Chapter 81

“Is this your brother’s house?”

“Uh. Oh, are you going to keep calling me hyung? It’s a burden, really.”

Park Si-jun was at his house. To be precise, a guild house.

Kim Baek-kyung was also there. carrying a large load.

“What kind of luggage do you have so much?”

“I brought everything I had at the dormitory.”

“It’s rather small. Pick any room. There are plenty of spare rooms.”

“Wow, really?”

Kim Baek-kyung smiled broadly as she looked around the second floor.

Then, as if she found a room she liked, she spread her luggage there.

“I have a house like this, and I’m envious.”

“It’s not my house. It’s rented. Well, it’s not that I don’t have money to buy a house.”


Park Si-jun scratched the back of his head.

If you want to live, you can live. I don’t feel the need to do that, so I don’t live.

“What items did you bring so much?”

Among the luggage Kim Baek-kyung took out, there were many items.

“Ah, these are the ones I made. It’s a bit bad because I made it in a hurry…”

It was as he said. All ratings were low, and the options were strangely attached.

‘I must give it as much time as possible.’

In order to fully utilize Kim Baek-kyung’s skills, it is necessary to give him ample time.

And the budget.

“The workshop chief told me to throw it away, but it was a bit of a waste, so I left it.”

“Do whatever you feel like.”

It’s your room, so I’ll use it myself. Park Si-joon let him do whatever he wanted.

“Ah, that’s right. The equipment you made the other day.”

“Yes. Is there any problem somewhere?”

“No, there’s no problem. But did you show it to the mastermind?”


Kim Baek-kyung opened her mouth wide.

Couldn’t have shown it He wouldn’t have thought of showing it.

“You know that in order to level up and do that, you have to show the master behind what you made, right?”

“Yeah, I know.”

“But why forgot?”

“Yeah, I will.”

Kim Baek-kyung was sweating profusely, avoiding her gaze here and there. He didn’t seem to have anything to say.

“Where can I show it? Can I just show it anywhere?”

“No, there is a separate temple in Seoul. You can offer it to the altar there.”

“Is there a temple?”

Park Si-jun frowned.

What kind of freeze-to-death temple. nor religion.

‘No, is it similar to religion?’

He just couldn’t deny it.

“There are other provinces other than Seoul. The headquarters is Seoul.”

“If I put items on the altar there, will the mastermind take care of it?”

“Yes, our master behind the scenes is busy… he doesn’t look at his players unless it’s a temple.”

It was a terrifying word.

“Then I’ll go there.”

“Yes. Oh, before I go, can I see the studio being built?”

“Gongbang? Will that take a little longer?”

“I still want to see you…”

Kim Baek-kyung’s eyes twinkled when the talk about the workshop came out. In fact, it’s a place that is no different than his workshop, so I can’t help but be thrilled.

“See you later. The architect will come in the evening, so if you want to change it to your liking, change it yourself.”

“Oh, then I’ll do that.”

Kim Baek-kyung was not stubborn and immediately agreed to Park Si-joon’s words.

“Then let’s go right now. I’ll drive the car.”

“Car? Do you have a car?”


“Then what car are you going to drive?”

Kim Baek-kyung pointed to Park Si-joon.

“Brother, don’t you have a car?”


Silence passed between the two.

“…I’m sorry. I thought you were there.”

“No, you’re good. I’ll have to buy a car. You should use it too.”

“Would you like me to use it too?”

“Yeah, you won’t need it when you go to buy ingredients or something.”

Kim Baek-kyung looked at Park Si-joon with eyes wet with emotion.

Park Si-joon thought for a moment.

‘Tea, tea. What do you buy?’

There were many things to remember.

A luxury car, a man’s dream sports car. But it’s not practical.

Buying an SUV would be the best bet, considering that it will be loaded with luggage.

“I’ll buy a car later and rent a car.”

“Yes, I understand.”

The two left the house.

* * *

“Are you here?”


Park Si-jun and Kim Baek-kyung, a simple building stood in front of them.

It was hard to believe that it was a temple that enshrined the hinterland.

“What’s going on? You don’t have any money?”

“No, I was trying to make it look fancy… but he refused.”

“Behind the scenes? That’s weird.”

He is not interested in the players under his command, nor is he interested in the temple.

What are you interested in?

Park Si-jun went inside.

“Excuse me, can you show me the player license? The status window as well. You only need to show the background.”

The staff at the entrance stopped the two.

Park Si-jun and Kim Baek-kyung quietly did as they were told.

The expression on the employee’s face looking at Park Si-jun’s status window became strange.

“…don’t you have a background?”

“How come. Can’t you come in?”

“No. You can go up to the altar as long as your player’s identity is guaranteed.”

“Oh, yes. I guarantee.”

Kim Baek-kyung gladly accepted, and the staff let them in.

“Are you more spacious than you think?”

“They also sell or auction items made by blacksmiths inside. There is no need to hold tight.”

“Come, take a look, and buy this.”

It wasn’t a bad idea.

The two walked down a long aisle. There were colorful items on either side.

– Ooh… …

Ishimi looked around and her eyes twinkled.

-profit! Huh!

“Sup, it’s not yours.”

– Eh… … .

She then tried to take the items she wanted.

Park Si-jun grabbed him and held him tightly in his arms.

“…that, what is it? Brother. That’s a strange pet.”

“It’s like having a child, not a pet.”

Park Si-jun glanced at the item.

Below that was the name of the player who made the item.

“Is that real?”

“No, it’s a replica. Someone tried to steal it before.”

“Well then.”

Players who made good items seemed to commemorate them in that way.

“If your name goes up there, a lot of work comes in. It’s because you’ve proven your skills.”

“Then will you make a lot of money?”

“That’s right. That’s my goal.”


Park Si-jun smiled bitterly.

“It will happen soon.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, if it’s your ability.”

Kim Baek-kyung looked at Park Si-joon.

Everyone else ignores him, so why does this person overestimate himself?

‘Shall I ask?’

I was wondering if that would be the case, but I felt something unfamiliar, so I stopped.

“That’s the altar.”

Upon entering, there was a large open space. There were a lot of people, and there was an altar among them.


No, can you call that an altar?

The blazing fire was more like a brazier than an altar.

“Let’s see who’s writing it now.”

There was a man in front of the altar.

He placed an item on the altar and lowered his head deeply.

“Please rate, my God!”


The altar’s flames boiled over and devoured the item. And it mumbled like a cow chewing fodder.

Whoa eh!


The item was spit on the man’s face.

A man who was suddenly hit in the face staggered.

“Si, God! I worked hard to make it! Please, please, just one more time! Please give me the grace…!”

The man bowed his head and begged.

People around him looked at him sadly.

“Is that an altar? Doesn’t it all melt when you put an item on it?”

“No. It is an altar with the grace of the Iron-Blooded Blacksmith.”

“Grace? What is that?”

Park Si-joon’s question was answered by someone other than Kim Baek-kyung.

“When God sees something he likes, he blesses it… It’s such a grace.”


Someone told me that she was a woman with copper skin and a stout body. She flipped her long red hair that seemed to burn.

“who are you?”

“My name is Avaroa, who is in charge of this altar. Pastor…? Well, it can be seen that it is similar to that.”

“In that case, your outfit is very unusual.”

She wore shabby work clothes.

“Is the dress important? It’s important that I believe in my god and follow it faithfully. Isn’t it, Kim Baek-kyung?”

“Yes? Oh, yes. It is.”

Avaroa’s eyes twinkled.

Unable to bear it, Kim Baek-kyung nodded her head without realizing it.

‘Ah? She looks Asian.’

Is it a nickname for a blacksmith or something? She wasn’t particularly interested.

“What did you come here for?”

“Ah, I’m here to show you the items I made.”

“Oh, you are.”

He took out the items made by Kim Baek-kyung, the knight’s shoulder armor and the sprinter’s boots.

Avaroa received it and she began to observe closely.

“Hey, this is…”

Avaroa’s eyes gleamed again as she was examining her items.

“Uh, how are you?”

“Excuse me, but what’s your level now? It sounds like you’re high.”

“Yes? No, it’s level 8.”

“Level 8…!”

“Are you that low level?”

Avaroa shouted in surprise, and Park Si-jun was surprised as well.

I knew it wasn’t going to be high, but it would only be that.

“You said you made these items at level 8? What, nonsense…?”

Avaroa was bewildered and checked the information of Kim Baek-kyung received.

‘Potential grade c. There are no special characteristics, and God does not favor him.’

The characteristics of the blacksmith are involved in the grade and quality of the item.

There is a limit to the ratings that blacksmiths who do not have special characteristics can float.

But it’s grade A.

“…Bar, show me right away.”

Avaroa grabbed Kim Baek-kyung’s arm and led her to her altar.

“God! Please…!”

“It’s noisy, so go away!”


Avaroa violently pushed the man away.

She and she set Kim Baek-kyung in front of her altar.

“Uh, um…”

Kim Baek-kyung looked bewildered, but she quickly regained her composure.

“These are the items I made. Please see and rate them.”

There were those who spoke loudly, but Kim Baek-kyung spoke succinctly.

As he placed the items on the altar, the fire of the altar began to boil.


Fire engulfed both items.

And he murmured like a cow swallowing the fodder and chewing the cud.

[…] That’s great.]

He suddenly started talking.(Read more @

Kim Baek-kyung’s eyes widened.

So did those who were watching.

“No, I said.”

“The iron-blooded blacksmith responded!”

The fire that engulfed the two items roared loudly.

[It is a skill that cannot but be praised. An understanding of the materials used, creative ways to use them, and sincerity. All are great.]

“Wow, that’s a lot of fun.”

The fire praised Kim Baek-kyung.

Kim Baek-kyung’s face turned bright red like the color of a flame upon hearing the praise.

[But you… Huh, that’s amazing.]

The flame looked at Kim Baek-kyung, and exclaimed.

[You don’t have the potential to make such an item. The level and the characteristics are not so good. Yet… … .]

Kim Baek-kyung swallowed his saliva.

[No, nothing more to say. These works are eligible.]

The fire at the altar grew even stronger.

Sparks roared like a volcano erupting.

[Praise for the excellent blacksmith, grace for the great work… … .]

The sparks splattered like that were sucked into the flames, and the flames got bigger and bigger.

The flame continued to grow stronger and eventually absorbed as if sucked into the items.

oh grace

And the two items were placed neatly on the altar.

Kim Baek-kyung stood blankly.

“Hey, what are you doing? Check the item.”

“Yes? Uh, ah, yes.”

Park Si-jun, who had not seen it, urged him.

Kim Baek-kyung held two items in her hand.

“Hey, this is…”

Kim Baek-kyung’s eyes widened when she checked the item’s description window.

“Why, what has changed?”

“Yeah, yes. The performance is… absurd.”

“Ki, Kim Baek-kyung! What are you going to do with those items? Are you going to sell them?”

“Uh, yes?!”

The moment Kim Baek-kyung was about to show Park Si-joon the item, Avaroa shouted.

She held Kim Baek-kyung’s hand tightly.

“Okay, auction. Why don’t you try an auction? There’s going to be an auction soon. This one is really…!”

“Calm down.”

Park Si-joon, who was worse than her, stopped her. Avaroa let out a wild breath like a bull.

The people who were watching it murmured.

“What is such a great item that Avaroa is like that?”

“Hey, Mr. It’s an item that even received grace, but of course it overturns…”

“Does anyone know who that blacksmith is? Does he have that kind of skill, he must have been famous in the training camp!”

“Mo, I don’t know! The man I’m with is Park Si-jun, who is famous these days…”

It is extremely rare that the hinterland grants a favor. Such praise was rare.

So it had to turn around.

“Tongue, bro…”

Bewildered by the sudden situation, Baek-kyung Kim clings to Si-joon Park.

“Hey, I told you.”

Park Si-joon smiled happily.

“You’ll be fine.”

This wasn’t too bad.

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