After the meeting, Wang Yulan and the teacher of No. 1 Middle School met in the afternoon, and the meeting place was in the hotel lobby. She planned to sign the application form directly after the other party came. Later, her godmother received a call saying that her family would come to help her. After lunch, Wang Yulan's father brought her brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew to the four-person team. There were too many people, and it was too noisy in the lobby, so they changed the venue and chose a room upstairs. "Your uncle is also teaching the graduating class this year. He talked to the students and the teachers of No. 1 Middle School in the morning. Your uncle has experience." Wang Yulan pulled her brother and introduced him to Jiang Xue. "Then I'll trouble you, uncle." Jiang Xue said politely to the middle-aged man with a little belly and glasses in front of her. "Yeah." Wang Bin nodded calmly. As soon as he finished answering, he was patted on the back. "I call you uncle, why don't you take out the red envelope for the child?" The speaker was a curly-haired, slightly plump woman wearing a black dress.

"I call you Xiaoxue like your godmother. I am your aunt. This is the red envelope I give you."

Wang Yulan gestured to Jiang Xue to take it. Jiang Xue took it and said, "Thank you, aunt."

"No wonder my little sister said she would definitely like it when she saw it. Xiaoxue is really energetic."

"Isn't it?" Wang Yulan looked proud.

Wang Bin also took out his own red envelope. Jiang Xue also took it with both hands and said, "Thank you, uncle."

Grandpa Wang gave double portions, saying that Grandma Wang was carsick and couldn't come, so she had one portion.

After giving it, he asked a few more questions about Jiang Xue's daily study.

During the chat, the teacher from the admissions office of No. 1 Middle School also came.

As soon as he entered the room, the other party saw Wang Bin.

"Teacher Wang, I just met her this morning. I didn't expect to meet her again."

"Teacher Jiang, you said you are the admissions teacher from No. 1 Middle School. I guessed it was you. Come and sit down." Wang Bin immediately asked everyone to sit down.

"Is Jiang Xue your..."

"My sister's relative. We just talked this morning. Although my classmate is my student, she scored much lower than Jiang Xue in the exam. So don't hide the cards given to you by the higher-ups. Reveal them all."

The two of them were chatting and laughing.

After Jiang Xue said that she wanted to study in S City, Teacher Jiang from No. 1 Middle School disagreed.

As the best high school in the city, No. 1 Middle School has its own style. Jiang Xue's situation is different from another student of Wang Bin this morning. Although the overall ranking of that child is not high, he scored full marks in mathematics. After getting to know him, he felt that he could take the path of competition, so even if the total score is close to the score of their school, he can be recruited as an exception.

The reason for trying to win Jiang Xue is that Jiang Xue's scores in several subjects are too average and the total score is outstanding.

If she keeps doing this for three years, she will definitely win glory for the school and get good grades. However, she will not go to high school in this school, but go to another city to study on loan. There are too many changes in this.

So Teacher Jiang talked to Jiang Xue about the teachers of No. 1 Middle School in his words and deeds, trying to keep Jiang Xue to study in this school.

Jiang Xue was determined to go to S City to study on loan. The remaining few people came and went, and they helped her fight for her rights like his elders.

In the end, No. 1 Middle School agreed to the conditions for Jiang Xue to study on loan in S City, and the school was willing to issue a certificate for studying on loan.

At the same time, Jiang Xue was awarded a scholarship of 3,000 yuan.

After seeing off the No. 1 Middle School teacher, Yang Zhian also rushed over from the town.

Several people moved to the hotel they had booked. Jiang Xue saw Grandma Wang, who was motion sick and had not seen her. She looked very similar to her godmother, and was an old lady who looked very gentle. When the old lady saw her, she held her hand and praised her.

The most words Jiang Xue heard today were words praising herself.

It was not a superficial courtesy, but a sincere compliment.

After everyone sat down, Jiang Xue brought two cups of tea and offered tea to the two in front of all her godmother's relatives and friends, calling out, "Godfather, godmother, please have tea."

She received red envelopes from the two, as well as two sets of clothes and shoes carefully selected by her godmother.

Wang Yulan finally took out a small gold lock necklace and looked at Jiang Xue and said, "The salesperson said that godparents usually give their children a longevity lock, which means good luck and longevity. My wife hopes that you will be healthy and live happily every day in the future."

"Thank you, godmother, I will!"


On the other side, Liu Yan and her husband closed the school on the day when the results came out and returned to the junior high school in the town. When they arrived, they found that Jiang Xue had not returned.

She couldn't get through to Jiang Xue on the phone again.

She asked the teacher at the school to call Jiang Xue and ask her to come back. The teacher passed by the principal.

I will definitely not call Jiang Xue again after hearing her advice.

"I am her parent, I will sign the application form for her, I have already talked to the teacher of the County Experimental High School!!"

The teacher couldn't stand her pestering and said the fact that Jiang Xue had already signed the contract: "Jiang Xue's application form has been signed, she signed it directly with the teacher of the No. 1 Middle School in the city."

"Already signed?" Liu Yan was full of disbelief.

A sense of powerlessness and loss of control arose from the bottom of her heart.

"We raised her so big, and she said she didn't want to contact us, so she didn't contact us. Does she still regard me as her parents!"

"I just said a few words to her, but she didn't tell me to break off relations with her parents. How can this child be so angry? No matter what, we are her parents. She is unfilial!! Yes, unfilial!! Isn't your school a place for teaching and educating people? Why don't you take care of such an unfilial child!! "Jiang Haiyang, who was standing by, immediately came over to pull the crying Liu Yan. The teachers and students next to her were all watching the fun, and no one came forward to help.

"No. 1 Middle School, right? I'll go to No. 1 Middle School to ask if the school will take care of such unfilial children who just blacklist their parents!!!"

"It's better for them to go to a P school. They've learned nothing."

"Okay Liu Yan!" Jiang Haiyang couldn't help but increase his voice, "Do you want to ruin your child?"

Then Liu Yan turned her fire on Jiang Haiyang, hammering him with her hands and blaming him for not doing anything, and yelling at her.

People around were talking about it, and Jiang Haiyang felt too embarrassed, so he forcibly pulled Liu Yan away.

Jiang Xue only knew these things from Chen Ting's narration.

Chen Ting's grades were also out, and she passed the admission line of No. 1 Middle School in the county.

She had to report to No. 1 Middle School when school started in September.

And now she was going to work summer jobs with Jiang Xue.

After talking about the gossip about Jiang Xue's parents, she was full of longing for the days of working.

"You used to help out in a restaurant, and the restaurant owner was also a girl. But that restaurant was very busy and tiring, but food and accommodation were provided, and the salary for a full month was about 3,000 yuan. You have to be prepared to endure hardships."

Hearing that the salary was 3,000 yuan, Chen Ting's eyes lit up even more; "I can endure hardships! I am not afraid of hardships." As long as others can endure hardships, she can endure them. 3,000 yuan is too important to her.

After chatting with Jiang Xue last time, she went back and called the police at the police station in Grandpa Town. The police said that they could not contact her parents.

They said that since she hadn't been home for so long, there was a high probability that something had happened, and asked them to wait for notification.

When she and Grandpa came out of the police station, they were a little confused and didn't know what to do.

Her sister still left with her boyfriend.

They said that the family was handed over to her. Looking at the hunched grandparents and the brother who knew nothing, if she endured a little hardship, she could not only ensure that she could go to school, but also allow her family of four to live. She would persist no matter how hard or tired she was.

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