Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 9 Chapter 178: Fighting Otsuki again

The practice field in the suburbs of Konoha Village——

An Qi and Lin, who were cultivating here as they did last time, looked up at the two white people floating in the air tightly in their hearts.

"What's the matter?" Lin felt a little unbelievable. "It stands to reason that if the target is the tail beast, when the other tail beasts are still separated and alive, they will immediately attack the nine tails?"

Pu Shi is very arrogant but candidly said in general: "After all, the only one who will cause us trouble in the future is Kyuubi. Is Mitsui also here? Senior should take it together."

"Of course." Momoshiki raised his hand, showing the reincarnation eyes in his hand, "I haven't succeeded in seeing the three tails in the future. It is very troublesome to find it again. Anyway, the low-level creatures will not affect our future. It seems that there are still hidden nearby. A huge chakra is settled here."

In an instant, a pair of black rods shot out from his palm.

That's it?

An Qi and Lin only slightly deflected their bodies and avoided the black stick's attack.

However, the number of black bars is increasing.

The two had to jump around like acrobatics, avoiding the burst of black sticks. They know that the black stick can block the Chakra, even to the extent of the beast. And you can't use ninjutsu to attack Momoshiki, it will be absorbed and counterattack back several times.

Since Datongmu has attacked other places, the intelligence is naturally placed here. In Konoha Village, as a person who is very likely to be targeted, Kakashi has no reason not to tell this.

Seeing that Tao Shi could not win the opponent for a while, Pu Shi said with ease: "Oh, senior, have you caught the material and made alchemy and haven't eaten enough? Do you need my help?"

In fact, it has already taken action. The illusion that Pu Shi has fished from Yakumo hasn't been used up yet, and this time it has enveloped the surrounding area. No matter how much trouble this area is, no one will come to help. Although the big pipe trees as gods were so cautious and a little frustrated, but they came to the earth without the ten tails and did not plant the sacred tree, so they were beaten violently and couldn't exert their full strength.

"Isn't there still some low-level creatures around who are watching the battle? I leave it to you." Tao Shi stopped the black stick shooting.

After all, the black stick hardly consumes blue. His container is Danzao transplanted with wooden dungeon cells. Although the blue slot is a lot larger, it is still an old Danzao, and it can't be squandered.

Lin and An Qi glanced at each other, and then they scattered and fled.

Pu Shi glanced at it, thinking that the dead daoist would not die the poor Tao, and he chased after Lin, who should be weaker.

An Qi felt peach-like chasing behind her, smiled secretly, turned around quickly, and pulled out the Thunder God Sword that Danzo hadn't personally come to ask for, injected Chakra into a golden blade, and slashed the black stick with one sword, and jumped towards Tao. Mode.

"Huh." Momoshiki took a breath on the spot and exhaled Danzo's tricks, "[Wind Dun·Vacuum Continuous Waves]!"

"Puff puff puff puff puff puff!"

A series of invisible air cannons blasted An Qi, who seemed unavoidable in the air.

"[Flame Wing [fg]]." An Qi used the magic that the Flame Fairy Race had automatically understood, and opened a red flame wing behind her back, so that her body avoided the air cannon. Air cannon hits are also harmless due to attribute restraint.

An Qi flew in front of Momoshiki instantly, slashing with a sword.

Momoko smiled secretly, the blade was constructed by Chakra, and immediately raised his hand to absorb it.

"Boom!" With a loud clash of fierce conflict, An Qi's whip kick that she suddenly switched was firmly grasped by Tao Shi.

"Huh, little trick." Momoji held An Qi's leg, inserted a black stick on the spot, and slammed it to the ground, causing An Qi to smash a big hole on the ground like a meteor.

"Eh!" An Qi vomited a mouthful of blood, but immediately bit her lips tightly and didn't cough up.

"Dying struggling." Tao Shiji slowly landed in front of An Qi, about to make up for the knife——

"Hee, hee hee hee hee hop." An Qi smiled, everything is in the plan, she just swallowed the mouthful of blood so that her wound can heal, this is not ninjutsu, the black stick can't interfere, and she is forced to regenerate The meat was pushed out.

"[King Kong Blockade]!" Several golden chains sprang out of her body, tying the peach-style streaks of flowers.

However, it won't last for a while.

An Qi's figure flickered, and the red tone was replaced by the purple tone, turning into a pansy!

"[Psychic Art]!" Jin slapped Tao Shi with both hands, the space was distorted, and the surrounding area was replaced by a place similar to a dark grotto.

Tao Shi broke the chain that had lost An Qi's control, and was about to kill Sumire in anger. Suddenly a giant beast, like a monkey, a lion, and a snake, rushed from the side and opened his mouth to bite.

"[Shinluo Tianzheng]!" Tao Shiki nonchalantly set off a repulsive force field and blasted the giant beast and Sumire together.

"Squad leader!" The blogger on standby rushed out to catch Jin, "Are you okay?"

"This injury... doesn't get in the way." Sumire was also transplanted with Mudun cells, and his resilience was not bad. He turned his head and said to Tao Shishi. Time and space, don’t want to leave here easily."

The peach-like pair of eyes can see it.

[Tian Zhi Yu Zhong] It is the personal ability of Datong Mu Huiye, which can summon his own huge multi-time space I am afraid that the psychic beast just now imitated Kaueye, and this time space is so clumsy. , The size and stability can not be compared with [Tian Zhi Yu Zhong]. But the psychic beast has a chakra connection with the girl, I am afraid that if you don't kill the girl, no matter how you attack the behemoth, you can only consume the chakra. It is too wasteful to consume all the rare alchemy materials.

The red-purple transition just now was also the hidden time and space ninjutsu of Sasuke, right?

Well, all those little mice are forced out.

"It deserves to be an inferior creature, a meaningless imitation. [Wind Escape·Breakthrough]!" Tao Shi Chaobo and Jin spewed out a wave of turbulence, and the range was unavoidable.

Sasuke came to them in an instant, the pair of writing wheels lost their red color, and concentric circles appeared. He raised his hand to absorb the gale.

"Why does Sasuke have a pair of reincarnation eyes?!" Alfin also came here.

There was also Anna who came to this space to stand by and prepare to deal with Taoshi.

"Thanks to my future sister, I have put down a lot of dignity. Go up." Sasuke drew out the Kusanaru sword and rushed towards Momoka.

"Then, let me help the brother who was once stupid—" Alfin opened a layer of purple and black [Suzano Nohu] to cover himself, and followed Sasuke, if there was [Shenwei], I wouldn't worry about it easily. Hurt.

Anna didn't say a word, and her body had already begun to act.

"[Mu Dun · Tree Bound Eternal Burial]!" Tao Shiji launched a ninjutsu that is also difficult to absorb by the reincarnation eye, creating a large number of rhizomes entangled into a large tree, which can squeeze the wrapped target into a lump of mud and turn it into nutrients to absorb.

If the opponent uses ninjutsu to destroy these strangling plants, it is better for Taoshi, he can absorb it, and then fight back several times.

However, these plants quickly turned into stone under Anna's stare, and stopped the offensive.

(to be continued)()

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