Chapter 160

Park Si-jun went out.

It was because Si-ha Yoon and Lee Soo-young had something to talk about with her, and she left it to herself and asked you to leave.

‘Well, that’s good.’

I was thinking of looking around anyway.

I was concerned about the contents of the phone call Lim So-ryung made.

She said, ‘I said something was going to happen to Lee Soo-young at the exam hall. That means … … .’

It means that someone is aiming for Lee Soo-young. Who is that?

He is a person who clearly knows the value of Lee Soo-young.

No, he may not be a person.

‘Behind the scenes.’

There is one behind-the-scenes character who previously targeted Lee Soo-young.

Lord of Shadows. Her hinterland, who tried to make her her mine.

I thought it was strangely quiet.

A player with this level of potential. He put a lot of effort into it, but he can’t give up easily.

Park Si-joon patted his chin.

“What should I do?”

“Ugh, hey!”

Something tugged at my pants.

Ishimi, who had suddenly turned into a humanoid, was pulling him.

I wanted to do something, so I watched and took the cell phone out of her pocket at will.


Isimi was fiddling with her phone.

She recently showed her a video of herself, and she seems to like it quite a bit.

“Hey, hey… taaaaa!”

Her expression darkened as if she was disappointed that her own face didn’t appear on her screen.

Park Si-joon got his cell phone back and tried to play the video.

‘Oh right.’

He remembered something.

‘There was Han Go-un.’

Park Si-joon immediately sent a text message to Han Go-woon. Meanwhile, Ishimi was struggling by her side.

– I’m in the licensing exam room right now. I’ve heard bad things about Lee Soo-young, do you have time?

Less than a minute after I sent the text, I got a reply right away.

It was a very short reply.

-Yes, I’ll go right now.

Park Si-jun nodded his head satisfactorily.

If it’s Han Goun, it will be over soon. Talk to her and she’ll be able to figure out how to deal with her.

“Are you going to wander around in the meantime?”

There was nothing to do.

* * *

Park Si-joon walked around the examination hall.

This time he came as a scout. Thanks to this, he was able to move around the exam hall relatively freely.

‘No one is particularly suspicious.’

He used an all-time scout to observe the people in the exam room.

He wanted to check if he was a good talent, and to see if there were any villains or magicians.

But there was nothing.

‘There are no talents or villains.’

Most of them were retested, so no players stood out.

Park Si-jun sighed.

‘Well, there’s no reason for a player with high potential to be here.’

Park Si-jun grabbed Ishi-mi’s hand and moved.


“Well, ma’am.”

Ishimi showed a strong interest in the objects around her.

She was so she wandered around, but she didn’t want to let go because she didn’t want to let go of Si-Jun Park’s hand.

“I don’t know how I got into parenting, hey.”

Park Si-jun sighed.

It would be crazy to expect him to be mature from a young boy.

“Yeah, I’m at the testing site now. This time… Ah, yes. Okay. I’ll look into the production side.”

A man passed by on the phone. He was busy on the phone, not paying attention to anything else.

Park Si-jun glanced at his talent.

[Kim Seok-hyung][Disposition] A person who wants to live a smooth life

[Potential] C+


1. Human Eye (C+)

2. Pretty good physical ability (C+)

Someone said it was a scout.

First of all, since it was a licensing exam, there were scouts.

However, unlike when Park Si-jun took the test, there were no scouts from large guilds.

‘You don’t have to come, this is it.’

All the talents who have already been rescued have been rescued in the first exam.

Most of the candidates for the 2nd exam are like garbage that has been filtered there.

‘Of course, there are exceptions like Lee Soo-young, but… … ‘

Such cases are very few, and scouts from large guilds did not come to this kind of place.

‘I guess I’m in vain.’

He thought there might be a useful player, but he didn’t seem to be able to find it.

‘He said he was going to the production side.’

Park Si-jun sneakily followed Kim Seok-hyung. At the time, he was thinking of finding an assistant for Kim Baek-kyung.


Students taking the production job exam gathered in the waiting room.

There were still many people who did not have time to start the exam.

‘There are also a few scouts.’

Scouts from several guilds were watching the students from afar.

It was because the supervisors were blocking them from getting too close.



– Nyaan… … .

Park Si-joon shed a sigh and confirmed the talents of the students.

Ishimi imitated it to see if it looked funny. The cat looked at them like they were pathetic.

‘Nothing. The last thing left… … ‘

There was one man.

man? No, he almost looked like a boy. He was short and had a small body.

‘Suddenly I remember Lee Soo-ho.’

I remembered Suho Lee, who was being educated at the Players Association.

But Jae was smaller than Lee Soo-ho.

‘Let’s see.’

Park Si-joon confirmed it without much expectation.

[Kang Jaehyun][Disposition] A person who works hard

[Potential] C+


1. I need a mentor (A)

2. Enchanter (C)

#3. pacifist (C)

4. Non-Awakening

Park Si-joon’s expression darkened.

not a blacksmith If he had that kind of talent, he would probably have signed a contract with the owner of the Infinite Library.

I wouldn’t have been treated well.

‘Did you learn mainly through enchantments?’

Even if they contract with the same background, they learn different characteristics according to unknown criteria.

Taking the owner of the infinite library as an example, A learns elemental magic and B learns enchantments.

In this case, A can take the survival test, i.e. the mock test, but B cannot take the test.

Because there is no way to fight the enemy.

‘In that case, I would fall into a production job.’

In addition to the master of the infinite library and the iron-blooded blacksmith, there are other backgrounds that give character in that way.


Park Si-joon checked Jae-hyun Kang’s talent.

[I need a mentor (A)]

If you meet someone you can see and learn up close and who can inspire you a lot, you can grow big. Talents and potentials also grow rapidly. Iza respects those who work hard.

[Enchanter (C)]

He has a talent for enchanting objects.

[Pacifist (C)]

extremely reluctant to fight. Combat-related characteristics are difficult to learn, and even if you do, they are not used well.

It was a typical enchanter. To be honest, all the other talents weren’t good.

But the talent that I need a mentor was pretty good.

‘Should I attach it to Kim Baek-kyung?’

Watching Kim Baek-kyung stay up all night making items, the words that he works hard came out naturally.

She has a great depth of improvement, so she tried to learn by looking at all kinds of items.

‘I think it’ll be fine.’

Park Si-joon patted his chin.

Then, suddenly, he raised his head and made eye contact with Jaehyun Kang.


Kang Jae-hyun, who was puzzled, widened his eyes. He knew who Park Si-jun was.

Park Si-jun waved his hand slightly.

‘If you pass, try flirting.’

or not He decided to just think about it for now.


Then, Park Si-joon’s cell phone rang.

When I said something, it was a text message from Han Go-woon.

– Waiting outside.

“Have you already arrived?”


“Hey, don’t suck your fingers dirty.”

Ishimi looked around her, sucking her fingers.

Park Si-jun was startled and put a candy in his mouth.

“Eat some candy.”

Park Si-joon took Ishi-mi and went outside. There were still reporters outside the exam hall.

Park Si-jun avoided them and looked around.

‘Where are you?’

I said I’ll be waiting Park Si-joon walked around the outside of the examination room in search of Han Go-woon.


Then he saw something in his eyes.

“What else is that?”

Bench outside the exam room. A group of people had gathered there.

However, the atmosphere was not good.

“For what reason are you coming here? Huh?”

“I failed the test because of someone!”

People surrounded a woman and denounced her fiercely.

Park Si-jun frowned.

‘What is bullying?’

I don’t remember seeing something similar at the training camp, so it didn’t look very good.

However, it seemed a little different from the bullying that Park Si-jun thought.

“Why are you blaming me for falling because you guys couldn’t do it? Isn’t it off? Shall I break everyone’s heads!”

The woman growled as she clenched her fists.

That’s the way Park Si-Jun was watching! do it! I couldn’t help but be arrogant enough to think.

“A horn that breaks the head. Does the priest have the power to do that? I’ll break my head and break your hand.”

“Then why don’t you try it here! I’ll break it!”

“This made people fail the test…! What makes you so good? What makes you so proud!”

The situation got even worse.

Park Si-joon sneaked out because he thought that a fight would start if he left it alone.


The students’ eyes widened when they saw him. Why is that person here? someone muttered

For a moment, they left the place with an awkward cough.


Ishimi pointed at the students with her finger.

It was as if they were asking if they would leave them alone.

“Then what, are you going to kill me?”

Park Si-jun looked at the woman left alone.

‘Looking at it, I think I failed after playing a party with that person on the last test… … ‘

In the case of a wizard or a priest, it is difficult to take the survival test.

So implicitly party play was allowed, and I used to do that.

“…what do you see?”

The woman growled while looking at Park Si-jun this time.

When she saw her from afar, she felt it, and she was a neat-looking woman.

She also has long straight hair and a feminine look. Contrary to her appearance, her body was quite muscular.

‘That’s not my business.’

Park Si-joon burst out laughing.

“What kind of fighting chicken are you?”


“Is it a fighting chicken? If you see it, you’re going to hit it.”

The woman’s eyes became sharper.

She looked like she was about to attack, but she didn’t.

‘What are you doing?’

Park Si-jun was curious, so he saw the woman’s talent.

[Hyerim Choi][Disposition] A person who is hurt and tired

[Potential] C+


1. Hedgehog (A)

2. This is not for my aptitude (S)

3. Priest… … ? (C)

4. Non-Awakening

5. Non-Awakening

When I checked my talent, I couldn’t help but tilt my head.(Read more @

The rating is higher than I expected.

[Hedgehog (A)]

After failing repeatedly throughout his life, he became overly aggressive. Be aggressive whether the other person approaches you with good intentions or with malicious intent.

It becomes very difficult to gain trust and, naturally, disagreements with those around you arise.

[This does not fit my aptitude (S)]

They are being forced to take on jobs and roles that do not fit their aptitudes. Skills cannot be properly mastered, and it becomes difficult to raise the skill proficiency. Also, even if you catch a monster, the experience points do not rise well.

[priest… … ? (C)]

Obviously, he has the aptitude for a priest, but something is different. He could not find his true talent because of the complicated entanglement of various reasons. Until it is found, the efficiency of priest-related skills is greatly reduced.

got even more pissed off.

‘What are you?’

Such a question came naturally.

The level of talent is higher than expected. But it’s all weird.

“What kind of spectacle do you have? Yeah? Well, don’t touch people and go quickly. I’m not in the mood to deal with you.”


When Choi Hye-rim treated Park Si-joon harshly, Ishimi growled.

This time, this guy had the momentum to run at any moment.

“Hey, are you a priest?”

There was no need to show respect for the other person’s attitude.

Hyerim Choi’s eyebrows twitched.

“But what? Do I know?”

“I don’t know. But I’m curious.”

Park Si-jun touched his chin.

“Looking at it, it looks like you had a party with the exams a while ago during the first exam. You made a big mistake and you failed the exam, right?”

“…I did nothing wrong.”

Hyerim Choi turned her head quickly.

“Those bastards, obviously I said I can’t heel, but even though I knew that, I took them and said that.”

“He said he couldn’t.”

“Yeah, what did I do wrong? I said from the beginning that I’m a priest, but not heel.

If you have clearly stated your shortcomings from the moment you save the party, there is no problem.

Because the people who took it knew it and took it.

“The priest is right, but not the heel?”

“I can’t. It’s funny, isn’t it? If you’re going to make fun of it, do that.”

Hyerim Choi snorted.

“You look like a scout, would you like someone like you to know this kind of hardship? Don’t you?”


Park Si-jun laughed bitterly. there is no way to know It’s something he’d been through to get tired of himself at the training camp.

Ignoring and swearing were all too familiar.


“You were here.”

As soon as Park Si-jun was about to say something, someone spoke to him from behind.

It was a familiar voice.

“Park Si-jun, I was looking for you.”

It was Han Goun.

And when she heard her name, Hyerim Choi frowned.

“What? Park Si-Jun?”

She opened her eyes wide in surprise.


her mouth opened

But it was something different from how she reacted when she just saw a celebrity.

‘Come on?’

Park Si-jun tilted his head.

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