The exam questions were not very difficult this year.

But Jiang Xue was still prepared.

Check carefully and do it seriously.

After the exam, she felt that she should have done well.

Ma Linlin and Chen Ting also said that they had done many of the questions given by the teacher.

Teacher Yang called to thank her and said that the teaching aids and papers she brought back were a great help. Although the results have not come out yet, students with good grades in the top classes said that the papers were not difficult and they had done many of the questions.

There are still more than ten days before the results come out. Jiang Xue decided to return the house in the county and go back to the city first to see if the parts of her new house that needed to be reworked have been repaired. After paying off the renovation fee, she will return to S City.

She will come back when the results come out and she applies for the college entrance exam.

When she was about to check out, Chen Ting knocked on Jiang Xue's door. Jiang Xue opened it, but Ma Linlin didn't come. Only Chen Ting was there.

Jiang Xue opened the door and let her in.

"Jiang Xue, I don't know if you are angry that we asked other students to come and stay here," Chen Ting hesitated for a while, but still asked.

"No, anyway, you have paid for the room, you can decide who to invite to live in the room." Jiang Xue replied after hearing it.

"The three hundred we gave you is definitely far from enough. I asked the front desk, and the room we stayed in is 159." Jiang Xue did book 159, but Jiang Xue originally planned to let them stay for free, and they also gave her extra money. Even if they invited people to stay, she had no reason and position to blame anything.

"Ma Linlin invited two classmates to come and gave me two hundred yuan for three days. She gave me one hundred yuan, and this one hundred yuan is also for you." After saying that, she handed the money to Jiang Xue.

"I know you don't need money, you just want to help us, but if I accept this hundred yuan, I will feel that I have taken advantage of you and feel very sorry. So please accept it."

"Then I will accept it." Jiang Xue took it.

This hundred yuan is nothing to Jiang Xue now, but it may be more important to Chen Ting, but if she accepts the money, it is likely that Chen Ting will feel less burdened.

"You should have done well in the exam, if you pass it, you should be admitted." Thinking of the exam that just ended, Jiang Xue asked.

"I did well in the exam, but I don't know whether I should go..." After saying this, Jiang Xue was afraid that she didn't understand, so she continued: "Teacher Yang said that given my family's situation, the school can support me, including high school tuition and living expenses, and told me not to worry, but my sister wants to get married, and she doesn't want me to continue studying. She said it's my turn to support the family, and asked me not to be so selfish. Now I actually hope that I didn't do well in the exam, so that I can give up."

Jiang Xue knew something about Chen Ting's family background, but she didn't know it very well. Hearing Chen Ting say this, she couldn't help but frowned, "Are you an adult on your ID card?"

"It's an adult on my ID card." Chen Ting replied.

"For high school, if you pass the entrance exam, you can continue to study. Since you are an adult, you have two months of summer vacation after graduating from junior high school. You can find a job and make money. How much money can your family spend in one semester? Can you apply for a minimum living allowance from the village?"

"Not counting my tuition and living expenses, my grandmother's medicine, my brother's schooling, and my family's food and drink cost two to three thousand yuan a semester. I can't apply for a minimum living allowance. The village said that my parents are working outside. My sister is also working outside and does not meet the minimum living allowance conditions, but they didn't come back for the New Year, and they haven't sent money back for a long time?"

"How long have your parents not come back? Haven't you called them? Can you still contact them?"

"They haven't come back for two years. They said they would come back for the New Year the year before last, but they didn't come back. Then they didn't contact their family for the whole year last year, and the phone couldn't be reached."

"Did you call the police? Don't let anything happen to your parents."

"Call the police?" Chen Ting was a little confused. No one told her to call the police. Should she call the police in this situation?

"You have elderly and young children at home. Your parents haven't come back for so long, and they haven't even called. Maybe something happened." After hearing what Jiang Xue said, Chen Ting just wanted to go home quickly, discuss with her grandparents, and go to the town police station to report the crime.

When Chen Ting told her this, she didn't cry, nor did she actively seek her help, but she still softened her heart and wanted to help her.

"Go back and call the police first, and see what the police say. If you plan to go out to work during the summer vacation, if you trust me, I will come back when you fill in your application. Ask your family if they are willing to go to S City with me, and I will help you find a summer job."

Jiang Xue herself was reborn, so she dared to run away alone and live independently.

Chen Ting seemed to be one year younger than her. She had only been to the county town twice. It was too easy to be deceived and bullied if she wanted to go out to work at such a young age. Jiang Xue thought about the work she could do for Chen Ting.

She wrote her number to Chen Ting.

She checked out and returned to F City.

She went to the new house for a look, and the designer brought workers to help her fix the small problems she pointed out.

After paying off all the balance, Jiang Xue found a cleaner and cleaned the house.

She threw the key to Chen Xinzhou and asked him to help her open the window for ventilation if he came to this community.

As a thank you, Jiang Xue bought some things from the supermarket for him.

He patted his chest and promised that he would go there regularly to help him open and close the window.

After doing all this, Jiang Xue did not delay any more. She took a taxi to the provincial capital and flew to S City.

In S City, Xu Wenyang had already called her several times to urge her.

On the phone, Jiang Xue asked: "It's been so long, I didn't expect you to contact me again,"

"I resigned from Mei Shi, I want to join you, but before that, can I ask you another question?"

"Is this the last test for me? Ask it yourself."

"Our newly created brand does not have a certain brand influence, just like all the products you have recommended in the past, they are all endorsed by brand heritage. Without these, a brand new brand, will your fans still buy from you?"

"Do you know what my other job is?" Jiang Xue did not answer his question directly, but asked her own question. However, she did not intend to listen to Xu Wenyang's answer to this question, but controlled the rhythm of the conversation between the two parties in her own hands.


"The first post I posted was about imitating Wei Xuan's makeup. Do you know why I imitated her so well? Because I did the makeup on Wei Xuan."

"Are you also a celebrity makeup artist?"

"The reason why I post makeup posts and promote cosmetics on forums and blogs is not just for promotion and to earn a little promotion fee. It is to plan for building a brand in the future. We are not an international brand or a domestic brand with a solid foundation, but we have to compete with them to make products. To build a good brand, we need to be seen first, then remembered, then recognized, then trusted, and finally sold."

"But this is too slow. My plan is to set up a person first, and then sell the person as a brand." Jiang Xue didn't say anything more, but Xu Wenyang understood.

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