, Sony, Hyundai and other companies have an endless stream of orders, and very few companies could have a market value of hundreds of millions in 2000.

But just now, Deng Yun got the news of Lingyue MP3.

Just next door to Netac, Shenzhen Guomei Electric Appliances, 60 units of Lingyue were sold out.

The number of 60 units is not too much, but to Deng Yun's surprise, it was sold in the middle of the counters of Samsung and Sony.

As a leader in USB storage, Deng Yun is very clear that USB storage technology will become the mainstream instead of CDs, and MP3 using this technology will also become mainstream instead of CDs and tapes.

And MP3 is definitely a blue ocean market in China.

Deng Yun didn't want to cooperate with Lingyue anymore.

Netac has a flash memory production line, and has a very good relationship with Samsung, Sony and other companies. Adding a U disk to a motherboard is MP3. For Netac, it is a matter of adding a process to the production line.

If Sony or Samsung made money on MP3, then Deng Yun takes it for granted. After all, foreign companies are already very advanced in technology.

But if a little-known Xiaguo technology company made money by making MP3s, Deng Yun felt very unhappy in his heart.

It's a bad feeling to let others take the lead in something that you can do.

Deng Yun replied to Qian Jun and said, "Recently, the company's production line is full, and I really have no conditions to accept your order."

This time Qian Jun is anxious, waiting for the rice to cook over there, and there is no rice here. Isn't this anxious to kill people?

Qian Jun said quickly: "Let's see if Mr. Deng can do it conveniently, we only need the flash memory of the initial embryo!"

Deng Yun said with a smile: "Your orders are too small, we are in a dilemma! If you have tens of thousands of orders, we can also consider it for you."

Qian Jun suffered a dull loss, but had no choice but to leave Netac first.

Qian Jun immediately called Zhou Linghua, and Zhou Linghua was also stunned.

"You said Netac won't sell? It's not like we won't give money, how could they not sell?"

Qian Jun repeated Deng Yun's remarks.

"Fuck!" Zhou Linghua was still fantasizing about making Lingyue MP3 bigger and stronger, but he couldn't even buy raw materials here.

Zhou Linghua issued a military order to Qian Jun and said, "You can't buy anything when you go with cash? No matter if you steal or rob, you must give me the flash memory back!"

Meanwhile, another group had problems sourcing batteries.

Xia Guo currently has no domestic lithium battery manufacturer, and all lithium batteries come from Sony and its foundries.

At this time, BYD is still concentrating on its own nickel-chromium batteries.

Because most mobile phones at this time are using nickel-chromium batteries instead of lithium batteries.

To put it more bluntly, BYD does not have a technology tree for lithium batteries yet.

Maybe it's because Sony smelled the wind, or maybe it's because Sony saw you and the first time MP3 appeared, and it was amazing.

In the few Sony lithium battery processing factories in Shenzhen, the other party refused to sell lithium batteries on the grounds that the information of Lingyue MP3 was incomplete!

This time, Qian Jun really panicked.

Qian Jun immediately called Zhou Linghua and told him that lithium batteries could not be bought here.

Qian Jun even said: "We find a middleman here. The middleman can purchase in other names, but the price is very expensive. The cost of the battery accounts for more than half of our MP3 cost. What else are we doing?!"

Zhou Linghua hung up the phone and threw the phone to the ground.

The competition for FMCG products is bigger than you think.

It was an inherent circle, a circle belonging to Toyo and South Korean brands.

As an emerging brand, it is even more difficult for Lingyue to enter this circle.

He also did not expect that a small MP3 involved more technical barriers than CNC machine tools.

This product has just been released and is about to die.

Zhou Linghua had no choice but to call Chen Xiao directly.

At this time, Chen Xiao was reading in the library.

Zhou Linghua's words carried some emotions.

"MP3 can't be done!" Zhou Linghua said Chen Xiao asked in confusion, "What's the reason? Raw materials?"

Zhou Linghua said: "You can't buy flash memory, nor can you buy batteries. I can't do anything if I have a production line here."

Then Zhou Linghua told Chen Xiao what happened to Qian Jun in Shengshi and Yangcheng.

"We are a new company. This time the large-scale purchase is different from the last time. If you come to the door so rashly, the circle will not accept us at all, and you can't buy anything with money!"

Chen Xiao closed the book.

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