Chapter 204

Park Si-jun looked straight ahead.

Maengju, he was looking at this side with an indecisive attitude. No, but the voice I heard a while ago.

‘Behind… … ‘

A sound was heard. The sound of a knife cutting flesh. Park Si-joon turned to the place where the sound was heard.


Song Baek-chan grabbed his arm. To be precise, where his arm was.

“President of the Association!”

Another leader stood behind him. His blade cut right through Song Baek-chan’s right arm.

right arm coming off. The sword fell.

[To confuse your world… … .]


Maeng-ju aimed at Song Baek-chan’s neck with a flowing movement. Han Go-woon and Park Si-jun tried to stop it, but he moved too fast.

‘It will be late at this rate.’

The moment Park Si-joon thought so.

– Kaang!

Something was blocking the blade.

Park Si-jun’s eyes widened. Shin Yun-woo, he was blocking the gap between Maeng-joo and Song Baek-chan.


There was a vicious energy in Shin Yun-woo’s sword. He took a deep breath and drew his sword down.

– Charlene!

The man’s body was severely cut. The moment he stumbled, those around him rushed at him.

Knights, Go-Won Han. At the same time, the pouring attack completely shattered the body of Maeng-joo.

– Chow!

Park Si-jun’s blade cut off Maeng-ju’s head. But it was pointless.

“…has disappeared?”

Another ragtag body, which had become a rag, disappeared as if being sucked into the floor.

Park Si-jun looked at the front again. Mengju was watching this side without moving from beginning to end.

‘Is it an alter ego?’

No, it’s different from the clone. Maengju, who had attacked Song Baek-chan a while ago, felt a presence.

The same sign as the real mage.

If it was an alter ego, you wouldn’t feel a presence.

“President of the Association, are you okay?”

“I want to say it’s okay…!”

Song Baek-chan wrapped his arms around him in pain. If you look closely, you can see that the cross section of the wound is rotting in black.

[You won’t be able to put his arm back on.]

“Hey, did you just stick to the desk too much?”

Song Baek-chan laughed bitterly at Maeng-joo’s sneer.

But after a while, the players around him began to surround Maengju.

There was evil on everyone’s face. It was because of the shock of seeing the association collapse.

“Are you the instigator of this case?”

Shin Yun-woo was at the forefront of them.

“I have a lot of things I want to ask you. Be quiet…”

He said something, but he didn’t answer. He just pointed his left hand to the floor.

Shin Yun-woo raised his hand without hesitation.

“Attack! Don’t let it move!”

Hearing his words, the players attacked as if they were waiting.

Attacks from a distance.

Magic, arrows, and all kinds of skills aimed at the lord.

[trivial… … .]

Meng-Ju raised his right hand.

An incontinence was drawn from his outstretched palm, and a small hole opened.

It was a dark hole, like looking into a deep abyss.

– Whoa!

The darkness emanating from that palm engulfed the approaching attack. like eating prey.

What’s more surprising.

[I should give back as much as I received.]

It is said that the attack that swallowed it was returned as it was.

The attacks poured out by the players returned to them. Screams echoed everywhere.

“Annoying tricks!”

Shin Yun-woo rushed towards the mang-ju. Meng Joo didn’t even respond and turned his palms around.

– Wow!

Then the floor cracked.

Between them is a dark abyss. It was such a darkness that just looked ominous.


Park Si-jun and Shin Yun-woo tried to attack Maeng-ju. But before that, someone intercepted the attack.

It was the magician with a spear that Park Si-jun met.

“I’ll see you here again.”

The spear is blocking the blade. Park Si-jun twisted his body and tried to continue the attack.



Shin Yun-woo snatched him up and stepped back. The abyss beneath my feet reached the place where Park Si-jun was.

Ma-in stood next to Maeng-ju.


“He died. The fragments were recovered. But…”

[Looks like it’s still unstable. Does not matter.]

Meng Joo pushed his feet into the abyss.

[Your symbol has fallen.]

Meng-ju’s eyes alternately looked at Song Baek-chan and the association.

[The established order will crumble, and your society will become more chaotic. Unlike before.]

His body disappeared as if sucked in. Some players tried to jump into it.

“Don’t do it! It’s suicide.”

Song Baek-chan dried it. I don’t know what it is or where it’s going. Pursuing is suicide.

The players stopped walking.

[…] A lot will change from now on.]

The lord disappeared into the abyss.

As the abyss closed, his voice was heard.



Silence hung over the stage. It was hard to come to my senses as unexpected things kept happening.

“Bring the priest! The president of the association is injured!”

“…President of the Association! Are you okay?”

Shin Yun-woo hurriedly summoned the priest, and Han Go-woon stayed by Song Baek-chan’s side. Park Si-jun first approached Song Baek-chan and inspected the wound.

“Uh, how are you? Can you heal me?”

Han Go-woon said in a trembling voice, which is rare. Park Si-joon’s expression darkened even more.

Song Baek-chan’s arm was not in good condition.

‘The cross section… Are you rotting?’

It was unusual to see that the cross section of the wound was stained black. He used healing magic, but nothing changed.

Only his blood volume decreased.

“Okay. I’m well aware of my condition.”

Park Si-jun continued to pour divine magic. Song Baek-chan grabbed his hand and stopped it.

“I’m not going to die. But I don’t think I’ll be able to attach my arms.”

“…Yes, I think so.”

The wound on his stomach was also serious, but the divine magic still worked.

But it wasn’t the arm.

The broken arm was rotting in.

“Have you been away from the field for too long? It’s self-sufficient. That’s enough, Park Si-jun.”

Song Baek-chan looked to the side. The priests Shin Yun-woo had called were coming up on the stage.

“Leave the treatment to them. You, do what you have to do now. And come back to me later.

I have something to say.”

Song Baek-chan made eye contact with Park Si-joon. Park Si-jun thought for a moment and then nodded his head.

“Park Si-jun, I will be here.”

Han Go-woon decided to stay by Song Baek-chan’s side. Park Si-jun got up from his seat and took a few steps back.

The priests began to heal Song Baek-chan.

‘Well, can it be cured? … ‘

Park Si-jun saw where Maeng-ju disappeared.

“It was open here.”

– Kyaung.

Ishimi patted her on the floor with her hand. Of course, he didn’t open or say that.

‘I can’t feel the magic. What the hell did you do?’

I wondered what skill the man named Maengjoo used a while ago. Park Si-jun looked back.

“The association…”

A siren was heard in the distance.

The association building, which always stood tall, was torn in half. The area around it was also caught up in the collapse and it was a mess.

It was literally the scene of a terrible disaster.

“What, where are these bastards?”

The situation around the stage was the same.

As the master disappeared, the villains and demons also disappeared. Only the remaining monsters were blocking the players.


completely hit Park Si-jun took a deep breath.

Song Baek-chan was concerned, but now he had work to do. You have to deal with the monsters.


Park Si-joon briefly saw Song Baek-chan being treated by the priests. And he went right down the stage.

“Park Si-jun, the president of the association…”

“I do not know.”

Below the stage, Lee Min-ah greeted him. Park Si-jun quietly raised his sword.

“Let’s start with what we can do first.”

His mind was complicated. The leader of Jormungand, the magician with a spear, the ruler of the deep abyss, and Song Baek-chan.

All kinds of thoughts ran through my mind.

‘There is nothing to know now.’

But if there’s one thing you can know for sure.

‘… I have a feeling that something is about to change drastically.’

That was it.

* * *

[Can you see it? Now on stage… … !]

On the ground, the battle with the monsters was in full swing. Above that, helicopters of broadcasting stations were floating in the sky.

The helicopter’s reporters shouted in shock.

[Chairman Song Baek-chan was attacked by an unknown villain! He has lost one arm now, and it looks like a very urgent situation!][Meanwhile, on the road, players are building defenses and desperately fighting monsters!][Tongue, association… The association building has collapsed!]

Helicopters noisily flew through the sky, relaying the situation at the scene. Lee Hyuk-ho, who glanced at it, snorted.

“You don’t even know that your life is precious.”

Next to him were Gong Ah-young and other guild members. Everyone had a fierce battle, the equipment was a mess.

“My lord, my lord…”

Lee Hyuk-ho remembered the villain from a while ago. He was a villain with an attack method he had never seen before.

No, I have to call it Mine.

“We’ve been tracking Jormungand since its inception, but we haven’t been able to get any further information.”

“That’s right. I’ve never been there before.”

I’ve only heard rumors.

Rumors of attacking all kinds of groups, including the Villains Alliance, from the back world, and bringing them under control.

“You guys keep the line of defense.”(Read more @

Lee Hyuk-ho spit out. He was going to kill him, but he was too late. Besides, he even had a bite to eat.

“I’m going to hunt monsters. The villains are all pretty, so it’s not a big deal to organize them.”


Hyuk-ho Lee ran off the stage at once.

If it was another guild, they would have said it was dangerous, but it didn’t matter to Nemesis because it looked familiar.

“I totally ate one.”

A little far from the stage.

Seohyun Lee was watching the stage. A man with a cold impression stood next to her.

“The president of the association suffered. In addition to that, the association collapsed… It is an unprecedented situation.”

“It’s the first time I’ve been hurt like this.

“This is the first time since Cataclysm. Vincent, weren’t you of the Cataclysm?”

“Yeah, I was a public figure back then.”

Seohyun touched her lips.

Players have always been victorious since Cataclysm. There have been fights with villains, but I have never been so one-sided.

It was literally unprecedented.

“Besides, the president of the association lost his arm…”

“Can you play?”

“If you live as a player, at least one limb will fly away at any time. Well, the difference is that you can regenerate it with the power of magic and science…”

Lee Seo-hyun looked at Song Baek-chan.

“I don’t think that’s going to happen this time.”

Neither the words left by the man named Maengju nor the signs of her wounds seemed so good.

It wasn’t a question of being able to regenerate the arm, it was a question of whether there would be sequelae.

“If it’s that much of an injury, it’s going to be difficult for me to work as a player. I’ll probably give up my position as president of the association.”

In fact, he would have resigned as president of the association if he had not been injured.

Vincent saw the association.

“You always need someone to take responsibility.”

“Yeah. It’s a situation that hasn’t happened in the past few years. One head of the association will not be enough.”

The association collapsed, and a large-scale monster appeared in the city center. I couldn’t even deal with it properly.

There is no way I can keep the position of president of the association.

“That person is not the person to associate with the position of president of the association, hmm… but the association.”

Seohyun Lee saw the collapsed association.

The upper floors were completely blown away and thrown to the ground.

The damage will not be normal. Besides, there were a lot of people today, especially in the upper floors.

“Indeed, that was the real target.”

His doubts were now resolved.

“Did you know that? If so…”

A fishy smile appeared on the corner of Seohyun’s lips.

“There must be a spy inside. It’s also very high-ranking. No, maybe it’s all rotten.”

“What should I do?”

“You gather information. Things will change in the future. The important thing is whether you can keep up with it or not.”

Shin Yun-woo’s figure appeared in her eyes.

“What will happen…”

Seohyun turned her back.

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