"Jiang Cheng."

After the meeting, Zhong Xier walked up to Jiang Cheng and greeted him.

"Ah~ Class Beauty~"

Before Jiang Cheng could reply, Li Xiaofeng on the side joked: "What do you want to talk to our brother Cheng about~"

"No, actually nothing... I just..."

Zhong Xier said, her tone suddenly became timid and stuttered, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

"That... Jiang, Jiang Cheng... Actually, what I mean is... that... your performance just now... Actually... was quite, quite good..."

"Ah? What?"

Jiang Cheng was stunned: "What did you say just now, actually quite what?"

"Hey... Hey hey hey hey hey... I just said..."

After being asked this question, Zhong Xier's fair face suddenly flushed, and her tone became more and more stuttering.

——Her original intention was to take advantage of Jiang Cheng not getting the first prize to comfort and encourage him, and to ease the tension between the two.

But perhaps because she was used to being aloof, she had prepared a script long ago, but she couldn't say it smoothly when it came to her mouth.

"You...don't...just because you didn't win the prize..."

At the end of the words, Zhong Xier's voice was just like a mosquito's buzz.


"Jiang Cheng~Jiang Cheng~!"

Before Zhong Xier finished speaking, a petite beautiful girl suddenly came over from a distance, squeezed in front of Jiang Cheng and said with a smile.

"Your original performance just now was really great! I have never heard such a great live~"

Zhong Xier was ruthlessly interrupted: ( ´•︵•` )

Looking around, I saw Ling Ruonan standing in front of Jiang Cheng, with her head tilted slightly, her hands behind her back, and a bright smile on her blushing face.

Although her figure is not as tall as Zhong Xier, and her appearance is slightly inferior.

But Ling Ruonan's innocent and cute face and unique elegance, coupled with the youthful school girl style of college-style sweatshirts, plaid pleated skirts and calf socks, give people an overall look and appearance, which is even better than Zhong Xier, who is only wearing an old-fashioned military training uniform at this time.

As one rises and the other falls, the cold school beauty Zhong Xier is rarely suppressed in appearance.

"Thank you~"

Ling Ruonan's appearance did not surprise Jiang Cheng too much .

——In fact, this young lady contributed 3 points to the 10 points of appearance attribute that were just added.

Uh, cough cough... I don't know how deep her favorability towards me is...

Alas, I didn't want to enter the world of mortals, but the world of mortals kept chasing me...

"By the way, Xiaonan~"

Jiang Cheng looked up at Zhong Xier who looked embarrassed, and asked, "Why did you come to our college today?"

"Because I know you will be on stage today~" Ling Ruonan smiled and clenched her little pink fist: "So I came here to cheer you up~"


Hearing this, Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at her best friend Liu Na with some suspicion.

Sure enough, this At that time, she was standing next to Liu Yijie.

They exchanged glances, showing affection.

——Well, I didn't expect that the big iron bull who had been single for four years like me in the previous life would unexpectedly get married this time~

"Since you are all here, let's go to dinner together~" Jiang Cheng said with a smile: "Just consider it as a thank you~"

"Okay~ I think it's okay~"

As soon as Jiang Cheng said this, Liu Yijie jumped out to agree.

"Forget about dinner, I still have to go back to lead the group~ Brothers, remember to bring me some leftovers~ Thank you~"

After the fat man finished speaking, he ran away.

"Hey~ That's not 7~"

Li Xiaofeng pursed his lips and said: "Let's go, I'm too lazy to be your two The right light bulb~"

Hearing this, Liu Na, who was carefree, did not say anything. Instead, Ling Ruonan, who was standing next to Jiang Cheng, lowered her head embarrassedly, stretched out her hand to tuck the hair at her temples, and smiled shyly.


Looking at the figures of Li Xiaofeng and the others going away, Jiang Cheng shrugged helplessly: "Two beauties, do you want to try the cafeteria of our Jiaotong University~"

"Okay~ I've heard that the cafeteria of Qin Jiaotong University is first-class, and I really want to see it today~"

"Let's go."

Jiang Cheng said, and his feet paused, suddenly remembering that he seemed to have missed someone.

"Zhong Xier, let's eat, are you going?"

"I'm not going."

Zhong Xier, who had returned to the high-cold school beauty mode at some point, said in a cold toneAfter saying that, she turned around and left without even looking back.

"Okay~ Let's go then."


The four of them chatted and laughed as they walked towards the cafeteria.

But no one noticed that not far behind them, Zhong Xier, who had walked away, suddenly turned around again.

She looked in the direction where Jiang Cheng and the others had left, biting her lower lip hard, her face tense.

—— Jiang Cheng, you bastard!

You white-eyed wolf who loves the new and hates the old! Chen Shimei!!

It's rare that I'm willing to put down my airs and take the initiative to find you to ease the relationship!

I didn't expect you to be so indifferent to me!

Humph! It's really infuriating!


After Jiang Cheng and the other four came to the cafeteria to have lunch, they took Ling Ruonan and Liu Na to stroll around the Jiaotong University campus and take a look.

After strolling for a while, Liu Yijie pretended to be far behind. When Jiang Cheng looked back, the bastard had already disappeared with Liu Na.

Now, Jiang Cheng and Ling Ruonan were alone.

"How about going for a drink?"

Seeing that this loli girl was always looking at him and smiling foolishly, Jiang Cheng's mouth twitched slightly, and he pointed to the campus cafe on the side of the road and said.

"It's all right."

The two walked into the cafe side by side. Jiang Cheng first ordered a glass of pomegranate juice for Ling Ruonan, and then ordered a glass of iced Americano for himself.

He liked the bitter and cold taste of iced Americano, which could keep his mind calm.

"Jiang Cheng."

Ling Ruonan, who had been silent, first took a big sip of pomegranate juice, then raised her head, stared at Jiang Cheng's eyes with her clear eyes, and asked directly: "Do you already have a girlfriend?"

"Uh, who said that?" Jiang Cheng was stunned, and put down the coffee cup that was brought to his mouth: "I don't have a girlfriend."

"But..." Ling Ruonan pouted her cute little lips and asked with some doubts: "I clearly saw you enter the hotel with a very beautiful girl last night..."


Ling Ruonan's straightforward question made Jiang Cheng rub his forehead helplessly.

Thinking about it carefully, he did book a room near Xiaozhai last night.

Unexpectedly, I was caught by this girl...

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