"Tell me, what's going on?"

After the shrew ran away cursing, Jiang Cheng turned to look at Lu Xin and asked.


Lu Xin's face was red, and she stammered for a long time and couldn't say anything.

"Hey...I guessed it even if you didn't say it."

Jiang Cheng sighed and said, "That crazy woman, I'm afraid she's your stepmother?"

"How did you know?"

"Even a tiger won't eat its own cubs, how could a mother curse her daughter so indiscriminately?"

Jiang Cheng spread his hands helplessly: "And the curse was so ugly."


After listening to Jiang Cheng's inference, Lu Xin didn't speak for a long time, but just lowered her head in silence.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Cheng didn't say anything more.

After all, this was Lu Xin's own family matter, and if she really didn't want to speak, Jiang Cheng couldn't force her.

"You're right..."

After a long time, Lu Xin seemed to have figured something out. After taking a deep breath, he looked at Jiang Cheng and said.

"She is indeed my stepmother..."

After making up her mind, Lu Xin finally decided not to hide anything from Jiang Cheng anymore, and slowly began to talk about her life experience.

——It turned out that Lu Xin's biological mother died when she was very young.

It was her father who raised her, and for more than ten years, the father and daughter have been dependent on each other.

Until the year before last, his father met his current stepmother, Fan Guixiang, who came to the city to work. When he just remarried, although the woman was fierce and fierce, the family was still okay under the protection of Lu's father.

But until last year, Lu's father suffered from uremia due to the deterioration of diabetes for many years, and the stepmother's true nature was finally revealed.

Not only did she hold the tens of thousands of yuan of savings that Lu's father had accumulated over the years tightly in her hands, she also ignored her seriously ill husband and threw all the responsibilities onto Lu Xin, who was still a high school student.

Originally, with Lu Xin's college entrance examination results, she could have chosen any of the two famous universities, Peking University and Tsinghua University, but because she was worried that no one would take care of her seriously ill father, she had no choice but to choose the local Qin Jiaotong University.

Unexpectedly, this was the beginning of her nightmare.

Instead of being happy about Lu Xin's good grades, Fan Guixiang used the absurd excuse that it was useless for girls to study to obstruct her in every way and insisted that Lu Xin drop out of school.

"You applied for a student loan for your tuition, right?"

After listening to Lu Xin's statement, Jiang Cheng still frowned in confusion and said, "Moreover, with your current situation and ability, you will definitely receive poverty subsidies and scholarships in the future."

"I just don't understand. You didn't spend a penny on your stepmother to go to college, but why did she insist on you dropping out?"

"This... this... because... because..."

When it comes to this topic, Lu Xin immediately lowered her head and said in a stuttering tone: "She... doesn't want me to study because she wants me to Marry her son..."

"She has another son in the countryside, who is ten years older than me. He is a lazy and unemployed rogue... No one in the surrounding area is willing to marry him, and he still can't find a wife..."

"So... she insisted that I marry her son to continue her family line... If I don't marry... she said she would never care about my father again..."

"Huh? ! Isn't this bullshit? !"

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but stare in surprise, feeling both angry and funny.

—— Damn, this crazy woman has a pretty good idea!

Such a beautiful lady like Lu actually wants to take her home to marry her rogue son?

She and her mother are also worthy?

Why don't you take a piss and look at yourself?!

"Cough cough... cough cough cough..."

A sudden cough on the bed interrupted Jiang Cheng's thoughts.

"Dad? Are you awake?"

Seeing her father opening his eyes with difficulty, Lu Xin hurried over and asked anxiously: "How are you? Why are you coughing?"

"Xiao...Xiao Xin..."

With his eyes half open, Father Lu said intermittently: "I... feel... uncomfortable..."

As he spoke, he coughed again, breathing heavily in between.

"Dad! Dad! Don't scare me! Dad! What's wrong with you?!"

Seeing her father like this, Lu Xin was so anxious that tears kept flowing, and she was panicked for a while.

On the contrary, Jiang Cheng on the side was quite experienced, and quickly pressed the call button on the edge of the bed.

Not long after, a group of medical staff rushed over.

"Not good,The patient's condition has worsened!"

The attending physician who was walking in front of him looked at Mr. Lu's condition and his tone suddenly became serious: "We must prepare for kidney transplantation immediately!"

"Doctor." Jiang Cheng asked calmly: "Is there a matching kidney source now?"

"Yes, but the surgery fee must be paid first."

The attending physician frowned and said: "At least 300,000 yuan of surgery fee and kidney source deposit must be paid in one lump sum."

When he said this, his mood was also very heavy.

As Mr. Lu's attending physician, he obviously knew the patient's family financial situation.

How could he possibly take out this money...

"Money is not a problem, please arrange the surgery immediately."

Jiang Cheng said calmly: "I will go to pay the fee now."

"You? Can you take out 300,000 yuan?" Looking at the young man in front of him with a green face, the attending physician was stunned and a little unbelievable.

"Don't hesitate! Hurry up and prepare for the surgery! "

Jiang Cheng frowned, his tone full of unquestionable majesty.



After Jiang Cheng came to the payment counter in the hall and paid 300,000 yuan with his card, he rushed back with the payment receipt.

"The operating room has been urgently arranged... The kidney source is on the way... The operation should be ready soon. "

The attending doctor looked at the receipt in front of him and looked at Jiang Cheng with awe.

I didn't expect that this kid, who was not very conspicuous, was actually a rich second-generation.

After dealing with the expenses, Jiang Cheng quickly came to the bedside of Lu's father.

At this time, Lu's father was still in a state of confusion, and Lu Xin beside him was crying and almost fainted.

"Young man... come here..."

Perhaps realizing that Jiang Cheng was coming, Lu's father, who was originally unconscious, suddenly seemed to have a last burst of light, and his mental state inexplicably improved.

He opened his eyelids with difficulty and called Jiang Cheng softly with difficulty.

"Uncle, just tell me what you want."

Jiang Cheng leaned close to Lu's father's mouth and said softly.

"Young man..." Lu's father said with difficulty in a staccato tone: "I... know... I can't do it anymore..."

"Uncle, please don't say that. "Jiang Cheng quickly comforted him: "The doctor will perform a transplant operation on you soon, and you will get better soon."

"Ah... it's useless... I know my own body very well..."

Father Lu said with difficulty, and from the tone of his voice, it seemed that he was going to say something to Jiang Cheng while he had a last breath.

"My daughter... Xiaoxin... she is very... kind..."

"Uncle, I have an unwelcome request... that is, after I leave... Xiaoxin... please... take care of her for me..."

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