Rated Hokage

426 Chapter 428, Xiaonan's Substitute

At noon, Xiao Nan was with Terumi Mei and Hakura when he had nothing to do.

The door of the room was knocked suddenly, she got up to look, and found that standing outside the door was another self, the self from another world.

"It's you." She couldn't help laughing.

"Are you home alone?" Hokage Konan asked.

"No." Xiaonan gave up his seat and let Hokage Xiaonan walk in.

Hokage Konan noticed that at the entrance of this room, there was a flap with the same frog head as Yahiko's room.

Although they are not living together now, the three here are still a family.

"I asked Miss Samyi, and I'm going to visit your place." Xiao Nan poured a glass of water and placed it in front of Hokage Xiaonan who was sitting on the sofa.

Although the two have different experiences, leading to different thoughts and personalities today, Xiaonan can somewhat guess what Hokage Xiaonan is thinking.

After the few people met that day, Hokage Konan left in a hurry, probably because he was a little at a loss after seeing Yahiko.

Hokage Konan shook his head and said, "There's nothing worth seeing, the place I live in is quite nice..."

Except for those few women who are the emperor's women.

"That's good. I actually want you to live with me, but I think you won't agree." Xiaonan said.

She is also a little embarrassed at the moment. Although this person is herself in another world, she inevitably treats him with a bit of politeness. In her opinion, even if this person looks the same as herself, he is still an "other person", and They are not the "same individual" who belong to themselves, they are two people with different selves,

She is not very good at getting along with each other.

Some of my own thoughts and ideas, the other party should be very clear...

Hokage Xiaonan shook his head and said: "We still don't want to live together, you have your own lives, I don't want to get involved, I'm fine now alone."

Xiaonan said: "Don't say that, Yahiko and Nagato care about you very much."

These two names made Hokage Xiaonan feel sad again, she was silent for a while and said: "Do you know much about the emperor?"

Xiao Nan thought for a while: "It's not too much, most of the things I know are also clear to outsiders."

In Xiaonan's view, the emperor has greatly affected her life. If His Majesty hadn't sent someone to remind her many years ago, she, Yahiko and Nagato would inevitably fall into Danzo's conspiracy, and then she would be like another world Like himself, he witnessed Yahiko leaving him.

After Hokage Konan arrived, she understood this and was even more grateful to His Majesty.

Not only that, but at the beginning they were enemies of His Majesty in Yuyin Village, but His Majesty generously forgave them. Xiao Nan didn't know how to repay such kindness.

"Is that so..." Hokage Konan murmured to himself, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xiao Nan smiled and said, "Your Majesty has shown great kindness to us, but we have nothing to repay for it."

Naruto Konan: "..."

"Why did you suddenly ask about His Majesty?" Xiao Nan couldn't help asking.

Originally, Hokage Konan wanted to tell Xiaonan about her situation, but after hearing the self in this world say that the emperor has great kindness to her, she couldn't help but hesitate again.

The Emperor's Grace...

That day, Hokage Konan only told the three of them about himself, but he didn't ask much about the past of the three of them here, so he didn't know much about it.

Hokage Xiaonan hesitated to speak, Xiaonan saw the clue, and asked: "What's the matter, is there anything you can't say to me?"


Hokage Xiaonan took a deep breath, and slowly said: "Miss Samyi arranged for me to live in a quiet private courtyard. Besides me, there are three women living in it."

Xiaonan was thoughtful there, and said: "If you don't like the current residence, we can rearrange it for you, but the housing price of Konoha is very expensive, so we can only rent a room for you temporarily."

Not to mention Konoha's house, they couldn't even afford the house on Adofo Street next door.

Although the living conditions of the three are very good now, they are not yet at the level where they can afford a house. Their current residences are all allocated by the empire.

Xiaonan thinks that maybe he in another world is not used to getting along with outsiders and wants to live alone.

Hokage Xiaonan shook his head and said: "It's not because of where I live, the people I live with are pretty good, it's just that they..."

She pursed her lips and said, "They are all the emperor's women."

Xiao Nan was stunned for a moment, she didn't turn her head around for a moment, she thought for a long time before realizing what the other party meant.

She has always known that His Majesty may have a wider range of hobbies in female sex. At that time, she looked at herself with strange eyes. Xiao Nan didn't think it was so strange. This is His Majesty the Emperor. Do you want anything?

In the past, it was normal for those dignitaries, princes and famous wives and concubines to gather in groups.

But why did His Majesty arrange himself in another world with his woman?

Does Konoha have no spare room? Impossible, it's just that this building has not been fully occupied yet.

Xiao Nan swallowed her saliva, and she had a thought in her heart that she didn't dare to think about.

She looked at the other self in front of her, and it wasn't because she was narcissistic. This face was really good-looking, and this cold and indifferent temperament should be very attractive to men...

Xiao Nan remembered the eyes His Majesty used to look at him.

When she was in Yuyin Village and Xiao Organization, some men often looked at her with dirty eyes, but none of them impressed her deeply like His Majesty.

It may be because His Majesty is indeed stronger than them, higher than them, and able to control their destiny at will.

The two of them sat on the sofa in the living room and fell into an eerie silence.

Hokage Xiaonan came here because she had no other choice, and Xiaonan couldn't think of any way at all, she was soft-spoken, should she be asked to persuade His Majesty not to attack herself in another world?

How could this possibly work!

She was just an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary, and among the three of them, only Yahiko could say something in front of His Majesty.

Let Yahiko persuade...

Will the relationship between himself and Yahiko make His Majesty feel that Yahiko is robbing him of women? Yahiko likes his current work and life very much. Xiaonan doesn't want Yahiko to lose everything and take that kind of risk.

What about Terumi Mei and Hakura?

The two of them are ten crown guards, and they are very trusted by His Majesty. Both of them want to be His Majesty's women. They probably don't want to have another person by His Majesty's side.

But they should be trying to please His Majesty now, will they help themselves to do such a risky thing?

For a moment, Xiaonan's mind was full of thoughts. She looked at Hokage Xiaonan who was sitting opposite, and asked hesitantly, "Your Majesty... does he really mean that?"

Hokage Konan was silent for a moment, and said, "Miss Samuy...has clearly hinted at me."


Xiao Nan couldn't help clenching her fists. From her point of view, this self who came from another world is also herself. If His Majesty wants to possess her, it's just like possessing...

She imagined some scenes of being intimate with His Majesty, and felt her heart tremble, and quickly warned herself that she shouldn't think like this.

This feeling is very strange, both resistance to this, but also a strong stimulation, it is hard to tell whether it is good or bad stimulation.

Hokage Xiaonan watched Xiaonan's expression constantly changing, and also saw that she was in a dilemma. The self here should be just an ordinary person.

She then said: "You don't have to be in trouble, and you don't have to do anything. This is my business, and I can figure it out myself."

She wanted to act as if she didn't care and didn't care, but she felt that she couldn't fool herself, so she could only draw a line like this.

"Isn't your business my business?" Xiao Nan said.

Hokage Xiaonan smiled lightly: "You are you, I am me, we just happen to have the same life, after all, I am not you, but a person from another world."

She looked at herself calmly: "Don't affect your current life because of me, I am very satisfied seeing that 'myself', Yahiko, and Nagato can have such a life."

After Xiaonan heard such words, she suddenly felt sore and sad in her heart. She looked at Hokage Xiaonan's indifferent face, she must have endured too much pain to be so numb.

She couldn't help getting up from the sofa, and said firmly, "I'll help you find a way!"

Hokage Konan tilted his head, and after thinking about it, he said, "Don't be brave."

Xiao Nan frowned and said, "There must be a way."

That person is His Majesty the Emperor. In fact, if any ordinary woman is favored by His Majesty, Xiao Nan will feel that she is lucky.

Your Majesty can be regarded as a perfect man!

But this woman is "myself", she knows that she always loves Yahiko firmly in her heart, even if His Majesty is perfect, she can't replace Yahiko.

Moreover, the "self" who came from another world has already experienced so many hardships and pains, so it shouldn't be treated like this.

Xiao Nan suddenly felt a bit of resentment towards His Majesty, "I" was obviously unwilling, so should I force "I"?

She wanted to confront "His Majesty" for a while, but she was a little too afraid to go.

She could only say to Hokage Xiaonan: "It's probably not that far yet, I'll figure out a way as soon as possible."

Hokage Konan said: "It's okay, you can relax."

This also made Xiao Nan feel very uncomfortable. It was obvious that it was another self who was suffering, but she let the self who might not be able to help relax.

Hokage Xiaonan left Xiaonan's residence and walked back alone.

The streets in the new urban area are very bustling. She has already come here to shop, but she doesn't like it very much. Such a bustling and lively place makes her feel even more lonely. She has not yet adapted to the current life, and has not accepted the people in this world. .

She saw a familiar figure, it was Nagato, his gorgeous red hair was very eye-catching in the crowd, he was chatting with two men, it should be another friend he met here.

Except for the members of the first-generation Akatsuki who all died back then, Xiaonan has never seen Nagato make other friends, nor has he ever seen a smile on his face.

For some unknown reason, Xiao Nan deliberately turned around to avoid them.

She felt that she was full of pessimistic and world-weary emotions, and such a self should not disturb them.

She also thought about starting an active life again, and this idea has been rooted in her heart since she came to this world.

But the temperament and habits that have been cultivated for a long time are not so easy to change. She may need a new beam of light to shine into her life and drag her out of the silt of the past.

How can there be such a person...

Hokage Konan thought of Samyi's hints to her again, watching Nagato and the others walk away, she also left lonely. # evening.

Nagato and Yahiko went to Xiaonan together, and Xiaonan was preparing dinner, looking very preoccupied.

When eating, both of them tasted that today's food was a bit salty.

"Xiao Nan, what's wrong with you?" Yahiko couldn't help asking.

"Hey, why do you ask that?" Xiao Nan also asked strangely.

"Today's dishes are very salty." Nagato said.

Yahiko was helpless: "You seem to have something on your mind."

Xiaonan: "..."

Yahiko and Nagato couldn't help but looked at each other, it seemed that Yahiko was right.

"Today..." Xiao Nan pondered.

"That'me', come to me."

Yahiko asked in surprise, "Is it Xiao Nan from another world? Has she settled down? We are going to visit her."

Xiao Nan was silent for a moment, then shook her head and said, "You two should not go, she intends to stay away from us."

Yahiko and Nagato couldn't help but fell silent.

"Is there something wrong with her coming to see you?" Yahiko asked again.

"...It's nothing." Xiao Nan bowed his head and took a bite of his meal, but didn't choose to say what happened today.

"Just came to tell me about her recent situation, let us rest assured, anyway, we are also in Konoha, and we will inevitably meet again in the future."

Yahiko nodded lightly: "I mean, I also hope that she can start her life here again."

Xiao Nan couldn't help asking: "Do you also think she is very pitiful?"


Nagato said suddenly and slowly: "If it were me and lost one of you, I don't know how to live in the future."

That Xiao Nan experienced two losses, both of which were the deaths of close relatives.

The topic at the dinner table suddenly became serious.

Xiao Nan clenched the chopsticks tightly in one hand, her eyes flickering.

Obviously, my self in another world is already so pitiful, so why go through something I don't like?

She really respected His Majesty the Emperor very much in her heart, but why did His Majesty do this, just to covet the appearance of a skin?

Your Majesty...why would it be someone with such vulgar tastes?

Yahiko patted her on the shoulder and persuaded: "It will be fine in the future. After she can accept the life here, we will take care of her instead of me and Nagato who have died in that world."

Nagato nodded seriously, what he thought was the same as what Yahiko said.

That Konan who came from another world is also Konan!

Xiao Nan just pursed her lips and remained silent when she heard the words. She looked down at the rice in the bowl with complicated emotions.

How can I save that "self" from this pain.

She suddenly thought of Terumi Mei and Ye Cang, and an idea came to her mind.

If there is a suitable substitute, will His Majesty be able to let that "self" go?

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