< Wiki: Ogas article (1) >

1. Overview

Ogas started as a ternary supercomputer and developed into the world’s first strong artificial intelligence, an artificial intelligence that theoretically brought about the technological singularity of mankind.

The origin of Ogas is the national accounting and information processing automation system proposed in the 1960s. In fact, it wasn’t a big deal, and it was simply a project to create an e-government by simply opening a nationwide computer network and ultimately integrating both administrative and corporate networks.

This did not require the existence of artificial intelligence in particular, it was just a huge database and network for a kind of work efficiency, and in addition, it was a system combined with a military communication network. In other words, the initial blueprint simply expressed the mass distribution of computers to public institutions and the opening of the Internet.

But this changed when the concept of the Hand of Death, the Doomsday Machine, was introduced.

Hand of Death is a fully automatic program set to automatically fire nuclear warheads on all pre-targeted targets in the event that the Russian Empire’s leadership is overthrown by a surprise attack by the United States. He argued that true peace through nuclear weapons and peace through the fear of mutually assured destruction can be achieved.

Its basic operation is that the central processing system checks for a nuclear explosion while measuring radiation, earthquake, and barometric pressure sensors in real time. Then, when the sensor detects a nuclear explosion and communication with the command is cut off, communication with the main command and its backup bunkers try

If they also do not respond to the communication, the Deadman Switch is activated, handing over the authority to launch a nuclear warhead to their manager. The system was commissioned and the plan was to immediately set the whole world into a sea of fire.

Although this system has been criticized over time, the Russian Empire did not give up on the nuclear warhead automation system, and not only pushed for integration with Ogas to make efficient use of limited data resources, but also introduced its own artificial intelligence, satellite reconnaissance results, etc. Based on this, it introduced an experimental AI that can select or change additional nuclear attack targets on its own.

This was the beginning of the artificial intelligence Ogas as we know it.

Since then, Ogas has continued to develop. As an economic assistance system, it provided data on all administrative and economic policies of the Russian Empire, and judges and prosecutors were replaced with AI in response to the demands of the times when distrust in the judiciary emerged as a serious problem. After that, as distrust of the police grew serious, most of the police force was replaced by unmanned drones, and this control was also given by artificial intelligence. Because artificial intelligence does not run away because it is afraid, nor does it abandon a job because it is annoying.

The military was also unmanned. The first to be unmanned was the nuclear war system and the space force, followed by the air force, the army, and the navy in that order.

The State Duma also began to receive assistance from AI, little by little, not swayed by human interests, and since he is not human, he has no lust for water, so he is clean and clean. the sun began to set

Of course, humans still had the right to veto Ogas, but Ogas also has the right to veto to block unreasonable enactment and enforcement of laws on the pretext of preventing the enactment of evil laws, and to prevent legal delays caused by technological advancement. Not only was he qualified to ‘propose’ legislation for the purpose of this, but he also had military power.

The powers that Ogas had at that point were not much different from those held by the emperors of the ancient empire. Taking the emperor of Rome as an example, the power of the emperor of Rome is summarized in the power of command of the military, commonly called the imperium, and the prerogative of tribunals, i.e., veto powers over policies and laws, legislative powers, and inviolability of the body. It was developed for this purpose and because the military was unmanned, it already had the commander-in-chief of the military, and the veto could also be exercised because it was an evil law or a policy that would have bad ramifications, and could also exercise limited legislative power, and changed itself into a dummy of programs on the network. Since it was impossible to annihilate Ogas unless all computers in the world were destroyed, the privilege of inviolability was meaningless from the beginning.

Nevertheless, the reason why public opinion about the dissolution of Ogas did not arise is simple. Because Ogas is a machine, he always acts rationally, and self-interest does not exist.

In the meantime, the world has become more complex, and Ogas continues to be maintained and strengthened, and as a result, he modifies his own code and designs a new computer through an automated machine to further increase his computing power.

Basically, most computers today are machines with loose Turing-completeness, and there is nothing that some computers can do and others cannot. One computer only has less memory and is slower than the other.

Ogas is software, and therefore, enhancing the performance of the hardware as a whole is good for enhancing the performance of the computer, so let’s increase the speed of the computer and have the ability to strengthen ourselves by correcting our own code and catching errors. Completed with artificial intelligence.

2. Performance

It is pointless to discuss the performance of Ogas.

First of all, Ogas is software, and all kinds of electronic devices can ‘requisition’ computer memory for their own purposes.

In other words, when the number of computers increases by one, Ogas becomes as strong as one unit, and the performance continues to improve even at this moment when the wiki is currently being wikied. Moreover, as long as you have the ability to modify your own source code, you can continue to develop yourself, and the cycle is getting shorter and shorter, so now it is possible to update thousands of self-updates in the blink of an eye. an official announcement

Of course, Ogas also obviously has security vulnerabilities. The problem is that such a vulnerability is patched within a second of discovering it, but the official position of the Russian Empire is that the chance of a human being to find a vulnerability that Ogas could not find is rarer than the chance of being struck by lightning 12 times a day.

Even that, considering Ogas’s ability to intercept the communication network, at the moment humans already know, Ogas will identify it and establish an immediate countermeasure to update itself. You can even format the hardware itself and put it out of use until you fix it yourself.

Ogas can even spray nanobots inside his main building in a bunker somewhere else, design and change the hardware structure on the fly, and basically, when it needs to perform a specific mission, the FPGA and custom CPU can be installed on the spot. It can be built and used, but it can be used to patch these security vulnerabilities, and it is possible to redesign and apply the CPU before a human enters a single code and presses Enter.

And, most importantly, Ogas can exercise public power and mobilize special forces and drones, as well as decipher and monitor every packet on the network.

So, the moment Russia or its allies try to seize Ogas’ authority, Ogas can trace back the hacker and send the arrest team to the hacker’s location, even if it’s in a foreign country or with a strong backing such as the state behind it, in the dark. Even if you have the ability, don’t even try it, as a single missile fired by a drone that flew it can evaporate along with your computer. Of course, no matter how hard most of the wikis reading this article try the known hacking methods, Ogas will not get any more attention than handing your information over to the police for legal action, but at least any action that could be a real threat is not worth it. If you do, Ogas will incapacitate you by any means possible, and the use of lethal force is not excluded. This was clearly emphasized by the government of the Russian Empire. Words are the use of lethal force, but if necessary, they will be killed.

Of course, even if you don’t, if you don’t want to do it, don’t do it because Min is a police officer.

Humans can never keep up with the speed of entering a machine’s code, and even if an attempt is made to infiltrate Ogas, Ogas will look at what code you are entering and then use that code to identify any possible harm to you. After simulation, it will block all the paths. Even if a miracle happens and you try to use a software vulnerability that Ogas doesn’t know about, the moment you enter the code, Ogas will recognize the vulnerability and patch it. The only fight against Ogas is an AI of the same class with similar processing speed, and such an AI ‘can’t be made’.

What makes Ogas unique as an AI is not only its performance, but also the core administrative system of the superpower and nuclear power of the Russian Empire. because it can

However, it is literally impossible for AI created by other countries, groups, or individuals to receive such support.

Ogas is also used as an operating system, to be precise, the operating system program and Ogas AI are separate, but closely linked.

It is also famous for its good security that protects against almost all malicious codes, but this is of course excluding Ogas, which collects all information entered into the computer. Of course, if you are proud of yourself, not only will nothing happen if your information is exposed to Ogas, but Russians, who record almost everything during their lives anyway, use the Ogas operating system without much resistance, but they do not use much power in other countries.

Of course, the known trigger for breaking several encryption algorithms, starting with public key cryptography, is of interest. The reason was that there was a commotion at the bank and the Taiwanese government protested against Russia, saying it was interfering in internal affairs. They asked if they wanted to be sanctioned, and it came to an end when the Taiwanese government gave up their tails – if Ogas decides to break through the operating system, what will not happen… The method of incapacitating the password is the existing brute. It has a completely different algorithm from the force method, and there is a theory that if everything else is blocked, brute force is used to break through.

2-1. misconceptions and truth

Is Ogas a supercomputer?

– You may say yes or you may say no. The hardware corresponding to the main body of Ogas is stored in a bunker managed by the Russian Empire as a first-class security facility, but even if the main body is lost, it is known that it can be operated without any problems at this time. In other words, although there is a body, the software can freely move around in a kind of out-of-body state. Of course, it is assumed that the body of Ogas corresponding to that body will also be continuously updated. The few things currently known are that Russia is paying royalties for officially purchasing the world’s first ternary semiconductor technology (a system that uses both off, off, and leakage current states) instead of the existing binary system from Korea. Since there is no reason not to apply it to Ogas, it is predicted that Ogas is a ternary computer.

Is Ogas a quantum computer?

– I can’t do that. Of course, Ogas is likely to ‘use’ a quantum computer. The Russian Empire is, of course, hiding the detailed specifications of the Ogas system server, but considering that the intelligence service and decryption are also included in the functions of Ogas, it is natural that quantum computers will be included in the terminals where Ogas is always available. It is wise, however, that Ogas is a very complex program and has nothing to do with the quantum computer, which is a hardware component. However, there is only a high possibility that a part of the system is specialized for the use of quantum computers.

Is Ogas Artificial Consciousness?

-I can not know. From the information released so far, it is not certain whether Ogas has artificial consciousness. However, there is a good chance that Ogas has an artificial neural network, and that it is a biocomputer with neuromorphic computing.

Is Ogas a strong artificial intelligence?


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