【Famous scene 6: Armor’s filtration system】

【At the lively banquet, men and women were crazy】

【DJ played music, two men and two women drank happily】

【Tony is wearing a battle armor, standing next to the DJ, holding a bottle of wine】

【Because I drank too much, my body was shaking】

【One of them lost his balance and fell onto the wine rack.】

【Breaking several bottles of good wine】

【Today is his birthday】

【Everybody is partying】

【But no one knew that Tony was dying.】

【Palladium toxins invade most of the body】

【Tony's time is running out.】

【He is enjoying the last carnival of his life】

【Including racing, to do things that I dare not do when I am alive.】

【But he didn't tell anyone these things.】

【No one understands him】

【Tony Stark, always.】

【Leave the most painful things to yourself and bear them silently】

【So that in the eyes of others, this banquet】

【He just spends money willfully without knowing the hardship behind it.】


Stark Industries.

Even Tony himself thinks this is outrageous

"The armor is so dangerous"

"How can I wear anything to a party?"

"I am afraid that I am being controlled by someone in the picture."

After hearing what he said,

Pepper's heart skipped a beat.

But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that Tony has this kind of personality.

Willful, arbitrary, and domineering.

He thought of it one by one.

Pepper looked at Tony.

"I think you can do this."

"Even wearing armor"

"Perform a show to entertain everyone"

"Gaining everyone's cheers"

"This will make you feel very excited."

Tony was stunned.

He shook his head repeatedly.


"Absolutely impossible!"

"How serious is Warframe?"

"I won't abuse it!"

At this moment, the screen switched


【Tony: Come on, throw the bottles up!】

【Short skirt woman throws wine bottle】

【Tony raised his hand and fired the palm cannon】

【The wine bottle was broken in an instant!】

【Tony: Keep going!】



This is really a slap in the face!

I just said I wouldn't use the armor recklessly.

But I got slapped in the face!

He used the palm cannon to hit a bottle for fun.

He even hit a watermelon.

This weapon with huge destructive power is used for such a thing.

It's really a waste of resources!

Tony felt socially dead.

"Okay, little pepper."

"Have to admit"

"Sometimes, you know me better than I do myself."

Little Chili laughed. However, a look of doubt appeared on her pretty face.

"In this process"

"What's the matter with the filtration system?"

Tony also had doubts.

The design of the palm cannon should not require a filtration system.

This famous scene, corresponding to the essence of the title, is still to come.

Tony widened his eyes and watched carefully.

In his heart, he instinctively felt that something was wrong


【Pepper shows up and is about to stop Tony's farce】

【Tony took the microphone and started talking nonsense.】

【Tony: Many people asked me how to go to the toilet in armor.】

【Everyone nodded】

【Tony's expression began to change.】

【A hint of enjoyment appeared】

【Tony: Just like before.】

【In other words, he peed in his armor.】

【Even peed in my pants】

【Cheers rang out at the scene】

【Just imagine】

【Billionaires wearing weapons that will turn the world upside down】

【In front of you, I will pee my pants for free】

【Are you excited?】

【People attending the banquet】

【It's all fried at the moment】

【Xiao La Jiao quickly stepped forward and turned off the microphone】

【Pepper: Tony, it's time to go back to the house.】

【Tony: Don't worry, I'm sober.】

【Pepper: You just peed in the armor】

【Tony: It doesn't matter, there is a filtration system inside. The filtered water is drinkable. 】

The filtration system in the title finally appears!


Stark Industries.

Tony was stunned. He seemed to be petrified on the spot.

He was so thick-skinned. But he couldn't sit still at this moment!

He even began to doubt.

Was the person in the light curtain himself? Even if he was drunk, he shouldn't do such a thing!

He peed in the armor.

In front of so many people.

This is really embarrassing!

Unexpectedly, the filtration system...

turned out to be here!

Who would have thought that such a precisely designed and assembled system would be used to filter the urine of drunkards.

He thought he was going to show his intelligence.

But he showed his stupidest side.

Tony covered his face.

He was too embarrassed to see anyone.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America laughed loudly.

He couldn't control himself.

The content of the light screen always surprised him.

Just like the filtration system this time.

He thought it would show Tony's intelligence.

Unexpectedly, it showed a funny scene of peeing pants.

"He must be so embarrassed now."

"Howard, did you see that?"

"Your son is really interesting."

Captain America murmured to himself


In Corvo's laboratory,

Banner was stunned.

As a physicist, he was ready to learn Tony's filtration system.

He never expected that... this filtration system was actually used to filter urine!

Banner's lungs almost exploded.

Such a high-end high-tech product was used for such a thing?

Banner wanted to turn into the Hulk and smash Tony's head directly!

"That's how you play it, right?"

"I recorded this scene."

"See you later"

"Laugh at you harshly!"



Nick Fury was stunned for a long time.

He couldn't help but laughed out loud.

When he first saw the"filtration system", he specially found an expert and asked carefully.

He never expected that

Tony's filtration system would be used like this!

You know, the expert just now praised this filtration system to the skies.

If it can be developed, it can even create air-conditioned clothes that fit the body.

But who would have thought... such a high-tech thing.

It was actually used by Tony... to filter urine.

Nick Fury was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

Do you know what this feels like?

It's like... top-grade carbon fiber can be used to make fishing rods.

It's an extreme waste of resources!

"He is a genius, but also a madman.

Nick Fury calmed himself down.

He could see that in the video, Tony was in great pain at this stage. This pain would make people lose their fighting power.

"Is it a problem with the nuclear reactor in Tony's chest?"

Just imagine.

A billionaire with a fortune.

Wealth, power, fame, beauty... everything.

Suddenly he gives up on himself.

There must be something wrong with his body.

Nick Fury thought of it instantly.

Tony's nuclear reactor in his chest

"Is there something wrong with the palladium element inside?"



Thor fell to the ground laughing.

The majestic image of the god of thunder.

Of course, it no longer exists.

"This Tony Stark must be around 30 or 40 years old, right?"

"Such a big person actually wet his pants"

"Do the people on Earth want to make me laugh to death and then inherit Asgard?"


Thor laughed recklessly.

Odin was helpless.


"When are you"

"To be more mature?"

At this moment, the light screen switched

【Famous scene 7: Beautiful girl changing clothes]

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