The old man was very happy.

"What's the point of a girl reading so many books? It's better to go out and work. Look at Liu Ting from the old Liu family. She is two years older than Xiaoxue. She has built a house for her family after only a few years of going out." Jiang Xiaodie said to her brother Jiang Haiyang.

"If the children have good academic performance, regardless of whether they are boys or girls, I will sell everything I have to support them to study."

"If you support them, will my second sister-in-law agree?"

This second sister-in-law is famous for her partiality. If you say that she favors boys over girls, she loves her youngest daughter Jiang Lutong like a treasure, but she doesn't like this eldest daughter. Generally, parents in a family with many sons and daughters will pretend to be partial, but this sister-in-law can be said to have put her dislike and dislike on the surface.

Jiang Haiyang was speechless. His wife was looking for someone to take his eldest daughter, who was just in the third year of junior high school, to work. She had asked all her relatives and friends.

It just so happened that his younger sister's sister-in-law Qiuxia had recently returned to her hometown, so he wanted to go out with Qiuxia.

He disagreed and quarreled with his wife for several days.

But his wife cried and made a fuss, blaming the family for being poor, blaming him for being incompetent, scolding his parents for being partial, feeling sorry for the two little ones who were not well fed and warmly dressed, and lamenting that she had a bad life. He gritted his teeth and insisted on not agreeing, but he couldn't stand her nagging, so now he would rather do more work in the fields than go back to listen to her crying.

"I came back this time because my second sister-in-law asked me to let Xiaoxue and Qiuxia go out to work together. Qiuxia will leave the day after tomorrow. Xiaoxue should give me a definite answer whether she will go or not, so that I can get a ticket in advance."

"Xiaoxue should continue to go to school and not go to work. At least let her graduate from junior high school. If she has good grades and is able to enter high school, I will also support her."

"You two should unite as a team first. You can't make decisions for your wife." Jiang Xiaodie curled her lips and said sarcastically.

"You should discuss it with my second sister-in-law at noon. I will go to my mother's house for lunch. Give me a reply after lunch whether you will go or not."

After that, she shook the small bag of fruit in her hand and walked towards her mother's house.

I don't know if her mother will think that she didn't bring enough things later. She hasn't been back to her mother's house for a while.

And my younger brother's wife, I guess she won't be in a good mood.

It's really hard to be a daughter, Jiang Xiaodie thought with emotion in her heart.


And Jiang Xue, as they called her, was woken up from her sleep by having her quilt lifted and her ears pulled.

"Look at what time it is. You are still lying in bed in the middle of the day. What child of your age is still so lazy?"

"It's time for lunch. Don't you know to help cook? I see that the clothes haven't been washed and the breakfast pot hasn't been cleaned. You just want to sleep." As she said this, she angrily hit her a few times.

"You are sleeping with your butt sticking up. Why don't you fall asleep? Get up quickly."

"Mom..." Jiang Xue shouted a little uncertainly.

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and light the fire for me. I'm going to cook." Jiang's mother gritted her teeth and said, then turned and walked towards the kitchen. As she walked away, she was still cursing something. As for what Jiang Xue was not interested at all, she was in a very confused state. She fainted in front of the computer due to exhaustion in the last fragment of her memory.

"You are not young anymore. Don't work so hard. Be careful of sudden death." She remembered the video of a friend who died suddenly at work on the news. She was dismissive at the time and thought she was as strong as an ox. She didn't expect that she would feel dizzy and have difficulty breathing after just two nights. So is she dead?

Or did she faint and dream? She looked around and felt familiar and strange.

This seemed to be her childhood home.

It was strange. She had money later and bought her own home. She rented a dormitory during her growth and moved several times to live in many houses. But every time she dreamed of home, the background was in this four-room bungalow when she was a child.

She sat up from the bed, feeling dizzy and heavy. She reached out and touched her forehead. Her hand was hot and her forehead was even hotter. She should have a fever now.

She stood up staggeringly and walked to the desk to pick up the plastic round mirror. In the mirror, there was a familiar and strange face.

Her hair was dry and yellow, her face was sallow and thin, her mouth was dry and cracked, but her eyes were bright and dazzling.

It's her, but it's not her.

She glanced at the books on the table. They were all from junior high school, and the one she was doing was her second-year summer homework.

She walked out of the room, and the calendar hanging on the wall of the main hall confirmed her thoughts.

July 3, 2007.

She was fifteen years old, in her second year of junior high school.

Her head was dizzy. Was she dreaming? If it was a dream, it was too real.

"What are you doing, damn girl, give me a chance to be with you?"

Come over quickly and light the fire so I can cook." Jiang's mother called from the kitchen.

Jiang Lu, who was playing outside the yard, heard her mother's call and immediately ran into the yard, walked to the kitchen door and said, "Mom, let me help you."

"Go play, when have you ever heated a pot? The kitchen is so hot, it will be too hot for you again." Hearing Jiang's mother's words, Jiang Xue set her sights on her sister who was four years younger than her.

With a somewhat sarcastic smile, she walked into the kitchen without saying a word and sat on the small bench in front of the stove.

The firewood was put into the pot hole and lit with a match, but it did not burn, but a lot of smoke came out.

She couldn't help coughing twice, which attracted Jiang's mother's attention. She was like a lit firecracker and exploded again.

"Why are you so stupid that you can't even light a fire."

"Get out of here, it's useless. "Without waiting for her to get up, Jiang Xue fell to the floor of the kitchen.

Mother Jiang quickly lit the fire and turned around. Her eldest daughter was sitting on the floor with a stern face, staring at her.

"What's that look in your eyes? Are you looking at me with a stern face?"

"Can't you be a little more tactful and not make me angry! !"

"I'm so tired from work, and I have to cook for you when I come back. Why are you so lazy at this age? Don't you know how to be considerate of your mother!"

"Don't you eat what you cook? Don't Dad, Jiang Chao, and Jiang Lu eat it?"

"What?" Mother Jiang was confused by Jiang Xue's question.

"You all eat it, why do you only say that you cook for me, and they all eat it? Why don't you vent your anger on them, but only on me? Is it because of me that you are tired? What did I do wrong that makes you not love me, but hate me and dislike me? I'm really curious. "She didn't find the answer to this question in her previous life.

What she didn't want to admit the most in her previous life was that her mother didn't love her.

No matter what she did, how she compromised, how she was obedient and sensible.

Mother Jiang didn't know how to answer for a moment, and wanted to lose her temper. Seeing her eldest daughter's expressionless, stubborn and serious face, she temporarily stopped the subsequent curses.

"Am I your biological child? Am I the child of your enemy, and you raise me, so you treat me like this?" When she grew up, she really verified this question. It was a real mother-daughter relationship. She didn't know whether she would continue to be 30 years old or 15 years old when she woke up again. Now she just wanted to find an answer to her childhood doubts.

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