Chapter 37

“Are you Park Si-jun?”

As soon as we arrived at the Frontier, a man spoke to me.

He was a tall, skinny man with a nervous impression. No, I must say he was tired.

“Yes, you?”

“You don’t know me? These days, trainees are…. The magic essence told me to bring you.”

‘Is he famous?’

Park Si-jun scratched his chin. He seems to be a pretty famous player when he says he doesn’t know him.

The problem was that Park Si-jun didn’t know at all.

“I am called two thousand bells. I follow the essence of magic. I am not an enforcer. I am doing all sorts of chores to become an enforcer.”

Lee Cheonjong grumbled with a dissatisfied expression. He was not very happy with his own situation.

“Follow me.”

“Wait a minute. There is someone following me, are you okay?”

“You’re following me? Who?”

Park Si-jun pointed behind him with his chin gesture.

Jong Chun Lee also looked behind him, but he couldn’t see anything.

But she was there.

Han Go-woon.

“Who’s following you?”

“A stalker is attached. On the side of Phalaenopsis.”

“…Anyway, that person is a psychopath, both behind the scenes and the people who follow them.”

Chun Yi sighed and flicked his fingers. Then a strong fog appeared around them, hiding the two of them.

“A magic that obstructs vision and perception. Eggplant.”

Lee Cheon-jong guided Park Si-joon.

He led him to a dark back alley. As soon as he got there, he pulled out a scroll from his arms.


When I tore it apart, a portal appeared in the air.

“It is a portal to the holy land of the magical essence.”

“Before that, let me ask you one thing. Are you safe?”

“You mean we might hurt you?”

Park Si-jun quietly nodded his head.

“Careful. Not bad. What did the magic essence say? He must have left a message.”

“I promise not to harm you.”

“Behind the scenes doesn’t break its promise. You can trust it.”

‘Even if you tell me to believe it.’

But there was no way.

[Unknown broken egg]

It is an egg half-broken by an external shock. The will to survive filled the broken parts… … .

To know what this egg is, you have to go to the Holy Land.

I don’t know if the mastermind will really keep his promise.

“Then let’s go.”

Park Si-jun stepped into the portal.

* * *


Beyond the portal was literally another world.

Park Si-jun looked around. The first thing he saw was the wide sky.

And now he was in a valley floating in the air. A valley with thick trees and flowing water.

‘Is there a city below?’

Below the valley was a large city.

A city with many buildings. The buildings were shining brilliantly with blue light as if magical power was flowing.

And the players were walking around the city.

“It’s a city named Magia. It was created according to the will of the Magical Essence. Most of the devices use magic to move, and they use magic power as their power.”

“Did you guys make it?”


Lee Cheonjong was speechless.

The city wasn’t that big. Instead, it is highly developed. It was a city with a different feel than Frontier.

“Originally, the only place you can’t come to is a player who has signed a contract with Magic Essence…”

Lee Cheon-jong stared at Park Si-joon silently.

“You’re a little different. Go over there.”

Then he pointed his finger into the valley. There was a cave in the valley where the water flowed.

‘You got wet for no reason.’

Park Si-joon wiped the water off his head. Because he had passed through a valley with flowing water, his whole body was soaked.


The inside of the cave was shining mysteriously in blue. There was a small altar in the middle of the wide cave.

‘Recording… I’m doing it.’

The broadcast was not turned on, but the recording was in progress.

Park Si-jun looked around the cave.

‘The concentration of magic power is very thick.’

What was odd was that. Compared to the outside, the inside of the cave was very clean and thick with magical power.

The desire to use the magic absorption method came naturally.


As if urging him, the altar shone small.

Park Si-jun stood on the altar with a small tongue.



The surrounding landscape has changed dramatically.

A cave that had nothing but an altar turned into a vast mountain peak. A mountain peak with a strong blizzard.

But, surprisingly, it wasn’t cold.

No, it was rather warm.

[You are really annoying.]

Park Si-joon looks around hastily.

A solemn female voice could be heard above his head.

It was a voice so dignified that it was daunting just to hear it.

“…Are you the magic essence?”

[That’s what you guys call it.]

so called It means you have a different name. Seriously, there’s no way that Magic Essence is its real name.

[Know it with glory. It’s the third time you’ve been to this place. Even a foreigner who didn’t even sign a contract… … .]

“Isn’t it a place where no one can enter in the first place?”

[Only those who serve me closest to me can come… Huh? Boy, what the hell… … .]

I was talking about the executor. Those who serve and serve the hinterland most closely.

But suddenly, the magic essence showed a strange reaction.

[This… What? He must be human, but this energy.]


[This familiar energy is… … .]

The magic essence was confused.

As if reflecting her feelings, the blizzard in the mountains grew stronger.

[I don’t understand. Who are you?]

The question came back, but I couldn’t answer it.

[…] No, it happened. I don’t have much time. This question will be addressed later. The egg you got… Show me.]

Park Si-joon picked up the egg that had been put down for a while. And lifted it high in the direction the voice came from.

[It’s broken.]

“I didn’t break it.”

[Know. I was also watching your broadcast.]

The voice stopped for a moment, and the blizzard grew stronger.

[Did you want to survive even if it was like this? … .]

For the first time, emotions were mixed with the voice of the magic essence, which had no emotion. It was a strange pity.

[The egg contains new life. But if you leave it alone, it will not hatch and die. It has been abandoned for a long time and has been contaminated with fraud.]

The blizzard is getting stronger.

Now I couldn’t even see an inch ahead. And the blizzard that gathered like that was seeping into the eggs that Si-Jun Park contained.

[Grow it up.]

“Am I?”

[Then, who will raise him other than you?]

“Aren’t there many players who signed a contract?”

[This is to acknowledge your ownership. You found it, and if it weren’t for you, no one would have been able to find it.]

Park Si-jun looked at the egg quietly.

The broken part was covered with a pure white film. And each time the blizzard penetrated, the size of the egg was shrinking.

As if to make it easier to carry.

“How can I grow it?”

[Give it magic whenever it wants.]

“If it hatched, take it away…”

[There is no such thing. respect its will.]

It was an annoying but not bad suggestion.

‘This hinterland, strangely, makes sense.’

A lot of players claim to worship the hinterland like a god. So Park Si-joon was also experiencing difficulties.

But when I actually met him, it felt different from God.

[Come back to me when it hatches.]

“How can I come to you?”

As soon as he said those words, the blizzard became violent again. And in the midst of the blizzard, something pure white fell.


It was a necklace.

A necklace made of pure white scales. It was an object with strong magical powers.

[Cool White Necklace (B)]

A necklace made from scales filled with magical power. A cold energy is flowing and it has been blessed with the essence of magic.

-Ice magic power +10% -Chance speed +5%

– Access to the Holy Land of Magic Essence is possible

– Required level: none

– Wear restrictions: Only those with permission from the magic essence

Park Si-jun admired inwardly. It was pretty good stuff.

[If you use it, you will be able to come here.]

“Thank you. I’ll definitely come back when it hatches.”

[Well… … . Then disappear now.]

Whew! A fierce blizzard covered my vision.

[Let me give you one piece of advice. Don’t meet phalaenopsis If you want to meet Jung, be prepared to meet him… … .]

When I opened my eyes again, the surroundings had turned into a cave.

“Are you out of your mind?”

Cheonjong Lee, who was next to him, spoke to me. He was eating something like fruit.

“Yeah, what happened a while ago… was that magic?”

“It’s similar. The body is here, and only the mind has been taken to the place where the magic essence is. Is the snowy mountain okay?”

“It was bad because I couldn’t see ahead.”

Park Si-jun confirmed the egg in his grasp. It’s a lot smaller than when I came here.

He tried to put the eggs into his inventory. However.

[The egg refused to enter the inventory.]

With that message popped up, Al refused.


I put it back in, but it didn’t work.

Al refused, shaking his body as if in anger.

“What are you doing?”(Read more @

“That, no. Nothing.”

I saw Lee Cheonjong and Park Sijun’s travels strangely. Al escaped Park Si-joon’s grasp and floated around.

‘Aren’t you supposed to take them with you?’

Just thinking about it made my impressions. such a nuisance.

“When you’re done, go back now.”

“Oh, can I go back in a little while?”


“I have some work to do.”

Park Si-jun looked around the cave.

It is a place of great magic power.

I thought that using the magic absorption method in a place like this would have a great effect.

“No, I can’t. Now…”

Lee Cheonjong paused while he was speaking.

Then he looked into the air and sighed a little.

It looked like a magical essence was talking to him.

“…Do whatever you want. You allowed it.”

He quickly turned his back and left the cave.


Park Si-joon, who was left alone, immediately took a stance.

He was a place where the magic essence was watching, so there was a catch, but he couldn’t just pass this magic over.

Park Si-jun sat on the floor and used the magic absorption method. A skill that takes in the surrounding magic and absorbs it all over the body.

But this time the feeling was different.

‘It’s coming in a lot.’

If the magic received so far was like flowing water, the magic received here was like a violent waterfall.

Park Si-jun completely absorbed the maddening magic.

He let out a long breath. A soft blue light flew out of his mouth, perhaps because of the presence of magical powers.

[The Magic Heart has absorbed pure magic. Magic amount increased by an additional 2%, magic regeneration rate increased by 1.5%, and charm increased by 1.5%.]

An exclamation came out of itself.

Using the magic absorption method, it rose by 1% at most, usually by 0.x units, but this time it rose quite a bit.

‘If the magical power is pure, the amount of increase increases.’

There was greed in Park Si-joon’s eyes.

‘This isn’t just for hatching, it’s supposed to come often, right?’

This is a great opportunity to increase your horsepower. I couldn’t miss this opportunity with my eyes open.

[The egg responds to the master’s magic.]

Then an unexpected message appeared.

[Al is hungry. Absorbs magic without permission!]

There were also messages that I couldn’t understand.


And after a while.

As if drawing blood with a syringe, magical energy was sucked out of Park Si-joon’s body.

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