
Thor waved his hands

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"I am God, the God of Thunder and Lightning!"

"How could he be electrocuted?"

As soon as the title of the famous scene appeared,

Thor was a little shocked.

He is the god of thunder and lightning.

He holds the hammer.

He has the power of thunder and lightning.

How could he be electrocuted?

It's like a fish drowning. It's outrageous!

Loki also thinks it's impossible.

He is a god himself. How could he be electrocuted with a strong body ? The video is absolutely slanderous! The screen switches


【In a flash, the rainbow bridge opens】

【Thor's body was hit into the transmission channel and fell to the earth.】

【In the moving van, several people were laughing and talking happily.】


【There was a crash, and everyone got out of the car in a hurry.】

【Jane: Please help, don’t die!】

【Thor opened his eyes and gasped for breath.】

【He stood up, swaying】

【He is huge and oppressive, like a crazy savage.】

【Thor: Hammer, where's my hammer?】

【Jane took out the stun gun: This guy is crazy, we have to control him】

【Thor: How dare you threaten the mighty Thor with such a small weapon?】

【Puff...Jane fired the stun gun】

【Thor convulsed all over, fell to the ground, and fainted on the spot.

…‘Hahahaha, the great Thor was stunned by the stun gun’

…‘I'm dying of laughter, Thor, is that all?’

…‘I am Thor, God of Thunder, for the glory of the North!’

…‘Looking back, there are more embarrassing things to come’

【In the emergency room, Saul wakes up and tries to escape like crazy】

【After taking an injection of anesthetic, he fell into coma on the spot】

【My pants were also taken off and I was trapped in the bed.】

【Like a lamb to the slaughter】




Loki laughed so hard that he fell forward and backward

"elder brother"

"You are bringing shame to God."

"It's okay to be stunned by such a small weapon"

"And was knocked unconscious by a needle"

""I'm dying of laughter."

Loki laughed recklessly.

Thor's face turned pale. He looked doubtful about life.

He couldn't understand. How could the god of thunder, who controlled the power of lightning, be electrocuted? A palm-sized weapon could actually electrocute a god? It made the hammer look like a joke. Thor looked at the throne.


"That woman used"

"What weapon is it?"

Odin said expressionlessly.

"What you should care about is why you go to Earth."

"With your eyesight, you two can definitely see it."

"You, Thor, were banished to Earth."

Thor was stunned.

Odin looked at the light curtain.

He originally thought that Thor was not mature enough.

The appearance of the light curtain made him more certain.

The current Thor... was too young and immature.

He could not bear the responsibility of protecting Asgard.

Thor needed experience.

Odin looked at the light curtain.

The journey to Earth played out inside should be an experience.

This reminded Odin that

Earth might be a good place for experience.



Nick Fury brings a stun gun

"Can a stun gun stun gods?"

"It's time to rethink the power of stun guns"

"Anesthesia needles are also important"


In Corvo's laboratory,

Banner was grinning from ear to ear. He saw his own shadow in Thor. Thor, who had just arrived on Earth, was also stripped naked. He was naked, just like Banner. However... Banner was laughing. Suddenly he remembered that he had been photographed. And Thor was strong and muscular. He was a million times stronger than himself. Thor without clothes was a beautiful sight. He without clothes was pure social death. Thinking of this, Banner squatted in the corner. He was very depressed.


Stark Industries.

Tony's face was heavy.

His eyes were deep.

After seeing Thor's power,

Tony realized...

There are aliens in this world!

Not just aliens.

There are gods.

Potential threats.

There are more than imagined.

It's terrifying!

Tony felt a sense of crisis.

Pepper felt his emotions and comforted him:

"Tony, don't be nervous."

"Even if it is God"

"They will also be stunned by the stun gun."

Tony shook his head

"You do not understand"

"With our current weapons"

"Can't deal with gods at all"

"The small stun gun has little effect"

"I have to think about the future."

An idea sprouted in Tony's mind.

He wanted to arm the entire earth.

At any time and any place, when aliens attack, the earth can respond in time.

Once this idea came up, it sprouted uncontrollably.

Tony even thought of the specific steps.

For example... launching several satellites into outer space.

Loaded with various weapons.

The plan gradually took shape in Tony's mind.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America's eyelids twitched.

He couldn't believe it.

There really was a god in the world.

And this god... was stunned by a stun gun?

""Weak God."

Captain America murmured.

He felt more and more that these superheroes were too unreliable.

The wealthy playboy.

The irritable green guy.

Thor who could be knocked down by an electric shock gun. It was incredible that such a heroic team could protect the earth. Captain America couldn't help but have strong doubts. He became more and more worried and wanted to leave the ice layer. But the ice layer was too thick. Captain America was frozen tightly. Even with the power of a super soldier, he couldn't break free. Captain America was a little depressed.

"When can I get out?"

"Since I am on the hero list"

"My famous scenes will definitely be played"

"Buried in the ice with the plane"

"It’s a famous scene, right?"

"Will someone come to rescue me then?……"

Captain America fell into deep thought.

At this moment, Thor's first famous scene ended.

The screen switched

【Famous scene 2: Inexplicably confident]

Seeing this sentence,

Thor was silent on the spot.

This title... looks unfriendly.

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