In the video on the light screen, the second stage of the history of heroes has officially begun!

In this stage, the strongest superhero is none other than Scarlet Witch.

Vision can barely be counted.

The rest are capable, but not many.

However, they have contributed many famous scenes!

【The beginning of the second stage: Iron Man blows up all the armors!】


Stark Industries.

Tony's heart skipped a beat.

"I blew up all the armor?"

"I quit the Avengers?"

"It's over. The Earth has lost its strongest protector.

Tony's face was full of regret.

He couldn't understand why he had to give up the armor.

Pepper came forward and put her hand on his shoulder.

"I see your love for armor."

"Can make you give up the armor……"

"Something terrible must have happened."

Pepper's eyes were full of pain.

Tony forced a smile.

"It doesn't matter"

"for you"

"I can avoid doing those dangerous things."

Happy on the side was crying.

"My boss, you're not a superhero anymore?"




Nick Fury's eyes widened

"Tony blew up the armor?"

"He gave up on the Avengers?"

"Damn, what on earth is he thinking?"

Nick Fury likes Tony very much.

Although it seems that Tony is unreliable and full of nonsense, if something really happens,

Tony will definitely take action!

With such a person around,

Nick Fury can sleep well.

But now, Tony actually quits.

How can this be!

Nick Fury is full of regrets.


Arctic Ocean

"Tony blew up the armor?

Captain America's eyes showed a trace of regret.

After seeing Tony carrying a nuclear bomb,

Captain America's opinion of Tony's character has changed greatly.

Although he doesn't agree with the playboy, but overall, his character is good.

If Tony quits the Avengers,

Captain America will be full of regrets.


Corvo Laboratory

"Tony is quitting the Avengers?"

"How can this be?"

"His mind, his ability, so outstanding"

"Why give up the Avengers?"

Dr. Banner really couldn't understand.



Thor wonders

"I like this guy."

"But he wants to quit"

"Don't you like being a hero?"

Loki said,"He quit, so I'll take over!"

Thor said faintly:

"In the second stage, your name is not on the list."


Thor continued to finish off:

"You've been caught"

"I may never show up again."

"I'm afraid I'll never see you again."


It's really heartbreaking!

At the same time, the newly joined witch and others were confused when watching the video.

What about blowing up the armor and quitting?

What does this mean?

With a lot of questions in their minds, everyone continued to watch the video.


【After the New York battle, Tony suffered from severe anxiety】

【He saw terrifying alien technology in the wormhole】

【This made him feel a strong sense of crisis.】

【Tony doesn't know when the enemy will come back】

【I don't know how many enemies there will be.】

【Humanity is too weak】

【Tony was deeply concerned about this.】


Inside Stark Industries.

Tony looks at Pepper

"you guessed right"

"My withdrawal from the Avengers must be related to anxiety disorder"

"I didn't expect that I'm such a cheerful person."

"Can you suffer from anxiety disorder?"

Tony found it incredible.

But Pepper said:

"You have always kept your true self hidden deep inside."

Tony did not respond.

But he was glad because Pepper really understood him.

Pepper said:

"Don't worry, no matter what happens"

"I will always be by your side!"


【Tony, who suffers from anxiety, suffers from insomnia all night.】

【He used this time to do a lot of things】

【This has already created a lot of famous scenes】

【Next, please enjoy the new famous scene】

【Famous scene 1: Tony and the female scientist】


Stark Industries.

Tony: ???

Pepper: ???

Happy: ???

The atmosphere was frozen for a moment.

Pepper took back her hand. She even took two steps back.

Tony was sweating profusely.

"Chili, listen to my explanation.."

"This female scientist must be a partner"

"There is definitely nothing between us!"

Little Pepper laughed.


"I don't think so."

"I didn't expect Tony, who suffers from anxiety, would still have the heart to play with a female scientist."

Tony wanted to cry but had no tears.

As long as he had a formal girlfriend, he would definitely not hook up with other women.

This title must be deliberately provocative!



Nick Fury looks like"as expected"

"The best way to relieve anxiety is not to face it"

"Find someone else to be happy with."

"Tony is worthy of being Tony!"

Black Widow looked helpless.

Hawkeye quietly wiped the arrow


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America looks thoughtful.

"A dog will never stop eating shit"


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner helplessly held his forehead

"Awesome, he's not a billionaire, playboy"



Thor looks thoughtful.

"If I had money"

"Will female journalists and female scientists also come one after another?"


【Bern, Switzerland, 1999】

【This was the passionate time more than a decade ago】

【New Year's Eve, the party was packed with people】

【Tony is wearing sexy clothes and standing in the crowd】

【In front of him stood a playful girl】

【The two talked and laughed】

【Next to them, Happy served as a bodyguard, doing his duty faithfully.】

【Long hair, flowing and elegant】

���Young Happy is really young and sultry.】

【This long hair is the best proof】

【Happy: There's only half an hour left until New Year's Eve】

【Tony: OK, I get it.】

【Tony walks side by side with female scientists】

【Women Scientists: What’s Next?】

【Tony: Let's have an in-depth discussion. I'll go to your room and take a look at your research results.】

【Female scientist: I can look at the results, but I don’t need to worry about anything else.】

【Just then, a familiar face appeared】

【Dr. Ethan, walk towards Tony】

【Ethan: Hello, Mr. Stark. I'm Ethan.】

【Tony: Hi, Ethan.】

【The two of them were still unclear at this time.】

【In the future, they will meet again and create a miracle!】


Tony stared at the screen blankly.

"It turned out to be in 1999"

"At that time, I had already seen Dr. Ethan?"

"I don't have any impression at all."

Little Pepper said:

"You only have impressions of women."

The story of female scientists happened in the past.

Little Pepper was relieved.

"Ethan was so young back then."

Tony nodded.

When he was in the cave creating the Iron Man suit,

Ethan looked very old.

And skinny...

Ethan in the cave was far from being as high-spirited as he was in 1999.

Tony pondered for a moment and looked at Pepper.

"That night, nothing happened between her and me.……"

"Do you believe it?"

Little Pepper smiled.

"Do you think I believe it?"

Happy said,"I'll prove to the boss that nothing really happened."

However, the scene switched. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Tony and the female scientist】

【They appeared in the bedroom together. 】




【Happy in 1999, still had long hair】

【He stroked the bonsai plants in the house】

【Female scientists: It’s best not to touch】

【Tony: You hear me? She doesn't like it being touched.】

【Happy pouted, unhappy】

【Tony and the female scientist enter the bedroom】

【Seeing that the two were not paying attention, Happy pulled off the fork of the vegetation.】

【To vent anger】

【In the bedroom, Tony and the female scientist's face】

【We were getting closer and closer, just a few centimeters away, about to touch each other.……】


【The vegetation outside the door exploded strangely!】

【Tony and the female scientist were shocked】

【The two sat on the bed and the female scientist began to explain】

【Happy, being the conscientious bodyguard he was, rushed into the house.】

【Throw Tony onto the bed】

【Two big men, one up and one down】

【The scene was very embarrassing】


Inside Stark Industries.

Pepper is smiling happily

"Tony slept with her"

"It's you, Happy!"



Tony shrugged.

"What an embarrassing scene."

"Now you believe it?"

"Between me and the female scientist, everything���"

Little Pepper pondered for a moment. She believed what Tony said. After all, who would be in the mood to have a deep conversation during an explosion ? However, the video screen switched.

【Famous scene 2: See the female scientist again. 】

Tony: ???


【Time goes back to after the Battle of New York】

【Tony's sea view villa】

【The doorbell suddenly rang】

【Tony, wearing his brand new Mark 42 armor, walked downstairs to greet the guests.】

【Tony: You're not the Mandarin, are you?】

【Female scientist: I'm not surprised that you don't remember me】

【Tony: Don't feel bad, I don't even remember breakfast】

【Female scientist: I need to talk to you, preferably in a place where no one is around】

【Tony: I usually don't say no, but now I have a girlfriend.】

【Tony turned and walked into the house】

【A package was dropped from upstairs, and a woman's voice was heard】

【Pepper: Tony, who's here?】

【Tony: Maya Hansen, a female botanist】

【Maya Hansen looks surprised】

【Unexpectedly, Tony could remember his own name!】


Stark Industries.

Tony looked a little unnatural.

In fact, he remembered every girl's name.

But in front of Pepper, he always said that he forgot.

He didn't remember at all.

In fact?

He could even forget Pepper's birthday, but he could remember the names of these girls clearly.

Pepper didn't know this at first.

If it weren't for this video, she would really believe Tony's lies.

""Tony, you have a really good memory!"

This sarcastic tone made Tony's scalp numb.

"Chili pepper, calm down."

"I just met her."

"Nothing happened."

However, the video continues


【Tony: Don't tell me there's a 12-year-old in the car that I haven't seen.】

【Female scientist: He is thirteen years old】

【Tony sneered.】

【Female scientist: Stop joking, I need your help with something】

【Little Pepper comes downstairs: Sorry, I didn’t expect to have a guest. Is it your ex-girlfriend?】

【Tony: Of course not.】

【Female scientists: Just a one-night stand】


Inside Stark Industries.

Tony covered his face.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit it.

"Okay, we did."

"But, you know"

"I used to be like this."

"But I won't do that again."

Pepper had a cold face and didn't say anything.

Tony looked even more embarrassed.

Seeing this, Happy knew that it was time for him, as a bodyguard, to take action!

He stood up.

"Pepper, I have to say a few fair words."

Pepper slowly turned her head

"You seem to have lied too."

Happy was defeated immediately.

He sat on the sofa, looking awkward.

The atmosphere in the office became more and more awkward.

Soon, the video switched.

A new famous scene appeared.

Only then did he divert his attention.


【Famous scene 3: Mark 42, the anti-Tony armor!】


Tony: ???

I researched this?

He thought about anti-Hulk and anti-Thor armor.

But who would have nothing to do?

Researching anti-self armor?

Is that crazy?

Tony found it hard to believe that he would do such a thing in the future.

Pepper said faintly:

"Maybe someone else studied it."

"Specially for you, the playboy, the heartless man, the scumbag"

"This suit of armor should be worn by the girl you hurt."


Although everyone saw the same content,

Tony thought of something that others didn't think of.

Mark 42...

This means that my future self has developed at least 42 suits of armor.

How much energy does this take?

My future self has a really serious anxiety disorder.

Tony thought to himself



Nick Fury nodded in agreement

"We really need an anti-Tony armor (good)"

"This guy's character needs someone to control"

"Warframe is a good choice."

Black Widow agreed.

Hawkeye also said it was very reasonable.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America nodded repeatedly

"This anti-Tony armor"

"If no one wears it"

"let me!"


Corvo's laboratory.

Banner looks thoughtful.

"Anti-Tony Armor……"


"What if Tony is changed to Hulk?"

"Develop a Hulkbuster armor"

"Can it reduce the casualties caused by Hulk?"

Thinking of this,

Banner began to study Hulk's data.

He was ready to do it in detail and then hand it over to Tony for targeted research and development.



Thor couldn't help but laugh

"This anti-Tony armor"

"It must be similar to chastity pants"

"Put it on Tony"

"Just to put an end to his playboy style"



Wanda and Pietro's eyes lit up.

They both hated Tony the most.

If there really was an anti-Tony armor, they would be the first to wear it!


"You said, this anti-Tony armor"

"Who could have done this?"

Quicksilver looked thoughtful.

He shook his head.

"have no idea"

"But this video will give us the answer."

"You'll find out if you look down."

Wanda nodded.

The two watched with great anticipation.


【In the laboratory】

【Tony implanted a tiny sensor in his arm】

【Then he stood up and walked in front of the camera】

【Tony: Record this grand moment, the Mark 42 test!】

【The birth of a new armor requires bgm】

【Tony: Jarvis, some music! Joe】

【Music playing in the lab】

【Tony's body began to twist with the music】

【Let's rock together!】

【As the music progressed, Tony gestured】

【Summoning Warframe on the Table……】

I said: hung

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