Chapter 178

Park Si-joon burst out laughing while watching the broadcast. It was because he was at a loss for words due to his unique sense of humor.

‘Is this what you mean by additional effects?’

This is a skill that can only be used when the broadcast is turned on in the first place. It seemed that the effect was added as if it was a CG work when the viewers saw it in the broadcast.

‘Isn’t this a bit… … ‘

As soon as Park Si-jun swings his sword, the screen goes black.

As a flash of light flashed, the monsters were cut at once, and a single character named Ilseom appeared on the screen.

– What just happened? What did I see?

-Is it CG? what? Real-time editing?

– Hahaha It sounds sick, but something is fine.

Fortunately, the audience reaction was not bad. The response was so good that it was no joke.

‘It’s okay to use a Jingak instead of a sword.’

The sword effect was very strange, but the advance was quite good. I have to say it looks more destructive.

Park Si-jun clenched his fist.

“This time, I’ll have to fight with my fists.”

“Yes? What?”

“No, I’m talking to myself. Are you all here now?”

“Yes, over there. In that vacant lot.”

Kang Je-hoon pointed forward. A strong presence was felt beyond the burning trees.

There was no question of what the origin was.

‘Boss monster.’

location confirmed. I wanted to go get it done right now, but I had some work to do before that.

“Before we catch that, let’s deal with the nearby monsters first.”

“Monsters? Oh, are you saying that you might be attracted to aggro? It’s not bad.”

“Well, there’s also…”

Park Si-jun wiped the back of his neck.

“I need to collect some corpses.”


Kang Hoon’s eyes widened.

* * *

Many players are broadcasting on the Internet, and many people watch what they are broadcasting.

But if I had to pick one of the most popular among them… … .

‘Boss Monster Raid.’

The reason was simple. Because it’s gorgeous.

A number of players fight together against a huge boss monster, and various and colorful skills used in the process.

It had to grab the attention of the viewers.

‘But it’s not easy.’

There were many parties that failed while hunting the boss monster. If it fails, the raid video quickly turns into a brutal movie.

Even when you raided a dragon before, it would have happened if you made a mistake.

‘And not all raids are popular.’

The most popular are the boss monsters that appear for the first time. Re-catching a boss monster that has already been caught is relatively less responsive.

‘So you should catch it alone.’

So he was desperately trying to catch him alone. Because if you catch the monsters that other people catch at the party, it would be a big topic.

‘Of course it’s dangerous.’

However, not all boss monsters are local boss monsters like the dragons.

The boss monster over there is just a boss monster from a dungeon on the Burning Plateau.

Of course, it’s not usually that strong either.

‘However… … ‘

Park Si-jun put down the last remaining corpse. Behind him was Kang Je-hoon.

‘I just had to try.’

Recalling a phrase he had seen in a novel, Park Si-jun straightened his stiff back.

“Huh, huh. Are you done now?”

“Yeah, you worked hard.”

Monster corpses were piled up like a mountain around Park Si-jun. Literally like a mountain.

-?? what are you doing

– I caught a lot really hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

– Can you show me Ishimina quickly??

– Oh, I think I know what you’re trying to do.

The reaction of the chat window was varied.

Some people guessed what Park Si-Jun was trying to do, some didn’t know, and some were looking for only Ishimi.

‘The audience has increased a lot.’

The good news was that the audience was gradually increasing because of the publicity.

“I’ll try it soon.”

Park Si-jun rolled up the sleeves of his clothes.

“Heuk Yeom-ryong, let’s do something after a long time.”

uh uh

The black fortune on his wrist twitched.

He kept feeding Magi for today. Maybe that’s why, he seemed more energetic than usual.


The magic that Heukwoon kept was flowing into Park Si-joon’s body. He let out a long breath.

“…I don’t know what you are doing.”

Then, Kang Je-hoon spoke to him.

“Are you really okay? That’s a raid monster. It’s not a monster you can catch alone.”

“Because you don’t have to worry. I’m alone…”

Park Si-jun smiled bitterly. A black energy began to rise from him like a mist.

He quietly stretched out his hand. The black energy that was scattered around permeated the corpse in all directions.

“…because I’m not alone.”

The bodies began to rise at once.

But that number was unusual.

Kang Je-hoon looked around with surprised eyes.

‘Hey, how many of these?’

Hundreds were more than enough. It’s a rough guess, but close to two hundred to three hundred.

Even with the crowd, I could guess that it was that number.

‘You’re calling all these things?’

Kang Je-hoon met the Necromancer only once. He was a villain who made a contract with the King of the Dead, and the memory of him being pushed to the brink of his death is still vivid.

‘He couldn’t handle this much… … .’

The Necromancer I met at that time dealt with dozens of undead at most.

But hundreds of them. He wasn’t even a person who specialized in Necromancer traits.

‘Because he’s a hot player these days, he said he should be especially careful, and now I understand why.’

He was a man beyond his own common sense.

Kang Je-hoon looked at Park Si-joon with astonished eyes.

“Why do you look like that?”

“Yes? Oh, no. I was a little surprised.

“Surprised? What do you have with this?”

Park Si-jun smiled and pointed in front of him.

“Let’s go, catch the boss mob.”

A boss monster is waiting.

* * *

Burned all over, no, a burning vacant lot. The trees were left with only their stumps, and the ground continued to burn.

And there was a monster among them.

“Huh, it’s terribly big.”

Park Si-jun looked up at the giant monster.

A wolf whose body is burning with flames. He was the wolf king of hellfire, Her.

“That’s the boss monster here, isn’t it?”

“Yes, there are so many fire monsters in this area, but no one uses fire skills as much as him. There is no place that burns all day like here.”


Park Si-jun narrowed his eyes. He seemed to understand why the magical essence had sent him here.

The area burns all day long, and that boss monster is a monster that attacks a lot of poisonous flames.

‘It deserves to be sent here.’

Park Si-joon did not lead the undead and hid himself nearby. Either way, the undead moved forward honestly.

-… Cree?

Her, who was lying drowsy, opened her eyes. His two eyes turned towards the approaching undead.

– Creepy… … .

Herr stood up slowly. It exposed its sharp teeth as if to be wary of the undead.

Park Si-jun watched the scene while hiding.

– Are you really going to catch that by yourself? is it real?

-I’ve seen that raid broadcast before, but the party was smashed as it was. looks like a bunch

-I just imagined catching it by myself hahaha but it’s not too early lol

– Uncle, just giving up… … .

The chat window was noisy. Most of them said that they could not catch it by themselves, so they had to step back.

But Park Si-joon had no intention of doing that.

‘Although he’s a pretty intimidating guy.’

If he really was an enemy he couldn’t catch, his intuition would have warned him. tell me to go away

But the intuition is quiet. That was the reason he could have the confidence he is now.

-‘Mission’ donated ‘1,000’ won.

[If you really catch that by yourself, you will spend 100,000 won.]

-‘Passing by’ sponsored ‘1,000 won’.

[Oh haha ​​Then I bet 10,000 coins.]

-‘Churai’ sponsored ‘1,000 won’.

[Then I… … .]

The viewers continued to bet on the mission. In fact, the current Park Si-joon was more attracted to coins than money.

‘It’s good that you’re motivated.’

The undead are approaching Her. Her attention was completely focused on the undead.

Park Si-jun, who hid himself, brought out the nature around his waist.

“It’s great because it’s big.”

His body melted into the shadows.

The moment the viewers were bewildered, Park Si-jun appeared from behind Her like a soaring figure.

‘First, engrave the mark.’

He momentarily marked Her with death. And he got on his neck before he reacted.


– Kraaaah!

At once, he thrust the dagger down the back of his neck.

extinction. Her, who suffered heavy damage, stumbled.

– Big”…!

But it wasn’t fatal. Herr quickly turned his head and growled looking at Park Si-joon.

Park Si-jun jumped up without hesitation.

– Come on!

Her huge mouth opened horribly. His teeth flew in aiming at Park Si-joon.

He calmly took a breath and drew his bow.

‘Must be important.’

The arrows that were shot aimed at Her’s eyes.

It was an arrow mixed with the energy of ice and water.

He tried to block it with his front paw. However, the arrow was bent at a strange angle and pierced the eye.

– Aaaaaaah!

Herr was in pain. If you think of it common sense, it would be right to push harder here.

‘I’m leaving now.’

Park Si-joon withdrew without hesitation.

At the same time, intense flames were emitted from Her body in all directions.

A little later, his whole body would have been roasted.

‘The wound is… It’s not even fatal.’

Blinding one of his eyes by surprise was successful, but he didn’t kill him in one shot.(Read more @

Now Her will start attacking.

-Gree, go!

Her gazed at Park Si-joon and roared for a long time.

‘When I think of the Viewtube video I saw last time.’

Among the attack methods used by Her, there were a total of three things to keep in mind. at first.

– Heh heh heh!


It was to summon his men.

An intense fire erupted from Her body. Sparks from it fell to the ground and turned into a hellfire wolf.

– Protect… … !

Not only that, but enemies appeared from all directions.

Park Si-jun frowned. where did it appear

‘This is blocked by the undead.’

So, he purposely hunted monsters and collected corpses. Park Si-jun raised his magic.

“Yorong-ah! It’s your turn!”

– Bake it!

A huge skeleton popped out of the floor. Yellowy, as honest as a bull, roared for a long time.

“Kill them all!”

Magi soldiers appearing at the same time. Yellowy led all the undead and began to charge.

– Uh huh… … !

– Awesome!

and crash. The undead and the monsters of flame collided with each other. Yellowy, who was at the forefront, slashed the hellfire wolf that stood in the way.

– Whoops!

Yellowy beating his chest as if to follow him. He led the Magi soldiers and began to charge forward.

They rushed, literally sweeping away the monsters in their path.

– Wow, this… … .

-Is it a little different from other raids?

-Necromancers fight fiercely. They didn’t know he had never seen him fight like this.

The fighting style of the undead was strange.

It kills enemies while taking a lot of damage, and turns those killed enemies into the same undead. In doing so, the damage suffered was offset as much as possible.

– It’s like watching a zombie movie;

-Really;; But what do they look so ticklish?

To Sijun Park, they were just ordinary undead, but to the viewers, they looked different.

Thanks to the additional effect effect, the appearance of the resurrected undead looked more sinister. He was emitting black energy from his body.

– Hey, I don’t know what it is… … .

One of the viewers hit the chat.

– Don’t you think you’re really going to catch that alone?

The chat window paused for a moment.

But for a while.



-Really ;;

The same answer came up one after another.

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