Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 358: A feast of revival

"Why do you think that [Infinite Moon Reading] is an illusion for achieving peace?" Kurozutsu said with a successful laugh while he was wearing Uchiha Madara.

He took control of Madara's body and began to use Madara as a container to absorb the chakra that connects all the creatures with the sacred tree.

Madara let out a stern roar, and his body began to swell rapidly, making it painful to watch.

Ban Qiang endured, struggled, and squeezed out his voice to ask: "This is how the slate handed down by the Six Paths of Immortals is written, [Infinite Moon Reading] isn't a person's illusion that realizes peace?"

Hei Jue was extremely proud: "Why do you believe that the slate has not been tampered with by me? I am Datongmu Kaguya's will, hiding in your shadow and waiting for the time to resurrect his mother... ah! "

Alfin's attack came again, leaving Hei Jue dying, and Madara was also hit hard.

"No, Lord Madara, what Hei Jue said is true, but [Infinite Moon Reading] is indeed a technique to achieve peace." Alfin jumped back to avoid Madara's swelling body, and continued, "As long as human consciousness Until they have no room for infighting, they will not fight on their own. Unless they are all incorrigible-fools. I like Madara. I have been struggling for the peace of mankind without being understood by the world until today, no I will forget your sacrifice for peace."

"Could it be that you planned to deal with my mother and me from the beginning!" Hei Jue was furious, but laughed again, "But, do you think you can deal with my mother? My mother is a god. The purpose of my existence is for my mother. Even if I die here, I want to resurrect my mother!"

Kurozu exhausted his last strength, Madara's body began to shrink and deform, turning into the shape of Otsuki Kaguya.

"The one that should come out will always come out. If it ends here, let us take away this body. The best result would have been." Alphan spread his wings and flew back quickly away from the place where Hui Ye appeared. Throwing a ball of black light toward the incompletely formed Kaguya——

"[True Earth Blasting Star]. Everyone, let's post any big tricks that have a significant effect on Datongmu."

The unformed Hui Ye was quickly wrapped up by the "asteroid" with the sealing power of Mu Dun, and floated in the air. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, everyone uses all the tricks that you can use your own housekeeping skills or a range that is just enough, even if some are just joining the fun to set off a "firework"——

Mary: "[Golden Wheel Reincarnation Burst]."

Ling Xian: "[Tail Beast Jade]."

An Qi: "[Xianfa·December·Tail Beast Jade Storm】."

Sunflower: "[Suzonenghu·Golden Wheel Reincarnation Dance]."

Winkawoz: "[Suzonenghu·Tianzhi Majia Ancient Bow]..."

Cacino: "[Jing Escape·Dark Light Flashes]."

Anna: "[Compulsory Seal·Pandemonium Cetus]."

Larva: "[TripletMaximizeImmortalMagic·CorrosiveScales][TripletMaximizeImmortalMagic·CorrosiveScales]."

Sunny: "[Magic Triple Immortal Technique is the most enhanced·Billion Flares [TripletMaximizeImmortalMagic·GigaFre]]!"

Granbell: "[The most powerful triple magic·Final War·Festival of the Dead [TripletMaximizeImmortalMagic·Armageddon·DeadDay]】!"

Iglia: "Eh eh eh eh eh... Isn't my ninjutsu and magic range enough?! Forget it-sharp spear, shoot her!"

It seems that the entire world is covered by the white light produced by the explosion. If you observe from outer space, you can probably see the spectacular cloud picture formed by the strong shock wave in full.

However, all the fairies on the ground are not so comfortable.

Fortunately, the explosive impact of this kind of ordinary goods can be easily resisted and evaded by seeking Taoism and Space Element abilities.

The fairies were divided into three groups. Lingxian and Mary, who were able to seek Taoism, helped the nearby compatriots withstand the heat and impact of the explosion. Alphan continued to take the companions he had protected before and transferred to the [Shenwei] space-still managed to avoid The asters inside.

Thanks to Shion as a fighting idiot, she ran around in order to find a way out. After so many incidents, she flew a few kilometers in Alfin’s [Shenwei] space. As long as Alfin doesn’t have any problems with her, she probably Will not take the initiative to find it back.

But the sunflower was still tearing with the water gate a moment ago, and the compatriots set fire and caused a big explosion. She was terrified and left An Qi, who was resurrected not long ago, by herself. She teleported away, so only An Qi faced the shower and exploded.

"Huh~" The sunflower directly teleported to the Oshemaru stronghold in the neighboring country. He breathed a sigh of relief and watched the big explosion that pierced through the clouds to the sky through the mountains.

"How could there be such a terrible explosion? The completely ten-tailed [Tailed Beast Jade] doesn't have this power, right? Why did my control circuit of [Unclean Rebirth] suddenly break? It was forcibly lifted? Because That explosion? Speaking of the quickest way to remove the compulsory force, the soul is detached, right?"

[Grambell, what have you done! 】

[Bell, I sacrificed all the people who died in the war. How, Bell's strongest magic power is more powerful than Togo's tricks. It's a pity that I didn't give Dedalago a glimpse of his style. 】

"Is this little friend who likes young handsome guys with a bad sense of existence but is a blockbuster? How much power is accumulated after sacrifice? Could it be that the souls of the dead in the whole war have been collected?"

But Sunflower needs to pay more attention to the people behind him at this time.

"But, why are you flying behind me again! I won't be attacked by you again! But I don't understand it very annoyingly." At this stage, Sunflower has no fighting mood, and there is no half-mutilation. Watergate's interest.

"There is no way. The other flying thunder **** art and kunai on the battlefield have been destroyed." Watergate said, "if you move, you will be moved to the more distant Konoha Village or the beach."

"Then you can go home and have a It seems that the development of things may have exceeded your plan. [Unlimited Monthly Reading] is not simply an illusion that allows everyone to live in a peaceful dream. Wouldn't it be a temporary truce for a collegiate discussion?" Watergate asked.

"No, it's within the scope of our plan so far, you think too much, I have been the most beloved four generations of Naruto Masters. [Infinite Moon Read] There is no doubt that it is a technique that makes humans more non-war than in the past. , It’s absolutely correct, it’s very simple. Since the interpersonal communication between people is not a good thing (for example, the completion plan of human beings), it is enough as long as you realize that there are common enemies, just like this time because we collected All the tailed chakras have caused so many of your countries to unite and start war against us."

"...So, did you do anything to my daughter before?"

"It's nothing, it's just like [Reincarnation of Dirty Soil], it's just that what constitutes the body is not boring dust, but flaming magma. Now thousands of degrees Celsius can't hurt An Qi at all. Well, such a great body. Do you want me? Help you and Jiu Xinnai also have a pair? As long as you promise to help us." Sunflower showed off by the way.

(to be continued)

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