【Famous scene 9: Tony’s decision, the downfall of the Steel Family!】


Inside Stark Industries. Tony was stunned when he saw the title. A strong sense of uneasiness surged in his heart. The Iron Family... isn't that Tony's family? The whole family was destroyed? Doesn't that mean that everyone in the family is dead ?


"No, I seem to be the only one in my family."

Tony suddenly thought.

He has no relatives.

His parents died long ago.

Without relatives, how can there be a family?

He alone is a whole family.

And the title says"Tony's Decision".

These words seem to be sacrificing oneself.


Pepper held Tony's hand.

Tony forced a smile.

"Don't be sad, don't worry"

"My future self, even if I really die"

"That must be a glorious death!"

Little Pepper's eyes were red.



Nick Fury's heart sank

"Is Tony going to sacrifice himself?"

"Decision, family ruin"

"Each word added together"

"They all look disturbing.

Nick Fury's expression became serious.

He suddenly remembered that the last few famous scenes were all about"Tony's destruction".

Black Widow asked in confusion:

"Isn't it just the armor that is destroyed?"

"Did he sacrifice himself?"

"Oh my god, I don't want to see this."

"Although hot, this person has an unreliable personality"

"But he's a good man.

Hawkeye nodded in agreement.

They all didn't want to see Tony's sacrifice.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America's heart sank.

"Tony's decision?"

"He's going to die again?"

Captain America was extremely uneasy.


Corvo Laboratory

"Such a worrying title again"

"I don't want to see anyone die."

"Hulk certainly doesn't want to."

Banner's heart couldn't calm down.

This time the title directly used the word"destruction".

These two words are really too heartbreaking.

"Tony, you must live well!"

Banner murmured.



Thor sat on the chair.

He looked at the title. He was very anxious.

He raised and lowered the hammer in his hand.

He tapped his palm gently.

"Tony, a very nice guy."

"I don't want him to die"

"Father, can we help him?"

Odin shook his head.

"The future is certain"

"The process may be different"

"But the final result is the same"

"If Tony, the Steel Family is really destroyed"

"There is no escape from this outcome.

Thor was silent.

Loki came forward.

"Brother, humans are just ants"

"Why should you be sad about the death of ants?"

""Take it easy."

Thor smashed Loki with a hammer.

"Loki, I'm telling you."

"Even the weakest people can create their own miracles."

"You dare to talk nonsense again"

"I will beat you to death!"

Loki quickly shut up.

He rarely saw Thor so angry.

Obviously, if Tony really died, his brother would be very upset.



Quicksilver and the witch looked at each other.

Both saw the uneasiness in each other's eyes. They had completely let go of their prejudice against Tony. Now seeing the title, they felt panic in their hearts.



Ant-Man covers his head

"Oh no, I don't like this kind of plot."

"A hero's death, this is so old fashioned"

"Please don't do this. Please."

The prison guard also nodded.


No one expects to see sacrifice.

But the video continues

【Late at night, on the pier】

【Someone patrols with a gun】

【The searchlight is bright and dazzling】

【In such a strict atmosphere】

【Two figures, crouching, approached silently.】

【There was a bright light on the chest, obviously Tony】

【As for the other one, it's a bit dark】

【If it weren't for the clothes, I wouldn't even be able to see him.】

【The two saw the hostage, hanging in mid-air】

【Rod: The hostage is hanging in the air, they are going to burn him to death!】

【Tony: This is a Viking funeral, a public execution】

【Not only that, the criminals also wanted to broadcast the execution of the hostages live!】

【Rod: Gun raised?】

【Tony: Okay, now what?】

【Tony has no training after all.】

【Participating in hostage rescue, his action quality is not as good as Rod】

【Rod: Pay attention to the six o'clock direction, especially at high places, don't hit me on the back】

【A bullet hits!】

【The two quickly fired back and found a place to hide.】

【Tony: Done!】

【Rod: Well, you broke the light bulb.】

【Tony: I was aiming at the light bulb. You definitely can't aim at it from such a distance.】

【Rhode rolled his eyes, stood up, and shot the light bulb with his gun.】



Stark Industries.

Rhodes laughed at the phone.


"I didn't expect Tony, and my highlight moment"

"Of course, thanks to your shot."

"Otherwise, how can I show off my shooting skills?"

This was Rod's first time having a highlight moment.

He smiled so happily.

Tony blushed.

He said to the phone:

"Man, I'm going to die."

"Shouldn't you be sad now?"

"How can you still laugh?"

Rod tried his best to suppress his laughter.

But he couldn't control it.

"After all, it's the future."

"It's not happening now"

""Why am I sad?"


He could tell.

Rod was comforting himself.

In fact, the two had been friends for many years.

Even if he only saw the words"Tony is dying",

Rod would be so sad that he couldn't eat. But he had been able to use a smile to hide his sadness since he was a child. And now he still did.

���Tony didn't say anything more in the face of

Rhode's ridicule. If the future is really sacrificed, then now, it is also good to make everyone laugh as much as possible.


【Tony: I'm out of ammo, lend me some】

【Rod: The ammunition for the two guns is not compatible.】

【Tony: Okay, I'll do the scouting.】

【Tony stood up, stood up and quickly squatted down】

【It's so fast, just like whack-a-mole, when the mole pops up】

【At this speed, I can't even see a fart.】

【Rod: What did you see?】

【Tony: It was too fast, I couldn't see anything clearly.】


【Tony: One more time】

【He stood up again and took a look, this time seeing part of it clearly.】

【Tony: Three men and one woman, all armed】

【Rhodes thought: Just these few people?】

【What are they waiting for?】

【Rhodes stood up with his gun raised.】

【Tony stood up too.】

【However, the actual situation is far more complicated than imagined.】

【There are more than three men and one woman.】

【Tony only saw part of it.】

【Almost everywhere, there are people standing】

【The two were completely surrounded】

【Rod: I miss my suit so much now. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Tony: Yes, we need support.】

【Rhodes: A large number of support】

【Tony: You're right. Look who's here.……】

【Rhodes looked up at the sky】

【I saw the dark sky】[]

【A ball of light gradually approached at a very fast speed.】

【Rod: Well, could it be……】

【Tony: Yes】

【Rod: Those, all of them?】

【Tony: That's right.】

【In the sky, a large number of armors flew in one after another, surrounding the dock】


Stark Industries.

Tony's blood boiled

"Great, that's the feeling."

"It seems that when I can't sleep"

"They still got a lot of good stuff."

Little Pepper was also shocked.

So many armors?

Thinking carefully, there were Mark 42s before.

At least more than 30 sets!

Little Pepper was shocked.

Happy was even more shocked.

"Boss, so many armors?"

"Can you give me a set in the future?"

"Boss, you will give it to me, right?"

Tony remained silent.


Rod is on the phone.

He slammed the table excitedly.

"Tony, you can!"

"Developed so many armors"

"That's amazing, remember to give me a few more sets."

Tony said faintly:

"A war machine would be nice."

"Isn’t being awesome enough for you?"


As a person , you should not be too greedy.……


【Armor surrounded the dock】

【First appeared on the screen】

【There are five sets of armor in total.】

【From left to right, they are:】

【Mark 33: Centurion】

【Mark 39: Gemini】

【Mark 17: Heartbreaker】

【Mark 40: Shotgun】

【Mark 35: Red Silk Fish】

【The battle armors came one after another, and the scene was very grand.】

【Merry Christmas, bro】

【Rhodes was stunned for a long time.】

【Tony: JARVIS, locate the Extremis virus and leave no one alive!】

【JARVIS: Got it!】

【The scene switches to the Mark 37, and the hammerhead shark appears on the screen.】

【The first to take action was the Mark 31, Piston!】

【Next up is the Mark 41 model, the skeleton】

【This Mark 41 can be disassembled for combat】

【Like bones, they can be broken down】

【Fight multiple enemies at once】

【The battle didn't go so smoothly.】

【A set of armor was torn to pieces and exploded】

【The huge tower crane is about to fall】

【Tony: Jarvis, let Igor take over!】

【Mark 38, Igor Hengzhong hit】

【Run under the building and use your body to block it.】

【Rod: Is this what you study during your break?】

【Tony: Everyone needs a hobby.】

【The appearance of the Armored Corps reversed the situation】

【A set of armor fell in front of Tony】

【Tony put it on directly】

【Rod: That's great, can you give me one too?】

【Tony: Sorry, this is a custom order.】

【Rhodes' smile disappeared instantly】


Stark Industries.

Rod complained on the phone

"Tony, you are such a stingy person."

"So many armors"

"What's wrong with giving me a set?"

Tony looked thoughtful.

"Armor needs to be tailor-made"

"You and I have different body shapes."

"Just because I can wear it doesn't mean you can wear it too."

Rhodes laughed.

"What about War Machine?"

Tony said:

"It should be developed by my future self specifically for you."

"Otherwise why would you wear it?"

"And Jarvis will let you wear it?"

Rod was silent.

He realized the key

"Tony, you touched me."

"Everyone says you are selfish"

"But in fact, you are more generous than anyone else.

Tony said:"It's good to know."



Nick Fury applauds

"Do you know how cool this part is?"

"So many armors appeared together"

"What else is there to worry about?"

The widow was also shocked

"How much did Tony make?"

Hawkeye said:

"Causes of anxiety"

"He couldn't sleep at night, so he got up to make armor"

"I can understand him because I was anxious too."


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America is amazed

"So many armors?"

"He wants to take over the city, no, the entire planet"

"All armed?"

"If it's him"

"It is possible."

Captain America has now discovered that Tony is not inferior to his father Howard. He is even better than Howard! Tony in the future will definitely be able to develop something more terrifying! Captain America firmly believes this


"He still has a future."


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner couldn't help but admire

"Tony is so strong"

"Making so many armors"

"How much energy does it take?"

"I can't imagine what kind of pressure he is under."



Thor exclaimed

"Father, I realize now"

"The wisdom of the people on Earth is really terrifying."

"All these armors were developed by Tony alone."

"If I were born in Asgard"

"He must have achieved more!"(Wang Zhao's)

Odin nodded.

Looking at the armored army in the picture, his eyes became more and more solemn.

He was more convinced that Tony was a person cursed by knowledge!

And such a person would not live long.

The mysterious old saying in the East: God is jealous of talents has always been remembered by Odin.


【The battle continues】

【And it becomes more intense】

【Explosion of the Armor】

【Explosion of the Extremis virus infected】

【Fire at the dock】

【It's burning everywhere】

【Fortunately, Tony found the captured Pepper】

【After a fierce battle, Pepper hangs upside down on the railing】

【Tony: Give me your hand, don't worry, I will catch you】

【Chili pepper stretched out her hand】

【Tony can never reach it】

【Just a little bit, just a little bit!】

【However, an explosion below caused vibrations】

【Chili pepper fell straight down】

【Tony couldn't catch her.】

【Chili pepper fell into the blazing flames】

【Tony stood there in a daze, keeping his hand out.】

【His eyes were filled with disbelief.】

【On Christmas Eve, he lost his beloved】

【Tony looked lonely, as if he had lost all his energy.】

【However, the battle continues】

【The villain Killian walked over step by step】

【Killian: If I were you, I could catch her easily】

【Tony's eyes were filled with anger.】

【He rushed towards Killian.】

【The two sides clashed for the first time and avoided each other.】

【Tony put on a suit of armor】

【Mark 16, nightclub!】

【This armor is not very powerful】

【Tony was knocked to the ground, with Killian straddling him.】

【Tony: Pop up!】

【The armor generates power and ejects Tony.】

【Killian's fist smashed the air armor】

【Tony put on a new suit of armor……】

【Mark 40, shotgun! 】.

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