【Saul shouted for a long time】

【Rainbow Bridge didn't respond at all】

【The beauty stood beside, watching】

【The scene was very embarrassing】



Loki couldn't help but laughed out loud.

Then he realized that he had lost his composure.

He quickly restrained his expression.

"Bro, I'm sorry"

"I usually don't laugh."

"Unless he can't help it."


He shouldn't have expected too much from the video.

Sol was unhappy.

He couldn't let his brother be too happy.

He sneered.

"Guess why the Rainbow Bridge can't be opened?"

Loki's expression froze.

The Rainbow Bridge was guarded by Heimdall.

Unless something happened in Asgard, Heimdall would open the Rainbow Bridge immediately if necessary. Will something happen in Asgard? Yes, because Loki is usurping the throne... After thinking this through, Loki's face turned pale. His face was uglier than Thor's. Thor chuckled. This was exactly what he wanted. He couldn't just embarrass himself. He had to let his brother go along.


【Thor's first famous growth scene ends here】

【Looking at the whole process, although there are flaws】

【But he was wise and brave enough to face the Iron Giant.】


Thor: ???

Fighting the Iron Giant?

Why isn't this part included? Why don't you edit it out ? You didn't edit out the coolest part, but edited out a bunch of socially awkward scenes?

Thor's face turned red with anger.

Loki was also indignant.

He also felt that it was a fucking dog not to edit out the coolest part, but to edit out a bunch of embarrassing scenes!

But think about it carefully...

If in the video just now, Thor was the protagonist, then wouldn't he be the villain? Loki's face changed suddenly.

He suddenly felt that it was right not to edit out the cool scenes, because it was very likely that while Thor was being cool...

he was being beaten.

Well, the person who edited the video was a kind man!

Loki breathed a sigh of relief



Nick Fury rubbed his eyes.

He felt that he had not seen enough.

Watching gods die socially is much more interesting than watching people die socially.

Nick Fury was still not satisfied.

At this moment, Black Widow came forward.

Her beautiful eyes were shining with excitement.

"Six heroes on the list"

"Now there are three"

"It's just me, Hawkeye, and Captain America."

"The US team has already died."

"Next, it's my turn or Hawkeye's turn, right?"

Nick Fury nodded.

According to the confidential documents of SHIELD,

Captain America crashed into the Arctic Ocean 70 years ago.

The plane was destroyed and everyone died.

Captain America's deeds are well known to the world.

He made great contributions in World War II. There is no need to edit such things that are known to the world

, right? Then it's Black Widow or Hawkeye's turn next. The screen changed.

【The so-called rich rely on technology, the poor rely on mutation】

【The birth of Iron Man and Hulk proves this.】

【Superheroes are born from the dual blessing of technology and mutation】

【What will it look like?】

【High-tech serum is injected into soldiers】

【What famous scenes will there be when creating superheroes?】



Nick Fury looks at Black Widow

"Look, it's your turn."

"Hawkeye has not been injected with serum"

"Only you have been transformed."

Black Widow nodded.

Her expression was hard to hide her excitement.

The content of the video should be kinder to women, right?

It shouldn't be to the point of editing her own social death.

And Black Widow is sensible in doing things. She won't let herself get socially killed.

Then her famous scene must be heroic, like a female general.

However, the content of the screen changed.

【Next, please watch the famous scene of Captain America's birth! 】

Black Widow: ???

Nick Fury: ???

Hawkeye: ???

All three were confused.

Why is it an introduction to Captain America?

You can't play it like this!

Black Widow felt like: I have been promoting her for half a year and accepted all the gifts, but in the end it was not her.

Thinking of what she said just now,

Black Widow couldn't help but dig her toes into the ground

"A bit embarrassing"

"I thought it was finally my turn."

""Ahem, hehe."

Nick Fury was shocked.

Black Widow's social death has not even started yet? The person who edited this video is definitely a talent!

No, it should be called a genius!

However, Nick Fury was more curious about why Captain America still had his famous scene after being sacrificed for so long ?

"Famous birth scene……"

"It seems that what is going to be played is the past of Captain America"

"Rather than the future"


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America was shocked.

"Is it my turn?"

"What's my embarrassing situation?"

"Absolutely not."

Captain America swore.

He used to be very thin and weak, and had low self-esteem and was introverted.

So there were not many things that could make him socially dead.

Captain America was very confident.

There was absolutely no situation that could make him socially dead!


Stark Industries.

Tony's face was not looking good.

When he saw the word"Captain America", he felt depressed.

To Tony, Captain America was someone else's child.

Since childhood, his father Howard had always compared him with Captain America.

The evaluation he got was: Tony was good for nothing.

The relationship between father and son was always very tense.

So Tony didn't like Captain America very much.

"I feel like I've always lived in Captain America's shadow.

Tony looked a little pitiful.

Pepper consoled him:

"You are totally different from him."

"He's just a soldier."

"And you are a rare genius."

Pepper's comfort did not make Tony feel much better.

In fact, he missed his father.

The relationship between father and son was not good, but the love between them was beyond doubt.

"American team?"

"Let me see"

"Your famous scene"

"How many are there!"


Corvo Laboratory.

Banner found a document.

It contained...

Captain America's file information.

Banner has been engaged in human research.

Captain America, the super soldier, is a good case study.

The file clearly records.

Captain America's plane crashed in the Arctic Ocean.

The plane was destroyed and everyone died.

"What are the heroes on the list? What is the first stage?"

"Could it be that the first stage started more than seventy years ago?"

""Will the next scene be in black and white?"

Banner laughed at himself.

In the era when Captain America lived, there were only black and white movies.

Since Captain America's famous scene was staged, it was equivalent to performing an old movie.

Maybe it was really black and white.

Banner concentrated.

He wanted to watch it carefully.

It would be best if there was the process of Captain America injecting the serum. This would be very helpful for his experiment!



Thor said disdainfully:

"Another human hero?"

"Really boring"

"Mortal bodies are not as interesting as gods."

"Loki, can't you try harder and become a hero too?"

Loki smiled awkwardly.

He actually wanted to be a hero too.

It was a pity that he was not on the list.

But not being on the list now doesn't mean not being on the list in the future. Maybe his name will be on the list of the second stage later! Loki is full of confidence!


New York Hospital.

In the ward.

A gray-haired old man.

Lying on a bed.

His body is full of tubes.

Wearing a breathing mask.

Today in 2008.

Carter Page is already extremely old.

He can only lie in bed.

Waiting for death to come.

Suddenly, a light screen appeared in front of him.

Carter's eyes widened.

"Captain America's famous scene?"

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