Happy ran to Tony's office

"Boss, I need a leave."

"There must be something wrong with my brain."

"There is a strange picture in front of me……"

"Can you see it too?"

Happy's every move was silly.

After he broke into the office, he was stunned.

Tony and Pepper looked at him.

"Happy, calm down.

Tony soothed.

A wicked smile appeared on his face.

"Your famous scene"

"It must be very interesting."

Happy: ???

Tony and Pepper's eyes are very strange.

Happy instinctively feels that something is wrong.

"Boss, what is Iron Man?"

"Am I not your bodyguard?"

"How did you become Iron Man's bodyguard again?"

Tony raised his hand, signaling Happy to calm down.

"I am Iron Man"

"you do not know?"

"It seems that the light screens appeared at a certain time.

Tony guessed the reason immediately.

He motioned for Happy to sit down.

"Come on, Happy, sit down."

"Let's enjoy your famous scene together"

"It will be very exciting!"

Happy straightened his back.

"Boss, I'm not bragging to you."

"In terms of fighting"

"Few people can compare to me."

Tony laughed immediately.

Pepper also held back his smile.

They knew very well that the video content on the screen rarely had positive energy.

Besides, Happy was very interesting.

The next scene would definitely make Happy very upset.

The more excited Happy was now, the more upset he would be next.


【Tony and Happy, standing on the ring】

【Suddenly, Tony seemed to see something】

【A pair of eyes gradually light up】

【It's like seeing an exquisite treasure.】

【He raised his hand and pointed forward】

【Madam, what is your name?】


Pepper's eyes shone.

Tony smiled awkwardly.

"I think there must be gems on the lady"

"The gems brighten my eyes"

"Definitely not that lady."

Little Pepper laughed.

"The lady's eyes are like gems, aren't they?"

Tony remained silent. But he was thinking,

"Isn't this Happy's social death scene?

How did it become his?

Does the light curtain have any moral principles?

Happy was also confused.

"Isn’t this my famous scene?"

"Why are you, the boss, picking up girls again?"

Tony said quickly:

"Correction, this is not picking up girls"

"I'm just admiring the gems."

"Happy, if you keep talking nonsense, I will fire you."

Happy smiled innocently


【The camera switches, and a beautiful face appears in the camera.】

【The light blue shirt is held up by the chest】

【Blue pupils, like exquisite gemstones】

【With a charming figure, she walked towards the ring step by step】

【Black Widow: Hello boss, my name is Natalie Roshman】

【It sounds like a made-up name.】

【Tony's eyes became more energetic.】


Tony was sweating profusely.

Pepper was right!

The lady in the picture had eyes like gemstones!

Her figure was even hotter!

If it were the old Tony, he would have had a sleepless night.

"Chili, listen to my explanation."

"No, I shouldn't explain."

"This seems to be your secretary.

Tony quickly passed the buck.

Pepper was silent.

Judging from the content of the picture, it seems to be her secretary.

Would she find a secretary of this quality?

Isn't this deliberately sending her to Tony?

And, why hasn't Happy come on stage yet?

Happy smiled.

"Boss, this is indeed your famous scene for picking up girls."

Tony glared at

"Shut up, or I'll fire you!"



Nick Fury smiled

"Natasha, you're finally here."

"However, it seems to be a supporting role"

"And he is the supporting role of Playboy."

Black Widow's face was not good.

She just laughed at Hawkeye.

Turning around, they were in the same situation. They both appeared as supporting roles.

There was no appearance at all.

Black Widow shrugged helplessly.


"Laugh if you want to"

"Don't hold it in."

Hawkeye smiled.

"You are also a supporting role"

"However, your appearance time"

"Why is it so long?"

Hawkeye was a little unconvinced.

When he appeared in the Thor scene, the shot lasted less than a minute. He didn't even shoot an arrow.

His ability was not shown at all.

Look at Black Widow.

Every shot depicts her characteristics in detail.

You can fall in love with her at first sight.

Hawkeye was a little depressed.

It was obviously someone else's famous scene.

Why did he feel so uncomfortable?

"Natasha, don't be too happy too soon"

"Tony seems to want his bodyguard to fight you."

"The billionaire's bodyguard is still so strong"

"I'm afraid you're no match for me."

"It would be embarrassing to be defeated."

The widow smiled.

"I have more cameras than you."



【Tony: Happy, teach this lady a lesson】

【Happy: No problem!】

【Happy is eager to try and show his masculinity】

【In front of a beautiful woman, every man has the desire to show off】

【Tony and Pepper, sitting on the sofa under the ring, talking about secretaries】

【The widow on the stage looked back again and again】

【Happy laughed and found the right time.】

【Happy: The first lesson in fighting is to stare at your opponent】

【In this scene, Happy clearly has no moral principles】

【Punch directly, cheat, and sneak attack the beautiful widow】

【Black Widow raised her hand and grabbed Happy's hand】

【Then he jumped up and knocked Happy to the ground.】

【Pepper: Oh! Mygod!】

【The moment she stood up, her skirt was almost exposed.】

【Happy couldn't get up, so he clapped his hands three times, begging for mercy and surrendering.】

【Tony: I told you to be careful.】

【Happy said stubbornly: I just slipped accidentally】


Stark Industries.

Happy was numb.

His toes almost tore through the soles of his shoes.

He was so embarrassed. He went on stage to compete.

His opponent was a weak-looking girl.

It would have been fine if Happy had just made a sneak attack. But he didn't succeed.

Instead, he was knocked to the ground.

His face was so embarrassing!

Unbridled laughter came from his ears.

Tony didn't hide his anger at all.

"Happy, you are my bodyguard"

"But you can't even beat a woman."

"I need to re-evaluate your ability."

Happy was even more embarrassed.

He wanted to leave Tony's office.

But if he left now, it would only prove that he was guilty.

Happy couldn't go forward or backward. He could only sit there, dumbfounded.



Hawkeye is stunned

"Is Stark kidding?"

"Billionaire's worth"

"Hiring such a weak bodyguard?"

Black Widow smiled slightly

"Is it possible that the bodyguard is not too weak?"

"But I am too strong?"

"This seems to be my highlight moment."


Fortunately, this scene ends soon

【Famous scene 3: Seeing the female reporter again. 】

Tony: ???

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